Dopning snart verklighet i CoD4?

När man pratar om dopning i gamingvärlden brukar det innebära att man använder någon teknisk fördel - typ aimbot, wallhack eller liknande för att ta det mest överdrivna. Men nu finns det ett annat sätt, FPS-Brain.
Saxat från
"No matter if you talk about track and field, cycling or swimming - if there is money involved in athletics, performance improvement is an important matter. Electronic sports is becoming more and more professional. The most evolved electronic sports industry in South Korea already guarantees professional players hundreds of thousands of dollars for their work.
FpsBrain was developed doing extensive research to cater to the growing demand for performance improvement in electronic sports. It accelerates neural processes and heightens perception and capacity of reaction and concentration - because not just a first-rate computer or a team well set up are the key to winning a competition, but also the physical and mental condition of each player."
Flopp eller flopp? Återstår att se.
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