eyeshow med ändringar
Ett av de bättre tysktalande lagen
eyeshow har gjort några förändringar. Dels har
neonrrr gått inaktiv och dels har
Mike "sCARFACEEe" Long gått in som manager för laget. sCARFACEEe är mest känd för sitt gedigna arbete på Tek-9.org samt att han har en fot med på i33, så räkna således med att få se eyeshow där. eyeshow har hittills gjort riktigt bra ifrån sig, när man tagit sig till 2 finaler i Tek-9 PowerCup, bl.a. körde man över
Legendary i en av dem vilket var riktigt imponerande. sCARFACEEe's första jobb blir nu att hitta en organisation till laget där man får tillräckligt bra support.
Statement från sCARFACEEe:
"I wanted to try something new, so I put my ideas into management, and eyeshow were an easy choice to take onboard my new role. The guys are great, all good fun and have the potential to do very well within the Call of Duty 4 scene. Instead of being stuck as a single "homeless" team, I decided to help them out, and one of our main objectives at the moment, other than doing well, is to find a well structured multi-gaming organisation to fall into, and with this, it opens a whole new bunch of routes for the team to take, to improve even further and progress well in Call of Duty 4.
Unfortunately, when I took the team onboard, neonrr went into inactivity. But that hasn't stopped the team from playing well and getting far in the TeK-9 Power Cup's, so hopefully we can continue this progression further."
eyeshow lineup:
sCARFACEEe (team manager)
För ytterligare läsning:
Tek-9.org (källa)
#eyeshow @ QNet.

Statement från sCARFACEEe:
"I wanted to try something new, so I put my ideas into management, and eyeshow were an easy choice to take onboard my new role. The guys are great, all good fun and have the potential to do very well within the Call of Duty 4 scene. Instead of being stuck as a single "homeless" team, I decided to help them out, and one of our main objectives at the moment, other than doing well, is to find a well structured multi-gaming organisation to fall into, and with this, it opens a whole new bunch of routes for the team to take, to improve even further and progress well in Call of Duty 4.
Unfortunately, when I took the team onboard, neonrr went into inactivity. But that hasn't stopped the team from playing well and getting far in the TeK-9 Power Cup's, so hopefully we can continue this progression further."
eyeshow lineup:

För ytterligare läsning:
Tek-9.org (källa)
#eyeshow @ QNet.