Fear Factory.X-Fi med CoD4
Polska multigaming-organisationen
Fear Factory.X-Fi tog igår (6/1) in
Team Riddle att bli deras CoD4-sektion. Hittills är de ett relativt oprövat kort men ryktet säger att de trots allt inte är helt odugliga. I lineup'en har man spelare som under CoD2 representerat lag såsom
BMF och
FLS. Första målet är nu, såsom för så många andra CDC4 och det tycks vara huvudanledningen till att man hamnade i FF.X-Fi just igår och inte en dag senare.
Statement av
adrAy, Fear Factory X-Fi Management:
"When choosing a new team we always try to pick the best. Team Riddle is still an unknown team. They exist for a few weeks, but they are working very hard to catch up with the best european teams. Many of their players I know for a long time and I'm confident that we can count on them. Fear Factory X-Fi will do their best to support our new Call of Duty 4 division in everything they need to keep improving. We hope they will keep up the good reputation our organisation has in Poland as well as in Europe. Our first goal is to send them to Holland to take part in CDC4. I'd like to wish them all of the best and many success as FF.CoD4!"
FF.X-Fi lineup:
Crossfire.nu (källa)

Statement av

"When choosing a new team we always try to pick the best. Team Riddle is still an unknown team. They exist for a few weeks, but they are working very hard to catch up with the best european teams. Many of their players I know for a long time and I'm confident that we can count on them. Fear Factory X-Fi will do their best to support our new Call of Duty 4 division in everything they need to keep improving. We hope they will keep up the good reputation our organisation has in Poland as well as in Europe. Our first goal is to send them to Holland to take part in CDC4. I'd like to wish them all of the best and many success as FF.CoD4!"
FF.X-Fi lineup:

Crossfire.nu (källa)