Finska DoD:S-hjältar satsar på CoD4
Aktiviteten på den finska CoD4-scenen är minst sagt enorm och man kan snart komma att klassas som nya Benelux. Senaste tillskottet på den finska scenen är gamla DoD:S-hjältarna från
Insigna Cadre med 3 raka EuroCup titlar bakom sig, lägg där till att man var obesegrade i DoD:s i över ett år och man förstår att här finns det potential. Nu har de alltså bestämt sig för att satsa på CoD4 istället och man kommer i alla fall till en början spela under namnet
Bad Beat.
rnl statement:
"Since our core team of cadre.dods started to disband during the first half of 2007 due do different reasons - mostly because of the mandatory army service for me, Filter, Tomsku and Favori - we have been talking about getting the old team together to play once more. Even back then it was said aloud that we might not get the team together for dods, but some other game.
What little we were in contact with each other during the army time, we found out that most of us had lost intrest in dods - hell, it was a greatly succesful run for us and the fun memories with dods will last (especially the lan trips), but we all wanted new challenges and something fresh. As our days in the army were drawing to an end (except poor Filter's - he is still there for a couple of months) we were hearing more and more praises for CoD4 and thought it could be a game worth trying out. Thus we have now assembled a team from the players of the old cadre.dods for Call of Duty 4 with the lineup consisting of: rnl, Tomsku, Filter, anza (formerly known as KAZA^), Favori and danger.
With Filter being only semi-active due to his remaining army time, anza just recently getting a new computer as his last one electrocuted itself and having other similiar setbacks we're still not much further than the starting grid, but with our motivation as high as it is, I would like to think we are going to make a decent team when we get all these minor obstacles behind us and be able to concentrate fully on learning the game. We just need to shake off the ice we've got on us due to the army and get back on form."
Bad Beat lineup:
Filter (semi-aktiv)
#badbeat.cod @ QNet. (källa)

rnl statement:
"Since our core team of cadre.dods started to disband during the first half of 2007 due do different reasons - mostly because of the mandatory army service for me, Filter, Tomsku and Favori - we have been talking about getting the old team together to play once more. Even back then it was said aloud that we might not get the team together for dods, but some other game.
What little we were in contact with each other during the army time, we found out that most of us had lost intrest in dods - hell, it was a greatly succesful run for us and the fun memories with dods will last (especially the lan trips), but we all wanted new challenges and something fresh. As our days in the army were drawing to an end (except poor Filter's - he is still there for a couple of months) we were hearing more and more praises for CoD4 and thought it could be a game worth trying out. Thus we have now assembled a team from the players of the old cadre.dods for Call of Duty 4 with the lineup consisting of: rnl, Tomsku, Filter, anza (formerly known as KAZA^), Favori and danger.
With Filter being only semi-active due to his remaining army time, anza just recently getting a new computer as his last one electrocuted itself and having other similiar setbacks we're still not much further than the starting grid, but with our motivation as high as it is, I would like to think we are going to make a decent team when we get all these minor obstacles behind us and be able to concentrate fully on learning the game. We just need to shake off the ice we've got on us due to the army and get back on form."
Bad Beat lineup:

#badbeat.cod @ QNet. (källa)