Fnatic presenterar: tidde & zslits

Saxat om tidde:
"Q: When did you discover Call of Duty and how did you get introduced to eSports?
A: It all started back in the day when one day when my father bought us a 2nd computer and my brother came home with the awesome game half-life. We started to play against each other on LAN and then tried it out online. Short after that we got a hold on counter-strike and we started to play that instead. Only a few weeks in we both got in a team and played ladders and such.
I discovered call of duty when I played dod in team zeroPoint! They added a call of duty squad and I became friends with the players in it. I went to the store, bought the game and found it really extraordinary. Mint was actually in that cod team and was one of the players I first played a pcw with in the cod series.
Q: How would you describe yourself as a player in-game?
A: I really like CoD4 and I think I've got off to a really good start in it. I would say that I'm an offensive player but I can still be patient and stand my ground the entire round if it?s needed. I always try to play smart and think first and act afterwards. I talk a lot and I always try to help my teammates to keep their moral up.
Q: Can you give the readers any type of advice to become as successful as you are today? And could you give us a little peek of how you did it yourself?
A: I'd say you should play a lot, try getting a team at your level and climb your way to the top. Watch a lot of demos from top players and learn a lot of tacnades and tactics. You can never play too much. I actually did the same thing when I started to play the game, I played with a bunch of new guys and worked my way up to the top. Here I am today, a proud member of fnatic.
Q: What are your personal goals within eSports now that you have joined Fnatic?
A: My personal goals now when I've joined fnatic is to stay at the top of my game and to win every LAN event we attend to, as well as online events."
Saxat om zslits:
"Q: When did you discover Call of Duty and how did you get introduced to eSports?
A: I was playing dod and when dod:source released there were alot of people that didn't like it. Some of my dod friends started to play Call of duty 2 and I wanted to try it so I bought it. Don't remeber how I got into eSports I think it was a friend that showed me Counter-Strike and blablabla.
Q: How would you describe yourself as a player in-game?
A: I'm going crazy rushing around all over the map killing everything (not my team mates, they are killing me!) and doing awesome tacnades.
Q: Do you look at demos to gain new insight to tactics or little tricks?
A: No. I like to watch myself fragg a lot.
Q: How many hours do you spend on practise to keep in good shape?
A: 0-2 hours public, then the clan are play pcw from 16:00-17:30 then a break from 17:30-19:00 and then we are playing from 19:00 until someone is tired.
Q: What is the CoD scene like now compared to a few years ago?
A: It has become bigger but it needs CodTV!
Q: Can you give the readers any type of advice to become as successful as you are today? And could you give us a little peek of how you did it yourself?
A: Play a lot and mix a lot. Watch some pro demos. That's how I did it.
Q: What are your personal goals within eSports now that you have joined Fnatic?
A: To win every event that we attend!"
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Postat av: Laien
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