fnatic\mintR intervjuad

Saxat från intervjun:
Q: Could you tell us about your history with CoD1, which got you hooked up with all this esport-scene?
A: I started playing for Relaxed Muppets, or RL as they were known for short but I had numerous own projects where I tried to find out what I had to do in order to both be a better player personally but also how to lead a team. And while WHO crew and co were going to Smau ilp and EOGC I only had one target and that was getting through the qualifying stage and get in the eurocup in cod1. I did with zeroPoint and then after that I took a small break and came back with the release of CoD2. So nothing major in CoD1 really, but it was an important step for me.
Q: Then it was time to step on to CoD2. You played in WHO Crew, team that got huge wave of fans and fame in CoD1. How did it go with CoD2 then? Did you still had those same fans behind you, even tho lineup was whole different than in CoD1?
A: Ofcourse we were riding a bit on old who crews fame, kudos to them. But we held our own I would say, we won the first event of cod2 in Finland and we managed to lure kickR back from inactivity and went to a bunch of events and had a really good time and had some great results. And for me personally it introduced me to LAN and bigger and better teams than before and made me grow as a player and hooked me up with zEm ofcourse (L) so I really value that time alot.
Q: Is there anything you miss from CoD1- or CoD2-times now since you play CoD4? Did you have any chitchat with WHO Crew about playing together in CoD4? Why dont you play together anymore?
A: Main reason for not playing with WHO crew anymore is because kickR moved to LA to work. Without him alot of the WHO crew spirit dies, he's one of the secret ingredients that makes it so very special. Me and zEm continued to play together. If I miss anything from those days it must be the players that I've played with back then that I don't play with anymore, most of them have all been great guys. But generally I don't like looking back at what used to be. I like to think that it has helped me in progressing through the games.
Q: How do you prepare for matches? Do you have any routine-stuff that you have to do to get in shape?
A: Well, when I'm at home there's no routine really, I get a cup of tea and chat with the boys on vent, that's it. On LAN I like to be pumped up, I often listen to music before the game and I make sure I have water or something cold to drink at hand. Other than that it's something I do in my head, try to hold the adrenalin back a bit and make sure I keep cool during the game and focus on the task ahead of me. After games though I like to walk off a bit and relax and shut it out if I can, clean my head if you will.
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