FPSGaming intervjuar: xGx

Av den anledning att intervjun syftar till att vara "inför" deras välgörenhetsturnering som tillåter icke-skandinaviskt deltagande är intervjun på engelska. Men inte blir den väl mindre läsvärd för det även om antalet grammatiska fel ökar drastiskt.
Saxat från intervjun med

Q: Tell us about Your background and how you first started.
A: The organisation xGx was created 2005-06 av x-oil, henkewarrior and murrdawg. A BF2 clan was started and we had some succes in it but as time went by the intress for BF2 went down and thats when we decided to create a COD 4 team and here we are.
Q: What are Your goals/plans with cod4?
A: To be the best in europe ofcourse...
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: Were still in the building fase in the team but the futures is looking bright and were hoping that were soon up in the top fighting with everyone.
Q: Any future plans You want to share with us?
A: Nothing is decided yet... but DreamHack-08 is something were all looking forward to. 1 showed on every 500 person, close together, smell bad, shower in perfum and so on... who dosent look forward to that?
Q: Whats your opinion about "gaming against cancer"?
A: I have and had friends and family thats fighting against theyre disease and some made it and some didnt... xGx felt this cup was a must. Dont let this cup be the last cause were gonna participate in every one you host.
xGx lineup:

Chefen önskar självklart xGx lycka till med deras mål att bli "bäst i europa" - det kommer krävas mycket arbete.
Intervjun hos FPSGaming
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