FPSGaming intervjuar: xVera

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: What are Your goals/plans with CoD4?
A: Our Goals in with CoD 4 is to reach the top of course and also to start up a gather that we tried in CoD2 and have that as active and good as possible.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: Well, i think it goes quite good for us, we plays as much we can and we are getting better and better and with our sponsors that we have, and will have, will of course help us very much.
Q: Any future plans You want to share with us?
A: Well, as we mentioned earlier we want to start up our gather as soon as poosible. And to find better teams in other games.
Q: Whats your opinion about "gaming against cancer"?
A: Ah, just love a question like that *smileying* Because this is a quite big cup that will plays and it supports Swedish Childhood Cancer i really like it beacause i had cancer about 14 years ago, and thanks to Swedish Childhood Cancer today i'm sitting here and fully healthy. So i really like the idea!"
xVera lineup:

Kul med nya lag i CoD-scenen tycker Chefen, speciellt när de är svenska - så ett stort lycka till.
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#xvera @ QNet.