FurY utmanar oXmoze

AnThoO letade upp statement-mallen och levererade:
With a few problems at the start of Call Of Duty 4, lack of motivation got to us, also with the departure of one of our players back in December. We decided to take a break and think about our future. Today, we are back with a new identity and two new players, under the FurY tag, in which we saw them as the best French players in Soldier of Fortune II and Call Of Duty.
We are back as motivated as ever with D3aaz, a former STiGMA player, and tigii who was in the talented Day of Defeat team, zeroPoint!. We are going to try to be at the CDC4 event, and also some French LAN events including Re-So and Gamer Assembly, if we find a team who can support us for those events.
Dom sex krigarna är:

Om ni läst så här långt så hittar ni lika gärna besöka:
Clan FurY
#clan-fury @ QNet