Nytt Brittiskt hopp
Liksom i Belgien, så är även den Brittiska CoD4-scenen under ständig förändring. Nu är det medlemmar från Reason Gaming som har bytt flagg och numera kallar sig
etroN. Lagets filosofi är att gräva fram talangen istället för att satsa på etablerade spelare, något som gagnar den brittiska scenen men få lag klarar av att behålla hittade talanger. Hur det kommer att gå för etroN återstår att se.
Standard-statementet dras fram:
After I made a squad for Reason-Gaming at the beginning of CoD4 and ended up crumbling, due to personality clashes and losing Ben to 4Kings, I decided to take a break from CoD4. I went back to CS temporarily with my old team from when I played years ago. I noticed a few big organisations such as fnatic and PGS taking on teams and I decided to come back to make a brand new team. I knew Niggle was on the lookout for a new team and I proposed the idea of myself and him making a new squad. He was up for it and we decided to keep it UK only. We searched deeper than the obvious names in the UK scene to try and find players that are relatively unknown at the top level of CoD.
Fem britter med hopp om framtida segrar:
Tek-9.org (källa)
#etron @ QNet
Standard-statementet dras fram:
After I made a squad for Reason-Gaming at the beginning of CoD4 and ended up crumbling, due to personality clashes and losing Ben to 4Kings, I decided to take a break from CoD4. I went back to CS temporarily with my old team from when I played years ago. I noticed a few big organisations such as fnatic and PGS taking on teams and I decided to come back to make a brand new team. I knew Niggle was on the lookout for a new team and I proposed the idea of myself and him making a new squad. He was up for it and we decided to keep it UK only. We searched deeper than the obvious names in the UK scene to try and find players that are relatively unknown at the top level of CoD.
Fem britter med hopp om framtida segrar:
Tek-9.org (källa)
#etron @ QNet