PAM 4.01 ute nu

Nu har allas vår favorit competition mod (för det finns väl ingen annan längre?) PAM uppdaterats till version 4.01. Enligt uppgift ska både pam_mode crossfire & codqcup vara inkluderat och det är nog den bästa nyheten så alla verkligen kommer ha dem installerade.
Uppdaterade buggfixar:
"Fixed a bug causing Suicide Nades to not work
Fixed a bug with the UAV not being called correctly
Fixed a stock Modwarfare bug that could happen if the server config trys to set an invalid default perk
Fixed a bug that could carry a player's kills over from one map to another
Fixed an issue that could cause a Linux server to crash if a player crashed out of the game (server crashes when player is finally being removed from the server).
Fixed a scoring issue with Last Team Standing (WAR gamestyle)
Fixed a spawning issue with Last Team Standing (WAR) by using S&D spawnpoints
Fixed a bug with pam_sab_ot_maxspawntime when it was set to 0 causing problems in the custom SAB round overtime period.
Fixed a Timeout Bug that was not allowing the defending team to defuse on the round AFTER a timeout.
Fixed a bug with the automatic AFK to Spectate scripting that could occur if a player left the server while being moved to spectate
Fixed a bug with the original ModWarfare class limits scripting causing an error
Fixed a bug with spawn protection damage feedback that could happen if damage was not caused by a player
Added generic pam_modes (pam1, pam2, pam3, pam4) that smaller leagues can use to run competition with until they get large enough to need their own modes.
DVAR change: pam_war_gamestyle - Now takes a numerical setting rather than a text setting:
0 (default) = Normal WAR gametype
1 = Last Team Standing - Team with most players left alive win the round if time runs out
2 = Last Team Standing - Round ends in a draw if both teams are still alive at the end of the round
Improved Scorebot Engine based on Scorebot makers' input. See:"
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