Serious Gaming äntligen seriösa

Statement Serious Gaming:
"We are very happy to add these two new upcoming stars to our line up. Both players have made a great impression during their trial period in the team, and convinced us they were the right players to fill the open spots. We are very confident with this team we can maintain our status of being one of the best teams out there!"
Tek-9 har även hunnit höra efter med roman om flytten och framtiden..
"Q: Firstly how does it feel joining such a prestigious team as Serious Gaming, have you gelled with your new team mates easily?
A: It really feels great being part of such a great organisation. My new teammates are awesome and it feels like im in this team for ages!
Q: How did you come about joining the team, briefly explain how long you have been playing with the lineup and how has it been?
A: I've been playing with serious for about 2 weeks. First i didn't know exactly if i would stay in my previous team, but serious contacted me to play some wars with them and thats how things went it's way.
Q: What events will the new team be attending in 2008?
A: We will be attending all major events in 2008 for COD4. The first one will hopefully be CDC4."
Mycket kan man säga om den scenen i Benelux, men att påstå att den i nuläget är stabil vore att ljuga sig själv rakt upp i ansiktet. I vilket fall som helst önskar Chefen dem lycka till samtidigt som Ephix och EDiT får sätta sig ner vid ritbordet igen för att försöka få ihop en lineup som håller.
Serious Gaming lineup:

#srs (källa för intervjun)