Spela med proffsen?
Gamingvärldens svar på MSN, Xfire.com har bestämt sig för att anordna en jippodag där vem som helst kan få spela med sin idol (!?) i CoD4, ja.. om de tillhör
Tek-9 eller
Team Dignitas då såklart. Den 29/1 klockan 19:00 smäller det! ..ehrm. Du kommer såklart inte undan från att ladda ner och installera deras mjukvara.
Saxat från Xfire.com:
"On Tuesday, January 29th, 2008, starting at 19:00 CET, European Pro Gamers on Call of Duty 4 will be waiting for you to play online! To find out where they?re playing exactly and join their games, you?ll just have to check your Xfire client after you?ve added one or several of the special accounts. ... You may get messaged by one of the pros to play a mix game with them on their server!"
Om du är desperat:

Saxat från Xfire.com:
"On Tuesday, January 29th, 2008, starting at 19:00 CET, European Pro Gamers on Call of Duty 4 will be waiting for you to play online! To find out where they?re playing exactly and join their games, you?ll just have to check your Xfire client after you?ve added one or several of the special accounts. ... You may get messaged by one of the pros to play a mix game with them on their server!"
Om du är desperat: