teamxeq tillbaka
CoD4 växer så det knakar i Sverige, men i landet som ligger något till höger om oss på kartan, Finland känns det faktiskt som att det är ännu större. De verkar koka ihop topplag på topplag och här är det senate i den linjen. Det är gamla
teamxeq som är tillbaka, mest känt från CoD2-scenen. Med två spelare från Insignia Cadre samt deras nyaste tillskott i
Sarjne från
thrice (som jag berättade om igår, läs mer här) så kan framtiden se riktigt fin ut för dessa mumintroll.
Statement från LaQuZ:
"We are happy to announce the comeback of teamxeq! Some of you may remember us and some of us not... ferdi, elid, FeanorR and me have been playing together since the beginning of CoD2 in teams like frag-insane, Venatio-Gaming and Insignia Cadre. And now we are back even stronger than before. We have a lot more motivation because it's a new game and we all love it. We also have a new member in our team. He's a player that doesn't need introduction. We welcome sarjne as our 5th member of the team. The former CSS player Sarjne will bring much lan experience, he's also a very good sniper so we will count on him in many situations and so far he has proved to be worth the trust. Now when we are back stronger than before we are also looking for a organisation that would take us under their wings and give us the support we need. We all got a very good feeling about this team and you'll hopefully see that in the battlefield. Looking forward to play against ya all!"
teamxeq lineup:
Relaterat: (källa)
#teamxeq @ QNet.

Statement från LaQuZ:
"We are happy to announce the comeback of teamxeq! Some of you may remember us and some of us not... ferdi, elid, FeanorR and me have been playing together since the beginning of CoD2 in teams like frag-insane, Venatio-Gaming and Insignia Cadre. And now we are back even stronger than before. We have a lot more motivation because it's a new game and we all love it. We also have a new member in our team. He's a player that doesn't need introduction. We welcome sarjne as our 5th member of the team. The former CSS player Sarjne will bring much lan experience, he's also a very good sniper so we will count on him in many situations and so far he has proved to be worth the trust. Now when we are back stronger than before we are also looking for a organisation that would take us under their wings and give us the support we need. We all got a very good feeling about this team and you'll hopefully see that in the battlefield. Looking forward to play against ya all!"
teamxeq lineup:

Relaterat: (källa)
#teamxeq @ QNet.