Tyska DoD:are byter spel
Det är inte bara BF och ET som ser spelare fly till CoD4, även Day of Defeat bidrar till att communityt växer. Sist ut är
Team scarleX, med erfarenheter från både DoD och CoD. Hur det kommer gå för det ny-gamla laget återstår att se, men Chefen ser med glädje på hur attraktivt CoD4 är just nu!
Statement av Ganja, saxat från Tek9.org:
The whole scarleX family is happy, that we are back in the active eSport after absence of more than two years. The clan scarleX now exists since more than seven years and I have to say I am glad, that in the new Call Of Duty 4 Lineup we got one of the first members of scarleX again. Let's see if they will be as successful as they were in former times, but the main thing is the fun in playing together. I am happy to welcome those guys in our family.
Så här är laget komponerat:
#scarlex @ QNet

Statement av Ganja, saxat från Tek9.org:
The whole scarleX family is happy, that we are back in the active eSport after absence of more than two years. The clan scarleX now exists since more than seven years and I have to say I am glad, that in the new Call Of Duty 4 Lineup we got one of the first members of scarleX again. Let's see if they will be as successful as they were in former times, but the main thing is the fun in playing together. I am happy to welcome those guys in our family.
Så här är laget komponerat:

#scarlex @ QNet