Ungrare tar sikte på Europa
Ungerns största, bästa och snyggaste (?) Multi Gaming Organization,
Flame Instinct, plockar in ett nytt lag. På grund av samma anledningar som för precis vartenda lag anger har dom beslutat att detta är nyheter värda att nämnas över hela Europa. Jag hakar givetvis på och fyller i standardformuläret.
Flame-Instinct berättar att dom spelar CoD4:
After some good months in one of Hungary's biggest multi-gaming clans, we faced some problems in Warriors of Darkness. The solution became a change, both in the line-up, and in the organisation. We are all happy to get in touch with such an organisation like flame-instinct. Since our line-up has changed, there are many things what we have to work out. Our main goal is to get the team as close as it's possible together. We would also like to attend all of the Hungarian LAN events on offer, and do our best in online cups such as codQcup.
Dom lyckliga fem:
Chefen säger GLHF.
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#flame-instinct @ QNet

Flame-Instinct berättar att dom spelar CoD4:
After some good months in one of Hungary's biggest multi-gaming clans, we faced some problems in Warriors of Darkness. The solution became a change, both in the line-up, and in the organisation. We are all happy to get in touch with such an organisation like flame-instinct. Since our line-up has changed, there are many things what we have to work out. Our main goal is to get the team as close as it's possible together. We would also like to attend all of the Hungarian LAN events on offer, and do our best in online cups such as codQcup.
Dom lyckliga fem:

Chefen säger GLHF.
Snyggaste sidan
#flame-instinct @ QNet