zEm bloggar från Thailand

Saxat ur bloggen:
"After a perfect start, we found out that Eyeballers wanted us to play under their flag. The first thought i got then was "WOw, EYE!". Because I played some CS before i knew that EYE where a big name to play for and a good name for the CoD4 community. It went really good in EYE too, but it was here i decided to travel with the family to Thailand for 2 months with start in January 2008. I said that to the boys in the team and it wasnt any bad feelings about that. But they wanted me to take step back
and let them find a new player because there was one cup and two evets coming up that i cant attend. The boys wanted to perform so they wanted a new player ASAP. So i took a step back and after a week or so they announced Daniel "tidde" Asp as my backup. He turned out to be a real talent who has done a geat job this far.
Now when i didnt play with the team i started to mix and 3on3/4on4s with my IRL friends so i didnt lose everything. I tried to keep an eye on the boys and it turned out that the EYE organization was in shake. I dont know so much about it, but we as a team left EYE to find a new home. My trip to
Thailand with the family started now. Its my father that have bought a house here so i have access to internet i trying to follow the team as much as a can. :) After some time here in Thailand i found out that it was BIG names that i never could have dreamed of that wanted us to represent them.
In the end i got a message from mintR. "We have joined fnatic!!!". I was like WTF, im coming home now! I never tought that i would wear the fnatic cloths, but now im doing it :D and i will do my best to represent you guys, the family in the best way.
Im still in Thailand and will be back the 18th of march. I didnt want to make this blogg after my trip because then it have been 2 months since the CoD4-team joined and that feels like "out of date". I will support my boys from here and i hope you do it too, i know that they havent made a good start in the new family. But i know that they will the best to represent fnatic in a good way."
Chefen är dock något avundsjuk på zEm som dels får vara i varma Thailand såhär i slaskets tider, samtidigt som han fick bli en del av Fnatic - även att han knappt själv visste om det. Hoppas du får en fortsatt trevlig semester zEm så du kan komma hem sen och visa vart skåpet skall stå!
Läs vidare:
Fnatic.com - zEm: Hello family!
Postat av: Anonym
Tack tack Chefen :) gillar det du gör, fortsätt med det :D