CoD4 goes 1on1

Samsung, Sennheiser, Logitech, NextGenTel, WCG Nordic and QPAD are proud to present WCG QTOUR Championship, the most prestigious 1on1 aim tournament in the world. This year as an integrated part of the WCG Nordic! The first national championship will take place in Norway at the second biggest lan party in the world with more than 5000 participants 19th-23th March at The Gathering, Hamar.
WCG QTOUR Championship will host Counter-Strike 1.6 and are introducing two new games this year; Counter-Strike Source and Call of Duty 4. The best COD4, CS:S and CS 1.6 players in Norway will be invited to compete on the legendary QTOUR stage, visited by some of the most famous star players in the world!
With new games, live streaming, co-operation with WCG Nordic, and Samsung as new head sponsor the WCG QTOUR Championship aim for success in 2008!
We learn from the community!
4 years has gone by since the first QTOUR was announced and we have improved the event ever since then. Minor and major changes have been made through the years, all thanks to voices from the community, players, managers, partners and our own experience. This year we are proud to expand with two new games as an add on to CS 1.6: COD4 and CS:S. We are also extremly proud to offer live streaming by with The Swede and Yankman, two of the most talented shout casters in the world.
WCG QTOUR Championship:
16 player single elimination
14 players are invited
2 spots are open for public qualifier
1on1 tournament in games normally played 5on5
Game titles: ? Counter-Strike 1.6 ? Call of Duty 4 ? Counter-Strike Source
Live stream by
Great prices
Great prestige
Den coolaste nyheten på länge och snart vet vi vem Sveriges bästa aimare är. Härligt QPAD!
QTOUR (Källa)
En fråga, shoutcastern "The Swede" är han svensk? För hans engelska är utmärkt :)
Han är bättre på engelska än svenska :P
Svenska? The-Swede kan inte svenska..
måste man vara norsk?
LAzY är bäst på aim!
Skånsk ja. Blev faktiskt förvånad när jag kikade på TGBF's arkiv från FPS barncancer köret .. där han kommenterade på svenska. Man är ju van att höra han gapa på Engelska :)
skulle villja se LinQan mot zsilts!!!!!!!!!!!
skulle vilja se Bush mot Bin Laden! Osama skulle endå gömma sig nånstans o campa bort hela matchen >.
försök vinna över lazy på aim, det är helt omöjligt!
tawnY idd!!!!!!!!
ofta lazy kan aima?
haha lazy wtf snackar alla om :P
vem e lazy....han som tältar i alla hörn...eller?
Lazy is pretty good
same person;also who the fuck is lazy?
anyway LinQan would obviously win.
jag är din mamma