Epsilon med 3 ändringar


"After two disappointing performances at the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 and Level7 Open Cup 2008, we finally figured out what was wrong, and hence decided to start the alteration of our team. What our old line-up missed was the motivation and the required experience from big matches. We did play extremely well in both events groupstages, yet we were unable to deliver whenever it really started to matter. Also the fact that Ville "fix" Jarvinen decided to quit competitive gaming and take gaming less seriously after Level7 had its effect that lead us to this decision.
Throughout the whole process of creating this line-up we have been able to see enormous dedication for success in these players and we are sure that will follow us in our journeys upcoming months aswell."
Epsilons nya lineup:

#epsilon @ QNet.
Tek-9.org (källa)