Exabyte intervjuade
EuroCup-laget Exabyte som förövrigt ligger 1:a på CB-laddern (anteckna nu intresseklubben!) har blivit intervjuade av ClubAI.net inför i33. Intervjun i sig är väl inte så mycket att hänga i granen förrutom lite trevlig läsning såhär natte-tid.
"Q: How do you intend to take your teams online success to i33 next weekend?
A: Seeing as we've been playing for a fairly long time together as one lineup, the transfer wont be difficult, except for the possibility that lighters hopefully wont steal every monitor at the lan ;]
Q: With teams such as Dignitas, Tek9 and Fnatic attending how well do you think you will do?
A: House hold names can always be daunting, but it wont phase us because we're coming into the event with a strong backbone of results, and a shit hot backlot, Shall be pretty fun."
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