LGT|EPLO intervjuad

eSports4all verkar vara i en liten intervju-spree när man nu grabbat tag i

"Q: Which match has been the toughest one and why?
A: Of course the very first match against k1ck esports. We hadn't really feel like home in mp_crossfire and we got crushed at there. It was a real big shock to have so early but we recovered from it pretty easily as we still knew we were better than all the teams there and just played a bad match, that's all
Q: Epsilon wasn´t really successful, was it a satisfaction for you´ve been better than sec's team?
A: We´re placed better than Epsilon yes, but are we better than them can not be known as we didn't need to play them at any point. Of course it would give a little special boost to beat the biggest rival team. But as of now it hasn't yet happened.
Q: What will be the next Lan event you´ll attend?
A: That is something we would like to know our selves too :) We won't be attending i33 and there aren't any other lans announced (yet) for spring. That is actually pretty sad for us, as the LAN tournaments is the only factor that boosts up our motivation and keeps us playing CoD4. If we still have the motivation up at summer, we would love to attend AEF in Belgium.
Q: A few months ago sec left your team and a few people expected you to fold, but you´ve been able to convince with your victory. Could you tell us a bit about your new players and who is your ingame leader?
A: Sure. plaekki doesn't need much of introduction, he is experienced gamer who we all know from CoD2. But our newest addition zeda is fairly unknown for most of people. He is a former top CS:Source player and now bringing his talent totally to a new game. He truly has potential to become a great CoD4 player and his performance at both CDC and L7 - was more than good."
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