Roskilde fRiJeC intervjuad

Norges CoD-kung heter Kenneth (läs mer) och så är fallet även i Danmark och förstår ni att jag såklart pratar om

Saxat från
"Q: Starting off with eSports in Denmark. Last year gaming in Denmark took a big step towards mainstream acceptance. Could you tell us what exactly happened and the current status of eSports in Denmark?
A: Well yes, the major thing that happened was that the eSport clubs got accepted into real sports unions. And that meant we could start searching for support from the government like any other sport club out there and not only private sponsoring.
Roskilde-eSport was one of the first to get accepted and one of the pioneers behind all this work is our own manager Jens. He is passing all the help on to other clubs, so they can benefit of all his hard work.
The next thing that happened was that eSport Danmark was founded with 10 eSport clubs in Denmark represented, and they all elected Jens to be the chairman of this union. What happends next is just something you will have to keep an eye out for.
Q: Roskilde is also no ordinary organisation, as it represents the town of Roskilde. How does this feel and what kind of advantages does it have?
A: We have the advantage that Roskilde Township is supporting us with the clubhouse and funding to keep our club running and also giving our team the opportunity to compete on a international level. It gives several advantages to our teams, but also to the planning of an event like tex 08.
They gladly give all the help they can and try to support us in any way they can. I must say that it feels pretty awesome to be a part of something different that a private corporation that most MGCs are. Where it will take us to, I have no idea, but we are not planning to go anywhere else.
Q: Looking back at the team's CDC4 results, defeating Serious Gaming and LowLandLions and placing 9-16th. Is the team happy with the overall performance or did you expect to go further after winning one of the toughest groups?
A: I am pleased we did so well vs L3 and srs, but the exit vs SK was something we could have survived, if we had kept our A-game. But this is something we have in mind for the next events. As they say, what doesn't kill you, can only make you stronger.
Q: With i33 coming up, the expections of the Roskilde team itself and the community have obviously changed. What does the team personally expect and how have the preparations been going?
A: This time we're actually a bit worse prepared because Champ have just been in Prague for 1 week. So R3CoR my brother had to step in for a week and snipe. So the next 4 days before i33 we're gonna take longer prac days to get up to speed again. We would have loved to bootcamp, but it wasn't possible for all our players to do so. We don't come to i33 with the expectation of winning it, but we want to attend in the thought of gaining more international experience for the team and the younger players.
Q: Can we expect Roskilde to play to their full potential at i33?
A: I would love to say yes, but I really can't. In one to two months I believe you can expect a team worthy of being at any LAN in the world, but for now we're loading up."
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Postat av: jacken
ska det inte va danmarks kung ? :)