zEm tillbaka - klanne petad!

zEm går direkt in i start 5:an i

Lagkapten mintR kommenterar:
"Having zEm play for your team is truly an honour. One of the most experienced players in the game and also one of the most skilled players make him one of the top picks for any team. For me personally this is also amazing since I have played most of my CoD days together with him. zEm is a clutch player above most and it will be exciting to see what we can do with this new lineup over the next few months. Welcome back bebben!"

"After one and a half month on vacation in Thailand and following the boys online and via phone during the CDC4 tournament I felt I wanted to play with them again. So I decided to get myself a very expensive early ticket back home to sweden and the cold to be able to attend i33 in england. From now on I will be playing CoD4 for about two weeks to get back in shape and up to speed with the team. It will be very fun to play with the boys again and to wear the fnatic colors. They did a great job at CDC4 and I hope it can continue with me in the team."
Detta gör att Fnatic ser ut som följer:

Chefen önskar sitt största fan zEm välkommen hem och lycka till Fnatic!
Postat av: Anonym
Postat av: dohfOs
solbränd zEm? ;)
lycka till :D
Postat av: overkill
väntat.. lycka till fnatic!
Postat av: lippe
Postat av: Fredde
Postat av: Reine
värdelöst beslut imo då klanne är den bästa ni har. Idioter
Postat av: Hjals
Knappast Reine....
Postat av: kwack
Kollat efter om du har några könssjukdomar? :D
Welcome back!