TLR|Mark intervjuad, igen

"Q: Despite your impressive finish at CDC, you guys seem to be quite underrated, with most people expecting one of the European teams to take it. Why do you think this is?
A: I feel we are underrated due to the hype surrounding SMG's in the game, at cdc we did use them a fair bit which is why some haters are expecting us to fail at i33 with the limit on SMG's to 2. All i can say is wait and see because a limit on SMG's won't stop us getting to where we want to be ! I think people are expecting a european or even the canadian team to take it as i-series has always been a predominantly UK organisation based event and are suprised to see alot of foreign teams making the effort this time round.
Q: Speaking of the European teams, who do you see as your biggest threats at the tournament? With Dignitas, Tek9, fnatic, TCM, and 4k all attending, the competition is looking fierce.
A: I think our biggest threat will be fnatic who im sure we would love a rematch on lan against after CDC :D. Every top 8 seeded team is a potential threat but i think it will come down to who wants the win more and maybe the luck of the map.
Q: Do you think the canadian team Evil Geniuses will have much of an impact on the tournament? Having finished 2nd at NERV LAN yesterday, and with heaps of experience in competitive gaming, they're a pretty unknown threat for all the European teams.
A: I haven't been following the NA scene but i reckon they will be at a major disadvantage with the mega difference in rulesets with deep impact off over here and on over there, as is the red dot. If they have practiced enough im sure their unrivalled amount of experience will pull them to a top 8 position.
Q: How do you expect the other UK teams to do, such as the newly formed 4k, TCM, and Packard Bell?
A: I haven't really seen much from the other UK teams but from what i have seen i think that you will see some very big upsets from UK teams such as the under rated exabyte ( if they perform as well on lan as they have been lately online). Other uk teams being able to maybe cause some upsets would be audacity, antix and VVV.
Q: What are your expectations for Exabyte? Despite having numerous impressive results, beating teams like eSuba in Clanbase, they've yet to prove themselves at LAN. Do you think they can reflect their online gameplay in the LAN environment?
A: I know that three of their players have been to lan before which are attending this event, however the two that haven't been to lan there has been a few words said here and there by some teams about them. I think that they might just crack under the pressure as im sure people will want to line up to spec them after alot of hype surrounding their online play =]"
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Postat av: dohfOs
tycker en limit på 2 spec ops är lite väl asså.. 3 är helt ok dock.