DIE blir Epsilon eSports
Nu är det klart att Da Imperial Executors (som förövrigt råkade ut för CoD4:as största skämt hittills med Team Kojak) går med i den alldeles nya namnet Epsilon Gaming. Med backing av bland annat Puma är det tänkt att en nytt storlag har fötts och visst ser det extremt intressant ut.
Statement av Luke "Baldrick" Cotton (Managing Director):
"Epsilon eSports is pleased to announce the opening of its new project; the formation of a new professional eSports organization. Supported by Gigabyte, PUMA and Smith & Stewart and with a number of teams with a great deal of potential representing the Epsilon brand, the management is confident that the organization will take the eSports world by storm in 2008. Epsilon will enable its teams to compete at a number of upcoming LAN events throughout Europe. Epsilon's first event will be the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4, where both its Call of Duty 4 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars squads will be competing. Epsilon will also be represented at the European Cyber Games (Germany), Level7 (Finland), ShokLan (France), Multiplay i33 (UK) & Gamers-Assembly (France)."
Statement av Jani "janbo" Keskinen:
"We're more than delighted to announce being part of a newly born organization, Epsilon. The professionalism of the organization really gave us a great impression, and with the ambition of becoming a major e-Sports organization and the required financial backing there was no chance we could've missed this opportunity. You're sure to see us competing under the Epsilon flag in Enschede at the upcoming CDC4 LAN, as well as Level7 in Helsinki."
Epsilon.CoD4 lineup:
Timo "dae" Lahtinen
Ville "id3" Järvi
Ville "Fix" Järvinen
Antti "sec" Sinisalo
Jani "janbo" Keskinen
Förrutom CoD4 presenterar man även ET:QW, BF2, Crysis, C&C3, CS:S samt Halo 3.
#epsilon @ QNet.