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Lagkapten i Roskilde Ravens,

"Waking up at 10am in the morning when you went to bed at 7am isn't awesome but I had to since I was gonna move all my stuff to my new apartment. It took around three hours but I had to do it. When I finally came back in the afternoon, Infinity had already left and fnatic were leaving later in the evening. Just when I came back tidde was craving McDonalds so I tagged along with my brother and Champ, because we were really hungry. When we came back we had some time to play VAE on a few maps, since the rest of my team had fixed some mistakes in our tactics while I was gone.

The next morning VAE left around 11am and we didn't stay too long after that, but we went to get change from all the beer bottles and it was enough for lunch and dinner for me and LM :D
Thank you VAE, Infinity and last but not least fnatic for a really great weekend. I do hope we can arrange another one of these with more teams next time."
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Postat av: bääz
Postat av: dohfOs
palla sova på bootcamp mint! orutinerat!