THE6DEVILS under strålkastaren

Mina kollegor hos har nu presenterat "månadens lag", för andra gången på 3, snart 4 månader. Månadens lag är föga förvånande CODQCUP-vinnarna

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: You just achieved the goal every top CoD4 team has been aiming at. Would you like to comment the recent CODQCUP and your great performance in it?
A: Its totaly great to be the winner of the CoDQCup, but its also something you shouldnt overrate. With a bit more luck tek9 could also be the champion of this event. Anyway this cup was a nice experience for us and we had a lot of fun in it. We had loads of spectacular matches, like the games vs dignitas, esuba, fnatic or tek9. Those are surely matches we will remember and beeing the winner of this event will strengthen our back. The admins of the codqcup made an awesome job aswell, I really hope they will go on like that. And last but not least, the communities interest into the CoDQCup is something we shouldnt forget to thank for.
Q: Now that you have crushed every single team out of your way with no losses in the CODQCUP JAN08 playoffs, how would you describe your future sights and plans?
A: Thats hard to answer. With the lack of support we arent able to attend every lan wich is hold out there. So if you look back, the last lan we attended in this lineup was the tek9 oof2 lan in cod2 half a year ago. Sure we will save some money and try to attend as much offline events as we can but tbh we really need a good organisation we can play for. We want to become the best and we will definitly spend alot of soul spirit and time to reach that position. As I often say, we make one step ahead another till we reach our goal."
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