zeroPoint tillbaka med CoD4!

För lite drygt 2 veckor sedan bestämde sig den svenska organisationen

"The team consists only of german players, who knew each other for quite a while now. Although they are playing CoD4 as a team for about 2 months, the squad is very motivated and ambitious. For the moment, zP!.CoD4 will participate in important online events like the upcoming Clanbase season and maybe in the ESL Master Series, if they can manage to qualify for it. Offline events are also targeted in the future."

"After a long time, we finally found a partner we can plan our future with. In the next months we will aim for a bootcamp and hope to be present on the one or another lan. Our goal is to work hard and establish ourself among the top 15 teams in europe."
zeroPoints tyskar:

Deutschland über alles borta hos zP med andra ord. Lycka till!
#zp! @ QNet.
Tips-tack till tawnY..
Postat av: tomas k lOl
tawnYYyyyYyyyyy som e tipsaRNNEEEE
Postat av: negerkungeN
Jag gillar tawny. På riktigt!
Postat av: tawny
tackar tackar,, fick tipset av olle blom
Postat av: dohfOs
vilka fan är maskin :o
Postat av: tawnY
Postat av: kontE
olle blom? är det tapper?
Postat av: tawnY
mm tappermunk
Postat av: kontE
han lirade jag med i uo :P