FPSGaming intervjuar: kAkAo


Svenska laget Sverige kAkAo har varit med sedan gamla goda CoD1 och än idag är man med i matchen. De har signat upp sig för att deltaga i FPSGamings välgörenhets-turnering (läs mer om den här) och med en näst intill gigantisk lineup hoppas man på en trevlig tillställning. FPSGaming har som brukligt gjort en intervju med grabbarna och Koddblogg rapporterar givetvis om detta oldschool CoD-lag.

"Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: CoD4 doesn?t mean more than the other games we have played. It?s just another game to strengthen the brotherhood in the clan. The difference is only that we needed a new game to put a spark in the clan and in the CoD-atmosphere. Of course our goal is to achieve a good position somewhere in the middle of the Scandinavian CB ladder.

Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: Well, at the moment we are struggling with getting our guys to function as a team but we are still working on it. We got a bad start on the Scandinavian CB ladder but we still got some aces in our sleeves. Will fight our way back up on the ladder! The future of Kakao is bright since we got 4 new players that are on fire for the game.

Q: What are your hopes for this cup?
A: To have fun and at least win one match, hopefully against oC.

Chefen gillar lag som håller hop i vått och tort, så lycka till i framtiden kAkAo!

Läs vidare hos FPSGaming.se
#kakao @ QNet.

Packard Bell goes CoD4

image177Packd Bell har nyligen börjat intressera sig en hel del för eSport och nu lanserar datortillverkaren två stycken lag, ett i CoD4 och ett i diverse RTS-spel. PB har valt att satsa på en brittisk lineup vilket troligtvis är ett stort misstag men man vet ju aldrig. Ibland kan det snöa i helvetet också.

Packard Bell konstaterar:
As an Official partner of the last ESWC Grand Final 2007, Packard Bell renews its commitment to the gaming community by introducing a grass roots program. A number of players have been selected to form the first amateur team to compete under the Packard Bell Brand. The players have been selected to compete in both FPS and RTS tournaments and will be supported with the latest Intel-based Packard Bell iPower PCs.

Och även laget säger sitt genom YoMma:
First of all, we'd like to convey our excitement and pride in representing Packard Bell in this venture. The grassroots program is something we all respect and we think its great that Packard Bell is investing into the scene in this way in order to promote competitive gaming on a much wider scale. Our task now is to represent Packard Bell to the best of our abilities beginning with CLUK19 and of course the big tournament at i33. Lastly, we would also like to welcome the RTS players joining us under the Packard Bell brand.

Bell's heroes:
Storbrittanien YoMma
Storbrittanien WaKKo-
Storbrittanien junior
Storbrittanien Payne
Storbrittanien .HtR*
Holland Mavy

Crossfire.nu (Källa)

Slovenien spöar Sverige - På Pipeline

image176Slovenien Slovenien må vara en stark nation i CoD4 men Sverige Sverige ska vara starkare. Trots detta besegrades vårt landslag i en mycket jämn match som slutade lika på mp_vacant och knappaste möjliga vinst för Slovenierna på mp_pipeline.
Macthen startade som vanligt i chatrummen när det blev klart att de enda som ville övervaka matchen från CBs håll var Slovenier, något som naturligtvis inte accepterades från det svenska lägret och därför spelades matchen utan admins.
Att mp_pipeline finns med i kartlistan är en skam och gör CB NC till en lolcup. Nuff said.

mp_vacant: Sverige [10-10] Slovenien
mp_pipeline: Sverige [9-11] Slovenien

Följande spelare ställde upp för respektive landslag:
Sverige KyoChi
Sverige FrGzR
Sverige Isaak
Sverige KEBBE
Sverige Fuffen

Slovenien amish
Slovenien nighty
Slovenien dan1el
Slovenien gaschper
Slovenien matic


CoD4 till Dreamhack Skellefteå

image175CallOfDuty.se kan man idag läsa att superlanet Dreamhack har beslutat sig för att inkludera CoD4 i turneringslistan när dom expanderar till Skellefteå senare i år. Det är alltså inte det klassiska DH som gäller när världens bästa spel får sin första Svenska turnering.

eSportprofil bakom evenemanget
David Garpenståhl är en av de absolut mest meritarade eSport-profilerna vi har och när han säger att det är dags att bygga ut Dreamhack så håller koddblogg med. Dessutom så är det många som är trötta på att tvingas ner till Jönköping två gånger om året.

Hursomhelst så finns det inte så mycket information ute för tillfället men en bordsplats kostar 450kr och turneringen kommer med all säkerhet bli en s k BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) -turnering.

LANet spelas 27-30e Mars


oXmoze|Anubiis i kort intervju

image176Den senaste dagen har det kommit en mängd av intervjuer med mer kända namn inom CoD4-scenen. Sist ut är CoD2-hataren Frankrike Anubiis som är lite av en "rising star", en newb som kom från ingenstans och nu spelar i ett av de absolut bästa lagen - franska Frankrike oXmoze. Dessvärre är kvalitén på intervjun relativt dålig, men man hade väl knappast hoppas på bättre när det är eSports4all som står bakom den.

Copy-paste från intervjun i fråga:
"Q: Can you tell me about oXmoze, how did you get in, what lineup changes have been in the team?
A: Actually, at the begining of cod4 i had no clan, and I was quite unknown in the french cod high comunity.. At this time, oXmoze just lost one of their player, Lew who stopped playing in order to devote to his work. Lucky me, Raigeki came on a random server where I was playing, and after 1 hour of game only the 2 of us, he asked me if i wanted to play with oXmoze, for a trial.
And they finaly took me in their line up. Next, Niejdan, one of the best french player arrived, but he left some weeks later to devote to his work too! And finaly, we recruited XandeR, so now we are 6, Vazy, Raigeki, Rukke, me, Xander and Gus.

Q: In the first CODQCUP you managed to finish 3rd. What was the cup like? Were you feeling confident from the beginning? Are you satisfied with your rank? And a very important question: in the next codqcup what setting improvements would you like to see?
A: This cup was great, really, i enjoyed playing against topclans like MY, eSuba, serious, tek9... well, i'm never confident, my team mates always reproach me with that.. but we really wanted to finish in the 3 firsts, so yeah I'm satisfied even if i think we can do better. I don't see any improvements right now, everything was great in this cup, if we could play with nosway it would be perfect :)

Q: Can you tell me the plans of oXmoze about the future? Would you like to change something in your team?
A: Our plans are to reach the top :D we are at the moment training for 3 lans, The Atomic Re-so 2008 and the Gamers Assembly, the 2 bigest french lans, and we have to win these 2. And we will try to finish in the 3 firsts at cdc4 in holland. I don't want to change something in my team, this team is great :D

#oxmoze @ QNet
Hela intervjun hos eSports4all

nEophyte tillbaka

image174Det är idag 2 veckor sedan jag kunde raportera om att Tjeckien eSuba snott åt sig 2 av Intel-sponsrade Tjeckien nEophytes bästa spelare i Slovakien Cross och Tjeckien Mazarini (läs mer om det här). Många trodde nog att nEophytes tid var förbi men nu är man tillbaka och man är mer taggade än någonsin tidigare att bevisa att man är bäst i Tjeckien. I själva verket handlar det om 4 gamla spelare från Tjeckien NecroRaisers som nu istället kommer spela under nEophyte tillsammans med Tjeckien zafo och Tjeckien Luboshmir som vart kvar efter den förra splittringen.

På exemplarisk icke-felfri engelska:
"We make that team about 2 weeks ago, but everyone in Czech Republic says that this line up gonna be same representative like ex-line up of nEph. Our crew is made of 4 players from ex-NR who were in TOP 3 teams in CZ and zafo with luboshmir (lubo is backup) who left in nEph. We gonna take our best chances to beat at least TOP 5 EU teams and our biggest rival from now in CZE, eSuba."

nEophyte - version 2.0:
Tjeckien zafo (Team Captain)
Tjeckien Jalu
Tjeckien misak
Tjeckien NeXur
Tjeckien ajass
Tjeckien Luboshmir (backup)

Chefen passar på att välkomna nEophyte tillbaka samt önska organisationen lycka till med satsningen..

#neophyte @ QNet.

strelok i kortfattad intervju

image173Standardfrågor och kortfattade svar kännetecknar intevjun med Ryssland strelok när eSports4all har ordet. Vi får dock reda på varför strelok bytte nick från knaller och lite om vad Europa Tek-9 ska göra i framtiden.

Q: You played against The6Devils in CoDQCup final, you lost. Are you sad?
A:Not really, I expected us to lose because we hardly pracced and they are smg gods :D

Q:What is your plans? Can you introduce the readers in it?
A: Well, We are going to try to start practicing seriously now, so we get to the level where we want to be. In 2 weeks we're already attending CDC #4 and then after a while there's I series, but we aren't sure yet if we are going.

Q: And please tell me about your team. Everybody enjoys playing with CoD4?
A: Yeah everyone likes CoD 4 in general, but the no sway should seriously be enabled everywhere, and same goes for the sniper fix. Also some nice maps would be welcome... but I guess that day will never come :DDDDDD.

Personligen tycker jag det är sådär när lag förväntar sig att förlora och skyller på dålig träning. Hade i ärlighetens namn förväntat mig mer av Tek9. Fy!

Läs hela intervjun här!

KomaCrew med ändringar

image172Den gamla tyska damen Tyskland KomaCrew har utannonserat att man kommer göra en ändring efter CDC4. Det är Tyskland butzemann som väljer att satsa mer på vad som av några kallas "det verkliga livet" istället för CoD4. Spelaren som ersätter honom efter CDC4 är Tyskland gene, känd från sin tid i Tyskland eyeshow och Tyskland n!faculty.

Statement Tyskland KC`smithz:
"Since Butzemann had not enough time due his exams we had to add a new player into our roster. The CDC will be his last Lan for now so we decided to go with him to Enschede. Sadly we have to announce that Butzemann aka Sascha will go inactive again after the CDC4 Lan because of his exams. We are happy to welcome eugen into our Team. Eugen was the best choice in our opinion, he just fits perfectly in our team. His gamestyle and character are just awesome. He is motivating the whole gaming with his cheerful soul."

KomaCrew 6-manna lineup efter CDC4:
Tyskland smithz
Tyskland asset
Tyskland fatman23
Tyskland gene
Tyskland juL
Tyskland sM!Tty

#komacrew.com @ QNet.

L2W intervjuar: fnatic\mintR

FnaticDen kanske mest intervjuade personen inom CoD4-scenen är Sverige fnatic\mintR. Även denna gången har L2W valt att sätta micen under hans mun och frågan som var mest intressant var väl egentligen om mintR hade kvar något kul att säga. Och tro de eller ej, men intervjun är faktiskt riktigt läsvärd. Den tar bl.a. upp hur mintR ser på CoD4 som e-Sport och satningen inför CDC4. Utöver detta får gamla CoD-rävar lite kul läsning om legenden Sverige kickR. Visste nu t.ex. att grabben är gift numera? mintR passar även på att utse till Sverige wnkr till bäste sprayern i CoD4.

Saxat ur intervjun:
"Q: Despite you have been very impressive in the early stage of COD4 winning the crossfireQcup vs the French side oXmoze, you have been knocked out of codQcup by eSuba, did the swap from SveaRoyale to Eyeballers and now Fnatic has affected your playing in some way?
A: Yes of course it has, finding yourself in a situation where all you have worked for suddenly crumbles beneath you doesn't work well for you. Then again joining fnatic gave us a really good boost, has to be said though that we didn't go into codqcup with main intent to win it but to see what new stuff we could come up with. We are preparing for cdc4 at the moment and the preparation comes before winning a cup online.

Q: In March you will attend CDC 4 in Enschede, fighting versus the finest teams from all over Europe, what's your objective for this major LAN event?
A: To win off course, a top3 is acceptable in my eyes but you never know with these events, I know nothing of what to expect down there to be honest but I really hope they have updated the hardware used at the event or it will be a bit tricky, we'll see. As long as we do our best and not go out with a bang and can learn from any mistakes and play our game we will do good and a failure won't be, too hard to take if we can look back on something like that.

Q: Which teams do you think have the possibility to win this tournament and why?
A: I See, serious gaming, tek9, oXmoze, eSuba, fnatic, Speedlink as really good contenders to the first place, all of them. It's a lot tighter at the top in this game, which is only good.

Q: Ofcourse Call of duty 4 hasn't been around long yet, but who is the best player you have fragged against on this game, and off course explain us why?
A: wnkr is the best player I have played against, one of my absolute favourites is tidde, but I haven't played against him. wnkr has such talent for spraying and has a really good eye for the game, In my eyes he's probably the best player in the game, even though he's in the army now.

Q: We have been dealing about your personal life and question related to gaming in call of duty 4, I'd like to have your thoughts about cod 4 and its step into eSports. In the competitive gaming scene, there's often trouble with multigaming organisation and team players, it is mostly due to lack of communication, professionalism between each parts, what do you think of the professionalism in the cod 4 scene?
A: Professionalism doesn't come free, you have to work for it, and I think that knowledge has got us to where we are today, in one of the top teams of the world. When it comes to COD4 in Esports I think COD4 needs a smash in the finer rooms of gaming, like ESWC and WCG in order to further promote the game, but with an unwilling part in Infinity Ward and Activision (although the later of the two actually have shown more interest than the first lately) to help promote it we are very slow doing what has to be done ourselves.

We are basically learning how to mod this game from scratch with every title they release, with every title they release they also promise us support for the competitive scene and at the end of every game we stand there with a great game that never got the chance because the changes have always come too late and not from an official partner. However, I remain positive about its future.

Hela intervjun på L2W
Fnatic.com (källa)

Intervju med iFEARdilemma från T6D

image171Ingen kan ha missat Tyskland THE6DEVILS segertåg genom CODQCUP där de besegrat topplag efter topplag. Efter att de vann finalen mot Europa Tek9 (se matchen här) så kan laget för tillfället titulera sig "Bäst i Europa", något ClanBase tagit fasta på och fixat en segerintervju med Tyskland iFEARdilemma.

Here goes, saxat ur intervjun:
"Q: Welcome iFEARdilemma, and thank you for the time! First things first, for people who don't know you, tell us about yourself.
A: My name is Andre aka iFEARdilemma, captain of #THE6DEVILS and Team-Germany.CoD4, I am 19 years old, going to school and living in good old Germany. I started gaming years ago with games such as Counter-Strike, Tactical-Ops and Quake3, the last of these I preferred most and that's why I love Call of Duty - because CoD is based on the same game engine that Quake 3 was built on.

Q: Congratulations on the codqcup victory, this comes as quite a surprise to most of the community. Why do you think you won this competition? Do you think you prepared better and put more time in than the other teams?
A: I don't think that we prepared better than other teams. Our biggest strength is the ability to motivate everyone in the team to his limits, as some may have seen in the TEK9 OOF CoD2 LAN. Besides that we are friends, 3 of our team even live in the same town! And don't forget about our very stable lineup, we have played in this lineup since October 2006 with just 1-2 small changes without touching the core. So I think the things which make the difference between us and other teams is real friendship and motivation / our will.

Q: Well, as you're not attending CDC4, what does the future hold for T6D after this victory? Which future LANs and online tournaments will we be able to see you at ?
A: If we would have enough support on our back or just enough money, we would attend every LAN which is held anywhere. Our next goals are important upcoming online tournaments like the next CoDQCup or the ClanBase OpenCup / Eurocup for example. And who knows, maybe we will find a good organisation which allows us to visit some of the future LANs. At the moment we are making plans to attend the CDC4 LAN. I hope our plan will work and besides that even if we don't get support in near future we will surely save some money for the next OOF LAN.

För att läsa hela intervjun, klicka här!

Finska randoms

image170Finska Finland Salainen har här i dagarna blivit en del av Europa Random Gaming, kanske mest kända för sitt CS:S-lag sen tidigare. CoD4-sektionen deltar just nu i diverse icke-intressanta ladders hos CB men satsningen i dagsläget ligger på L2W där man kämpar för att gå vidare från andra gruppspelet.

Statement från Holland RG|roychez, RG manager:
"We are proud to announce Salainen as our new Call of Duty 4 team. They have been doing great so far in Clanbase. I have followed them in some cups and we are sure they are perfect for Random-Gaming and are one of Finland?s finest! We are confident that the team will keep performing under our name and we will support them in all ways possible."

Statement från Finland RG|mide:
"As the representative for Salainen (now Random-gaming Call of duty 4 squad) I thank the whole organisation for taking us in. I am also certain that our co-operation will be successfull and our squad will dedicate itself to giving Random-gaming results and reputation. As for us, we have had great experiences with the organisation from before (since some of us played in the old squad) and feel lucky to be chosen to take part in it. They will not regret their deicision."

Random Gamings nya lineup:
Finland mide
Finland coppeR
Finland samso
Finland NiNLeX
Finland dundy

Kvar finns nu bara att önska de nya random finnarna lycka till och ta det lugnt i mumindalen!

#random.gaming @ QNet.

MLG och CoD4


Precis som vi visste om sedan tidigare kommer CoD4 att vara med i MLG denna säsong (läs mer här). Dock gäller det fortsatt endast XBOX och endast som en ny feauture i MLG:s nya online-satsning. Detta på grund av att CoD4 inte riktigt håller vid LAN då det saknas en massa funktioner såsom att man kan skapa sin egen klass. Som det är just nu kan man endast välja från några på förhand skapade klasser vilket kanske inte är så kul kan tänkas..

MLG i ett pressmedelande:
"Call of Duty 4 to be MLG's First Online-Only Pro Circuit Title!
You asked and we answered: Call of Duty 4 will be featured as an official Online Pro Circuit Title! The Call of Duty 4 Online Pro Circuit season will consist of a series of online qualifying ladders and tournaments in pursuit of the 2008 MLG Season Title, complete with cash prizes, MLG pro players and in-depth editorial coverage on mlgpro.com. The details of the CoD 4 Online Pro Circuit Season are currently being finalized and will be announced soon so stay tuned for more! While we are considering adding CoD 4 to our Live Competitions, the game is not currently structured for competitive LAN play.

Kul för alla konsoll-nördar som har tills den 21/2 att signa upp sig.. ..men nu ser jag fram emot att få skriva om en lite större turnerings-organisation som plockar in CoD4 till PC!




Nu har TGBF med Svedansk The-Swede äntligen släppt finalen i CODQCUP (läs mer om den här) som VOD. I en härlig och actionfylld match får vi precis det vi vill ha från en stor final. CoD4-action när den är som bäst.

Europa Tek-9 vs. Tyskland THE6DEVILS

QuadVQuadV och Storbrittanien Deman har i skymundan även de släppt en VOD, dock en klart mindre attraktiv match, franska mötet mellan Frankrike oXmoze och Frankrike FurY på mp_backlot i den minst lika franska och felstavade (?) ligan - ShokLeague.

För att se den klicka er vidare hit.

TGBF.tv via Rakaka (källa)

CoD4 PrizeFight rullar på

CoD4.wars Prizefight

Dags för en liten uppdatering om våra svenska lag som spelar i CoD4.wars PrizeFight (läs mer här). Tyvärr så tvingas jag ge turnering en temporär floppstämpel då den absoluta majoriteten av matcherna blivit WO för endera sidan. Vi får se hur det artar sig fortsättningsvis.

Svenska resultat hittils:

Finland DIE 9-11 Ett imponerande resultat från Druidz sida då Epsilon (DIE) är ett starkt lag som krigar i toppen.
Europa Downforce 11-8

cruel Gaming
Europa nov WO

Northern Darkness

Finland azoic WO

Belgien PN WO
Europa iuro WO

Ministry of Defence

Storbrittanien seQuel WO
Finland Final Solution WO

Europa eXtreme WO
Ryssland prior eSports WO

Förhoppningsvis kommer lagen skärpa till sig när det närmar sig slutspel och det hela kommer nog att bli en spännande historia till slut. Men just nu kan man väl knappast påstå att det har sett bra ut. Man tog nog vatten över huvudet på CoD4.wars när man arrangerade cupen och tog in så många lag i ett så tidigt skede. Flopp eller flopp? Koddblogg väntar tills slutspelet för att ge cupen dess slutgiltiga dom..


zeroPoint bygger om

image169Sverige zeroPoint meckar om i förstafemman och petar Holland ImpreZ för att ta in managern Holland Sko som tydligen sparkar röv med sin nyköpta dator. Mycket mer information finns inte, så vi får se hur zP kommer att prestera. Chefen säger Lycka till!

zP konstaterar:
We started to trial ImpreZ, as we were looking for a 5th. After we started trialing him, Sko decided he was going to get a new PC and see how things were with zP!. Now he has decided to commit his future to us, so we decided it would be best to take him, with his experienced leading skills. We wish the best of luck to ImpreZ, he's an awesome player.

Storbrittanien denizen
Sverige nkr
Finland quiNN
Finland Steve
Holland Sko

Tidigare nyhet om zeroPoint

suXus med ny lineup

image168Ungerska Ungern drop2Trash som tidigare vart Europa suXus (läs mer om det här) fick en väldigt kort sejour i sin nya organisation. Efter att man i suXus insett att kommunikationsproblem tog över vardagen mellan ledningen och den ungerska lineupen valde man att ge dem sparken.

Det dröjde dock inte länge innan man rekryterade nytt blod i form av holländska Holland TEMPORG som består till större del av gamla Benelux Fture.

Statement suXus Management:
"With all the current changes it is hard to predict which team will make it and which will fail doing so. Dropping the Drop 2 Trash team was set to be coming for a while. The communication flaws between the team and our organisation where constantly growing and brought us to a point we couldn?t sweat out off. So our eyes started opening towards other teams. Finding the Dutch temporg team made us thrilled with excitement throughout the future of our organisation."

Statement suXus Nitro:
"After some lineup changes and the departure from Fture Gaming we now present our new lineup, hopefully even stronger and more stable then before. We're very proud to play under the name of the suXus eSports organisation, and we will do our best to fullfill their wishes. With the support of suXus eSports we will try to attend as much as online and offline events during the upcoming months, and we're aiming for some nice results."

suXus lineup:
Holland Nitro
Holland Oberto
Holland Mind
Holland Luna
Holland Gerv

suXus-eSport.eu via Tek-9.org (källa)

theSGL: grupperna live


theSGL som utannonserade sin turnering för knappt en månad sedan (läs mer här) har nu släppt grupperna. Trots att det inte är några egentliga priser att tala om tycks intresset varit rätt bra och vi får se lag som Europa Tek-9, Finland Logitech.fi, Storbrittanien 4Kings och Tjeckien NecroRaisers. Svensk-intresset har dock varit relativt lågt och vi verkar endast få 2 svenska lag med i form av Sverige One2 och Sverige Najs Gaming. Det verkar hur som, som att det fortsatt är 2 eller 3 platser lediga så finns intresset, hör efter med theSGL-admins så att Chefen får mer att skriva om.

Matcherna drar igång imorgon (onsdag, 13/2) och i första omgången (som spelas på mp_backlot) får vi se One2 ta sig an Team Infectious i grupp B, samt Najs Gaming i grupp H som får kriga med norrbaggarna TNT.


#thesgl @ QNet.

MYTEAM lägger ner

image166Portugiserna i Portugal MYTEAM har gått igenom en hel del kontroverser men klart är att dom varit ett lag att räkna med. Dock så har laget nu bestämt sig för att lägga ner verksamheten, en något ovanlig åtgärd då organisationen, eller namnet alltid brukar leva kvar i någon form.

Portugal mow förklarar varför:
"A couple of days ago me and dev had a conversation about leaving gaming, we both talked a lot about the situation of MYTEAM and about our own motivation to keep playing online games, which led to only one conclusion, the time and dedication we give to the game its just not worth what we get in reward.

When you play for so many time like me (6 years) and dev (4 years) and you don't get anything from gaming at all, after some time you kinda feel your losing your time on it and that you could be doing things you like instead of playing. Yesterday (10/02/08) we talked to the rest of the team about this situation and our decision, they all agreed it was the best choice for everyone since no one actually had the needed dedication to keep playing at a very high level. None of us is going to keep playing because we have always been a group of friends that plays together, not just 'a team' so if we don't play together, we ain't playing at all.

I would like to say thanks to those who really supported this project while it lasted with so much dedication like dihn, G3nn, Mata and LINKAGE and for the support weve had from those who believed in us. A wish of good luck to all players and teams that will keep playing and supporting COD4 from MYTEAM.

Vi säger adjö till följande spelare:
Portugal mow
Portugal dev
Portugal pax
Portugal blackgod
Portugal vanho
Portugal xikote
Portugal Haradrim

Tek-9.org (Källa)

PGS intervjuade

image162Polska G7-organisationen Polen PGS Gaming som var ett utav de första "stora" att plocka in ett CoD4-lag (läs mer här) har ganska snabbt fått märka att livet inte är så enkelt utan CoD-rutin. Hittills har laget inte gjort så mycket annat än att misslyckas och man kan väl ganska säkert säga att de inte tagits emot med öppna armar av communityn som från dag 1 tyckte det var fel att satsa på "CoD-nonames" för en sån etablerad organisation.

Den tyska community-sidan dSLASH har ordnat en intervju med PGS där man tar upp hur den här första tiden har varit med laget. De svarar även på just den kritik som de fått och i den ganska långa intervjun får vi reda på både det ena och andra. Kort sammanfattat kan väl sägas att de slår ifrån sig ganska så bra och att de fortsatt satsar hårt på att nå toppen inom CoD4.

Först ut att bli intervuad var managern för PGS, Polen Jakub "JoeBlack" Paluch:
image163"Q: Hello Jakub, please introduce yourself to the readers
A: Hi. My name is Jakub Paluch known in the virtual world as JoeBlack. I'm studying law at Wroclaws University and I'm also Communication Manager in PGS Gaming. I appeared in PGS four years ago so I'm with the organization nearly from the beginning. I saw birth of PGS and in some way I helped when it was growing. Now I'm still part of it and I'm not planing to change it. What's more, I'm strongly connected with Warcraft III scene. I was a manager of Wc3 team in Team Pentagram and nowadays I'm referee at many Polish tournaments. I try to support electronic sports in Poland as hard as I can.

Q: Can you tell us something about how PGS decided to pick up a call of duty 4 team? as one of the first real big clans to take cod4 in, you are some kind of shining signal example. do you see much potential in the game? will other teams like MYM or sk follow the trend in your opinion?
A: We were talking with zoom in the past about Quake III division. We didn't achieve agreement because of so many strange things going on Q3 scene. However, as soon as we have found out about zooms team in Call of Duty 4 we started to think about a new team in our organization. We where given bios of all squad members. Players who formed the team weren't unknown. They played games like Q3, AA or earlier parts of CoD on professional level. You can find lists of their achievements at our web site. And finally we decided to take them on the board.

The game, in my opinion, is brilliant. Extremely dynamic fight between two teams. It's easy to notice that Activision programmers took many things from the most popular esport titles. There are few things missing or needs to be improved but still the game has enormous potential. When you start playing you can't stop. I was sure that I won't find a game forcing me to play. Call of Duty 4 did.

The Future of CoD4 scene depends mainly on Activision. New patches made with help of professional gamers should make CoD 4 even better then it is now. As I said there is enormous potential in this game. Now it has to be used properly. I'm not afraid to say that CoD4 is the the first good game from a long time. What's more, we need new titles because we are still playing the same games. Counter-Strike, Warcraft, Starcraft, Need for Speed, Fifa all the time. If people keep on playing CoD we will have big tournaments with great prize pot. In Poland we already have CoD4 professional league ? Heyah Logitech Cybersport.

Q: Did you play call of duty 4 yourself and do you see any advantages compared to the direct rival "counterstrike"? will cod4 make counterstrike fade away from the throne of teamshooter-games slowly?
A: I think that the whole competition between CoD and Cs is strange. There are many players connected with Countetr-Strike for years and I don't think they will change the platform just like that. Maybe those who didn't have any achievements will but not pros. In Poland, for example, many CoD players, earlier played games like ET: Quake Wars, AA etc.. But what is unbelievable I also met my friends from Wc3 scene playing.

There will be the same situation when Blizzard will release Star craft 2. I'm curious if all programmers who sacrificed their life to Starcraft will switch to SC2 without problems and any doubts. Maybe we will be watching Starcraft and Starcraft2 matches at the same time?

Counter-Strike still is the most popular game ever. All the time we hear people saying that end of CS is close. And what we see? CS is number one without any doubts. Valve itself tried to make some new CS-like titles (CS:S CS:CZ) but the weren't popular. Maybe because of that CS players will try to find something new.

I hope that Call of Duty will become as popular as Counter-Strike. Confrontation of this title is unavoidable. Both have nearly the same rules. I don't know how CoD will look as a tournament game, but it's worth checking. If I could I would play all days but I have so many activities each day that it's impossible.

Q: What does PGS expect from the team and wish for the time of call of duty 4?
A: Of course I wish them to became the best in Poland, then the best in Europe and in the end the best in the World. It's like in real sport. If you don't believe in yourself and your capabilities you won't achieve anything. You have to step by step achieve your goals. You have to believe, that you are able to win with better than you. Hard work and proper attitude is what you need to become successful.

If you asked someone from Poland about this team you would hear laugh. People think that it is the biggest mistake we have ever made. Our new team is stranger to the other Polish CoD teams because it appeared from nowhere. There is no love between PGS CoD4 players and other teams in our country.

Some anonymous people send screens with score from pcw of our team, to show us how weak they are. But nearly always it's like score after first quarter on the easier side. We had many situations like this. We will show what we can in official tournaments. We have to remember that we play under big pressure. After parting ways with CS we have more haters than ever. Only few people still support us. I would like to thanks all our staff members for their hard work.

I'm really sad that no matter what we do (winning, losing, making charity) there are always people who will flame us. For weeks we are under attack of pseudo media and teams which names won't tell you anything. Using not confirmed informations and lieing they create false image of PGS among young people in Poland. We wont fight with them or deny gossips. We will just show them that they are wrong.

Q: Do you think cod4 has a realistic chance to get picked for the WCG 2008 in cologne/germany?
A: I don't know the how the games are picked exactly because I don't believe it's only the pool at WCG site. Some time ago we were shown the list of ESWC games. CoD4 isn't there. However, if we notice that tournament games are produced by EA, Blizzard and Microsoft and add the fact that Activision is connected with Blizzard, CoD4 has chance to became WCG game. Activison game, Tony Hawk's, has been played on World Cyber Games last year so the company has some experience.

From the list of games, apart from CS, CoD4 has the biggest chance. The only danger, in my opinion, is Unreal, which was game of WCG between 2001-2004, and maybe Halo 3, played at WCG in years 2003-2005 and which is like a cult in US.

Nästa att bli intervjuad var spelaren, Polen Michal "zoom" Broniewski
image164"Q: Zoom, please introduce yourself and/or your team to the readers.
A: Hi. My name is Michal Broniewski and I live in southern part of Poland in city called Gliwice. I'm studying pedagogics and I'm big football fan. If you would like to check our achievements you should visit the team section at our web site www.pgs-gaming.pl.

Q: What are your experiences with the call of duty series. have you played it ever since or did u switch to cod4 from another game since a lot of players did not hear from the actual PGS team before.
A: I wish CoD4 will become so popular as Quake III or Counter-Strike. To make my dreams come true the scene needs sponsors and big tournaments like ESWC, which will help to increase popularity of the latest Infinity Ward child. From our team only huron played in previous parts of CoD, rest of us played Q3 or Americas Army like jzk.

Q: What do you expect from cod4, regarding competitions and chances to grow and perhaps become more successful than counterstrike.
A: Hmm, I'd like to have as much pleasure playing CoD4 as I had playing Q3. I also hope that the scene will become as big as the Quake3 one. Whats more, I wish that there will be many tournaments and that organizations like ESWC will become interested in Call of Duty. Although I don't think that CoD will become more popular than Counter-Strike. Cs has 'something' that forces people to still play it.

Q: do you think cod4 has a realistic chance to get picked for the WCG 2008 in cologne/germany?
A: If the game creators will take care of their child, CoD has big chances to become WCG game.

Q: Please tell us a bit about your attitude towards the different set of rules that are used. there has been quite some rumors about changing them during the last weeks. As it seems now settings without perks have been more dominant. do you prefer perks on/off?
A: It's hard to say if the game is better with perks or without them. In fact it was created with perks so it means something. I think there should be overal rules for all competitions.

Q: Is the cod-scene in poland growing as fast as in the other countries? there have been several good teams in cod1/2 in poland, but the amount of talented teams was not to compare with netherlands, germany, uk. will the polish scene be strong in call of duty 4?
A: I don't want to talk about the Polish scene. Whats more I don't want to have anything in common with it. PGS will be playing more 'abroad' than on our backyard.

Q: Since you have a strong organization behind you now, what are your plans for the future. any lans already booked, or are you guys still preparing for the "great assault" on leagues and tournaments?
A: I'd like to thank PGSPokerStrategy.com for support and giving us a chance. So far we practice a lot, because we want to catch up with top teams as soon as possible. If there are any lans in future you will probably see us there.

Text of wall.. men intressant läsning för den som är intresserad av e-Sport tycker jag..

#pgs.cod4 @ QNet.



Efter att man av någon anledning ändrat i CODQCUP-schemat och spelade finalen redan igår hamnade Koddblogg på lite hal is och missade att rapportera om det hela. Finalen kom i vilket fall som helst att spelas mellan CoD2-giganten Europa Tek-9 och tyskarna som vart mer kända för att vara "online-only" än något annat - Tyskland THE6DEVILS.

image161I och med att THE6DEVILS kom från WB behövde man endast vinna en karta för att vinna totalt men Tek-9 började bra och vann enkelt mp_crossfire med 13-4. THE6DEVILS visade dock aldrig några nerver på sin mp_crash där det vart 13-9 till tyskarna och totalt lycka i München kan tänkas..

Ryssland Andreas "flie" Rhein
Tyskland Andre "iFEARdilemma!" Merzinsky
Tyskland Burak "Mokai" Bolat
Tyskland Turgut "Respawn" Yildiz
Tyskland Volkan "thundeR" Kocakahya

Mest minnesvärt från finalen var kanske Davy's fina ace på mp_crash som kommer här..

Belgien Tek9|Davy vs. Tyskland THE6DEVILS - mp_crash - CODQCUP-finalen

Chefen vill passa på att gratta THE6DEVILS till en välförtjänt seger men inför nästa gång hoppas vi på Sverige såklart!


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