Tyskt Toppmöte *
Om 10 minuter (23:00, 18/2) är det dags för final i ESL Cup Series, en tysk cup som pågått i hela tre månader. I finalen så är det THE6DEVILS som möter nGize på mp_crossfire, så mycket bra action är garanterad.
Lineup T6D:
Lineup nGize:
THE6DEVILS befäste sin position som tysklands bästa onlinelag efter att man besegrade nGize med 13-10 i en match som innehöll slappa tyska kommentatorer, snygga frags, massvis med nadekills och dessvärre även någon Red Dot.
Lineup T6D:
Lineup nGize:
THE6DEVILS befäste sin position som tysklands bästa onlinelag efter att man besegrade nGize med 13-10 i en match som innehöll slappa tyska kommentatorer, snygga frags, massvis med nadekills och dessvärre även någon Red Dot.
Mer bilder från Roskilde
Skadade toker, manager i Fnatic som vart tvungen att stanna hemma från träningslägret i Roskilde har i sin blogg på Fnatic.com postat ytterligare några bilder från förberedelserna inför CDC4 med VAE, Roskilde Ravens och Team Infinity. För bilder tagna av VAE, klicka här (eller scrolla neråt).
"Here I am, at home. The guys are at a bootcamp hosted by roskilde e-sport. I was supposed to tag along, but my busted rib made me stay at home. Bummer.
I got ahold of a lot of pictures from the bootcamp, here's some favourites I've picked out of the fnatic COD4 team."
"Here I am, at home. The guys are at a bootcamp hosted by roskilde e-sport. I was supposed to tag along, but my busted rib made me stay at home. Bummer.
I got ahold of a lot of pictures from the bootcamp, here's some favourites I've picked out of the fnatic COD4 team."
dfiance tillbaka med full lineup
Äntligen! Ja, visst är det härligt, för efter ett uppehåll av dramat på den belgiska scenen händer äntligen något. dfiance som så nyligen som 3 dagar sedan utannonserade att de säljer sina CDC4-biljetter (läs mer här) har nu fått ihop en full lineup igen. Nu kanske man skulle tro att detta innebär att de kommer att deltaga men tji fick vi. Laget är ännu inte redo och siktar istället på i33. De nya är främst hämtade från nu nerlagda Fture vars framtid således är rätt död..
Uttalande från qure:
"After Restyle leaving for L3, quM losing interest in the team and so on, I was forced to let dfiance undergo some serious changes. Together with my fellow teammate Wannes (Shooze) I searched for some decent Belgian subs for our losses, and I can surely say I found them.
Together with Martijn (Wils), Jente (niZ), Angelo (shakota) and Glenn (dweepz) I'm sure we can slowly get on top of the CoD4 scene. We will need time, but I noticed some potential in this team and it's a bunch of nice guys.
We won't attend Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 because this was too quick for some of us who made other plans. We're hoping to attend i33."
dfiance 6-manna lineup:
Nu återstår det bara att se hur länge dessa grabbar kan hålla ihop. Bets are on!
Cadred.org (källa)
Uttalande från qure:
"After Restyle leaving for L3, quM losing interest in the team and so on, I was forced to let dfiance undergo some serious changes. Together with my fellow teammate Wannes (Shooze) I searched for some decent Belgian subs for our losses, and I can surely say I found them.
Together with Martijn (Wils), Jente (niZ), Angelo (shakota) and Glenn (dweepz) I'm sure we can slowly get on top of the CoD4 scene. We will need time, but I noticed some potential in this team and it's a bunch of nice guys.
We won't attend Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 because this was too quick for some of us who made other plans. We're hoping to attend i33."
dfiance 6-manna lineup:
Nu återstår det bara att se hur länge dessa grabbar kan hålla ihop. Bets are on!
Cadred.org (källa)
Doktorerna går med i EG
Och nej, jag pratar inte om något läkarförbund som gått med i föregångaren till EU utan det handlar sjävfallet om amerikanska oldschool-laget The Doctors som gått med i Team Evil Geniuses (EG). Det hör inte till vardagen att Koddblogg rapporterar från andra sidan det där stora vattenområdet till vänster på kartan men när The Doctors, som vart kända som Team 3D i CoD1 rör på sig känns det givet att ta upp. Bakom Team EG står företag såsom Intel, Razer, ABIT och Stoked Energy för att nämna några och med stor backning från sina sponsorer hoppas man nog nu att kunna ta sig över till Europa för att deltaga på events och visst vore det spännande att se amerikaner in action mot våra europeiska hjältar.
Ägarna uttalar sig:
"The Doctors are the ultimate multi-gamers. Their accomplishments in Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, Painkiller, and Quake speak for themselves; this is truly a special, unique group of individuals," said EG Executive Director Alex Garfield. "We knew from the beginning that if EG was going to venture into COD4, we wanted The Doctors. It's an honor to welcome this group."
Och självklart säger även lagledaren wombat några väl valda ord:
"We are thrilled that Alex and Team EG have given us this opportunity to represent their team on the Call of Duty front," added team captain Mark Larsen. "Thanks to EG we now have the necessary support to attend future LAN events we were previously unable to afford. We look forward to having a long and successful stay with EG!"
Hetaste lineupen i Bush-land:
Mark "wombat" Larsen (Team Captain)
Chris "ntt" Gillett
Ted "w!$eGUy" Georgoudakis
Robert "rob-wiz" Kennedy
Casey "maven" Capp
GotFrag.com (källa)
Ägarna uttalar sig:
"The Doctors are the ultimate multi-gamers. Their accomplishments in Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, Painkiller, and Quake speak for themselves; this is truly a special, unique group of individuals," said EG Executive Director Alex Garfield. "We knew from the beginning that if EG was going to venture into COD4, we wanted The Doctors. It's an honor to welcome this group."
Och självklart säger även lagledaren wombat några väl valda ord:
"We are thrilled that Alex and Team EG have given us this opportunity to represent their team on the Call of Duty front," added team captain Mark Larsen. "Thanks to EG we now have the necessary support to attend future LAN events we were previously unable to afford. We look forward to having a long and successful stay with EG!"
Hetaste lineupen i Bush-land:
Mark "wombat" Larsen (Team Captain)
Chris "ntt" Gillett
Ted "w!$eGUy" Georgoudakis
Robert "rob-wiz" Kennedy
Casey "maven" Capp
GotFrag.com (källa)
Lagpresentation: h2o
Jag tänker inte låtsas som att jag känner till de här killarna så... Det gör jag inte. Vad jag kunde läsa utav deras hemsida var att dom verkar ha spelat ihop ett bra tag och kanske är det här framtidens superlag, kanske inte. Vi får helt enkelt se, men här har ni iallafall h2o!
Statement here2own:
We are happy to announce to you our first new lineup; this lineup will be fighting in the Call of Duty 4 community to show everyone what here2own is all about. Formerly known as "Secret Eskimo Spy Service (sess)" (which was already a team filled with some old members), they will now be fighting once again to the top in their home clan!
Tek-9.org (källa)
Statement here2own:
We are happy to announce to you our first new lineup; this lineup will be fighting in the Call of Duty 4 community to show everyone what here2own is all about. Formerly known as "Secret Eskimo Spy Service (sess)" (which was already a team filled with some old members), they will now be fighting once again to the top in their home clan!
Tek-9.org (källa)
Level7 is a go
Finska LAN:et Level7 har just annonserat grupperna och jag hade hoppats att bland alla dessa blåvita flaggor skulle det sticka fram en eller två Svenska. Så är inte fallet då RDY4 och Ministry of Defence inte har betalat avgiften för LAN:et i tid och därför inte får åka.
Turneringen kommer att pågå i två dagar med start den 8:e Mars och schemat verkar vara rätt så intensivt då matcher kommer att spelas sent in på natten den första dagen. Hur ska dom då ha tid för koskenkorvan?
SK-Gaming (Källa)
Turneringen kommer att pågå i två dagar med start den 8:e Mars och schemat verkar vara rätt så intensivt då matcher kommer att spelas sent in på natten den första dagen. Hur ska dom då ha tid för koskenkorvan?
Grupp A Emprisa station57 Team Turpo Thunder.Gaming ZenGarden | Grupp C Epsilon eSports thrice Team konna kooma247 |
Grupp B FAP Afterlife dtekt eSports Team Codename.fi Pelottomat | Grupp D Logitech.fi k1ck TITANS WHOIS? |
SK-Gaming (Källa)
Team Evergreen foldar
För en tid sedan skrev jag om hur Team Evergreen föddes ur löftesbrytana Team ZYKON (läs om det här). Sedan dess har det varit tyst runt laget men nu meddlar Team Evergreen att de helt lägger ner laget. Detta på grund av att m4x måste sluta spela då skolan kallar (pfft) och dessa tyskar verkar vara lagom impulsiva i sina beslut. De säljer alltså sina biljetter till CDC4 och kommer inte längre att spela tillsammans.
maYer berättar för babelfish:
to the conclusion it was not simply any longer enough. Since m4x stops now because of the school and did not run per cent approximately anyway it with us no more 100, we have us decided the team to dissolve
#evergreen @ QNet
maYer berättar för babelfish:
to the conclusion it was not simply any longer enough. Since m4x stops now because of the school and did not run per cent approximately anyway it with us no more 100, we have us decided the team to dissolve
#evergreen @ QNet
xcite.uk söker nytt hem
CODQCUPs största överaskning xcite.uk, efter en tids dålig support nu lämnar xcite för att hitta en annan, mer stödjande organisation. Samtidigt meddelar laget att dom ersätter fatal med xtctje (tidigare Powerhouse Gaming) och impreZ som nyligen blev petad från zeroPoint.
Laget har temporärt tagit namnet mgl, antagligen som en indukator på att dom söker multi-gaming-nånting och de bör inte ha några större problem med att hitta ett nytt hem med tanke på vilka starka insatser de stod för i CODQCUP mot Logitech.fi och nEophyte.
wizinium förklarar:
Well, after discussions within the team, we decided to leave xciteuk. We felt they didnt support us in the way we wanted and so have had to split with them in order to move on. We are currently looking for a new mutligaming clan who we can work closely with and i hope they can provide us with what we need. I would like to thank xciteuk for all they have done for us, especially mixa, deek, dmg and dr.gonzo <3
mgl:s första fem
Tek-9.org (Källa)
#multig @ QNet
Laget har temporärt tagit namnet mgl, antagligen som en indukator på att dom söker multi-gaming-nånting och de bör inte ha några större problem med att hitta ett nytt hem med tanke på vilka starka insatser de stod för i CODQCUP mot Logitech.fi och nEophyte.
wizinium förklarar:
Well, after discussions within the team, we decided to leave xciteuk. We felt they didnt support us in the way we wanted and so have had to split with them in order to move on. We are currently looking for a new mutligaming clan who we can work closely with and i hope they can provide us with what we need. I would like to thank xciteuk for all they have done for us, especially mixa, deek, dmg and dr.gonzo <3
mgl:s första fem
Tek-9.org (Källa)
#multig @ QNet
Nya Packard Bell-laget intervjuat
För bara några dagar sedan (läs mer här) presenterades en spännande satsning i Packard Bell. Laget som kom från ingenstans till att få en stark sponsor bakom sig har allt sedan dess och det är inte många som blivit direkt imponerade av vad de sett hittills. Nu är det dock så att det här laget satsar även på lång sikt och med tanke på att deras lineup inte innehåller överdrivet många gamla brittiska CoD-egos så ser det ändå förhållandevis positivt ut. För vad är egentligen bäst, ett 4kings som har samma lineup i max 2 matcher (det vill säga, tills de förlorar 1) eller ett Packard Bell som faktiskt håller ihop trots att de suger nu i början?
CrossFire.nu intervjuar lagledare YoMma:
"Q: So you have known Payne and Junior since you were 11 (start of secondary school) and you are now 21. That's quite along time to have known 2 of your team mates. You have also known Wakko since i23 and known Hunter since i27. Do you think that after knowing and spending so much time with a lot of your team mates pre-Packard Bell will provide a secure basis for your team and it's future together?
A: Well that's been our aim with this for a long time. The UK scene, as everyone will attest, is rife with line-up changes, in house bickering and a general lack of harmony. Our aim is to buck the trend and settle on the most stable lineup we can. It certainly helps when your teammates are people you know very well and can trust. There will always be something that can affect even the most stable line-ups, but we have tried to minimize that and create a line-up as stable as we can and stick with it for the long term.
Q: It has been announced that you and your team will receive a free new wickedly specked out computer courtesy of Packard Bell. That shows a great deal of confidence and investment in the team. Do you feel any pressure to perform and get the results whilst under the Packard Bell name?
A: An important part of playing is not being under too much pressure. It's been made clear to us that we aren't under any pressure or unneccessary duress and we can focus on our game. The PCs will be a great boost to the side because it will allow people to raise their game using a machine that is stable and with much greater power than some of us are used to. It is a nice investment, and certainly one we appreciate. But of course, we couldn't really be Team Packard Bell if we didn't use Packard Bell machines! Sponsors have to have the exposure they need, it's all part of the business.
Q: What are the long term and short term goals for team Packard Bell Cod4?
A: In the short term, our focus is on CLUK19 and i33 and we're putting our energy into those two events at the moment. In the long term, our focus is on keeping the team together and keeping the team active and playing. There's no use in practicing for a LAN, playing at the LAN, doing well only to go inactive after it and waste a lot of hard work."
Hela intervjun går att finna:
På CrossFire.nu
CrossFire.nu intervjuar lagledare YoMma:
"Q: So you have known Payne and Junior since you were 11 (start of secondary school) and you are now 21. That's quite along time to have known 2 of your team mates. You have also known Wakko since i23 and known Hunter since i27. Do you think that after knowing and spending so much time with a lot of your team mates pre-Packard Bell will provide a secure basis for your team and it's future together?
A: Well that's been our aim with this for a long time. The UK scene, as everyone will attest, is rife with line-up changes, in house bickering and a general lack of harmony. Our aim is to buck the trend and settle on the most stable lineup we can. It certainly helps when your teammates are people you know very well and can trust. There will always be something that can affect even the most stable line-ups, but we have tried to minimize that and create a line-up as stable as we can and stick with it for the long term.
Q: It has been announced that you and your team will receive a free new wickedly specked out computer courtesy of Packard Bell. That shows a great deal of confidence and investment in the team. Do you feel any pressure to perform and get the results whilst under the Packard Bell name?
A: An important part of playing is not being under too much pressure. It's been made clear to us that we aren't under any pressure or unneccessary duress and we can focus on our game. The PCs will be a great boost to the side because it will allow people to raise their game using a machine that is stable and with much greater power than some of us are used to. It is a nice investment, and certainly one we appreciate. But of course, we couldn't really be Team Packard Bell if we didn't use Packard Bell machines! Sponsors have to have the exposure they need, it's all part of the business.
Q: What are the long term and short term goals for team Packard Bell Cod4?
A: In the short term, our focus is on CLUK19 and i33 and we're putting our energy into those two events at the moment. In the long term, our focus is on keeping the team together and keeping the team active and playing. There's no use in practicing for a LAN, playing at the LAN, doing well only to go inactive after it and waste a lot of hard work."
Hela intervjun går att finna:
På CrossFire.nu
Fnatic & VAE på bootcamp: bildbeviset
Som nu ingen kan ha undgått är våra svenska hjältar i Fnatic och Vicious and Evil är på bootcamp i Danmark tillsammans med Roskilde Ravens och Team Infinity. Nu har vi fått första bildbeviset från det och visst ser det ut som att gubbarna kämpar hårt?!
Samtliga bilder är hämtade från ViciousAndEvil.com:
vae-LOKE och RR`frijec i rapport från Roskilde
Nu börjar det strömma in rapporteringar från det svensk-danska träningslägret i Roskilde. Igår skrev jag om mintRs blogg (läs mer här, eller scrolla några centimeter neråt) och idag är det dags för två nya ansikten..
Först ut, vae-LOKE:
"When everyone had gathered up in Malmo and we started our trip towards Roskilde we had ALOT of troubles finding the bridge so we could cross to Denmark. First we followed the sign but the signs were evil stopped appearing so we had to call toppe and ask for directions. It took along while but finally we found that oversized bridge and payed the tull and went abroad. Well in Denmark we were even more lost and the clock was around 1 o'clock. So we called frijec and asked what way we should take and he said "just follow the Roskilde signs...". To find to Roskilde was not so hard, I think we took the wrong way but we found it. But now we ended up in another maze, we were lost yer again.
So we called frijec and asked for his help and we tried to follow his advice but we did not find the LAN centre anyway. So we called him again, and got lost again, so we called him again and then we got lost.
We never found the right street, and I know poeple use to say "every road leads to Rome", and I can say that they can't be more wrong. Every road leads to that fucking Domkirken!
After a while of driving around trying to find the way we called the other dane, woomzy. So woomzy met us at the solcentre and we squeesed in to the car and he showed us the way. We started the next day with some gaming and then we looked up a place to eat, so we ate and then we stooked up on energy drinks and went back to the LANing area.
When everyone was here we started to play and we orderd in some food from some random restaurant, and here's a typ: Don't order in shish kebab when you are in Denmark. From here on we have only been geeking us through the night and the morning, when we went out for lunch we walked a long while trying to find McDonalds but we did not. Shocking, huh. But for dinner, we got our McDonalds food and as always its to much fucking ice in the coke, to much salt on the fries, and some disgusting cuecomber on the burger but aside from that it was quite good. We are going to keep playing and I am going to miss out on alot of honor-grinding in wow. I know, it sucks huh, but as always I do anything for my teammates."
Och så såklart även RR`frijec:
"Bootcamping Chronicles
After a few weeks of planning and general conversations, it was finally time for our long awaited bootcamp with fnatic, VAE and infinity. Both of the swedish team arrived by car, and apparently the GPS aint invented in Sweden. So after 2 teams driving the wrong way, we finally got them coordinated towards Roskilde.
It wasnt hard for them to get settled in, they just picked a room to sleep in at the house and a table to play from. Although some of the computers were rather locked to test out a new ghost, there havent been any real problems. Most of the friday we spend playing fnatic on all the maps in the mappool, so when we finally was done for the night we were too tired to play the others. I think we all crashed around 3am, and we planned to all get up around 11am and get ready to play all day.
We got up around 10-11am because it was kinda hard to sleep anymore for some reason, it might the nice mixture of candy and redbull we all injected throughout the evening. So we spend like an hour or 2 talking and playing other games before we went into real hard praccing. Today we played VAE and infinity on most of the maps with a few breaks in between and after that, we needed a serious amount of tweaking of our tactics. That took some time but it turned out really well. So after some dinner and a little fun time, we were up for another round of fnatic. So far this has been the best bootcamp I've ever had in any game, everyone is having a really great time and I'm glad we're all getting along so well. So after around 14 hours of praccing, it was finally time for some drinking! (vae.Loke rules btw, but not his driving)."
Tek-9.org (frijecs blogg)
Först ut, vae-LOKE:
"When everyone had gathered up in Malmo and we started our trip towards Roskilde we had ALOT of troubles finding the bridge so we could cross to Denmark. First we followed the sign but the signs were evil stopped appearing so we had to call toppe and ask for directions. It took along while but finally we found that oversized bridge and payed the tull and went abroad. Well in Denmark we were even more lost and the clock was around 1 o'clock. So we called frijec and asked what way we should take and he said "just follow the Roskilde signs...". To find to Roskilde was not so hard, I think we took the wrong way but we found it. But now we ended up in another maze, we were lost yer again.
So we called frijec and asked for his help and we tried to follow his advice but we did not find the LAN centre anyway. So we called him again, and got lost again, so we called him again and then we got lost.
We never found the right street, and I know poeple use to say "every road leads to Rome", and I can say that they can't be more wrong. Every road leads to that fucking Domkirken!
After a while of driving around trying to find the way we called the other dane, woomzy. So woomzy met us at the solcentre and we squeesed in to the car and he showed us the way. We started the next day with some gaming and then we looked up a place to eat, so we ate and then we stooked up on energy drinks and went back to the LANing area.
When everyone was here we started to play and we orderd in some food from some random restaurant, and here's a typ: Don't order in shish kebab when you are in Denmark. From here on we have only been geeking us through the night and the morning, when we went out for lunch we walked a long while trying to find McDonalds but we did not. Shocking, huh. But for dinner, we got our McDonalds food and as always its to much fucking ice in the coke, to much salt on the fries, and some disgusting cuecomber on the burger but aside from that it was quite good. We are going to keep playing and I am going to miss out on alot of honor-grinding in wow. I know, it sucks huh, but as always I do anything for my teammates."
Och så såklart även RR`frijec:
"Bootcamping Chronicles
After a few weeks of planning and general conversations, it was finally time for our long awaited bootcamp with fnatic, VAE and infinity. Both of the swedish team arrived by car, and apparently the GPS aint invented in Sweden. So after 2 teams driving the wrong way, we finally got them coordinated towards Roskilde.
It wasnt hard for them to get settled in, they just picked a room to sleep in at the house and a table to play from. Although some of the computers were rather locked to test out a new ghost, there havent been any real problems. Most of the friday we spend playing fnatic on all the maps in the mappool, so when we finally was done for the night we were too tired to play the others. I think we all crashed around 3am, and we planned to all get up around 11am and get ready to play all day.
We got up around 10-11am because it was kinda hard to sleep anymore for some reason, it might the nice mixture of candy and redbull we all injected throughout the evening. So we spend like an hour or 2 talking and playing other games before we went into real hard praccing. Today we played VAE and infinity on most of the maps with a few breaks in between and after that, we needed a serious amount of tweaking of our tactics. That took some time but it turned out really well. So after some dinner and a little fun time, we were up for another round of fnatic. So far this has been the best bootcamp I've ever had in any game, everyone is having a really great time and I'm glad we're all getting along so well. So after around 14 hours of praccing, it was finally time for some drinking! (vae.Loke rules btw, but not his driving)."
Tek-9.org (frijecs blogg)
mintR bloggar från Danmark
Precis som tidigare utlovat (läs mer här) kommer här mer bloggande från mintR. Han är som bekant i Danmark med sitt Fnatic på bootcamp med Roskilde Ravens, Vicious and Evil och Team Infinity. Tack och väl så låter det som om allt går bra, pizza till middag, hamburgare till frukost - vad mer kan man begära?
Saxat från mintRs blogg:
"No time to waste, we ordered pizza online and sat down to prep our computers, after sayin hello to all the people here, eventhough we knew most of them allready. The place we're at has 5 tables set up with 6 computers at each table.
We spent the first night playing vs Roskilde and after that we all crashed in a room and slept till the next day, which is today. We didn't get up again untill after 12 sometime I was still fealing beat."
Chefen ser nu fram emot nästa uppdatering som borde innehålla lite roliga bilder från tillställningen!
Läs vidare:
mintRs blogg på Fnatic.com
Saxat från mintRs blogg:
"No time to waste, we ordered pizza online and sat down to prep our computers, after sayin hello to all the people here, eventhough we knew most of them allready. The place we're at has 5 tables set up with 6 computers at each table.
We spent the first night playing vs Roskilde and after that we all crashed in a room and slept till the next day, which is today. We didn't get up again untill after 12 sometime I was still fealing beat."
Chefen ser nu fram emot nästa uppdatering som borde innehålla lite roliga bilder från tillställningen!
Läs vidare:
mintRs blogg på Fnatic.com
ESL Major Series påminnelse
Såhär i dagarna när det råder torka på CoD4-nyheter kommer här en liten påminnelse. Om lite drygt 24 timmar (söndag 23:59, 17/2) stänger signups för något bortglömda ESL Major Series, EMS (läs mer här). Hittills har endast 3 lag signat upp sig för det svenska kvalet och dessa är Rawkstar, One2 och Vicious and Evil och det finns således plats för många fler. Och med tanke på att den svenska scenen faktiskt börjar växa sig ganska så förhållandevis stor borde det inte vara några svårigheter att fylla kvalet.
Prispotten för er som förträngt den:
750 euro
450 euro
300 euro
Visserligen lär ingen se fram emot att få använda ESL-versionen av PAM som fortsatt inte hängt med i utvecklingen, men det kanske man kan ha överseende med då ett svenskt kval skulle innebära ytterligare en svensk mini-turnering och det är aldrig fel. För att deltaga behöver man således 3/5 spelare i sin lineup från Sverige så se nu till att registrera er så Koddblogg får mer att skriva om!
EMS - det svenska kvalet
Mer info om EMS
EMS - officiell nyhet
dfiance droppar från CDC4
Ett av de starkaste namnen i Belgien, dfiance kommer inte att deltaga på det kommande lanet CDC4, detta efter problem med sin lineup. I och med detta så väljer man att på sin hemsida utannonsera de 5 biljetter man betalat för. Så har du helt plötsligt fått lite pengar över så finns det 5 biljetter, värda 40 euro styck lediga.
dfiance ledare qure berättar:
"Because some issues we're unable to attend Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 in Enschede, the Netherlands. With not seeing the use of attending the event with a mixteam (which is impossible to fund by sponsors, because it is a mixteam) we are forced to sell our ticket for the CDC4 event at the weekend of 29 February.
With this newspost I'm hoping to find a team or mix who is willing to buy our ticket to the event.
We have payed for 5 persons:
5 persons x 40 euros each : 200 euros.
If you are interested please contact me by mail at management [at] dfiance.org or msn tinusvdv [at] gmail.com"
Att drömma om ytterligare ett svenskt lag på CDC4 är för mycket att hoppas på va?
FPSGaming intervjuar: Cuts
FPSGamings välgörenhetscup närmar sig med stormsteg (läs mer om den här) och för lag som fortsatt inte signat upp sig börjar det bli dags nu. Inför denna turnering fortsätter FPSGaming att intervjua de deltagande lagen, sist ut i raden är svenska Cuts and Bruises som inte siktar på att bli ett topplag, men likväl bli respekterade inom communityn för annat.
Copy-paste från intervjun:
"Q: Tell us about Your (clan) background and how you first started
A: Cuts and Bruises started up in September 2006. The COD4 squad are mainly from Cuts and Bruises, but we also got Mahido from our former BF2 brother clan Men of Honor and Gretchin, the RTS player, who had no idea what he was signing up for ;D
Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: We are well aware of the fact that we never going to be a world top clan (apart from Mahido, who think he will bring the team there by himself) but we have a winning heart. All of us want to play as good as we can and hopefully be a respected clan within the community, both for our manners, our cute faces and every now and then give a good fight.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: Right now we are focusing on playing as much as we can, sneaking and lurking out the feeling of it all. It takes a while for us, but I think we will get there. So practice practice practice is the main word right now. Further more we are playing the SAAW league in Div 2B and we are trying to join cups like this one to gain experience. The future, hm well, one thing is sertant and that we all love the game and we love playing it. I don't think you gonna see us as the next CODQCUP winners, but I really hope that other teams will say in there future, "Cuts, that's a nice bunch, friendly and they really can fight if the put their minds to it". We will continue to fight, practice and gain experience."
Cuts and Bruises lineup:
System (Team Captain)
Cuts hemsida
#cutsandbruises @ QNet.
Hela intervjun på FPSGaming.se
DailyCOD intervjuar: MY|mow
För inte alls så längesedan valde MYteam att lägga CoD4 på hyllan (läs mer här) trots att man var ett utav de bästa i europa. Beskedet om deras nedläggning kom lite utav en överaskning och just därför har DailyCOD valt att intervjua mow som var den starkast lysande stjärnan i laget.
Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: Let's dig deeper into the recent move, the ending of MYTEAM. What was the main reason?
A: Well, basicly it all happened by one reason, ill explain. When you play games online, you play for fun BUT when I play something I wanna be the best in it or else I consider it pointless to play, its an way of acting in life and honestly after playing for 5/6 years I want to get something in reward for playing, something that ive never had in all these years, so when you stop having fun you only keep playing if you get rewarded and when you don't, you quit. Me and dev think the same way and we have a long chat about this and about our lifes in the future and thats when we realised it wasn't worth it to keep playing at such a high level.
Q: Does living in Portugal affect your decision? Does it make it any harder to find actual support or getting into top teams?
A: Yes, grand part of the decision was because gaming in Portugal is not really developed yet. There aren't many teams that I consider at a professional level and the ones that are can't give you the support if you want to be the best in your game, because you can only be the best if you compete at the highest level online and offline, if you don't get any support to attend offline events its impossible for you to do anything 'big'.
Q: Any last tips you can give your fellow gamers?
A: Factors to become the best: high level experience, losing multiple times till reaching 'perfection', motivation, dedication, talent (if you don't have it you may just quit now) and must important factor, be the leader of a team, for me its the biggest and best experience you can get from gaming, to learn how to 'command' a team of 5 players in a game, the need to think for 5 people and to lead 5 players to victory, it really develops you skillwise."
Personligen tycker jag det är konstigt att man skyller på att man bland annat la ner på grund av att man inte blev anlönad för sitt slit. För CoD4 är fortsatt nytt och med den ljusa framtiden spelet har framför sig finns det ingen anledning att inte tro att MYteam skulle ha fått bra backning inom sin tid, förutsatt att de fortsatt på samma nivå som tidigare.
Läs hela intervjun:
På DailyCOD.com
Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: Let's dig deeper into the recent move, the ending of MYTEAM. What was the main reason?
A: Well, basicly it all happened by one reason, ill explain. When you play games online, you play for fun BUT when I play something I wanna be the best in it or else I consider it pointless to play, its an way of acting in life and honestly after playing for 5/6 years I want to get something in reward for playing, something that ive never had in all these years, so when you stop having fun you only keep playing if you get rewarded and when you don't, you quit. Me and dev think the same way and we have a long chat about this and about our lifes in the future and thats when we realised it wasn't worth it to keep playing at such a high level.
Q: Does living in Portugal affect your decision? Does it make it any harder to find actual support or getting into top teams?
A: Yes, grand part of the decision was because gaming in Portugal is not really developed yet. There aren't many teams that I consider at a professional level and the ones that are can't give you the support if you want to be the best in your game, because you can only be the best if you compete at the highest level online and offline, if you don't get any support to attend offline events its impossible for you to do anything 'big'.
Q: Any last tips you can give your fellow gamers?
A: Factors to become the best: high level experience, losing multiple times till reaching 'perfection', motivation, dedication, talent (if you don't have it you may just quit now) and must important factor, be the leader of a team, for me its the biggest and best experience you can get from gaming, to learn how to 'command' a team of 5 players in a game, the need to think for 5 people and to lead 5 players to victory, it really develops you skillwise."
Personligen tycker jag det är konstigt att man skyller på att man bland annat la ner på grund av att man inte blev anlönad för sitt slit. För CoD4 är fortsatt nytt och med den ljusa framtiden spelet har framför sig finns det ingen anledning att inte tro att MYteam skulle ha fått bra backning inom sin tid, förutsatt att de fortsatt på samma nivå som tidigare.
Läs hela intervjun:
På DailyCOD.com
Fritt fram för gunsway och sniper-fix
För några timmar sedan vart det klart. Gunsway och sniper-fixen - skapad av chandler som jag skrivit om tidigare (läs mer här) kommer att användas på CDC4 och ska ses som en del av Crossfires ruleset. Utöver Crossfire är det även mycket nära att ClanBase kommer införa denna fix och därmed får vi en standard som måste ses som rätt självklar då den åtgärdar en ganska kraftig bugg i vårt kära CoD4.
Morg, CoD4-ansvarig på CDC4 skriver:
"Its pretty simple, the ruleset will be the same as the previous Crossfire ruleset appart from these added functions after a successful poll:-
1. No gun sway fix - This is a server and client IWD file, that you download when connecting to a server with it enabled. It basically fixes the gun sway and means that at longer range guns shoot where you are aiming.
2. No sniper sway fix - This again is part of the IWD file and removes all sway from the sniper, but also makes it so that after each shot you unzoom, thus helping to balance the weapon. "
Goda nyheter på:
Ladda hem:
no gunsway
mintR bloggar inför Danmark
Med CDC4 i siktet ska mintR tillsammans med sina mannar i Fnatic ner till Danmark imorgon för att där bootcampa med Vicious and Evil, Roskilde Ravens och Team Infinity.
I en icke så lång bloggpost skriver han lite inför resan men passar även på att nämna deras match i L2W som man gick segrande ur. Mer roligt från mintRs sida har utlovats och lita på att det kommer fler mintR-bloggar på Koddblogg under helgen..
Med saxen framme:
"Yep tomorrow I'll get in the car together with zsilts, tidde, odyxz and klanne and we'll be going to Roskilde where we are bootcamping in the Roskilde Ravens clubhouse together with roskilde, vicious and evil and infinity. Updates will follow on how the danish vs swedish showdown will end,. I think perhaps we'll beat them at cod and they will headbut us, "dansk skalle"(direct translation = danish head, = headbut) :D"
Läs vidare:
mintR bloggar på Fnatic.com
I en icke så lång bloggpost skriver han lite inför resan men passar även på att nämna deras match i L2W som man gick segrande ur. Mer roligt från mintRs sida har utlovats och lita på att det kommer fler mintR-bloggar på Koddblogg under helgen..
Med saxen framme:
"Yep tomorrow I'll get in the car together with zsilts, tidde, odyxz and klanne and we'll be going to Roskilde where we are bootcamping in the Roskilde Ravens clubhouse together with roskilde, vicious and evil and infinity. Updates will follow on how the danish vs swedish showdown will end,. I think perhaps we'll beat them at cod and they will headbut us, "dansk skalle"(direct translation = danish head, = headbut) :D"
Läs vidare:
mintR bloggar på Fnatic.com
THE6DEVILS under strålkastaren
Mina kollegor hos Cadred.org har nu presenterat "månadens lag", för andra gången på 3, snart 4 månader. Månadens lag är föga förvånande CODQCUP-vinnarna THE6DEVILS och återigen är det lagkapten iFEARdilemma som får stå för svaren. Intervjun i sig är rätt kort, precis som tidigare (läs mer här) nämner man att de söker en organisation att representera då de just nu inte har råd att betala för LAN-kostnader själva.
Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: You just achieved the goal every top CoD4 team has been aiming at. Would you like to comment the recent CODQCUP and your great performance in it?
A: Its totaly great to be the winner of the CoDQCup, but its also something you shouldnt overrate. With a bit more luck tek9 could also be the champion of this event. Anyway this cup was a nice experience for us and we had a lot of fun in it. We had loads of spectacular matches, like the games vs dignitas, esuba, fnatic or tek9. Those are surely matches we will remember and beeing the winner of this event will strengthen our back. The admins of the codqcup made an awesome job aswell, I really hope they will go on like that. And last but not least, the communities interest into the CoDQCup is something we shouldnt forget to thank for.
Q: Now that you have crushed every single team out of your way with no losses in the CODQCUP JAN08 playoffs, how would you describe your future sights and plans?
A: Thats hard to answer. With the lack of support we arent able to attend every lan wich is hold out there. So if you look back, the last lan we attended in this lineup was the tek9 oof2 lan in cod2 half a year ago. Sure we will save some money and try to attend as much offline events as we can but tbh we really need a good organisation we can play for. We want to become the best and we will definitly spend alot of soul spirit and time to reach that position. As I often say, we make one step ahead another till we reach our goal."
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CoolerMaster.eu med full lineup
Den europeiska sektionen av Team CoolerMaster, TCM.eu, (läs mer om dem här) blev nyss överaskande blev av med gene till KomaCrew (om du har dåligt minne eller trasig scroll, klicka här) har nu fått tag på en fullduglig ersättare. Personen i fråga är den gamla iuro-spelaren soppaj och man hoppas nu att man fått ihop den perfekta mixen inför i33.
Statement från manager, sCARFACEEe:
"With the surprising departure of gene, we were stuck for a suitable fit, with the limited amount of talent on offer, we weren't sure we would find a new player in time for i33. Luckily we found soppaj, a former iuro player from Finland. Showing great skill and communication in his trial, the team decided to take him on full-time and will be appearing with us in Newbury, England this March at the Multiplay i33 LAN event."
TCM.eu lineup:
nikkzoN (backup)
Team CoolerMaster
#team-coolermaster @ QNet.
Tek-9.org (källa)
Statement från manager, sCARFACEEe:
"With the surprising departure of gene, we were stuck for a suitable fit, with the limited amount of talent on offer, we weren't sure we would find a new player in time for i33. Luckily we found soppaj, a former iuro player from Finland. Showing great skill and communication in his trial, the team decided to take him on full-time and will be appearing with us in Newbury, England this March at the Multiplay i33 LAN event."
TCM.eu lineup:
nikkzoN (backup)
Team CoolerMaster
#team-coolermaster @ QNet.
Tek-9.org (källa)