Repris från 1994 *

Team Sweden

Ikväll tar sig Sverige Sverige an Rumänien Rumänien, precis som man gjorde för snart 14 år sedan (gisses vad tiden går fort ibland) under VM 1994. Denna match kanske inte är av samma dignitet, men visst ska vi återigen lyckas spöa de slöa rumänerna?

image135Lagkapten Sverige KyoChi och hans mannar ställer upp med samma laguppställning som man gick vinnande med ur förra matchen med enda ändringen att Sverige odyxz går på Sverige FrGzR's plats.

Det innebär:
Sverige KyoChi
Sverige odyxz
Sverige KEBBE
Sverige Fuffen
Sverige Isaak

19:30 drar matchen igång och då man man ratta in rumänsk stream från Chefen tror på klar seger, och helt klart är i alla fall att straffsparkar kommer undvikas denna gång. Lycka till grabbar!

Matchen spelad och Sverige gick som väntat vinnande från matchen. Det vart dock mycket jämnare än väntat när Rumänien överaskade stort på mp_vacant där Sverige fick se sig jagade enda in i det sista (11-9). mp_crossfire vart som tur nog en annan historia där Sverige fick med sig de lite säkrare siffrorna 10-5. Totalt skrevs den svenska segern till 21-14.

Relaterat: intervjuar: KyoChi inför matchen

TGBF: 2 matcher live ikväll *


Ikväll visar TGBF med Svedansk The-Swede 2 matcher live från CODQCUP. Det är på ena sidan överaskningen Europa xcite som möter grodlåren i Frankrike oXmoze klockan 19:00. Sen har vi ett tungviktsmöte där de två CoD-giganterna Europa Team Dignitas och Holland Serious-Gaming drabbar samman klockan 22:00. Kartan som gäller för dagen är mp_crash och precis som vanligt är det mr12 som spelas, först till 13 vinner och vid oavgjort resultat tar OT vid med mr3 tills en vinnare korats.



Matcherna avgjorda och det hela slutade med fantomseger för oXmoze med 13-3 (trots att man började som attackerande lag) över xcite. Trots detta kan man nog lugnt säga att xcite gjort en bra turnering som kommit från ingenstans och slutade topp-6. I den andra matchen vart det lite jämnare, men mp_crash verkar knappast vara en bra karta för Dignitas som fick sig besegrade av Serious Gaming med 13-7.

FPSGaming intervjuar: Druidz


Ytterligare en intervju har nu kommit från FPSGaming inför deras välgörenhetscup (läs mer här). Denna gången är det druiderna med z - Sverige Druidz som fått micen under hakan. Druidz är ett riktigt intressant lag - speciellt eftersom de har sikte på att deltaga på i33 i England nu i vår.

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: Tell us about Your (clan) background and how you first started.
A: I have been playing the first born Call of Duty, in a different clan named Soldiers of Honor with mickStah back in 2003. Afterwards we moved on to Call of Duty 2 using different line ups. During a period of getting sick CoD2 i thought of starting playing Battlefield 2 with the Druidz. We managed to get some pretty nice results and wars. Battlefield died sooner than we expected so I changed my mind and moved back to Call of Duty Series team. I proposed the SoH CoD line up to join Druidz and that was the final merging of the two clans. From that time we are playing under the Team Druidz name tag.

Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: It was been a bit up and down for our team since we changed lineup. As i can recall we haven't been able to play as a team so much. Past made us stronger so now we are paying more attention on our future goals and trying to get as much practice is possible for the upcoming matches, LAN and Cups.

Q: Any future plans You want to share with us?
A: Our plans is to play in i33 in England, Wonderbase, Dreamhack and possibly the Italian LAN Pro-Lan. Of course we will keep joining the FPS|Gaming Cups and trying to get as high as it gets.

Q: Whats your (clan)opinion about "gaming against cancer"?
A: I personally believe that is a new way of thinking about gaming. It is a great impact for the gaming community as we are playing for a good cause and sponsors are willing more to offer to charity. My grandmother died from cancer so I'm more than happy to donate money for this sake.

Druidz lineup:
Sverige overkill (Team Captain)
Sverige H@nn@
Danmark mickStah
Holland obama
Sverige Bleffex

Hela intervjun hos FPSGaming

H2k intervjuar: oXmoze och id

image133H2k-gaming har i dagarna intervjuat två av vad man skulle kunna kalla de högre rankade lagen i CoD4, nämnligen Holland not Identified och Frankrike oXmoze. Verkar i och för sig som om de gått efter standardformuläret men den som är intresserad lär nog fatta tycke och läsa vidare i vilket fall som helst då den bl.a. tar upp lite om flytten till CoD4, förberedelser inför CDC4 och vad man tror om framtiden för sitt respektive lag..

Saxat från intervjun med Storbrittanien Tim "revoltz" Denton från id:
"Q: After you moved to CoD4 you immediately joined up with your teammates and you are right now considered as a top-team with not-Identified. What do you think has brought you so far after this move?
A: Basically, we've all played together with so long and all share the same aims and motivations. Compared to most teams, we have a steady lineup and although we've had to make a couple of changes due to inactivity issues this hasn't affected us at all but just made us even better. The key to success in any team has to be stability, if you have a stable lineup: you can go far - it's easily proven if you look at the teams which win LAN events and major tournaments.

Q: Various teams who had been dominating the CoD2 scene have set results which totally differ from the ones they usually gained at CoD2. How can you declare this? Is it, as you just said a matter of stability, or does it have to do with adjusting a lineup to situations?
A: That's a hard question for me, as I didn't play COD2 at a high level. But, stability is a major factor in any team, the teams that aren't picking up good results recently either don't enjoy the COD4 gamestyle or don't know how to play COD4 properly. (are not able to adjust their lineup to different situations, which is what COD4 is about: speed, teamplay and how you adjust). COD4 is so much faster than COD2, and some teams just can't cope with it (still).

Q: You guys will be attending the upcoming CDC4 lan, which has a massive prizepurse, but a massive group of teams as wel (40 in total!). How are you guys preparing yourselves as good as possible in order to qualify a as good spot as possible? Are hidden tactics already realized or do you guys take the tournament as any other?
A: We're preparing for the LAN as best as possible, it will be our first event so we're hoping to make a good impression - our first objective is to get into the playoffs, but we'll have to see which teams are in our group first. We're trying some new tactics in current tournaments such as the i3d, ed and live2win cups but at the moment our 5th is on holiday so we're kinda playing with a few mercs over the next week.

Q: Where do you see not identified in the future?
A: Well, we're taking each week as it comes. We're hoping to join a new organisation before the CDC event, or soon after - we're in contact with a few at the moment. At CDC4, we're not sure what to expect. I hope that we can cause alot of upsets, but that's yet to be seen - COD4 is a very new game still, so every team has a chance to get a decent position. After CDC4 we'll see in which direction we wish to take not identified, hopefully we'll be attending some more benelux events and then move onto international events moving further into 2008. In our current online cups it's hard to tell about how we will do, but our aim is to remain within the top portion of Europe in every competition that we take part in (and we're achieving that so far, in our opinion).

Saxat från intervjun med Frankrike Marc "vazy" Berthold:
"Q: The move to CoD4 has been extremely succesfull for oXmoze. Though, other teams have been rather unsuccesfull. How is your view on this move and the eventual pros and cons?
A: I must agree with the fact that this move has been really succesfull to us with our 3rd place at the cod-gamer lan, the 2nd place in crossfireQcup and our actual results in codQcup. Even if we were at a good level on cod2, i guess we wouldnt have been able to reach the top as we're actually doing but we still have a lot to prove and to achieve. In my opinion, the move from cod2 to cod4 is not only great for its community but also for the e-sport in general. With the 7 millions of copies already sold and those who are gonna be, the community is astonishingly bigger than on cod2 and one of its best proof is the number of people on #cod4.wars ! What's more, there are so much more lans on that game than on cod2 and if we're working great, maybe its going to be added.

Q: You guys are going to attend the CDC 4 LAN, in holland. How will you guys prepare for this LAN?

A: Yes we'll go ot Enshede to compete against the best teams in europe. In order to get a chance to reach the top 3, we need to train a lot and that's what we're actually doing. With the codQcup still running, that's already a first train for us against top teams, but we also play french cups to get different experience. We need to play a lot but also to think about what we're doing false and what is good in order to advance and do nice results.

Q: Where do you see oxmoze in the future after having such a succesfull start in this game and all the opportunities which are coming up in the CoD scene to prove yourselves?
A: I hope we're gonna be able to continue to play as good as we do actually, and even more. With a lot of train, and also some luck, why not in the top 3 europe? :D who knows ... We'll do our best at the cdc4 but also to every other lans we'll do in the upcoming weeks/months

Läs vidare:
Hela intervjun med id`revoltz
Hela intervjun med oXmoze|vazy

TGBF: oXmoze vs. eSuba **


Lite lördagsmys med CoD4 kanske är något? Ikväll (18:00) visar nämnligen TGBF matchen mellan svenskdödarna Tjeckien eSuba och grodätarna Frankrike oXmoze i CODQCUP LB. Självfallet är Svedansk The-Swede i etern och Chefen hoppas på en intensiv match.

Kartan som gäller för kvällen är mp_vacant och den spelar med mr12 (först till 13 vinner), vid oavgjort tar OT med mr3 vid tills det står en segrare.

eSuba vs. oXmoze


Matchen över och det hela slutade med 13-6 vinst till fransoserna. Med det är eSuba ute ur turneringen och oXmoze får se fram emot nästa runda där man ställs mot turneringens stora överaskning xciteuk.

Lagt upp VOD från matchen..

2 lediga platser på CDC4


Det stundande lanet CDC4 som hålls i Holland den 29/2-2/3 har nu rapporterat att 38 av 40 lag är betalda och klara för deltagande. Det innbär samtidigt att det finns 2 lediga platser - så om ditt lag kan skrapa fram lite extra slantar finns här alltså chansen att delta i vad som kommer bli det största lanet inom CoD4 hittills.

Storbrittanien TosspoTs egna ord:
"Due to problems with teams rosters and what not, we now have spaces available.

CoD4: 2 Spots remaining (38/40)

If you would like to attend, please message me on irc or email me at tosspot at gmail dot com. Seedings, groups and schedules for all games will be released at the end of the CoDQCUP, as that will represent for the most accurate standings available to us.

#crossfire @ QNet.

FPSGaming intervjuar: No Aim


FPSGaming fortsätter på sin intervju-serie av lag som registerat sig för deras välgörenhetscup (läs mer om den här). Denna gången har man pratat med den gamla svenska rävarna i Sverige No Aim. No Aim är väl egentligen kanske inget lag som gemeneman uppfattar som något topp-lag, men man har varit med längre än de flesta inom CoD-scenen vilket bara det är en bedrift väl värd att ge dem lite strålkastar-sken på sig om så bara för en stund..

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: We are soo many players in the clan so we have many expectations for the future. Different players in the clan prefer to play cups and competitions with the main reason the victory! Some other from the other hand find it better playing in public. We will try to join more upcoming cups and reach as far as possible.

Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: The future of the clan based in Call of Duty 4 looks promising. Many of us in the clan were really waiting for something new too play and with the release of the game we just love playing it. Now we looking forward to play more cups hosted by FPS|Gaming and ladders in ClanBase. Of course we would like to win some more awards in the cups but its hard with good opponents. We will give full hard time to the other teams and try to conquer and stay at the top 5 positions.

Q: Why have you (clan) chosen to compete in this charity cup?
A: We have been attending several other cups at FPS|Gaming and i think there are good organized cups. That's the mainly reason joined this cup for the fight against cancer.

Q: What are your hopes for this cup?
A: We know thats it's going to be hard with several good opponents but we will try to get as for as possible. Just take one match at a time and do it as good as possible!

No Aim main-lineup:
Sverige HM
Sverige perrrkle
Sverige DaDDio
Sverige Chalk
Sverige sjö

Hela intervjun hos FPSGaming
No Aim - hemsida
#n@ @ QNet.

LAN: RZ öppnar dörrarna

Rendezvous (RZ) är kanske mest känt som ett CS-lan lokerat i Skövde. Men det har ryktas hårt att CoD4 kan komma att bli med på lista - om intresse visar sig finnas. I.o.m. att gamla CS-mogulen Sverige Nostra (numera CoD4-fan) är tillbaka med RZ och turneringsdatorer kan detta faktiskt bli en verklighet. Så ni som vill se ett svenskt CoD4-lan redan nu är det dags att börja höja rösten.

Släppet för biljetter kom igår (1/2) och själva LAN:et äger rum 1-4/5. Någon information om en specifik CoD4-turnering finns som sagt inte i dagsläget, men om folk ligger på kan allt hända. Koddblogg rapporterar så fort vi ser att det rör på sig.

Relaterat: (källa) via
#rendezvous @ QNet.

BlitzKrieg Cup #1

BKG Cup #1

Världens slöaste cup, BKG Cup #1 har nu fått tummen ur arslet, men då det var alldeles för länge sedan man öppnade signups så kör man en ny omgång. När 32 accepterade lag är med så börjar seedningen.

When the cup was initially opened for pre-signups last last year, we surpassed the 32 team limit very quickly. However, it appears a lot of these teams have since gone inactive or do not have the minimum number of members signed up to join the cup.
Therefore there is still space for new teams to apply and participate. Once we have recieved 32 applications which have been accepted, we will seed the groups to the best of our ability and announce the groups. The cup will then launch the following Sunday. We anticipate the launch to be within the next two weeks

mp_Crash, mp_Vacant och mp_Citystreets
Slutspel: mp_Strike, mp_Backlot och mp_Crossfire
Cupen använder sig av PAM4.0 final med CODQCUP regler.

Vinnaren får en server i 9 månader för 32 spelare.


Blitzkrieg Gaming

eSuba plockar 2 från nEophyte

image128Tjeckiens bästa CoD2-lag Tjeckien eSuba har inte presterat på en lika hög nivå i CoD4 som väntat. I och för sig gick de och vann över våra svenska favoriter i Sverige Fnatic men åtminstonde jag ser det som en missräkning från Fnatics sida. Ett tjeckiskt lag som lyckats desto bättre har varit Tjeckien nEophyte som överaskat många med flertalet fina resultat och om man skulle satt upp en ranking-lista igår på Tjeckiens bästa lag skulle nEophyte toppa denna. Nu har det dock hänt saker, eSuba har handplockat nEophyte kanske två bästa spelare Tjeckien Mazarini och Slovakien Cross samtidigt som två av deras spelare har gått inaktiva. Vad detta innebär för nEophyte är väl egentligen rätt klart även om de inte gjort något officiellt uttalade. Kort och gott kan man väl säga att eSuba nu ser riktigt starka ut samtidigt som nEophyte får kämpa hårt om de ens vill överleva.

Uttalande från eSuba luckeR:
"The day I was afraid of for a long time has now struck us. We didn?t have the same great atmosphere within the team we used to have before and as the CDC 4 and a lot of other tournaments is ahead of us, we had to act. Street decided to take the relationship with his girlfriend more seriously and with his final school exams in front of him announced his withdrawal from the squad. Plague also didn?t have that much time for playing anymore which forced us to make such a drastic changes.

Not long ago I got the information that nEophyte were also in trouble and didn?t hesitate with asking mazarini and cross to join up with us. After a long discussion we agreed on that these 2 skilled players and a great people will be exactly the right addition to our team and the best option for us in this moment.

I?m really happy that they accepted our offer and would like to wish them the best of luck in our team and I hope that this squad will play without any changes for a long time and that we will achieve even bigger success than before. CU @ CDC 4 ladZ!

I would also like to thank both our former players for everything they have done for the team, they are a great personalities and a very good friends of all of us and I hope they will do better in their real-life.

eSuba lineup:
Tjeckien luckeR
Tjeckien BLX
Tjeckien NiO
Slovakien Cross
Tjeckien Mazarini



Remedy lämnar Emprisa

image127Finska stjärnspelaren Remedy meddelar att han lämnar Finland Emprisa med omedelbar verkan då han anser att laget inte fungerar som han vill. Det är naturligtvis en stor förlust för Emprisa då Remedy är en mycket skicklig spelare som betydde mycket för laget.

Remedy förklarar:

We had different opinions on how this game should be played. Emprisa is full of great individuals with a lot of experience, which means everyone has strong opinions.
We tried to get things working, but in the end it got really complicated, as none wanted to change one's playing style, which made improvisation and making of tactics almost impossible. I mean making the tactics I had in mind.
In the end, the amount of whine was so big that I didn't feel like playing with emprisa anymore. Emprisa for ever, but I think they are better off without me. Now that I leave emprisa, it doesn't mean I'm leaving them totally. The guys are still my friends and so on.

Dolvich ger Emprisas syn på avhoppet:
Well, this didn't come as a complete shock for us. The whole time we've been struggling with finding the perfect team chemistry, and everyone felt something like this would eventually have to happen. Don't get me wrong, we never had any epic battles in voicecomm since we're so cool, experienced & whatnot.
However, there were several small issues between Remedy and the rest of the team and these kept piling up. I wouldn't exactly call it "the clash of egos", but there certainly were some moments when I felt things hadn't gone quite as smoothly as we had planned.
All in all, we managed to solve this without kickbans involved and I'm sure I speak for all of us when I wish Remedy all the best in the future, both in terms of CoD4 & real life. Now we need to direct our focus towards the upcoming LAN-tournament @ Level7 and try to perform as well as possible without one of our main guns

Laget består nu av:
Finland Dolvich
Finland aKonna
Finland koppa
Finland suuvee
Finland vAEiski

Relaterat: (Källa)

dSlash meddelar förändringar

Efter en katastrofal inledning har nu dSlash tvingats göra om och göra rätt. Här följer en saxning från
Last week the announced "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" Cup by RAZER, Foxconn und Caseking finally started. Due to Hosting- and Cupscriptproblems we were forced to delay the cup until today. The cup-site will not be used anymore. The whole overview and navigation needed to play the cup will be featuered here on exclusively. We again apologize for the problems and hope that you will enjoy the cup now after the restart. All further information, rules, matches and everything concerning the cup will be featured in our Coverage. Use the top-navigation on the coverage´s sites to browse through the themes of interest and make sure you read all the rules to make sure no problems will occur. We wish all participating teams good luck, enjoy the cup.

Och sedan följer de upp med en uppdatering:
The matchdates are proposed to be played on that date, but you can delay matches if the opponents accept. we encourage to delay matches instead of giving forfeit-wins out. All groupstage-matches should be finished by Wednesay 13th February 2008. If your opponent isn't online, query them and take another date. If they cant play until 13th February you become a defwin, not today


eyeshow blir Team Coolermaster

image126Företaget CoolerMaster hårdsatsar på eSporten. I dagarna har man gått in som sponsor i både SK och fnatic och nu tar dom in eyeshow för att bli Team CoolerMaster. Samtidigt byter man ut inaktiva Tyskland neonrrr mot ET-spelaren Schweiz gifty.

Lagets manager
Storbrittanien sCARFACEEe förklarar:
It really has been a hectic month since I became the manager for this team. Endless searching for multi-gaming organisations, and keeping on top of everything was difficult to handle at times, but worth it now. We came to Team CoolerMaster with an offer, and despite various offers we got from other organisations, we picked CoolerMaster for a lot of positive reasons. Dedication, great management, and good support are a few of these reasons, and on behalf of the team, we are very excited to be signing with the organisation.

With this announcement, we also welcome our newest player gifty. Bringing some great skill to the team, gifty is also a very consistent fragger, as well as an all-round team player, who improves more and more in the game each time he plays. Unfortunately, we will be moving nikkzoN to back-up for now, but that won't eliminate him from playing with us at all, as we will use nikkzoN's essential skill as a key part of the team's future.

As the CDC4 sign-ups are now closed and confirmed, we are looking into attending Multiplay i33 for the team's first LAN event together. We are hoping to do well, and pull out some good results, and last but not least, a big thanks to the staff of Team CoolerMaster for taking us on-aboard!

Team CoolerMaster:
Österrike mkz
Österrike aistrEEEy
Tyskland gene
Belgien roken
Schweiz gifty
Tyskland nikkzoN (backup)


Team CoolerMaster
Tek9 (Källa)


image124Att det fanns några som spelade W:ET i Estland det visste vi om, jag menar. Inte för att man ska sitta här och dra någon över en kam - men W:ET är ett lastgammalt och dessutom gratis spel. Så ja, det går väl ihop på något sätt. Att nu 6st estländare skrapat ihop till en burk som klarar av CoD4 får ses som.. ..ähh, jag låter det vara osagt.. Men för komma till saken har Estland Oxygen presenterat sitt CoD4-lag och det har massvis med ET-rutin bakom sig, såklart.

"With a little bit of Estonian magic, hopefully this team will flourish into a blossoming good ole' powerhouse team. They have a lot of practicing ahead of them, but they should be able to do well with some practice. Several members are confident in their playing ability and feel they can pick up the game, they just have to develop the needed chemistry."

Oxygen lineup:
Estland deadeye (Team Captain)
Estland bff
Estland GraV
Estland Lempz
Estland norsu
Estland Tamps

Uks, kaks, kolm..

Tek9 i kris - CB förbjuder Scorpion

image123I och med det senaste släppet av PAM meddelas från ClanBase att man likt CODQCUP och Crossfire tar bort det omtvistade vapnet Scorpion. Problemet uppstår när man sätter på en silencer då det blir den bästa kanonen i spelet vilket nu har satt topplaget Europa Tek-9 i kris då laget endast tränat med Scorpion sen spelet kom ut. Hur Tek-9 ska hantera kriser är i nuläget oklart men Koddblogg lovar att följa händelserna noggrant!

Clanbase meddelar:
"Due to the problems the game has had with the skorpian, the gun has now been disabled within the ClanBase Call Of Duty 4 ruleset until there is a fix for the gun."

CB PAM4 Download

Uppdateringar från EMS

EMS Logo

Tyskarnas favoriy #1 - ESL har nu kommit med några uppdateringar rörande ESL Major Series (EMS). CoD4 är som bekant med i EMS (läs mer här) vilket således innebär ytterligare en turnering med fina priser i. Appropå priser är det nu utannonserat hur dessa kommer att fördelas i denna, säsong 2 av EMS.

Guld 750 euro
Silver 450 euro
Brons 300 euro

När det är dags att skriva upp sig återkommer jag till vid ett senare tillfälle. Hur många platser Sverige har i kommande EMS står fortsatt oklart. Jag mottog igår en lista på diverse siffror från det där, men efter mycket och och ännu mer men lyckades varken jag, eller de jag var i kontakt med klura ut exakt vad de siffrorna innebar. Men mer info inom kort.

ESL Major Series

zEm bloggar från Thailand

FnaticEn av de absolut bästa spelarna i CoD:s historia Sverige zEm är som bekant i Thailand på semester. Olägligt kan tyckas i och med att hans lag nu spelar under Fnatics fana, och olägligt är väl precis det zEm själv kände när han fick höra nyheten om Fnatic. Nu har han i vilket fall som helst startat upp en blogg på där han rapporterar från Thailand.

Saxat ur bloggen:
"After a perfect start, we found out that Eyeballers wanted us to play under their flag. The first thought i got then was "WOw, EYE!". Because I played some CS before i knew that EYE where a big name to play for and a good name for the CoD4 community. It went really good in EYE too, but it was here i decided to travel with the family to Thailand for 2 months with start in January 2008. I said that to the boys in the team and it wasnt any bad feelings about that. But they wanted me to take step back
and let them find a new player because there was one cup and two evets coming up that i cant attend. The boys wanted to perform so they wanted a new player ASAP. So i took a step back and after a week or so they announced Daniel "tidde" Asp as my backup. He turned out to be a real talent who has done a geat job this far.

Now when i didnt play with the team i started to mix and 3on3/4on4s with my IRL friends so i didnt lose everything. I tried to keep an eye on the boys and it turned out that the EYE organization was in shake. I dont know so much about it, but we as a team left EYE to find a new home. My trip to
Thailand with the family started now. Its my father that have bought a house here so i have access to internet i trying to follow the team as much as a can. :) After some time here in Thailand i found out that it was BIG names that i never could have dreamed of that wanted us to represent them.

In the end i got a message from mintR. "We have joined fnatic!!!". I was like WTF, im coming home now! I never tought that i would wear the fnatic cloths, but now im doing it :D and i will do my best to represent you guys, the family in the best way.

Im still in Thailand and will be back the 18th of march. I didnt want to make this blogg after my trip because then it have been 2 months since the CoD4-team joined and that feels like "out of date". I will support my boys from here and i hope you do it too, i know that they havent made a good start in the new family. But i know that they will the best to represent fnatic in a good way.

Chefen är dock något avundsjuk på zEm som dels får vara i varma Thailand såhär i slaskets tider, samtidigt som han fick bli en del av Fnatic - även att han knappt själv visste om det. Hoppas du får en fortsatt trevlig semester zEm så du kan komma hem sen och visa vart skåpet skall stå!

Läs vidare: - zEm: Hello family!

QuadV: One2 vs. Roskilde *

QuadVSvenska Sverige One2 som jag skrev om för inte sålänge sedan (läs mer här) möter ikväll Danmarks starkaste lag, Danmark Roskilde Ravens i L2W. Detta derby kommer att följas upp av QuadV med Storbrittanien Deman i etern och matchen i sig bestämmer vilket lag som slutar som 1:a respektive 2:a i gruppen.

Deman har varit i kontakt med lagkapten i One2, Sverige Numse och hörde efter vad denne hade att säga inför matchen.

Numse kommenterar:
"With a full lineup since 1 week ago we haven´t been able to practice the way we should have, and our teamplay could have been better. But lately we have played fairly good on vacant and I believe we can give any team a good fight on the map, if we have a good day. I don´t know anything about Roskilde, and the info I´ve been given about the team has varied alot. So it´s a blind date. :)

About cod4 I think it´s much fun to play, better than any other game I´ve played competativaly.. tho I don´t fancy the mode. S&D (cs and cod) has always had too much luck involved, and that together with exploding cars that can whipe out a whole team and extreme deviation makes it to random.

Matchen börjar 22:00 och visas på QuadV TV2.

Se svenskarna ta sig an danskskallarna:
QuadV TV2

För en gångs skull var ett danskt lag starkare än det svenska och One2 fick se sig besegrade med 6-13. VOD av matchen kommer imorgon enligt Deman.

Fnatic - lite coolare

image124Sveriges hetaste lag blir nu än coolare (hur nu "het" och "cool" kan gå ihop så väl) när man introducerat Cooler Master som ny sponsor. Detta kommer för det svenska laget innebära hetare support både hårdvaru- och finansiellt-mässigt. Att säga att det ser bra ut för Sverige Fnatic.CoD4 vore en underdrift. Kontraktet med Cooler Master sträcker sig över hela 2008 och Chefen lyfter på hatten och gratulerar mintR & co.

Sam Mathews, Managing Director i Fnatic:
"We at Fnatic pride ourselves on obtaining the best talent available in professional gaming, and we look upon our sponsors to provide us with the hardware that will give us the edge over our competitors. Having Cooler Master to provide the equipment for our team as well as supporting our organisation is something I am very excited about and will hopefully lead to many more successes in the year to come!"

Läs mer:
Fnatic, Now Slightly Cooler!



TGBF har öppnat upp sitt underbara nya arkiv, och där finner vi i dagsläget 3 matcher från CODQCUP. Så har ni fr.o.m. nu någonsin missat en match från TGBF kan vi lita på att Svedansk The-Swede slänger upp den i arkivet (och att den dyker upp på Koddblogg straxt därefter). The-Swede siktar på tronen av showcasters och detta var ett mycket bra steg på vägen dit. Keep it up!

Sverige Fnatic vs. Tyskland THE6DEVILS - mp_backlot

Holland not Identified vs. Tjeckien nEophyte - mp_crossfire

Benelux DCC vs. Frankrike oXmoze - mp_strike


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