QuadV: sändningstider 29/2 från CDC4

Idag (29/2) kör som bekant CDC4 igång. Med det kommer en hel del shoutcasts från deras samarbetspartner QuadV. Dessvärre kommer bara 1 svensk-match att visas och vi får inte heller se någon VAE-action.

QuadV CoD4-schema 29/2:
12:15 -

13:00 -

15:30 -

19:15 -

20:30 -

Lita på att det kommer vara stort media-intresse kring Fnatic-matchen. Chefen kommer sitta som gjuten för att få se våra svenska vikingar piska tyskarna. Lycka till nu både Fnatic och VAE! Hoppas att vi under dagens lopp får se lite trevliga resultat i svensk favör.
Gathering höjer prispotten för CoD4

Norska The Gathering som arrangeras i Hamar 19-23/3 har precis höjt prispotten för CoD4. Så trots att CoD-scenen är relativt liten i Norge får vi trots detta se en helt ok prispott, åtminstonde om man lyckas sluta 1:a. Första priset har höjts från 8268:- till 24054:-, helt ok Norge! Vinstsumman verkar dock delas upp på både cash och hårdvara.
Den nya prispotten:

Gathering.org via Rakaka.se (källa)
ClanBase sätter ny standard

ClanBase - ändringar:
"Limited SpecOps to 3 per team
Removed Fire
Added which version of ruleset (v1.4)
Removed Ambient Sound
Added Player_breath_hold_lerp 4 (Sniper Fix)
Also after a successful poll that we had running on the ladders we have decided to bring in the No sway Mod due to popular demand, This file is included in the download which can be found here.
Please can all server admins update there servers ASAP, As from Monday 3rd March this will be mandortory in ClanBase Ladders & Cups."
Bra jobbat ClanBase, nu väntar Chefen bara på att Red Dot också försvinner illa kvickt!
ClanBase.com via CoD.se (källa)
Chefen i intervju med IW om CoDTV

Med en stor sax klipper och klistrar vi lite:
"Q: How come Activision likes to switch developers so often? The makers of Call of Duty 4 will be making Call of Duty 6 yet Call of Duty 5 will be developed by someone else?
A: We have a pretty healthy development cycle for each of our games and never want to feel rushed in delivering a high quality experience for our players, so we ensure we have plenty of time to acquire the standard we set for ourselves. However the community loves having a Call of Duty experience every year, which just wouldn't be possible with the time we take on the games, therefore Activision alternates the titles between us and Treyarch to make sure the quality of the franchise is maintained. It adds a lot of variety to the series as each studio has its unique formula and direction they take the franchise in each game.
Q: Call of Duty 4 has the backing of an enormous community being one of the top selling games on all platforms. How badly do you want to become the next Counterstrike or World of Warcraft in terms of numbers?
A: Our main focus is to just make amazing games that our community will love. We've been fortunate enough with Call of Duty 4 to have an extremely large and supportive community with over 7 million copies sold thus far. We don't really say, "We want to be like those guys, or have that success." We just want to make amazing games and the rest will fall into place if you've accomplished that.
Q: Have you ever considered the idea of pushing Call of Duty 4 as a true competitive game to rival the likes of Counterstrike 1.6 or Warcraft 3?
A: We definitely want to be a top competitive game in the FPS realm and we do that through choice, we don't ever want to shut out one portion of our community over another, so we would never sacrifice our casual Call of Duty players for the competitive Call of Duty player or vice versa, instead we focused on giving them the power to make the game what they want through custom configs, create a class, and mod tools on PC.
Q: Activision is supporting more and more competitive events in different countries with Call of Duty 4 compared to previous Call of Duty games. Why is this so and will this support continue?
A: As I said, we're huge supporters of Community Event and want to keep tournaments and competitions going for all our users worldwide as long as there are players to compete in them.
Q: One of the things the community is constantly asking for, and has been since Call of Duty 2, is the implementation of COD TV or something similar. SourceTV is a good example of the kind of tool the community is looking for. Are there any plans to develop this kind of tool for Call of Duty 4?
A: CODTV is something we've constantly been talking about internally throughout development and even now and something I still think is a possibility for a future PC update. We've met with the creator of the original CODTV and discussed what may be needed or what we can do, so it's definitely a possibility, right now we've been focused on patches and mod tools updates, but that is something that's being looked at.
Q: Do you think there is a place on mainstream TV for competitive COD4 matches to be broadcasted, much like Starcraft in Korea or the recent CGS tournament in the US and the UK?
A: I think competitive gaming is becoming more and more maintstream and something I think there is a growing audience for as time goes on.
Q: Which changes do you want to make to the game for the future? Can we expect more patches?
A: We're constantly looking at ways we can improve the game through updates, we're already on 1.5 for the PC version and have a feature patch about to be released for the console versions as well, and are always working on new features and updates to the game overall we think players will enjoy so I can say you can expect more updates to come. Right now, with the mod tools being out for a bit and a lot of new custom maps showing up in the community we're looking at ways we can better accommodate those maps and ease functionality for users attempting to play them as well as general improvements and carrying over changes to the PC from the console feature patches such as Additional Kill Cams.
Q:Can we expect any new maps to be added with these patches?
A: DLC is completely separate from our patch process, but is something we are working on. We've announced we're currently working on DLC for the consoles as well as holding a Community Mapping contest for the PC version but have not announced yet what the PC players can expect from that or DLC just yet. Those details are coming in the future once we work a few things out; at the moment though the console versions can definitely expect some new maps."
Läs hela intervjun:
Tips-tack till Laien..
Epsilon`janbo bloggar inför CDC4

Ett av de starkaste namnen från landet något till höger på kartan (njae, Åland var nästan rätt, jag menar såklart Finland),

Saxat från Epsilons hemsida:
"We had a DSlash playoff match coming against k1ck-eSports on mp_backlot, so we practiced that still for a while before the "highlight" of the evening. The game itself started off well. We managed to get the first five rounds and I guess that cut our opponent's confidence. The result was a comfortable 13-5 victory. The rest of the evening went with practicing and the last game of the late night / early morning was against the most obvious cheater ever. Quite surprisingly he did upload his demos to Clanbase upon request, and then we spent the next 40 minutes watching the demo on a TV connected to fix's computer, and laughing along as he scanned through walls.
Overall the bootcamp was a great success. The three basic goals of any bootcamp are a) to practice a lot with the team, b) to build up team-spirit, c) to get yourself familiar with the LAN environment again. The first part is quite self-explanatory. You just play a lot. Part b) is already much more varied. In general, team-spirit between young male adults is usually built up best in three ways: 1. Doing sports together, 2. Watching sports together while wishing the same team to win 3. Enjoying alcoholic beverages. The best way is to combine two or more of these, and this is exactly what we did. Part c) was also a success. Henri secured as the inevitable LAN-noise, while microwave pizzas covered the bad diet and the resulting nausea, while endless hours of gaming really tested everyone's stamina in terms of tiredness, muscle numbness and difficulties in concentration. Having covered all a, b and c, it is safe to say we?re now quite well prepared for the upcoming competition in Enschede, Netherlands."
Läs vidare:
iFearDilemma i schysst intervju - på engelska

I intervjun talar man självfallet om CDC4, och iFearDilemma väljer att tona ner förväntningarna på laget. Spel för galleriet eller ren sanning? Det återstår att se..
Så med saxen i handen:
"Q: You are now up on the top of the CoD4 Olymp. Are you ready to show a great performance on CDC4?
A: Hard to say, of course we are confident to keep up with all the other high level teams, but the decision to attend CDC4 was made a few days ago so I think we can't have the same preparation like them. We will try our best and enjoy the weekend in Enschede, although its from now on our goal to score well on every LAN we attend. On such events we try to socialise with other players and give the community a view behind the set (of the teams). So, we see us at CDC4 LAN.
Q: What does your team say about the success?
A: They show different reactions. Of course all of us are happy, but every player is handling the situation for himself. One is more decent and proud of his achievement, another one is only looking forward to the next step. We are all human beings, its normal that there are different views. It's just important we don't start to get arrogant, but this won't happen I hope. In on thing we all agree? keep on training and try to develop ourselves more and more!
Q: Which are the next steps of your team?
A: We will gain as much LAN experience as possible and to attend at all important CoD 4 events. Although the CDC4 is just a week away we will try go vie 110% for the next week and train until we are too tired to do so. In the future we want to be a symbol of professional CoD4 teams on a high level which is not only a partnership of convenience, but of friendship. But don't forget this is something we can't do alone. We want to support CoD4, but the community is playing a big part too.
Q: Let us concentrate on your training: Which way you train? Do you have some special strategies to train a map?
A: There is only one important thing which make us strong and is the recipe of our constantly lineup. "Corporate feeling", which includes great communication, motivation, passion, will, fun, friendship, equal goals etc. From the first day we had something like a blind trust between all of us, which we enlarged until today. We are just playing and try to react on the enemy tactics. Every Action the enemy is doing, one of us tries to counter it. It's important not to play solo, only as a team u can survive. If u have the will to win, everyone is motivated and knows he can trust his team mates, you will defeat your enemy!"
Läs vidare:
Sverige möter Norge i NationsCup

Först ut,

"Norskarna kan skjuta hs, speciellt plazma, så honom kommer vi se upp för om han är med ikväll. Bra maps är det med så det kommer nog bli en riktig tajjt och bra match, men har aldrig förlorat mot norskar i något annat spel och det tänker jag inte göra i CoD4 heller, då äre /quit, så alla Kyo lovers får hålla tummarna ikväll!
Angående lineupen så kommer det nog bli en suprise lajjn ikväll, är faktiskt inte bestämd än, men inte den vanliga, ser ut som om det blir lite nytt blod i sverige ikväll."
Och så

"Jeg tror ikke vi er 5 :( Lineup i dag er: Psir, gizzor, robon, taken og snipalot (fra multigamer.css). Zenith skal spille på Strike, istedenfor gizzor"
Chefen hoppas på match och önskar ärkerivalerna lycka till! Mer info kommer efter matchen.
.. och x6tence följer efter!

RauTe berättar, kategori "Säger du det?":
"First, i want to say thanks to X6AMD for this oppotunity to be in a great club, we have a lot of motivations and we will say thanks to u with our prizes and wins."
El Matadores:

#x6tence @ QNet.
Tek-9.org (källa)
RedCode tar in CoD4-lag..

Squall är glad:
"We are very happy with the oportunity that give us redCode. Since we created our team for CoD4 in November, we wanted stability and a small team, and here in redCode is possible. Of course that become a redCode team give us an ambition extra dose, and encourages us to make the team stronger both Spain and Europe. Thanks to the entire redCode organisation for trust in us."

#redcode @ QNet.
Tek-9.org (källa)
Fragfilm: Revenge 2
Den tjeckiska scenen visar upp sig i fragfilmen Revenge 2 som trots taskig redigering, mindre bra effekter och en del Red Dot-klipp är den bästa fragfilmen i CoD4 hittills (det kanske säger mer om tidigare släppta än denna). Det man får en bra dos av är i alla fall snygga frags vilket gör den helt klart sevärd. Enjoy!
Ladda hem:
Tjeckiska scenen - Revenge 2
Ladda hem:
DreamHack Skellefteå öppnar upp

LAN:et i sig spelas den 27-30/3 men dessvärre verkar "CoD4-satsningen" (om man nu kan kalla det för det) bli en flopp då DreamHack fortsatt inte utannonserat någon mer info kring CoD4-turneringen och det känns tveksamt om det är många lag som har intresse av att ta sig de dryga 85 milen norr om Stockholm för en turnering man inte vet något om. Otroligt tråkigt må jag säga och vi får väl nu bara hoppas på att man gör en större satsning på DreamHack Summer i Jönköping och inte ger upp CoD4 nu på grund av lågt deltagande i Skellefteå (om det nu blir så).
"Hyra av bordsplats kostar 450kr och där ingår bord, stol, internet & sovmöjligheter. För er som vill besöka DreamHack Skellefteå under hela eventet men inte vill hyra en bordsplats så går det bra att köpa en eventbiljett som ger dig tillträde till hela eventet för 250kr.
En dagsbesöksbiljett kostar 100kr och gäller mellan 10-22 den dag du köpt den."
Sugen på Skellefteå? Besök:
3 nya officiella kartor på gång!
I en alldeles fräsh intervju från Gametrailers.com berättar vår (inte så) älskade community-manager Fourzerotwo om att 3 nya officiella kartor kommer att släppas nu i vår. Givetvis är detta strålande nyheter, men det står fortsatt oklart exakt när dessa kommer, hur de kommer att se ut och om de även kommer att släppas till PC vilket tyvärr i dagsläget är mycket tveksamt då man länge pratat om DLC (downloadable content) till konsoll. Dock ska det väl sägas att om man släpper nya kartor till konsoll, lär de förr eller senare även komma till PC. Tillbaka till intervjun är Fourzerotwo noga med att påpeka hur mycket de har lyssnat på "vad communityn vill ha" och exakt vad det kommer att innebära låter jag för hans skull vara osagt.
"I'm happy to say, as I've been playing the new maps over and over again here at the studio and at home during play tests that a lot of you are getting exactly what you asked for. I can't wait till I can go into detail about the specific maps, but I can proudly say that your feedback made it in. Another thing I like about this map pack is the fact that it's bringing completely new locations to the game, so we're getting away from more desert towns or Russian villages and want to bring you something that brings more variety to the map rotation. You guys are going to love these maps. I tried to drop as many hints as to what you can expect in the following interviews without giving too much away and ruining anything, I'll be talking a lot more in the future about what you can expect as we start finalizing details and release dates. Right now we're working on some video stuff for one of the maps and I'll keep you guys informed on more when I can."
Dessvärre känns det som mycket tomma ord och seriöst, med risk om att bli tjatig - vart är snacket om CoDTV?
Gametrailers.com intervjuar Fourzerotwo
"I'm happy to say, as I've been playing the new maps over and over again here at the studio and at home during play tests that a lot of you are getting exactly what you asked for. I can't wait till I can go into detail about the specific maps, but I can proudly say that your feedback made it in. Another thing I like about this map pack is the fact that it's bringing completely new locations to the game, so we're getting away from more desert towns or Russian villages and want to bring you something that brings more variety to the map rotation. You guys are going to love these maps. I tried to drop as many hints as to what you can expect in the following interviews without giving too much away and ruining anything, I'll be talking a lot more in the future about what you can expect as we start finalizing details and release dates. Right now we're working on some video stuff for one of the maps and I'll keep you guys informed on more when I can."
Dessvärre känns det som mycket tomma ord och seriöst, med risk om att bli tjatig - vart är snacket om CoDTV?
iFearDilemma i schysst intervju - på tyska

Here goes:
"Q:You since now completely completely above on the Olymp of the COD4 of it haven. Are to be made uncertain you ready the CDC4?
A: As mans takes, surely is we of it convinces the other Hochkaraetern of the scene to withstand to be able. However the decision became to the CDC4 to participate pleases quite at short notice, whereby the other participants will be probably substantially better prepared than we. We will give our best and are held the weekend at that the CDC4 LAN to enjoy. Although it is our tendency from now on on the Events the optimum placement to create, goes it my opinion to around more than only the victory. On such Events contacts are attached, one show operational readiness level and make the Community a view possible behind the window blinds of the teams. In this sense, one sees oneself on the CDC4 LAN.
Q: Which says the whole team to your success?
A: There are different reactions. All are naturally overjoyed however deal everyone differently with it. The one is rather modest and proud on which he so far reached and to which other one only Vorraus and wants still more looks. We are everything only humans and it are normally everyone differently with our success go around, importantly are that everything within its borders run. And with a thing are we us united. We will not rest ourselves, we will become further gas to give!"
Läs hela intervjun här (varning för extremt mycket tyska)
Snack med FUFFEN inför matchen mot Stheno

"Q: OMG_Ninjas succeeded to win against THE6DEVILS and played a draw against CoolmasterUK, did your team prepare a lot before these games?
A: We didn't practice so much before the CoolmasterUK and therefore we lost some easy rounds against them, I suppose we underestimated them. So against T6D we did practice a little bit more and I think T6D underestimated us so we had a simple win.
Q: Are you surprised that the results have been going your way so far?
A: Well, not really. We know what we are capable of and with the recent pickup of rivieRa to team we feel that we're stronger than ever and should be able to pull off some good results in L2W and other tournaments/leagues.
Q: We can't find any website for your team, so the information about OMG_Ninjas is very rare. Can you explain for us what OMG_Ninjas next target and long-time targets are?
A: Our main goal at the moment is to perform as good as possible in every league and tournament we play online, and hopefully attend some LAN in the upcoming future. On a more distant time we feel that we want to establish ourselves as one of the top teams in Europe. We talked about getting a website before but it feels like we don't need anyone because hopefully we will find some good MGC to join up with.
Q: How does your preparation look like before the match against Stheno eSports?
A: As usual playing a lot and often as we can because we don't want to lose.
Q: And what do you think about the outcome of this match?
A: We played them in first group stage and there we won against them so we will win this time also. "
Chefen hälsar LYCKA TILL!
TGBF: 2 matcher live ikväll! **

Ikväll så avslutas FPSGamings välgörenhets-turnering och den kommer att avslutas på alra bästa sätt, det vill säga med showcast från TGBF och

LB-final: 20:00 -

Den stora finalen: 21:00 -

Det vart Grindhouse som gick segrande ur turneringen efter ett sömnpiller till final som detta till trots var en extremt jämn tillställning och matchen kunde först avgöras efter 2 kartor och förlängning.
CoD.se har även varit i kontakt med

"Q: Ni kom från loser bracketen, och var tvugna att vinna båda matcherna i finalen, kände ni en stor press?
A: Njea egentligen inte, i början kändes det att vi var nervösa men det var framförallt mot druidz, mot hex var det betydligt lättare. Det var bara acid som var nervös som fan hela tiden.
Q: Hur värmde ni upp inför finalen? Någon speciell ritual?
A: Njea det är individuellt, jag nötte lite pub (på cod.se tdm ;) ) och sen trillade dom andra in vid 19 sedan var det bara att pracca och köra. :D
Q: Allright, men oavsett om ni vann, tyckte ni att ni spelade en bra match?
A: Njea asså taktikerna var kassa, och alla var jäkligt skakiga och slarvade mycket men det var kämpandet som avgjorde, vi är sjuka vinnarskallar. Sedan får acid inte sätta på mute mitt under matchen, hörde inte honom under hela marines på strike.
Q: Hur tyckte du att cupen var organiserad, även om det största priset går till välgörenhet?
A: Cupen var bra organiserad, sedan var det lite tråkigt det där med rulesettet men det löser sig nog, tror att fps crew fixar till det till nästa gång.
Q: Vad var det för skillnad på rulesettet?
A: Deep impact, hitblips genom väggarna och lite annat tråkigt.
Q: Kommer vi se er i några andra turneringar inom snar framtid?
A: Förhoppningsvis i Eurocup."
Slutställning i FPSGamings välgörenhets-turnering:

Kända eSport-ansikten satsar på CoD4

På CoD.se kunde man läsa tidigare idag:
"Vi kommer satsa allt och förhoppningsvis kunna mäta oss med andra topplag inom kort. Vi har även pratat en del om att delta under esportfestivalen antwerpen samt EuroCup men för att kunna mäta sig med klaner som redan spelat ihop ett tag behövs det satsning som gör att vi kommer ikapp. Tiden och viljan finns, ingen tvivel om saken och jag känner att det kommer gå riktigt bra för laget."
Spännande tycker Chefen, lycka till, go nuts så att säga! (ok, det var inget roligt skämt men jag låter det stå)..
coconutcrew lineup:

#coconutcrew @ QNet.
CDC4 uppdaterar schemat

CDC4 som drar igång om bara några dagar har nu uppdaterat sitt schema så det är lite "noob-vänligare" kan vi väl kalla det för. Nu förstår till och med Chefen när matcherna kommer att spelas. Samtidigt upplyser arrangör

TosspoT talar:
"The final schedule for CDC4 is available - updated with teamnames and a few changes based on requests.
Could ALL teams check the schedule for any problems they have tonight/tommorow. Additionally could ALL teams update their Crossfire Clan Profile, or register a new one if you have changed names. On Monday night/Tuesday the bracket system will be publically available and thus we need both schedule and teams 100% accurate.
Saturday 09:15 ET games should read np vs ephix and TAG vs FiF, not TAG vs ephix and np vs FiF
Friday 23:30 CoD4 games should read d vs DMH and UF vs VAE, not Imp vs d2t and DIE vs Imm
Saturday 22:15 ETQW game should read stoff vs kC, not stoff vs TCM"
Fulla schemat:
På CrossFire.nu
One2 rasar samman

Det innebar att

Keno ville dock passa på att hälsa att han inte bara är en duktig pangare utan att han dricker vem som helst under bordet på LAN och "är en fena på att lira gura". Han vill också meddela att apor och råttor inte gör sig besvär.
#one2 @ QNet
Bannade ifrån CODQCUP - nu tillbaka
Ja, kanske kommer ni ihåg
Team Photic som vart det första laget att någonsin bli utsparkade från CODQCUP i CoD4. Spelaren i fråga var
veksurec och jag själv var inte sen att räcka upp handen som frivillig på att kasta första stenen (läs mer här, om ni inte kommer ihåg). Nu är polackerna tillbaka och man hävdar bestämt att det man råkade ut för var PB-buggen Aimbot #50104 (läs mer om den här). Nu har man släppt en halvdassig fragfilm och man vill genom den bevisa (hur man nu gör det) att man är bra och rena spelare.
"Trailer for upcoming cod4 movie about disrespectable polish team which became famous after accident with aimbot #50104 in CODQcup. We want to prove that we are clear and that we can play really good. Many of you will propably blame me because im polish,that we are cheaters and wont belive me that we are clear. I didnt show best actions in this trailer i used only some random actions which wont even be in final movie."

"Trailer for upcoming cod4 movie about disrespectable polish team which became famous after accident with aimbot #50104 in CODQcup. We want to prove that we are clear and that we can play really good. Many of you will propably blame me because im polish,that we are cheaters and wont belive me that we are clear. I didnt show best actions in this trailer i used only some random actions which wont even be in final movie."
Team Photic - Aimbot #50104
Rena eller inte, tillbaka verkar de åtminstonde vara.. Hela filmen sägs ska komma runt april för den som är intresserad.
Ladda ner hos Own-age.com
Rakaka (källa till streamen)
Nyhet om fuskande Photic
Nyhet om PB-buggen Aimbot #50104
Ladda ner hos Own-age.com
Rakaka (källa till streamen)
Nyhet om fuskande Photic
Nyhet om PB-buggen Aimbot #50104
Slaget om Europa kan börja!

Fulla schemat ser ut som följer:
24 February - Signups open
9 March - Signups close
16 March - EC Invite night on IRC!
17 March - EC qualifiers scheduled
20 March - EC qualifier week
20 March - OC groups online
31 March - First matchweek
29 June - All cups finished
Varesig man vill deltaga i EC eller OC skall man använda samma signup-länk, det vill säga denna. Sedan anger man om man har som intention att kriga i EC.
CB OpenCup
CB EuroCup
#clanbase.cod4 @ QNet.
TosspoT analyserar SK

Utdrag ur texten:
"To those of who you don't know SK, SK is the biggest western eSports organisation. Their website boasts just short of one million members, CounterStrike history books were written by SK and they boast a huge Warcraft 3 community despite their lack of dominance in recent years. And that's only the half of it, from a business perspective these guys know what they're doing, booths at Games Convention (at least the one I attended), SK Insider and SK products and a fan base across the world with hubs in Germany and Sweden. If I were to blindly value the company based on the value of another recent eSports sale, they are worth in excess of $4 million.
And now those four million dollars are weighted behind Call of Duty 4 and its future has never looked brighter. The difference between SK and any other G7 team is their massive userbase and reputation with the added benefit is that The6Devils are German. When SK does something in Germany, German eSports listens. Their reach in the motherland is incredible, indebted to their support of German players/teams who don't offer them prowess on the international front, but do locally. In a country that houses ESL and Readmore when SK shout, those two huge eSports institutions tend to listen."
Läs hela krönikan här!
Dokumentär spelas in på CDC4

Crossfire.nu (Källa)
fnatic\zEm älskar Koddblogg!
Att Koddblogg har blivit en succé långt bortom alla mina förhoppningar med mellan 1000-2000 sidvisningar/dag är en sak att glädjas över - men här kommer "nyheten" som säger allt - Sveriges bästa CoD-spelare genom tiderna,
zEm älskar Koddblogg.

Det låter zEm medela i sin senaste blogg på Fnatic.com och Chefen kan inte annat än att tacka för de fina orden och önska allas vår superstar en fortsatt trevlig semester i Thailand.
Saxat från Thailand:
"Think about this, right now from thailand, I want to know whats happend with cod4 the recent days, I start inet explorer, open like five sites to get the info i need. Imo thats more then it should be. I know a site. http://kodd.blogg.se - Thats a site where you can get MUCH info about community news for cod4, its in swedish yes i know, but it has all the info from different sites packed in one and links the source. I dont care about what site that wrote the news, i just want to read them, is that wrong? So much credit to Chefen."
Som kul fakta kan det även sägas att under Koddblogg i torsdags firade 2 månader och under den tiden har det kommit drygt 340 nyheter, vilket ger ett ungefärligt snitt på 5,7 nyhetsposter per dag. Så visst har zEm och ni andra hittat rätt om ni vill ha mycket info om CoD4-communityn - det som inte snackas om här är inte värt att snackas om alls.
Visste ni förresten att Koddblogg nu även finns på IRC? #koddblogg @ QNet givetvis.
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Det låter zEm medela i sin senaste blogg på Fnatic.com och Chefen kan inte annat än att tacka för de fina orden och önska allas vår superstar en fortsatt trevlig semester i Thailand.
Saxat från Thailand:
"Think about this, right now from thailand, I want to know whats happend with cod4 the recent days, I start inet explorer, open like five sites to get the info i need. Imo thats more then it should be. I know a site. http://kodd.blogg.se - Thats a site where you can get MUCH info about community news for cod4, its in swedish yes i know, but it has all the info from different sites packed in one and links the source. I dont care about what site that wrote the news, i just want to read them, is that wrong? So much credit to Chefen."
Som kul fakta kan det även sägas att under Koddblogg i torsdags firade 2 månader och under den tiden har det kommit drygt 340 nyheter, vilket ger ett ungefärligt snitt på 5,7 nyhetsposter per dag. Så visst har zEm och ni andra hittat rätt om ni vill ha mycket info om CoD4-communityn - det som inte snackas om här är inte värt att snackas om alls.
Visste ni förresten att Koddblogg nu även finns på IRC? #koddblogg @ QNet givetvis.
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FPSGamings välgörenhets-turnering floppar

FPSGaming som utannonserade sin välgörenhetscup redan i mitten av januari (läs mer) har nu dragit igång. Dessvärre misslyckades man med att få 32 (!) lag villiga att delta, trots lockande med priser, ute i god tid, flertalet intervjuer och showcast från kända TGBF. Exakt vad som ligger bakom denna flopp (som turneringen nu har blivit) tänker jag nu försöka reda ut. Låt oss börja med att lista några av de punkterna jag tror har spelat in..
- Istället för att använda ett mer standard-ruleset (såsom pam_mode crossfire eller codqcup) har man valt att köra på en helt egen variant som inte ens är aktuellt att ändra.
- mp_pipeline är med i kart-listan.
- Turneringen har speldagar som ligger dumt för de flesta. Lördagar är knappast en av de dagarna de flesta tillbringar framför datorn.
- Att deltaga kostar pengar.
- Pengarna gick till svenska barn-cancer fonden.
- Angående ruleset, att basera sina regler på MCE är förlegat. Det är snart 3 månader sedan MCE var aktuellt (och dessutom hade MCE en livslängd på ungefär 2-3 dagar), häng med i utvecklingen.
- Varför mp_pipeline är med är oförsvarbart och behövs inte ens kommenteras.
- Att man väljer att lägga första speldagen på en lördag känns förvånande, någonsin hört talas om söndag-torsdag?
- Ok att det kostar pengar, det gör faktiskt ingenting - OM man får ut något vettigt av det, mp_pipeline, lördag och Red-Dot känns redan där helt off.
- Som svensk är det såklart bara bra att pengarna gick till svenska barn-cancer fonden. Men nu skulle ju detta vara en europeisk turnering och inte en svensk.. Kanske satsa på att stötta något annat till nästa europeiska event?
FPSGaming - Bracket
FPSGaming intervjuar: HeXagon e-Sports

I FPSGamings intervjuserie kommer här det sista bidraget som innehåller den kanske mest heta förhands kandidaten till slutseger i deras välgörenhets-turnering, jag talar såklart om

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: To be the best is what we always aim at but its not that easy. It has gone quite ok for us so far in cod4 with some highlights in codqcup were we ended top20 and cb we are top20 in main ladder then we had a little setback but its all fine now. This year we will try to play as many cups as we can and try to attend some lan/lans if we can and have the money for it.
Q: What does Your (clan) structure look like..
A: Krukan6 is the master of HeXagon he is also the founder! We got our fanboy/manager in voffis who is designing the website atm. Hexagon is completed with some other teams like bf2,world in conflict and quakewars. In the cod4 team ruben is the dictator and the one who fix with tactics and all the boring stuff. we all help arrange wars so we don't have a war arranger.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: We gonna finish up the practising on the maps we have worked on the month then we gonna move back in the cb ladder and try to make some results in good cups. We are also discussing lans but it is hard when we have to pay everything ourselves."
HeXagon lineup:

Läs hela intervjun:
På FPSGaming.se
Tenax Gaming med ny lineup!

Svenska organisationen

"Q: Så, hur kommer det sig att ni först och främst lämnade SIO?
A: SIO lovade i princip guld och gröna skogar när vi beslutade att gå med dom. Efter ett antal månader utan att något hände lessnade vi lite då vi kände att vi förtjänade något bättre. Så, vi började se oss om efter andra alternativ vilket ledningen i SIO höll med om att vi borde söka något nytt, så no hard feelings.
Q: Vad är det Tenax erbjuder er som ni inte kunde få hos SIO?
A: Till att börja med har vi en seriös organisation i ryggen, vilket inte direkt SIO var. Jag tänker inte gå in i detaljer på vad tenax kommer att sponsra oss med, men vi får alla våra behov tillgodosedda om jag säger så. Vi får bra LAN-möjligheter och en organisation som bryr sig om oss.
Q: Så, kan vi räkna med att vi får se er på LAN framöver alltså?
A: Vi ska göra allt vi kan för att ta oss ut på LAN och nu har vi fått det stöd som behövs för att göra det. Vi hoppas på att det dyker upp något svenskt LAN snart, gör det inte det kommer vi blicka utanför rikets gränser.
Q: Hur ser ni på Dreamhack Skellefteå? Kan det vara aktuellt?
A: Nej det blir inte aktuellt för oss. Dels ligger det för tätt inpå och sen tror jag inte att deras cod4-satsning kommer bli så värst lyckad om man ser på hur det har gått till förr. Vem fan åker till norrland frivilligt förresten? :)
Q: Vad ligger satsningen på härnäst?
A: Vi satsar först och främst på att hitta en sista member till lineupen, därefter ska vi träna ihop oss. Men det kommer väl bli en del CB och förhoppningsvis nästa CodQcup iaf.
Q: Är det inte lättare att spela ihop 5 än att satsa på en 6-manna lineup?
A: Jo givetvis är det så. Men eXTzy kommer att spela lite mindre framöver och då främst agera som backup-spelare, så vi måste hitta en sista för att kunna lira 5on5 varje dag.
Q: Då finns väl bara kvar att önska er lycka till, något du själv vill tillägga?
A: Vill passa på att tacka dD för tiden som varit och önska honom lycka till i Reddot-United :) Cheers!"
Återstår att se vad Tenax kan lyckas med. Hittills har resultaten uteblivit men håller de ihop och kör vidare kan allt hända. Ju fler svenska lag som satsar desto bättre. Men inte är det något fel på Norrland? Ja, förrutom att det är kallt så inåt..
Tenax Gaming lineup:

#tenax.gaming @ QNet.
Fnatic och SK-Gaming möts direkt


"I think we got a decent group, if seedings were made correctly which is quite hard in a game as new as this. Our goal is to perform well against all the teams in our group and proceed through the group as the winner of it."
Däremot så känns det ganska olustigt och eventuellt även planerat av huvudarrangören för CDC4,

Det osar katt lång väg som en vis man sa en dag..
Nytt lovande tyskt lag i GamerArea

Precis som vanligt är informationen från tyska lag bristande och tyvärr får man nöja sig med Babels hjälp även denna gång..
Statement från eLo:
"After both the old ThaKingZ and ZYKON-team folded me, Crush and Bounty came up with the idea to start over. We played some testgames with various players and we finally came over the right ones when we found micHii and souX who were unhappy with their situation in scarleX. They suited perfectly into our team and future plans. Thanks to good contacts with the Gamerarea management, who were interested allready in the old KingZ we quickly came to an agreement. Now we expect a bright future and that we will make up for the confidence the management have put in us."
GamerArea lineup:

#gamerarea @ QNet.
FPSGaming intervjuar: Mortifer


Copy-paste av FPSGamings standardformulär:
"Q: Tell us about Your (clan) lineup so we get to know you better...
A: Our lineup consists of Fresan, cäät, gzzon, cliffarn and matt3. Toxarn is our backup for the time being, mainly because he's chasing young girls with his moped every night. Me (Fresan), cäät, fzzon and Toxarn played together in Corax and eventually left to play together instead. When Henke asked us if we wanted to play in Mortifers CoD4 Team, which had become a little inactive, we thought it sounded like a good solution. To strengthen our lineup we asked matt3 and cliffarn which sealed the deal.
Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: We all have a "real" life on the side of gaming, so most of all we want some quality time in front of the screen and then go as far as we possibly can. We don't really have any major goals, but going to a LAN is an objective.
Q: What does Your (clan) structure look like..
A: Henke is our all-powerful team manager who gives us servers and a little of everything. We don't really have a "structure", we try to keep things so everyone is happy.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: Our lineup is only a few days old so we haven't trained that much. We're still getting to learn to use the same names on the maps. But the future is looking good!"
Mortifer lineup:

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På FPSGaming.se
eSport-festival med 284706:- i prispotten

Festivalen i sig är igång 25-27 juli och prispotten ser ganska trevlig ut då den ligger på 30000 euro. Det skall dock sägas att dessa 30k euro (vilket är 284706 SEK enligt Forex) är uppdelat på två spel (CoD4/FIFA) samt att det även handlar om en del hårdvara och inte bara cash. Men räkna med att åtminstonde hälften av det totala värdet går till CoD4-turneringen.

"Tomorrow Outpost gamecenters will open the doors of their new Brussels outlet and they will present it to the media. TEK9 and Gamevibes BVBA will be present to present our new gaming event to the public and we want to invite you to be present.
If you want to come and see what we have in store for you in 2008, feel free to contact us and ask for an invitation for the event (which is needed to get in). There are different times available at which you can come and take a look tomorrow (Saturday), starting from 12.00 in the afternoon.
We cannot release much details yet but we can tell you about the temporary site of this event which you can find at www.esportsfestival.com. As you can see the new event will be bigger and better then ever and we will be releasing more and more details over the next few weeks and months. Both Call of Duty 4 (5vs5, PC) and Fifa 08 (1vs1, PC) will be present at the event which boosts a prize purse of 30 000 euro, cash and hardware combined."
Tek-9.org (källa)
L3`Restyle intervjuad

I en intervju som egentligen inte täcker så mycket mer än det vanliga anar man relativt snabbt att Restyle föredrog (eller föredrar) franskan framför engelskan under sin tid i skolbänken.
Sax och klister gav följande resultat:
"Q: CoD4 has brought diversified opinions with itself. Competetive grounds have changed drasticly compared to CoD2 (perks etc.). How is your view on this?
A: The cod4 competitive ruleset immediately took shape and got adjusted some times and it made it look a bit more like cod2 gameplay wise. There isn't much changed but one of the biggest factors will be the sprint , it adds a lot more speed to the game witch makes it a lot nicer to spectate. What i really like is that it is no longer Bar vs Mp44 (or cold vs ak in cs) now you can use a lot of good machineguns that are suited for a different playstyle. And the smoke isn't limited to the shotgunner only but it has a very short smoke time wich both give a lot more tactical possibilities combined with nades and sprint.
Q: The move to CoD4 has been extremely succesfull for Lowlandlions. Though, other teams have been rather unsuccesfull. How is your view on this move and the eventual pros and cons?
A: First of all I wouldn't really say that since there are a lot of good teams in cod4 that come from cod2 as well also there are a lot more big multigaming clans taking interests into the game. As far as LowLandLions concerns , we have had a great kick off not only playing cod4 but our organisation is supporting us very well. We will be launching our new website very soon www.LowLandLions.com , be sure to check it out (we also got some crew spots open). We haven't played in last codQcup but I think this might give us a little advantage that teams know less about us and we more about them.
Q: You guys are going to attend the CDC 4 LAN, in holland. How will you guys prepare for this LAN?
A: We are practicing for some time now and things are going pretty good , we'll just try to play as much as possible next week. Before the matches ... Ecu will wash his hands before the match , stevy will eat some mexican food , sticky is gona crouch on his chair (crazy guy) I will just chill out and try to get a massage from some random supporter or something ;)
Q: Where do you see Lowlandlions in the future after having such a succesfull start in this game and all the opportunities which are coming up in the CoD scene to prove yourselves?
A: After cdc4 we we'll take a break for a while since we won't be attending I33 because i'm going skiing and they don't want to go with a merc. But we'll be playing a lot of online cups , there are a few really good cups such as codQcup. We will also be attending all the next lan events that will come!"
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FPSGaming intervjuar: HMC

Ytterligare ett svenskt lag som valt att deltaga i FPSGaming.se's välgörenhetscup som drar igång imorgon (23/2, läs mer här) är

Utdrag från intervjun:
"Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: Be as good as we can be i guess.. i know its a little bit prestigious but thats the truth. We are leading SAAW div2a at the moment and winning hopefully. We are aiming to play cups and tournaments and hopefully to make some progress. Its important that playing is fun in the end.. and its fun to win =)
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: Well we are all getting much better I think and hopefully we can get even more skilled. I'm aware that we are all working, go to school or have famillys so its harder to get better then if we were five guys with no work, playing all day =)
Q: Any future plans You want to share with us?
A: To get better, have fun, drink beer on LAN and not to get angry on teamspeak. Hopefully we dont get killed in the first match in the FPSTournament so we can advance in the winner bracket.. otherwise its Sunday gaming.
Q: Whats your (clan)opinion about "gaming against cancer"?
A: Its always nice to participate in this type of event because Its for a good cause and maybe it can get normal people outside the gaming community to realize that we gamers care about serious matters outside the backlot areas."
Dessvärre är HMC's lineup gigantisk så för att se den:
Läs vidare på FPSGaming.se
Kolumn om Fnatic.CoD4

Saxat från kolumnen:
"It's all to play for and fnatic have to go back to the drawing board to try and salvage something from the recent CoDQCUP. The problem with fnatic is however, the fact they have changed their winning formula. Of course, the new guys mintR brought in are great players in their own rights but the reason fnatic achieved so much was because of the relationship those players had with each other in the old lineup. They knew exactly what any man would do in any given situation. This was their main strength. It got them through games were they didn't play their best. That's a sign of a truly great team. Being able to progress through games where you don't play at your best.
I don't feel the new players have had enough time to gel with the old ranks and leaving the CoDQCUP at such an early juncture wouldn't have helped matters either. These Swedes are going to need some serious practice to get back their crown as favorites. The only comfort fnatic fans could take from this, is the fact the team has been here before and with mintR's experience, they can hopefully turn their CDC4 preparations around."
Läs vidare på:
3 från MYTeam bildar k1ck.pt

Statement från ledningen:
"Call Of Duty 4 already is a huge success worldwide, with lots of leagues, cups and LAN tournaments. Our own Clan K1ck eSports Club Multigaming K1ck CoD4.fi has been doing great, climbing up the ladders, and now it's time to introduce a Clan K1ck eSports Club Multigaming K1ck CoD4.pt team, with very well known players in the Call Of Duty 4 community.
Following the disband of Clan K1ck eSports Club Multigaming Myteam, that was doing really well in the European CoD4 scene, we have gathered 3 players from the team that conquered the respect of the most powerful teams, added 3 former k1ck CoD2 players and we have got another experienced team for the many fights ahead of us."
k1ck.pt 6-manna lineup:

SK-Gaming goes CoD4

SK-Gaming, kända från.. Ja allt som är stort inom gaming, har precis som jag försökte hinta lite fint om i föregående inlägg tagit in

iFEARdilemma! berättar:
"It's time to set up new goals, remember what we leave behind in the past and to keep on gaming with passion! As everyone we are only human beings with good and bad times but as long as our team doesn't lose its spirit we will go on rising.
We are totally overwhelmed with emotion by making a big mark on the early Call of Duty 4 history with this step and we know about the responsibility we take on our shoulders as we want to become a symbol for competitive gaming in CoD4 on a high nouveau with a team that is made of friendship and a lot of soul spirit.
For now we have to train hard and to handle the pressure which all the expectations this step brings with will focus on us. Our team made one step ahead another since it was founded, some of them were smaller and some were bigger. But even if this is our biggest step so far, we wont stop walking forward..."
SK-Gaming CoD4 består av:

Att det blev just THE6DEVILS är inte heller speciellt förvånande med tanke på lagets vinst i CODQCUP. Ryktet (eller, egentligen var det inte ens ett rykte utan ren och skär sanning) har sagt att SveaRoyale hade kontakt med SK och det verkar inte helt långsökt med tanke på hur det nu har utvecklat sig. Jag vill passa på att tacka bds för att han tagit ett steg som helt klart är rätt för alla parter och till er andra vill jag hälsa: Nu smäller det. CoD4 är här för att stanna!
THE6DEVILS klara för CDC4!

Efter en del avhopp från CDC4 (läs mer) kommer här den kanske bästa nyheten på länge, regerande CODQCUP-mästarna (och således en numera förhandsfavorit till CDC4-titeln)

I övrigt kan det sägas att T6D kommer att bli inplacerade i den lägsta seedningsgruppen, tillsammans med

TosspoT, arrangör för CDC4 förklarar läget:
"This news is a smoke screen for a far larger piece of news regarding the team and the game, regardless Europe's current top dogs are coming to Enschede! They will be seeded in the 5th seed poule. I was in close contact with the team throughout their hopes of coming to CDC and it was offered if a deal was close that we'd wait to do the seedings, though that wasnt needed at the time. In an odd way it has no impact on the seedings anyway, because one group would still have them and other strong teams in the group regardless."
Räkna med att CDC4 blir rykande hett när nu i stort sett samtliga topplag är där för att deltaga.
Som fotnot kan det även sägas att THE6DEVILS nu är klara även för i33.
L2W: slutspelet *

Nu börjar allvaret i L2W, slutspelsveckan drar igång. Med oss har vi 5 svenska lag i

På pappret ser det ganska bra ut, Fnatic ställs mot

| 01 |
| 00 |
Chefen önskar samtliga svenska lag lycka till och lita på att det kommer rapporter om eventuella shoutcasts från detta slutspel!
Precis som jag höll tummarna för slutade OMG_Ninjas som 1:a i sin grupp. Detta efter att just nyblivna SK-Gaming förlorade sin match (och därmed är utslagna!) på mp_strike mot TCM.uk med 13-11. Sämsta möjliga start för tyskarna i sin nya organisation med andra ord. Detta innebär i vilket fall som helst att vi finner OMG_Ninjas på undre delen av slutspelsträdet, vilket innebär att man kommer slippa lag såsom Fnatic och med lite tur kanske vi får se en WB-final mellan de två hittills starkase svenska lagen.
#live2win @ QNet.
Fnatic vinner RandomCup #11

Med i cupen var även


Grattis till Fnatic och bättre lycka nästa gång hälsar Chefen till allas våra favorit-ninjor.
RandomCup via Fnatic.com (källa)
team-turpo blir Insidiae

Statement Crysti:
"Team.turpo is excited about this opportunity to join a new organisation and help to build it successful. We hope we've found our home now in insidiae and we can improve as a team under this new name. It will require alot of work but we're confident we can pull it off. Finally, we would like to thank Arno for giving us this opportunity and for the great support he has given to our team."
Insidiae 6-manna lineup:

Här näst på schemat står Level7 (läs mer) i Helsingfors och efter det tror jag finnarna lämnar denna organisation illa kvickt.
Tek-9.org (källa)
Brittisk shock - 4Kings byter laguppställning

Det är tröttsamt att följa och skriva om den brittiska scenen. Nu är det återigen sjunkande

Uttalande av Gavin:
Its good to see a lineup that is generating some very impressive results. I am confident we can address the recent reliability issues, which seem to plague UK based teams and have hit us heavily in the last 2 months. I have a lot of faith in Sam and his ability to lead and of course would like to welcome the new guys, or welcome back in Aaron and David's case. Good luck chaps I look forward to i33.
4Kings uppställning februari-mars:

Och vilka imponerande resultat denne "Gavin" talar om vet jag inte, 4kings har använt sig av denna lineup i några veckor nu - helt utan att imponera.
Tips-tack till Thomas!
Tek-9.org (källa)
zeroPoint! lägger ner

Saxat från zpgaming.net
After not even a month, i am very disappointed and sad to announce the disband of our Call Of Duty 4 team. The start was very promising and it looked like the team was stable and motivated. But unfortunaly this didnt last long. The highly ambition to become a top team didnt match the schedule of two players. Steve and quiNN decided to step down because they couldnt afford the time to practise enough. The plan of the 3 remaining players was to recruit 2 new motivated and active players, but nkr dropped the ball and left all of a sudden. The future of denizen and Sko is open, but they want to continue to play.
Cadred.org (Källa)
frijec bloggar och massa bilder

Lagkapten i Roskilde Ravens,

"Waking up at 10am in the morning when you went to bed at 7am isn't awesome but I had to since I was gonna move all my stuff to my new apartment. It took around three hours but I had to do it. When I finally came back in the afternoon, Infinity had already left and fnatic were leaving later in the evening. Just when I came back tidde was craving McDonalds so I tagged along with my brother and Champ, because we were really hungry. When we came back we had some time to play VAE on a few maps, since the rest of my team had fixed some mistakes in our tactics while I was gone.

The next morning VAE left around 11am and we didn't stay too long after that, but we went to get change from all the beer bottles and it was enough for lunch and dinner for me and LM :D
Thank you VAE, Infinity and last but not least fnatic for a really great weekend. I do hope we can arrange another one of these with more teams next time."
Mer bilder från tillställningen finner ni här.
GotFrag.com (källa)
OMGN]rivieRa intervjuad

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: Du gick nyligen med de helsvenska ninjorna i OMG Ninjas, hur kommer det sig?
A: wnkr spelade med dom innan han drog in i lumpen så rekommenderade han att börja spela med dom då dom har stor potential. Och jag bad om att få provspela och det funkade galant!
Q: Ni slog de tyska djävlarna The 6 Devils i LIVE2WIN-ligan, berätta mer om det?
A: Det blev lite kaos ett tag faktiskt. De var inte planerat att FUFFEN skulle spela då han var på kalas. Men i sista minuten kom han tillbaka. Vi lirade district och vann kniven så vi tog marines och fick 9-3 tror ja. Genom en härlig 1on4 av kebbe! Då vi var rejält taggade efter kebbes 1on4 så fick vi 12-5 och hade relativt många matchrundor. Så de kunde inte gå snett :)
Q: Vilka ambitioner har ni i OMG Ninjas? Bli onliners eller åka på LAN och "göra en flow"?
A: Vi vill självklart åka på lan. Men då vi inte har någon organisation som sponsrar oss måste vi visa resultat online. Och de har funkat bra hittills.
Q: Det är vanligt att lag splittras, särskilt efter förluster, är OMG Ninjas ett sådant lag?
A: Nej inte direkt. Vi är snarare "vad gick fel, vad kan förbättras". Det är bra att förlora ibland så att man behöver tagga till och ta hitta på taktiker."
Grattis till segern över T6D, skön tysk skalp. Dessutom kul att se rivieRa tillbaka i CoD4-träsket! Lycka till grabbar..
#omg_ninjas @ QNet.
Hela intervjun på CoD.se
Appropå OMG_Ninjas och intervjuer kan jag väl lite fint hinta om att KEBBE borde titta i sin inbox lite oftare..
CDC4: grupper och seedning

Nu har man på Crossfire äntligen postat både grupper och seedning inför kommande CDC4. Dessvärre verkar det som att hela 9 lag som betalat för sig och var klara att åka inte kommer att dyka upp. Detta gissningsvis p.g.a. barnsjukdomen som kallas instabilitet som varje ny scen råkar ut för i början. Lyckligtvis är båda svensk hoppen i

Seed Poule 1:
Seed Poule 2:
UF Gaming,
Seed Poule 3:
Seed Poule 4:
Seed Poule 5:

Seed Poule 2:

Seed Poule 3:

Seed Poule 4:

Seed Poule 5:

Group A:
eSuba -
Logitech -
Policy -

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:

Group E:

Group F:

Group G:

Group H:

Om det är bra seedning eller inte låter jag er bestämma. Men visst borde VAE vara högre rankade än till exempel Impact?
Tyskt Toppmöte *
Om 10 minuter (23:00, 18/2) är det dags för final i ESL Cup Series, en tysk cup som pågått i hela tre månader. I finalen så är det
THE6DEVILS som möter
nGize på mp_crossfire, så mycket bra action är garanterad.
Lineup T6D:
Lineup nGize:
THE6DEVILS befäste sin position som tysklands bästa onlinelag efter att man besegrade nGize med 13-10 i en match som innehöll slappa tyska kommentatorer, snygga frags, massvis med nadekills och dessvärre även någon Red Dot.

Lineup T6D:

Lineup nGize:

THE6DEVILS befäste sin position som tysklands bästa onlinelag efter att man besegrade nGize med 13-10 i en match som innehöll slappa tyska kommentatorer, snygga frags, massvis med nadekills och dessvärre även någon Red Dot.
Mer bilder från Roskilde
toker, manager i
Fnatic som vart tvungen att stanna hemma från träningslägret i Roskilde har i sin blogg på Fnatic.com postat ytterligare några bilder från förberedelserna inför CDC4 med
Roskilde Ravens och
Team Infinity. För bilder tagna av VAE, klicka här (eller scrolla neråt).
"Here I am, at home. The guys are at a bootcamp hosted by roskilde e-sport. I was supposed to tag along, but my busted rib made me stay at home. Bummer.
I got ahold of a lot of pictures from the bootcamp, here's some favourites I've picked out of the fnatic COD4 team."

"Here I am, at home. The guys are at a bootcamp hosted by roskilde e-sport. I was supposed to tag along, but my busted rib made me stay at home. Bummer.
I got ahold of a lot of pictures from the bootcamp, here's some favourites I've picked out of the fnatic COD4 team."
dfiance tillbaka med full lineup

Uttalande från

"After Restyle leaving for L3, quM losing interest in the team and so on, I was forced to let dfiance undergo some serious changes. Together with my fellow teammate Wannes (Shooze) I searched for some decent Belgian subs for our losses, and I can surely say I found them.
Together with Martijn (Wils), Jente (niZ), Angelo (shakota) and Glenn (dweepz) I'm sure we can slowly get on top of the CoD4 scene. We will need time, but I noticed some potential in this team and it's a bunch of nice guys.
We won't attend Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 because this was too quick for some of us who made other plans. We're hoping to attend i33."
dfiance 6-manna lineup:

Nu återstår det bara att se hur länge dessa grabbar kan hålla ihop. Bets are on!
Cadred.org (källa)
Doktorerna går med i EG

Ägarna uttalar sig:
"The Doctors are the ultimate multi-gamers. Their accomplishments in Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, Painkiller, and Quake speak for themselves; this is truly a special, unique group of individuals," said EG Executive Director Alex Garfield. "We knew from the beginning that if EG was going to venture into COD4, we wanted The Doctors. It's an honor to welcome this group."
Och självklart säger även lagledaren wombat några väl valda ord:
"We are thrilled that Alex and Team EG have given us this opportunity to represent their team on the Call of Duty front," added team captain Mark Larsen. "Thanks to EG we now have the necessary support to attend future LAN events we were previously unable to afford. We look forward to having a long and successful stay with EG!"
Hetaste lineupen i Bush-land:

GotFrag.com (källa)
Lagpresentation: h2o

Statement here2own:
We are happy to announce to you our first new lineup; this lineup will be fighting in the Call of Duty 4 community to show everyone what here2own is all about. Formerly known as "Secret Eskimo Spy Service (sess)" (which was already a team filled with some old members), they will now be fighting once again to the top in their home clan!

Tek-9.org (källa)
Level7 is a go

Turneringen kommer att pågå i två dagar med start den 8:e Mars och schemat verkar vara rätt så intensivt då matcher kommer att spelas sent in på natten den första dagen. Hur ska dom då ha tid för koskenkorvan?
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SK-Gaming (Källa)
Team Evergreen foldar

maYer berättar för babelfish:
to the conclusion it was not simply any longer enough. Since m4x stops now because of the school and did not run per cent approximately anyway it with us no more 100, we have us decided the team to dissolve
#evergreen @ QNet
xcite.uk söker nytt hem
CODQCUPs största överaskning xcite.uk, efter en tids dålig support nu lämnar xcite för att hitta en annan, mer stödjande organisation. Samtidigt meddelar laget att dom ersätter
fatal med
xtctje (tidigare Powerhouse Gaming) och
impreZ som nyligen blev petad från zeroPoint.
Laget har temporärt tagit namnet mgl, antagligen som en indukator på att dom söker multi-gaming-nånting och de bör inte ha några större problem med att hitta ett nytt hem med tanke på vilka starka insatser de stod för i CODQCUP mot Logitech.fi och nEophyte.
wizinium förklarar:
Well, after discussions within the team, we decided to leave xciteuk. We felt they didnt support us in the way we wanted and so have had to split with them in order to move on. We are currently looking for a new mutligaming clan who we can work closely with and i hope they can provide us with what we need. I would like to thank xciteuk for all they have done for us, especially mixa, deek, dmg and dr.gonzo <3
mgl:s första fem
Tek-9.org (Källa)
#multig @ QNet

Laget har temporärt tagit namnet mgl, antagligen som en indukator på att dom söker multi-gaming-nånting och de bör inte ha några större problem med att hitta ett nytt hem med tanke på vilka starka insatser de stod för i CODQCUP mot Logitech.fi och nEophyte.
wizinium förklarar:
Well, after discussions within the team, we decided to leave xciteuk. We felt they didnt support us in the way we wanted and so have had to split with them in order to move on. We are currently looking for a new mutligaming clan who we can work closely with and i hope they can provide us with what we need. I would like to thank xciteuk for all they have done for us, especially mixa, deek, dmg and dr.gonzo <3
mgl:s första fem

Tek-9.org (Källa)
#multig @ QNet
Nya Packard Bell-laget intervjuat

CrossFire.nu intervjuar lagledare

"Q: So you have known Payne and Junior since you were 11 (start of secondary school) and you are now 21. That's quite along time to have known 2 of your team mates. You have also known Wakko since i23 and known Hunter since i27. Do you think that after knowing and spending so much time with a lot of your team mates pre-Packard Bell will provide a secure basis for your team and it's future together?
A: Well that's been our aim with this for a long time. The UK scene, as everyone will attest, is rife with line-up changes, in house bickering and a general lack of harmony. Our aim is to buck the trend and settle on the most stable lineup we can. It certainly helps when your teammates are people you know very well and can trust. There will always be something that can affect even the most stable line-ups, but we have tried to minimize that and create a line-up as stable as we can and stick with it for the long term.
Q: It has been announced that you and your team will receive a free new wickedly specked out computer courtesy of Packard Bell. That shows a great deal of confidence and investment in the team. Do you feel any pressure to perform and get the results whilst under the Packard Bell name?
A: An important part of playing is not being under too much pressure. It's been made clear to us that we aren't under any pressure or unneccessary duress and we can focus on our game. The PCs will be a great boost to the side because it will allow people to raise their game using a machine that is stable and with much greater power than some of us are used to. It is a nice investment, and certainly one we appreciate. But of course, we couldn't really be Team Packard Bell if we didn't use Packard Bell machines! Sponsors have to have the exposure they need, it's all part of the business.
Q: What are the long term and short term goals for team Packard Bell Cod4?
A: In the short term, our focus is on CLUK19 and i33 and we're putting our energy into those two events at the moment. In the long term, our focus is on keeping the team together and keeping the team active and playing. There's no use in practicing for a LAN, playing at the LAN, doing well only to go inactive after it and waste a lot of hard work."
Hela intervjun går att finna:
På CrossFire.nu
gau med fragfilm-guide

Så med guiden i ena handen, ditt demo i andra och en aning fantasi där uppe förväntar sig nu Chefen att det börjar strömma in imponerande svenska fragfilmer. Guiden är dock skriven på engelska men det borde väl inte vara något som helst problem i dagens tider.
Mycket nöje..
movieguide by gau
Fragfilm: Visionproductions släpper trailer
Visionproductions som leds av brittiske
FreNzyy spammade IRC inatt om deras senaste projekt, CoD4: A New Era. Projektet i sig går ut på att samla ihop galna frags och sätta ihop dem till en fragfilm och resultatet hittills är en halvdan trailer. Dessvärre innehåller den en hel del Red Dot-frags.. och det känns väl sådär. Bäst är den pampiga musiken som har bra timing me fragsen. Sämst är att det följer med en del Red Dot-klipp och jag förstår inte riktigt vad Red Dot har att göra i en fragfilm som ska visa CoD4 i dennes bäste form. Men vi får väl hoppas det snarare är ett undantag och att den röda pricken endast är med i några få klipp i den slutgiltiga versionen.
De söker fortsatt fler demos som innehåller stiliga frags, så har du något som passar och är sugen på att dela med dig så kan du höra av dig till FreNzyy i deras IRC-kanal #visionproductions @ QNet.

Visionproductions - CoD4: A New Era
De söker fortsatt fler demos som innehåller stiliga frags, så har du något som passar och är sugen på att dela med dig så kan du höra av dig till FreNzyy i deras IRC-kanal #visionproductions @ QNet.
Fnatic & VAE på bootcamp: bildbeviset
Som nu ingen kan ha undgått är våra svenska hjältar i
Fnatic och
Vicious and Evil är på bootcamp i Danmark tillsammans med
Roskilde Ravens och
Team Infinity. Nu har vi fått första bildbeviset från det och visst ser det ut som att gubbarna kämpar hårt?!

Samtliga bilder är hämtade från ViciousAndEvil.com:
vae-LOKE och RR`frijec i rapport från Roskilde
Nu börjar det strömma in rapporteringar från det svensk-danska träningslägret i Roskilde. Igår skrev jag om
mintRs blogg (läs mer här, eller scrolla några centimeter neråt) och idag är det dags för två nya ansikten..
Först ut,
"When everyone had gathered up in Malmo and we started our trip towards Roskilde we had ALOT of troubles finding the bridge so we could cross to Denmark. First we followed the sign but the signs were evil stopped appearing so we had to call toppe and ask for directions. It took along while but finally we found that oversized bridge and payed the tull and went abroad. Well in Denmark we were even more lost and the clock was around 1 o'clock. So we called frijec and asked what way we should take and he said "just follow the Roskilde signs...". To find to Roskilde was not so hard, I think we took the wrong way but we found it. But now we ended up in another maze, we were lost yer again.
So we called frijec and asked for his help and we tried to follow his advice but we did not find the LAN centre anyway. So we called him again, and got lost again, so we called him again and then we got lost.
We never found the right street, and I know poeple use to say "every road leads to Rome", and I can say that they can't be more wrong. Every road leads to that fucking Domkirken!
After a while of driving around trying to find the way we called the other dane, woomzy. So woomzy met us at the solcentre and we squeesed in to the car and he showed us the way. We started the next day with some gaming and then we looked up a place to eat, so we ate and then we stooked up on energy drinks and went back to the LANing area.
When everyone was here we started to play and we orderd in some food from some random restaurant, and here's a typ: Don't order in shish kebab when you are in Denmark. From here on we have only been geeking us through the night and the morning, when we went out for lunch we walked a long while trying to find McDonalds but we did not. Shocking, huh. But for dinner, we got our McDonalds food and as always its to much fucking ice in the coke, to much salt on the fries, and some disgusting cuecomber on the burger but aside from that it was quite good. We are going to keep playing and I am going to miss out on alot of honor-grinding in wow. I know, it sucks huh, but as always I do anything for my teammates."
Och så såklart även
"Bootcamping Chronicles
After a few weeks of planning and general conversations, it was finally time for our long awaited bootcamp with fnatic, VAE and infinity. Both of the swedish team arrived by car, and apparently the GPS aint invented in Sweden. So after 2 teams driving the wrong way, we finally got them coordinated towards Roskilde.
It wasnt hard for them to get settled in, they just picked a room to sleep in at the house and a table to play from. Although some of the computers were rather locked to test out a new ghost, there havent been any real problems. Most of the friday we spend playing fnatic on all the maps in the mappool, so when we finally was done for the night we were too tired to play the others. I think we all crashed around 3am, and we planned to all get up around 11am and get ready to play all day.
We got up around 10-11am because it was kinda hard to sleep anymore for some reason, it might the nice mixture of candy and redbull we all injected throughout the evening. So we spend like an hour or 2 talking and playing other games before we went into real hard praccing. Today we played VAE and infinity on most of the maps with a few breaks in between and after that, we needed a serious amount of tweaking of our tactics. That took some time but it turned out really well. So after some dinner and a little fun time, we were up for another round of fnatic. So far this has been the best bootcamp I've ever had in any game, everyone is having a really great time and I'm glad we're all getting along so well. So after around 14 hours of praccing, it was finally time for some drinking! (vae.Loke rules btw, but not his driving)."
Tek-9.org (frijecs blogg)

Först ut,

So we called frijec and asked for his help and we tried to follow his advice but we did not find the LAN centre anyway. So we called him again, and got lost again, so we called him again and then we got lost.
We never found the right street, and I know poeple use to say "every road leads to Rome", and I can say that they can't be more wrong. Every road leads to that fucking Domkirken!
After a while of driving around trying to find the way we called the other dane, woomzy. So woomzy met us at the solcentre and we squeesed in to the car and he showed us the way. We started the next day with some gaming and then we looked up a place to eat, so we ate and then we stooked up on energy drinks and went back to the LANing area.
When everyone was here we started to play and we orderd in some food from some random restaurant, and here's a typ: Don't order in shish kebab when you are in Denmark. From here on we have only been geeking us through the night and the morning, when we went out for lunch we walked a long while trying to find McDonalds but we did not. Shocking, huh. But for dinner, we got our McDonalds food and as always its to much fucking ice in the coke, to much salt on the fries, and some disgusting cuecomber on the burger but aside from that it was quite good. We are going to keep playing and I am going to miss out on alot of honor-grinding in wow. I know, it sucks huh, but as always I do anything for my teammates."
Och så såklart även

"Bootcamping Chronicles
After a few weeks of planning and general conversations, it was finally time for our long awaited bootcamp with fnatic, VAE and infinity. Both of the swedish team arrived by car, and apparently the GPS aint invented in Sweden. So after 2 teams driving the wrong way, we finally got them coordinated towards Roskilde.

We got up around 10-11am because it was kinda hard to sleep anymore for some reason, it might the nice mixture of candy and redbull we all injected throughout the evening. So we spend like an hour or 2 talking and playing other games before we went into real hard praccing. Today we played VAE and infinity on most of the maps with a few breaks in between and after that, we needed a serious amount of tweaking of our tactics. That took some time but it turned out really well. So after some dinner and a little fun time, we were up for another round of fnatic. So far this has been the best bootcamp I've ever had in any game, everyone is having a really great time and I'm glad we're all getting along so well. So after around 14 hours of praccing, it was finally time for some drinking! (vae.Loke rules btw, but not his driving)."
Tek-9.org (frijecs blogg)
mintR bloggar från Danmark

Saxat från mintRs blogg:
"No time to waste, we ordered pizza online and sat down to prep our computers, after sayin hello to all the people here, eventhough we knew most of them allready. The place we're at has 5 tables set up with 6 computers at each table.
We spent the first night playing vs Roskilde and after that we all crashed in a room and slept till the next day, which is today. We didn't get up again untill after 12 sometime I was still fealing beat."
Chefen ser nu fram emot nästa uppdatering som borde innehålla lite roliga bilder från tillställningen!
Läs vidare:
mintRs blogg på Fnatic.com
ESL Major Series påminnelse

Såhär i dagarna när det råder torka på CoD4-nyheter kommer här en liten påminnelse. Om lite drygt 24 timmar (söndag 23:59, 17/2) stänger signups för något bortglömda ESL Major Series, EMS (läs mer här). Hittills har endast 3 lag signat upp sig för det svenska kvalet och dessa är

Prispotten för er som förträngt den:

Visserligen lär ingen se fram emot att få använda ESL-versionen av PAM som fortsatt inte hängt med i utvecklingen, men det kanske man kan ha överseende med då ett svenskt kval skulle innebära ytterligare en svensk mini-turnering och det är aldrig fel. För att deltaga behöver man således 3/5 spelare i sin lineup från Sverige så se nu till att registrera er så Koddblogg får mer att skriva om!
EMS - det svenska kvalet
Mer info om EMS
EMS - officiell nyhet
dfiance droppar från CDC4

Ett av de starkaste namnen i Belgien,

dfiance ledare

"Because some issues we're unable to attend Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 in Enschede, the Netherlands. With not seeing the use of attending the event with a mixteam (which is impossible to fund by sponsors, because it is a mixteam) we are forced to sell our ticket for the CDC4 event at the weekend of 29 February.
With this newspost I'm hoping to find a team or mix who is willing to buy our ticket to the event.
We have payed for 5 persons:
5 persons x 40 euros each : 200 euros.
If you are interested please contact me by mail at management [at] dfiance.org or msn tinusvdv [at] gmail.com"
Att drömma om ytterligare ett svenskt lag på CDC4 är för mycket att hoppas på va?
FPSGaming intervjuar: Cuts

FPSGamings välgörenhetscup närmar sig med stormsteg (läs mer om den här) och för lag som fortsatt inte signat upp sig börjar det bli dags nu. Inför denna turnering fortsätter FPSGaming att intervjua de deltagande lagen, sist ut i raden är svenska

Copy-paste från intervjun:
"Q: Tell us about Your (clan) background and how you first started
A: Cuts and Bruises started up in September 2006. The COD4 squad are mainly from Cuts and Bruises, but we also got Mahido from our former BF2 brother clan Men of Honor and Gretchin, the RTS player, who had no idea what he was signing up for ;D
Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: We are well aware of the fact that we never going to be a world top clan (apart from Mahido, who think he will bring the team there by himself) but we have a winning heart. All of us want to play as good as we can and hopefully be a respected clan within the community, both for our manners, our cute faces and every now and then give a good fight.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: Right now we are focusing on playing as much as we can, sneaking and lurking out the feeling of it all. It takes a while for us, but I think we will get there. So practice practice practice is the main word right now. Further more we are playing the SAAW league in Div 2B and we are trying to join cups like this one to gain experience. The future, hm well, one thing is sertant and that we all love the game and we love playing it. I don't think you gonna see us as the next CODQCUP winners, but I really hope that other teams will say in there future, "Cuts, that's a nice bunch, friendly and they really can fight if the put their minds to it". We will continue to fight, practice and gain experience."
Cuts and Bruises lineup:

Cuts hemsida
#cutsandbruises @ QNet.
Hela intervjun på FPSGaming.se
CoD4 på OS 2008?

Vilka spel och vilken plattform som kommer att gälla står oklart. Gissningsvis kommer vi säkerligen se "snällare" spel än CoD4 (även om Chefen inte gett upp hoppet!) och inkörda dito såsom StarCraft, WoW (zzz..) och FIFA. I Kina är e-Sporten accepterad som en riktig idrott och det som känns långt borta för oss i Sverige, ett land som inte ens kan hänga med Danmark i utvecklingen, är mer självklart i Kina.
Saxat från CNN.com:
"Chinese organizers are allowing GGL to use a logo that includes the official Olympic rings for branding and promoting a big gaming tournament that coincides with the first four days of next summer's Olympics, to be called The Digital Games. The Games will not be in Beijing but in Shanghai, where Olympic soccer events will be held. As part of the events, GGL will employ a kind of World Cup format in the months leading up to the Olympics, with national playoffs leading to global competition in Shanghai.

"We believe the crowds we'll get will be far larger than for the Olympic games themselves." The venues, still to be chosen, are likely to be big soccer stadiums - not unusual for gaming competitions in China and elsewhere in Asia. Video gaming is rapidly becoming one of the world's most popular spectator sports, with audiences, especially in Asia, numbering many millions both live and on TV.
Digital Games will be "the ultimate elevation of gaming and the culture of gaming to the world stage. We're associating ourselves with the largest mainstream brand in the world, which is the Olympics." ... "This is historic because it is the first time that video gaming becomes part of the whole Olympic celebration," he says in a telephone interview from Beijing. "In the long run, we hope that video gaming becomes a formal sport throughout the world. That is the long-term vision." Mr. Fong says that the government officially counts over 50 million serious video gamers in China alone."
Frågan återstår när Sverige ska vakna upp från dvalan och inse att e-Sporten är här för att stanna..
CNN.com via Crossfire.nu (källa)
DailyCOD intervjuar: MY|mow

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: Let's dig deeper into the recent move, the ending of MYTEAM. What was the main reason?
A: Well, basicly it all happened by one reason, ill explain. When you play games online, you play for fun BUT when I play something I wanna be the best in it or else I consider it pointless to play, its an way of acting in life and honestly after playing for 5/6 years I want to get something in reward for playing, something that ive never had in all these years, so when you stop having fun you only keep playing if you get rewarded and when you don't, you quit. Me and dev think the same way and we have a long chat about this and about our lifes in the future and thats when we realised it wasn't worth it to keep playing at such a high level.
Q: Does living in Portugal affect your decision? Does it make it any harder to find actual support or getting into top teams?
A: Yes, grand part of the decision was because gaming in Portugal is not really developed yet. There aren't many teams that I consider at a professional level and the ones that are can't give you the support if you want to be the best in your game, because you can only be the best if you compete at the highest level online and offline, if you don't get any support to attend offline events its impossible for you to do anything 'big'.
Q: Any last tips you can give your fellow gamers?
A: Factors to become the best: high level experience, losing multiple times till reaching 'perfection', motivation, dedication, talent (if you don't have it you may just quit now) and must important factor, be the leader of a team, for me its the biggest and best experience you can get from gaming, to learn how to 'command' a team of 5 players in a game, the need to think for 5 people and to lead 5 players to victory, it really develops you skillwise."
Personligen tycker jag det är konstigt att man skyller på att man bland annat la ner på grund av att man inte blev anlönad för sitt slit. För CoD4 är fortsatt nytt och med den ljusa framtiden spelet har framför sig finns det ingen anledning att inte tro att MYteam skulle ha fått bra backning inom sin tid, förutsatt att de fortsatt på samma nivå som tidigare.
Läs hela intervjun:
På DailyCOD.com
Fritt fram för gunsway och sniper-fix

För några timmar sedan vart det klart. Gunsway och sniper-fixen - skapad av

"Its pretty simple, the ruleset will be the same as the previous Crossfire ruleset appart from these added functions after a successful poll:-
1. No gun sway fix - This is a server and client IWD file, that you download when connecting to a server with it enabled. It basically fixes the gun sway and means that at longer range guns shoot where you are aiming.
2. No sniper sway fix - This again is part of the IWD file and removes all sway from the sniper, but also makes it so that after each shot you unzoom, thus helping to balance the weapon. "
Goda nyheter på:
Ladda hem:
no gunsway
mintR bloggar inför Danmark

I en icke så lång bloggpost skriver han lite inför resan men passar även på att nämna deras match i L2W som man gick segrande ur. Mer roligt från mintRs sida har utlovats och lita på att det kommer fler mintR-bloggar på Koddblogg under helgen..
Med saxen framme:
"Yep tomorrow I'll get in the car together with zsilts, tidde, odyxz and klanne and we'll be going to Roskilde where we are bootcamping in the Roskilde Ravens clubhouse together with roskilde, vicious and evil and infinity. Updates will follow on how the danish vs swedish showdown will end,. I think perhaps we'll beat them at cod and they will headbut us, "dansk skalle"(direct translation = danish head, = headbut) :D"
Läs vidare:
mintR bloggar på Fnatic.com
THE6DEVILS under strålkastaren

Mina kollegor hos Cadred.org har nu presenterat "månadens lag", för andra gången på 3, snart 4 månader. Månadens lag är föga förvånande CODQCUP-vinnarna

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: You just achieved the goal every top CoD4 team has been aiming at. Would you like to comment the recent CODQCUP and your great performance in it?
A: Its totaly great to be the winner of the CoDQCup, but its also something you shouldnt overrate. With a bit more luck tek9 could also be the champion of this event. Anyway this cup was a nice experience for us and we had a lot of fun in it. We had loads of spectacular matches, like the games vs dignitas, esuba, fnatic or tek9. Those are surely matches we will remember and beeing the winner of this event will strengthen our back. The admins of the codqcup made an awesome job aswell, I really hope they will go on like that. And last but not least, the communities interest into the CoDQCup is something we shouldnt forget to thank for.
Q: Now that you have crushed every single team out of your way with no losses in the CODQCUP JAN08 playoffs, how would you describe your future sights and plans?
A: Thats hard to answer. With the lack of support we arent able to attend every lan wich is hold out there. So if you look back, the last lan we attended in this lineup was the tek9 oof2 lan in cod2 half a year ago. Sure we will save some money and try to attend as much offline events as we can but tbh we really need a good organisation we can play for. We want to become the best and we will definitly spend alot of soul spirit and time to reach that position. As I often say, we make one step ahead another till we reach our goal."
Läs vidare på:
CoolerMaster.eu med full lineup

Statement från manager,

"With the surprising departure of gene, we were stuck for a suitable fit, with the limited amount of talent on offer, we weren't sure we would find a new player in time for i33. Luckily we found soppaj, a former iuro player from Finland. Showing great skill and communication in his trial, the team decided to take him on full-time and will be appearing with us in Newbury, England this March at the Multiplay i33 LAN event."
TCM.eu lineup:

Team CoolerMaster
#team-coolermaster @ QNet.
Tek-9.org (källa)
FPSGaming intervjuar: kAkAo

Svenska laget

"Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: CoD4 doesn?t mean more than the other games we have played. It?s just another game to strengthen the brotherhood in the clan. The difference is only that we needed a new game to put a spark in the clan and in the CoD-atmosphere. Of course our goal is to achieve a good position somewhere in the middle of the Scandinavian CB ladder.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: Well, at the moment we are struggling with getting our guys to function as a team but we are still working on it. We got a bad start on the Scandinavian CB ladder but we still got some aces in our sleeves. Will fight our way back up on the ladder! The future of Kakao is bright since we got 4 new players that are on fire for the game.
Q: What are your hopes for this cup?
A: To have fun and at least win one match, hopefully against oC."
Chefen gillar lag som håller hop i vått och tort, så lycka till i framtiden kAkAo!
Läs vidare hos FPSGaming.se
#kakao @ QNet.
Packard Bell goes CoD4

Packard Bell konstaterar:
As an Official partner of the last ESWC Grand Final 2007, Packard Bell renews its commitment to the gaming community by introducing a grass roots program. A number of players have been selected to form the first amateur team to compete under the Packard Bell Brand. The players have been selected to compete in both FPS and RTS tournaments and will be supported with the latest Intel-based Packard Bell iPower PCs.
Och även laget säger sitt genom YoMma:
First of all, we'd like to convey our excitement and pride in representing Packard Bell in this venture. The grassroots program is something we all respect and we think its great that Packard Bell is investing into the scene in this way in order to promote competitive gaming on a much wider scale. Our task now is to represent Packard Bell to the best of our abilities beginning with CLUK19 and of course the big tournament at i33. Lastly, we would also like to welcome the RTS players joining us under the Packard Bell brand.
Bell's heroes:

Crossfire.nu (Källa)
Slovenien spöar Sverige - På Pipeline

Macthen startade som vanligt i chatrummen när det blev klart att de enda som ville övervaka matchen från CBs håll var Slovenier, något som naturligtvis inte accepterades från det svenska lägret och därför spelades matchen utan admins.
Att mp_pipeline finns med i kartlistan är en skam och gör CB NC till en lolcup. Nuff said.
mp_vacant: Sverige [10-10] Slovenien
mp_pipeline: Sverige [9-11] Slovenien
Följande spelare ställde upp för respektive landslag:

CoD4 till Dreamhack Skellefteå

eSportprofil bakom evenemanget
David Garpenståhl är en av de absolut mest meritarade eSport-profilerna vi har och när han säger att det är dags att bygga ut Dreamhack så håller koddblogg med. Dessutom så är det många som är trötta på att tvingas ner till Jönköping två gånger om året.
Hursomhelst så finns det inte så mycket information ute för tillfället men en bordsplats kostar 450kr och turneringen kommer med all säkerhet bli en s k BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) -turnering.
LANet spelas 27-30e Mars
Alla hjärtans dag
Idag är det en dag som många utav oss bävar för, jag talar givetvis om "Alla hjärtans dag" - en dag som står för så mycket, men egentligen bara är en dumdristig anledning till att ens sämre hälft ska försöka dra en från datorn. Så ni som sitter fast i träsket, kom ihåg att göra något snällt en dag som denna, så kanske din eventuella partner har överseende med att det blir precis som vanligt ikväll, en kväll framför datorn.
Här kommer för övrigt ett litet klipp ni kan visa som en romantisk gest kanske..? Enjoy.
Här kommer för övrigt ett litet klipp ni kan visa som en romantisk gest kanske..? Enjoy.
oXmoze|Anubiis i kort intervju

Copy-paste från intervjun i fråga:
"Q: Can you tell me about oXmoze, how did you get in, what lineup changes have been in the team?
A: Actually, at the begining of cod4 i had no clan, and I was quite unknown in the french cod high comunity.. At this time, oXmoze just lost one of their player, Lew who stopped playing in order to devote to his work. Lucky me, Raigeki came on a random server where I was playing, and after 1 hour of game only the 2 of us, he asked me if i wanted to play with oXmoze, for a trial.
And they finaly took me in their line up. Next, Niejdan, one of the best french player arrived, but he left some weeks later to devote to his work too! And finaly, we recruited XandeR, so now we are 6, Vazy, Raigeki, Rukke, me, Xander and Gus.
Q: In the first CODQCUP you managed to finish 3rd. What was the cup like? Were you feeling confident from the beginning? Are you satisfied with your rank? And a very important question: in the next codqcup what setting improvements would you like to see?
A: This cup was great, really, i enjoyed playing against topclans like MY, eSuba, serious, tek9... well, i'm never confident, my team mates always reproach me with that.. but we really wanted to finish in the 3 firsts, so yeah I'm satisfied even if i think we can do better. I don't see any improvements right now, everything was great in this cup, if we could play with nosway it would be perfect :)
Q: Can you tell me the plans of oXmoze about the future? Would you like to change something in your team?
A: Our plans are to reach the top :D we are at the moment training for 3 lans, The Atomic Re-so 2008 and the Gamers Assembly, the 2 bigest french lans, and we have to win these 2. And we will try to finish in the 3 firsts at cdc4 in holland. I don't want to change something in my team, this team is great :D"
#oxmoze @ QNet
Hela intervjun hos eSports4all
nEophyte tillbaka

På exemplarisk icke-felfri engelska:
"We make that team about 2 weeks ago, but everyone in Czech Republic says that this line up gonna be same representative like ex-line up of nEph. Our crew is made of 4 players from ex-NR who were in TOP 3 teams in CZ and zafo with luboshmir (lubo is backup) who left in nEph. We gonna take our best chances to beat at least TOP 5 EU teams and our biggest rival from now in CZE, eSuba."
nEophyte - version 2.0:

Chefen passar på att välkomna nEophyte tillbaka samt önska organisationen lycka till med satsningen..
#neophyte @ QNet.
strelok i kortfattad intervju

Q: You played against The6Devils in CoDQCup final, you lost. Are you sad?
A:Not really, I expected us to lose because we hardly pracced and they are smg gods :D
Q:What is your plans? Can you introduce the readers in it?
A: Well, We are going to try to start practicing seriously now, so we get to the level where we want to be. In 2 weeks we're already attending CDC #4 and then after a while there's I series, but we aren't sure yet if we are going.
Q: And please tell me about your team. Everybody enjoys playing with CoD4?
A: Yeah everyone likes CoD 4 in general, but the no sway should seriously be enabled everywhere, and same goes for the sniper fix. Also some nice maps would be welcome... but I guess that day will never come :DDDDDD.
Personligen tycker jag det är sådär när lag förväntar sig att förlora och skyller på dålig träning. Hade i ärlighetens namn förväntat mig mer av Tek9. Fy!
Läs hela intervjun här!
KomaCrew med ändringar


"Since Butzemann had not enough time due his exams we had to add a new player into our roster. The CDC will be his last Lan for now so we decided to go with him to Enschede. Sadly we have to announce that Butzemann aka Sascha will go inactive again after the CDC4 Lan because of his exams. We are happy to welcome eugen into our Team. Eugen was the best choice in our opinion, he just fits perfectly in our team. His gamestyle and character are just awesome. He is motivating the whole gaming with his cheerful soul."
KomaCrew 6-manna lineup efter CDC4:

#komacrew.com @ QNet.
L2W intervjuar: fnatic\mintR

Saxat ur intervjun:
"Q: Despite you have been very impressive in the early stage of COD4 winning the crossfireQcup vs the French side oXmoze, you have been knocked out of codQcup by eSuba, did the swap from SveaRoyale to Eyeballers and now Fnatic has affected your playing in some way?
A: Yes of course it has, finding yourself in a situation where all you have worked for suddenly crumbles beneath you doesn't work well for you. Then again joining fnatic gave us a really good boost, has to be said though that we didn't go into codqcup with main intent to win it but to see what new stuff we could come up with. We are preparing for cdc4 at the moment and the preparation comes before winning a cup online.
Q: In March you will attend CDC 4 in Enschede, fighting versus the finest teams from all over Europe, what's your objective for this major LAN event?
A: To win off course, a top3 is acceptable in my eyes but you never know with these events, I know nothing of what to expect down there to be honest but I really hope they have updated the hardware used at the event or it will be a bit tricky, we'll see. As long as we do our best and not go out with a bang and can learn from any mistakes and play our game we will do good and a failure won't be, too hard to take if we can look back on something like that.
Q: Which teams do you think have the possibility to win this tournament and why?
A: I See, serious gaming, tek9, oXmoze, eSuba, fnatic, Speedlink as really good contenders to the first place, all of them. It's a lot tighter at the top in this game, which is only good.
Q: Ofcourse Call of duty 4 hasn't been around long yet, but who is the best player you have fragged against on this game, and off course explain us why?
A: wnkr is the best player I have played against, one of my absolute favourites is tidde, but I haven't played against him. wnkr has such talent for spraying and has a really good eye for the game, In my eyes he's probably the best player in the game, even though he's in the army now.
Q: We have been dealing about your personal life and question related to gaming in call of duty 4, I'd like to have your thoughts about cod 4 and its step into eSports. In the competitive gaming scene, there's often trouble with multigaming organisation and team players, it is mostly due to lack of communication, professionalism between each parts, what do you think of the professionalism in the cod 4 scene?
A: Professionalism doesn't come free, you have to work for it, and I think that knowledge has got us to where we are today, in one of the top teams of the world. When it comes to COD4 in Esports I think COD4 needs a smash in the finer rooms of gaming, like ESWC and WCG in order to further promote the game, but with an unwilling part in Infinity Ward and Activision (although the later of the two actually have shown more interest than the first lately) to help promote it we are very slow doing what has to be done ourselves.
We are basically learning how to mod this game from scratch with every title they release, with every title they release they also promise us support for the competitive scene and at the end of every game we stand there with a great game that never got the chance because the changes have always come too late and not from an official partner. However, I remain positive about its future."
Hela intervjun på L2W
Fnatic.com (källa)
Intervju med iFEARdilemma från T6D

Here goes, saxat ur intervjun:
"Q: Welcome iFEARdilemma, and thank you for the time! First things first, for people who don't know you, tell us about yourself.
A: My name is Andre aka iFEARdilemma, captain of #THE6DEVILS and Team-Germany.CoD4, I am 19 years old, going to school and living in good old Germany. I started gaming years ago with games such as Counter-Strike, Tactical-Ops and Quake3, the last of these I preferred most and that's why I love Call of Duty - because CoD is based on the same game engine that Quake 3 was built on.
Q: Congratulations on the codqcup victory, this comes as quite a surprise to most of the community. Why do you think you won this competition? Do you think you prepared better and put more time in than the other teams?
A: I don't think that we prepared better than other teams. Our biggest strength is the ability to motivate everyone in the team to his limits, as some may have seen in the TEK9 OOF CoD2 LAN. Besides that we are friends, 3 of our team even live in the same town! And don't forget about our very stable lineup, we have played in this lineup since October 2006 with just 1-2 small changes without touching the core. So I think the things which make the difference between us and other teams is real friendship and motivation / our will.
Q: Well, as you're not attending CDC4, what does the future hold for T6D after this victory? Which future LANs and online tournaments will we be able to see you at ?
A: If we would have enough support on our back or just enough money, we would attend every LAN which is held anywhere. Our next goals are important upcoming online tournaments like the next CoDQCup or the ClanBase OpenCup / Eurocup for example. And who knows, maybe we will find a good organisation which allows us to visit some of the future LANs. At the moment we are making plans to attend the CDC4 LAN. I hope our plan will work and besides that even if we don't get support in near future we will surely save some money for the next OOF LAN."
För att läsa hela intervjun, klicka här!
Finska randoms

Statement från

"We are proud to announce Salainen as our new Call of Duty 4 team. They have been doing great so far in Clanbase. I have followed them in some cups and we are sure they are perfect for Random-Gaming and are one of Finland?s finest! We are confident that the team will keep performing under our name and we will support them in all ways possible."
Statement från

"As the representative for Salainen (now Random-gaming Call of duty 4 squad) I thank the whole organisation for taking us in. I am also certain that our co-operation will be successfull and our squad will dedicate itself to giving Random-gaming results and reputation. As for us, we have had great experiences with the organisation from before (since some of us played in the old squad) and feel lucky to be chosen to take part in it. They will not regret their deicision."
Random Gamings nya lineup:

Kvar finns nu bara att önska de nya random finnarna lycka till och ta det lugnt i mumindalen!
#random.gaming @ QNet.
MLG och CoD4

Precis som vi visste om sedan tidigare kommer CoD4 att vara med i MLG denna säsong (läs mer här). Dock gäller det fortsatt endast XBOX och endast som en ny feauture i MLG:s nya online-satsning. Detta på grund av att CoD4 inte riktigt håller vid LAN då det saknas en massa funktioner såsom att man kan skapa sin egen klass. Som det är just nu kan man endast välja från några på förhand skapade klasser vilket kanske inte är så kul kan tänkas..
MLG i ett pressmedelande:
"Call of Duty 4 to be MLG's First Online-Only Pro Circuit Title!
You asked and we answered: Call of Duty 4 will be featured as an official Online Pro Circuit Title! The Call of Duty 4 Online Pro Circuit season will consist of a series of online qualifying ladders and tournaments in pursuit of the 2008 MLG Season Title, complete with cash prizes, MLG pro players and in-depth editorial coverage on mlgpro.com. The details of the CoD 4 Online Pro Circuit Season are currently being finalized and will be announced soon so stay tuned for more! While we are considering adding CoD 4 to our Live Competitions, the game is not currently structured for competitive LAN play."
Kul för alla konsoll-nördar som har tills den 21/2 att signa upp sig.. ..men nu ser jag fram emot att få skriva om en lite större turnerings-organisation som plockar in CoD4 till PC!

Nu har TGBF med

För att se den klicka er vidare hit.
TGBF.tv via Rakaka (källa)
CoD4 PrizeFight rullar på

Dags för en liten uppdatering om våra svenska lag som spelar i CoD4.wars PrizeFight (läs mer här). Tyvärr så tvingas jag ge turnering en temporär floppstämpel då den absoluta majoriteten av matcherna blivit WO för endera sidan. Vi får se hur det artar sig fortsättningsvis.
Svenska resultat hittils:

cruel Gaming

Northern Darkness


Ministry of Defence



Förhoppningsvis kommer lagen skärpa till sig när det närmar sig slutspel och det hela kommer nog att bli en spännande historia till slut. Men just nu kan man väl knappast påstå att det har sett bra ut. Man tog nog vatten över huvudet på CoD4.wars när man arrangerade cupen och tog in så många lag i ett så tidigt skede. Flopp eller flopp? Koddblogg väntar tills slutspelet för att ge cupen dess slutgiltiga dom..
zeroPoint bygger om

zP konstaterar:
We started to trial ImpreZ, as we were looking for a 5th. After we started trialing him, Sko decided he was going to get a new PC and see how things were with zP!. Now he has decided to commit his future to us, so we decided it would be best to take him, with his experienced leading skills. We wish the best of luck to ImpreZ, he's an awesome player.

Tidigare nyhet om zeroPoint
suXus med ny lineup

Det dröjde dock inte länge innan man rekryterade nytt blod i form av holländska

Statement suXus Management:
"With all the current changes it is hard to predict which team will make it and which will fail doing so. Dropping the Drop 2 Trash team was set to be coming for a while. The communication flaws between the team and our organisation where constantly growing and brought us to a point we couldn?t sweat out off. So our eyes started opening towards other teams. Finding the Dutch temporg team made us thrilled with excitement throughout the future of our organisation."
Statement suXus Nitro:
"After some lineup changes and the departure from Fture Gaming we now present our new lineup, hopefully even stronger and more stable then before. We're very proud to play under the name of the suXus eSports organisation, and we will do our best to fullfill their wishes. With the support of suXus eSports we will try to attend as much as online and offline events during the upcoming months, and we're aiming for some nice results."
suXus lineup:

suXus-eSport.eu via Tek-9.org (källa)
theSGL: grupperna live

theSGL som utannonserade sin turnering för knappt en månad sedan (läs mer här) har nu släppt grupperna. Trots att det inte är några egentliga priser att tala om tycks intresset varit rätt bra och vi får se lag som

Matcherna drar igång imorgon (onsdag, 13/2) och i första omgången (som spelas på mp_backlot) får vi se One2 ta sig an Team Infectious i grupp B, samt Najs Gaming i grupp H som får kriga med norrbaggarna TNT.

#thesgl @ QNet.
MYTEAM lägger ner

"A couple of days ago me and dev had a conversation about leaving gaming, we both talked a lot about the situation of MYTEAM and about our own motivation to keep playing online games, which led to only one conclusion, the time and dedication we give to the game its just not worth what we get in reward.
When you play for so many time like me (6 years) and dev (4 years) and you don't get anything from gaming at all, after some time you kinda feel your losing your time on it and that you could be doing things you like instead of playing. Yesterday (10/02/08) we talked to the rest of the team about this situation and our decision, they all agreed it was the best choice for everyone since no one actually had the needed dedication to keep playing at a very high level. None of us is going to keep playing because we have always been a group of friends that plays together, not just 'a team' so if we don't play together, we ain't playing at all.
I would like to say thanks to those who really supported this project while it lasted with so much dedication like dihn, G3nn, Mata and LINKAGE and for the support weve had from those who believed in us. A wish of good luck to all players and teams that will keep playing and supporting COD4 from MYTEAM."
Vi säger adjö till följande spelare:

Tek-9.org (Källa)
PGS intervjuade

Den tyska community-sidan dSLASH har ordnat en intervju med PGS där man tar upp hur den här första tiden har varit med laget. De svarar även på just den kritik som de fått och i den ganska långa intervjun får vi reda på både det ena och andra. Kort sammanfattat kan väl sägas att de slår ifrån sig ganska så bra och att de fortsatt satsar hårt på att nå toppen inom CoD4.
Först ut att bli intervuad var managern för PGS,

A: Hi. My name is Jakub Paluch known in the virtual world as JoeBlack. I'm studying law at Wroclaws University and I'm also Communication Manager in PGS Gaming. I appeared in PGS four years ago so I'm with the organization nearly from the beginning. I saw birth of PGS and in some way I helped when it was growing. Now I'm still part of it and I'm not planing to change it. What's more, I'm strongly connected with Warcraft III scene. I was a manager of Wc3 team in Team Pentagram and nowadays I'm referee at many Polish tournaments. I try to support electronic sports in Poland as hard as I can.
Q: Can you tell us something about how PGS decided to pick up a call of duty 4 team? as one of the first real big clans to take cod4 in, you are some kind of shining signal example. do you see much potential in the game? will other teams like MYM or sk follow the trend in your opinion?
A: We were talking with zoom in the past about Quake III division. We didn't achieve agreement because of so many strange things going on Q3 scene. However, as soon as we have found out about zooms team in Call of Duty 4 we started to think about a new team in our organization. We where given bios of all squad members. Players who formed the team weren't unknown. They played games like Q3, AA or earlier parts of CoD on professional level. You can find lists of their achievements at our web site. And finally we decided to take them on the board.
The game, in my opinion, is brilliant. Extremely dynamic fight between two teams. It's easy to notice that Activision programmers took many things from the most popular esport titles. There are few things missing or needs to be improved but still the game has enormous potential. When you start playing you can't stop. I was sure that I won't find a game forcing me to play. Call of Duty 4 did.
The Future of CoD4 scene depends mainly on Activision. New patches made with help of professional gamers should make CoD 4 even better then it is now. As I said there is enormous potential in this game. Now it has to be used properly. I'm not afraid to say that CoD4 is the the first good game from a long time. What's more, we need new titles because we are still playing the same games. Counter-Strike, Warcraft, Starcraft, Need for Speed, Fifa all the time. If people keep on playing CoD we will have big tournaments with great prize pot. In Poland we already have CoD4 professional league ? Heyah Logitech Cybersport.
Q: Did you play call of duty 4 yourself and do you see any advantages compared to the direct rival "counterstrike"? will cod4 make counterstrike fade away from the throne of teamshooter-games slowly?
A: I think that the whole competition between CoD and Cs is strange. There are many players connected with Countetr-Strike for years and I don't think they will change the platform just like that. Maybe those who didn't have any achievements will but not pros. In Poland, for example, many CoD players, earlier played games like ET: Quake Wars, AA etc.. But what is unbelievable I also met my friends from Wc3 scene playing.
There will be the same situation when Blizzard will release Star craft 2. I'm curious if all programmers who sacrificed their life to Starcraft will switch to SC2 without problems and any doubts. Maybe we will be watching Starcraft and Starcraft2 matches at the same time?
Counter-Strike still is the most popular game ever. All the time we hear people saying that end of CS is close. And what we see? CS is number one without any doubts. Valve itself tried to make some new CS-like titles (CS:S CS:CZ) but the weren't popular. Maybe because of that CS players will try to find something new.
I hope that Call of Duty will become as popular as Counter-Strike. Confrontation of this title is unavoidable. Both have nearly the same rules. I don't know how CoD will look as a tournament game, but it's worth checking. If I could I would play all days but I have so many activities each day that it's impossible.
Q: What does PGS expect from the team and wish for the time of call of duty 4?
A: Of course I wish them to became the best in Poland, then the best in Europe and in the end the best in the World. It's like in real sport. If you don't believe in yourself and your capabilities you won't achieve anything. You have to step by step achieve your goals. You have to believe, that you are able to win with better than you. Hard work and proper attitude is what you need to become successful.
If you asked someone from Poland about this team you would hear laugh. People think that it is the biggest mistake we have ever made. Our new team is stranger to the other Polish CoD teams because it appeared from nowhere. There is no love between PGS CoD4 players and other teams in our country.
Some anonymous people send screens with score from pcw of our team, to show us how weak they are. But nearly always it's like score after first quarter on the easier side. We had many situations like this. We will show what we can in official tournaments. We have to remember that we play under big pressure. After parting ways with CS we have more haters than ever. Only few people still support us. I would like to thanks all our staff members for their hard work.
I'm really sad that no matter what we do (winning, losing, making charity) there are always people who will flame us. For weeks we are under attack of pseudo media and teams which names won't tell you anything. Using not confirmed informations and lieing they create false image of PGS among young people in Poland. We wont fight with them or deny gossips. We will just show them that they are wrong.
Q: Do you think cod4 has a realistic chance to get picked for the WCG 2008 in cologne/germany?
A: I don't know the how the games are picked exactly because I don't believe it's only the pool at WCG site. Some time ago we were shown the list of ESWC games. CoD4 isn't there. However, if we notice that tournament games are produced by EA, Blizzard and Microsoft and add the fact that Activision is connected with Blizzard, CoD4 has chance to became WCG game. Activison game, Tony Hawk's, has been played on World Cyber Games last year so the company has some experience.
From the list of games, apart from CS, CoD4 has the biggest chance. The only danger, in my opinion, is Unreal, which was game of WCG between 2001-2004, and maybe Halo 3, played at WCG in years 2003-2005 and which is like a cult in US."
Nästa att bli intervjuad var spelaren,

A: Hi. My name is Michal Broniewski and I live in southern part of Poland in city called Gliwice. I'm studying pedagogics and I'm big football fan. If you would like to check our achievements you should visit the team section at our web site www.pgs-gaming.pl.
Q: What are your experiences with the call of duty series. have you played it ever since or did u switch to cod4 from another game since a lot of players did not hear from the actual PGS team before.
A: I wish CoD4 will become so popular as Quake III or Counter-Strike. To make my dreams come true the scene needs sponsors and big tournaments like ESWC, which will help to increase popularity of the latest Infinity Ward child. From our team only huron played in previous parts of CoD, rest of us played Q3 or Americas Army like jzk.
Q: What do you expect from cod4, regarding competitions and chances to grow and perhaps become more successful than counterstrike.
A: Hmm, I'd like to have as much pleasure playing CoD4 as I had playing Q3. I also hope that the scene will become as big as the Quake3 one. Whats more, I wish that there will be many tournaments and that organizations like ESWC will become interested in Call of Duty. Although I don't think that CoD will become more popular than Counter-Strike. Cs has 'something' that forces people to still play it.
Q: do you think cod4 has a realistic chance to get picked for the WCG 2008 in cologne/germany?
A: If the game creators will take care of their child, CoD has big chances to become WCG game.
Q: Please tell us a bit about your attitude towards the different set of rules that are used. there has been quite some rumors about changing them during the last weeks. As it seems now settings without perks have been more dominant. do you prefer perks on/off?
A: It's hard to say if the game is better with perks or without them. In fact it was created with perks so it means something. I think there should be overal rules for all competitions.
Q: Is the cod-scene in poland growing as fast as in the other countries? there have been several good teams in cod1/2 in poland, but the amount of talented teams was not to compare with netherlands, germany, uk. will the polish scene be strong in call of duty 4?
A: I don't want to talk about the Polish scene. Whats more I don't want to have anything in common with it. PGS will be playing more 'abroad' than on our backyard.
Q: Since you have a strong organization behind you now, what are your plans for the future. any lans already booked, or are you guys still preparing for the "great assault" on leagues and tournaments?
A: I'd like to thank PGSPokerStrategy.com for support and giving us a chance. So far we practice a lot, because we want to catch up with top teams as soon as possible. If there are any lans in future you will probably see us there."
Text of wall.. men intressant läsning för den som är intresserad av e-Sport tycker jag..
#pgs.cod4 @ QNet.

Efter att man av någon anledning ändrat i CODQCUP-schemat och spelade finalen redan igår hamnade Koddblogg på lite hal is och missade att rapportera om det hela. Finalen kom i vilket fall som helst att spelas mellan CoD2-giganten


Mest minnesvärt från finalen var kanske Davy's fina ace på mp_crash som kommer här..

Chefen vill passa på att gratta THE6DEVILS till en välförtjänt seger men inför nästa gång hoppas vi på Sverige såklart!
Rösta för gunsway- och sniper-fix på CB

"Ok i have read what the community wants and the need of this no sway fix.
I have already put this under votes with my COD4 crew and we are awaiting the outcome as soon as there is any news i will make a post about it.
As for the sniper fix myself i am not that keen on it as the gun has become to accurate, I believe the gun needs a bit of sway because with this fix you don't even need "hold breath".
So in my view the sniper fix would be a wrong move unless it could be edited to add a bit of sway to it.
Last thing, the only thing that is putting some people off the mods is the fact its client side and not server side. If this could be made server side only it could be implemented alot quicker. Just my views and i will keep you posted on the outcome of the crew votes."
Så rösta för framtiden, bidrag till ett bättre CoD4:
På ClanBase forum..
..och i omröstningen på Ladder-delen (höger sida)
Mortifer med ny lineup


Ny i laget glazzen uttalar sig:
"The reason why me and fresan joined up with morfier is because we believe that zlash, matt3 and tork is the last parts in the puzzle. to get a strong line up. And Mortifer is helpful with all the stuff around. So I believe this can be great."
Och gammal är äldst, lagkapten zlash:
"It feels great with these player joining us in Mortifer, they got experience from Call of Duty Series and got alot of talent what I've seen of them. This clash of two teams feels strong, solid and will bring some fine results to the Mortifer name and make Henkee proud of us."
Mortifer Gaming lineup:

Nu finns det väl bara kvar att önska nya Mortifer och deras manager

#mortifer @ QNet.
QuadV: 2 matcher live ikväll

Den andra matchen är ett toppmöte på den franska rivieran. I den inhemska ligan ShokLeague tar förhandsfavoriten


Se matcherna live:
På QuadV.com
Veni Vidi Vici med CoD4

Statement VVV SplatsKi:
"I am very pleased to have had the chance to join such a successful console team. I am fully aware that the PC side is new, and as such has no achievements, but hopefully we can start to build a reputation for the Veni Vidi Vici organisation in Call of Duty 4, beginning with a strong performance at I33."
VVV lineup:

Kul med fler satsande lag, men huruvida de kommer att segra i något återstår väl att se. Första målet för dessa får väl bli att först och främst hålla ihop fram tills i33.
#teamvvv @ QNet
Tek-9.org (källa)
Fragfilm: exabyte-JUSZN
I en av de skönare fragfilmerna hittills får vi se
JUSZN från det brittiska laget
exabyte. Det är inte han själv som gjort filmen utan han har fått hjälp på traven av filmskaparen Heroik. Bra eller anus? Chefen gillade det i alla fall - relativt fartfyllt, ljuvlig musik (även om den inte var direkt orginell), ok redigering och hyffsad kvalité. Dock inte speciellt lång men klart värt att åtminstonde streama.. Enjoy!

TGBF arrangerar tävling

TGBF och

"Requirements for the contributions:
- 405x285mm
- Layered 300dpi / Vectorized
- Contributions should be submitted in 800x600 for 'judgement' - (jpeg)
- TGBF's logotype could be downloaded as vector.
Since TGBF wants serious contribs, the contest ends March 31st."
Mer info, nerladdningsbar logotype och annat man behöver finns på FPSGaming.se..
Tävlingen på FPSGaming.se
Rösta för gunsway- och sniper-fix på CDC4

För några dagar sedan satte CoD4-huvudadmin på CDC4,

Så bidrag till stacken och rösta för gunsway- och sniper-fix på CDC4. Om resultatet av röstningen blir att fixen används kommer vi säkerligen få se den även i andra turneringen.
På CrossFire.nu
CoD5 till PC redan hösten 2008
Ja, visst låter CoD5 till PC det som en mardröm men det är dessvärre sant. Nu är det absolut största hotet mot CoD4 utannonserat. Det som bara skulle bli en konsollplåga har nu gått och blivit portat till PC också. Activision utannonserar CoD5 till PS3, Xbox 360, DS, PC, PS2 och Wii. Dessutom är releasedatum satt till hösten 2008. Är CoD med Activision på gång att bli fps-spelets svar på EA och sitt FIFA? Tragiskt..

Hur mörkt det än må se ut så ljublar nu CoD4-motståndarna mer än någonsin. Men man ska bära i minnet att CoD5 utvecklas av Treyarch, företaget bakom CoD2: The Big Red One, Call of Duty 3 och Call of Duty: United Offensive. Det vill säga samtliga mindre lyckade titlar i CoD-serien. Treyarch i sig är också inriktade på Andra Världskriget, så förvänta er ännu en WW2-shooter och ingen riktig uppföljare till CoD4 i nutids-format.
Egentligen kan man väl påstå att CoD5 aldrig kommer vara ett hot i sig då, men bara det att man redan nu utannonserat ett nytt CoD till PC tyder på att Activisions fokus och support hamnar på CoD5 istället för CoD4. CoD:UO var t.ex. aldrig något hot till tidigare CoD-spel, men bara det att CoD4 kommer att tappa många "public-newbs" är dåliga nyheter. För dessvärre behöver ett "riktigt stort FPS" sånna också, i alla fall om det vill ha fina siffror i statistiken. Återstår att se vad som händer, klart är i alla fall att Chefen hoppas på en stor CoD5 flopp och att det inte alls skall portas till PC..
GamePro.com via CrossFire.nu

Hur mörkt det än må se ut så ljublar nu CoD4-motståndarna mer än någonsin. Men man ska bära i minnet att CoD5 utvecklas av Treyarch, företaget bakom CoD2: The Big Red One, Call of Duty 3 och Call of Duty: United Offensive. Det vill säga samtliga mindre lyckade titlar i CoD-serien. Treyarch i sig är också inriktade på Andra Världskriget, så förvänta er ännu en WW2-shooter och ingen riktig uppföljare till CoD4 i nutids-format.
Egentligen kan man väl påstå att CoD5 aldrig kommer vara ett hot i sig då, men bara det att man redan nu utannonserat ett nytt CoD till PC tyder på att Activisions fokus och support hamnar på CoD5 istället för CoD4. CoD:UO var t.ex. aldrig något hot till tidigare CoD-spel, men bara det att CoD4 kommer att tappa många "public-newbs" är dåliga nyheter. För dessvärre behöver ett "riktigt stort FPS" sånna också, i alla fall om det vill ha fina siffror i statistiken. Återstår att se vad som händer, klart är i alla fall att Chefen hoppas på en stor CoD5 flopp och att det inte alls skall portas till PC..
GamePro.com via CrossFire.nu
EMS slår upp portarna

ESL Major League (EMS) har nu så äntligen öppnat upp portartna för signups inför den första säsongen av CoD4 där. Tidigare berättade jag om prisfördelningen (läs mer här) men nu är alltså även schemat klart inför den kommande säsongen.
"For this season we have expanded the qualifying system to resemble the Masters system to have two knockout rounds in addition to direct qualifiers.
There are 48 slots split across three different levels - Main Round, Qualifying Round 2 and Qualifying Round 1.
1. Phase - National Qualifiers
2. Phase - QR1 - 24 Teams
3. Phase - QR2 - 24 Teams
4. Phase - Main Round - 24 Teams
5. Phase - Playoffs - 8 Teams"
Sverige har tilldelats 2 platser i QR1 men endast 1 i QR1. Vad exakt det kommer att innebära är jag antingen för trött för att lista ut, eller så kan det också vara informationen som är något bristande.
Prispotten för er med minne som en guldfisk:

Signups för det svenska kvalet är redan öppet (öppnade kvällen den 7/2) och stänger om lite drygt en vecka, söndagen 17/2. Så vill man vara med och leka är det således dags att registrera sitt lag på ESL och gå med i det hela. För att delta i det svenska laget behöver man 3/5 spelare som är svenska. Har man inte det är man tvungen att delta i det europeiska kvalet.
Koddblogg ser fram emot vad som förhoppningsvis blir en riktigt bra turnering, i första hand det svenska kvalet som borde kunna locka många svenska lag att deltaga. Exakt hur schemat kommer att se ut spikas när signups har stängt.
EMS - svenska kvalet
EMS - nyheten (källa) via Tek-9.org
blogg.se suger
Som jag förklarade igår (läs mer här) har blogg.se's system haft en hel del downtime på sistonde som hindrat en från att uppdatera sidan. Mitt i mina uppdateringarom CoD5, EMS etc. inatt skedde det igen, så till er som försökte besöka sidan men fann den nere så var inte du den enda dessvärre..

Och ja då, nog har tanken slagit mig både en och ytterligare tio gånger att jag ska byta host, men är man ingen sponsrad rikeknös får man ta vad man har. Vi får se vad som händer framöver, men klart är att jag inte lär ha koddblogg kvar här om det ska fortsätta som det sett ut nu. Har ni några bra förslag kan ni alltid maila dem till [email protected]
Wave e-Sports tar in not Identified

Samtidigt som man går med i Wave passar man även på att introducera en ny spelare som tar över

Wave e-Sports management utalar sig:
"Firstly I want to start by thanking our old team, led by Liquidfire. Unfortunately, the team didn't work out for us as an organisation due to it's rather unstable lineup during the last few months. However, despite these problems, the relationship with the core members of the old team was fantastic both online and offline. The choice to break up with the old team was extremely hard for wave-esports as a result, but looking in the long term things were not going as they should've have been. This meant that wave-esports would have to find a more stable lineup for the upcoming calender, and quickly we found 'not identified' who were lumbered down in Team EDiT. We've been speaking from the whole team from 'not identified' for the past few weeks. They have real potential, and it was something that we couldn't turn away once they left their former organisation. I speak on behalf of the whole wave management when I say that we are delighted to have 'not identified' as part of our organisation, and we hope that both the team and wave will grow as a result of this new partnership."

"After our departure from Team EDiT nearly two weeks ago we knew exactly what we wanted from an organisation: the required support and a feeling of homeliness. Since then, we?ve had a number of offers from various organisations but one offer stood out the most in filling the criteria that we required: wave-esports. Through Wilfred "x2tz" Hilberink, we?ve been in contact with wave for the past few weeks and during that it was easy to see that both of us shared the same ambitions, and with wave's current support and future potential we're very confident that we've made the perfect decision. With this announcement I'd also like to welcome our newest addition, bennY who will become our new fifth member for the foreseeable future. Cya in Enschede!"
Wave e-Sports lineup:

Wave-eSports.com via Tek-9.org (källa)
Team-Ephix med nytt CoD4-lag

Men tillbaka då till vad som har hänt.. Appropå britter så har den halvbrittiska satsningen i

Den rödhårige managern i Ephix,

"I'm proud to release the news of team-ephix's new cod4 team, perhaps it took quite long but things didn`t really worked out as planned the first few months of cod4 so we decided to take a step back and wait for the perfect oppurtunity. It's another international lineup added to our organisation and I`m confident that they will show the desired stability and results."

"We announced our lineup a few weeks ago, and since then we have been in talks with various organisations - all with very positive outlooks on the team. The team were very impressed by the team-ephix proposal and since then we have gained full support of eachother. Knowing we have the full backing of team-ephix in every way the new team is sure to make an impact on the scene. We are proud to be part of the organisation and will set out to get ephix on the cod4 map again."
Team-Ephix lineup:

Team-Ephix.eu via CrossFire.nu (källa)
#team-ephix @ QNet.
Showmatch: fnatic vs vicious and evil

mintR ger en kommentar:
Vi blev kontaktade av pg24tv som ville köra en showmatch på deras stream, det kunde vi väl göra lika bra som att pracca så vi tog tillfället i akt att testa nosway och sniperfixen som chandler har jobbat på. Matchen spelas på strike, mr12. enjoy.
Lite info om Chandlers sniperfix:
One thing that has not been removed is the text "Hold [key] to steady", as this is not needed with the fix. If it This would balance the sniper. It would make it more like the AWP from CS, being zoomed out after you shoot and being still all the time. It wouldn't be over or underpowered, because you can't hold the zoom in all the time and shot shots everyone 1 second, it takes about the same time as it did in COD2. Without the fix the sniper just can't hit where you aim, most of the time. After extensive testing you do not have to aim in front or behind the player, this was tested in a server where all players had good pings.
pg24.cz (stream)
Info om Chandlers sniperfix
i33: Prispotten DUBBLAD

Multiplay skriver:
"Activision double i33 CoD4 prize to 12,000 euro
Some good news has just come in that will please our hordes of Call of Duty players - the prize fund has been doubled to 12,000 euro thanks to Activision meeting our initial 6,000 euro investment. The heat is really on now as the first prize means the winning team will walk away with 6,000 euro and free tickets to i34 in August.
There's everything to play for in what's going to be an excellent tournament. The multiplayer FPS of the moment is going to take i33 by storm!"
Prispotten som den ser ut idag:

4th Prize 500 euro
5th Prize 250 euro
6th Prize 250 euro
7th Prize 250 euro
8th Prize 250 euro
Imponerande Activision och i33! Ses den 21:a mars då?
i33 via Rakaka
Gathering: prispotten officiell

Nu har det norska LAN:et The Gathering '08 som jag skrev om tidigare (läs mer här) gått ut med prispotten. Call of Duty 4 som självfallet är representerat får dessvärre inte en jätte stor bit av kakan, men då är Norge inte direkt kända för att ha en stor CoD-scen.

The Gathering via Rakaka.se
CODQCUP: VODs från igår

Nu har både TGBF och QuadV släppt VODs från gårdagens (6/2) matcher i CODQCUP.. Så för er som missade kommer här nu..

För QuadV:s VOD från WB-finalen mellan

Koddblogg stöder Chandler
Tidigare i veckan kunde man läsa följande på CallofDuty.se:
"This is a bug that some of you probably have noticed since day one of COD4. Its most obvious in the AK47 and the M4 and much points at this is the same thing that's screwing the sniper up as well. But now there's a fix, a mod that you can use with PAM4, there's not fix for the snipers yet though, but for all other weapons."
Det är alltså
Chandler från klanen
Ministry of Defence som har tagit fram en mod som helt sonika tar bort fenomenet gunsway från spelet. För att illustrera vad detta innebär har han tagit fram följande exempel:

Problemet är inte att vapnet bobbar omkring, utan det är att man faktist inte träffar i siktet då skotten hamnar lite vartsomhelst. Detta innebär att det är fullkomligt slumpmässigt att skjuta på längre avstånd och jag är mycket glad över att Chandler tagit reda på anledningen till detta och framförallt, att han inte ger sig i kampen för att få det fixat.
Efter att ha fått stöd från i princip hela scenen och skrivit om detta på varje stor CoD-sida gick Chandler till mannen bakom PAM,
bullet-worm. Här stötte han dock på patrull.
Den 22:a Januari skrev bullet-worm följande på Wormsworld:
It is do-able, but it would increase the size of PAM4 substantially. Plus when we start going down that route, what happens if there is ANOTHER weapon file setting that we want dvar settable as well? The problem balloons to FOUR sets of weapon files. Maybe there is some sort of dvar that controls weapon sway? That is really the only true hope.
Chandler fortsatte att presentera bevis på hur allvarlig den här buggen är och fick stöd av forummedlemmen raf.
Denne skrev bla följande, vilket måste anses vara absolut sant och vettigt:
I believe you might find a signifigant portion of the competitive community will want this change. Now that mods are popping up demonstrating the difference, the huge consensus seems to be that its wanted. As the person producing 'THE' competitive mod for Call of Duty 4, you should allow this option.
Vilket besvarades av bullet-worm först den 5:e Januari:
Putting weapon files in rule files could cause overlap in from one league to another. I don't really 'like' the way it works either, but a great majority of the Leagues would have to agree to it for me to change these hardcoded settings.
Summan av kardemumman är att PAM inte kommer inkludera en bugfix så länge majoriteten av ligorna inte kräver detta. Tyvärr kan man då konstatera att det ser mörkt ut då det finns admins där ute som inte kan skilja på sin höger och -vänsterhand. Kan PAMs ovilja att förändras och förnyas innebära att vi kommer få se andra tävlingsmoddar presenteras? Helt klart är att detta är en mycket allvarlig bug och att det inte kan finnas någon som faktist vill ha kvar den.
Koddblogg vill tacka Chandler för hans arbete att få bort eländet och finns det något jag kan göra så kontakta mig på [email protected]
Chandlers tråd på wormsworld
Callofduty.se berättar om Chandlers mod
Youtube-klipp som visar buggen
Ladda hem modden från Fuskbugg
"This is a bug that some of you probably have noticed since day one of COD4. Its most obvious in the AK47 and the M4 and much points at this is the same thing that's screwing the sniper up as well. But now there's a fix, a mod that you can use with PAM4, there's not fix for the snipers yet though, but for all other weapons."
Det är alltså

Problemet är inte att vapnet bobbar omkring, utan det är att man faktist inte träffar i siktet då skotten hamnar lite vartsomhelst. Detta innebär att det är fullkomligt slumpmässigt att skjuta på längre avstånd och jag är mycket glad över att Chandler tagit reda på anledningen till detta och framförallt, att han inte ger sig i kampen för att få det fixat.
Efter att ha fått stöd från i princip hela scenen och skrivit om detta på varje stor CoD-sida gick Chandler till mannen bakom PAM,

Den 22:a Januari skrev bullet-worm följande på Wormsworld:
It is do-able, but it would increase the size of PAM4 substantially. Plus when we start going down that route, what happens if there is ANOTHER weapon file setting that we want dvar settable as well? The problem balloons to FOUR sets of weapon files. Maybe there is some sort of dvar that controls weapon sway? That is really the only true hope.
Chandler fortsatte att presentera bevis på hur allvarlig den här buggen är och fick stöd av forummedlemmen raf.
Denne skrev bla följande, vilket måste anses vara absolut sant och vettigt:
I believe you might find a signifigant portion of the competitive community will want this change. Now that mods are popping up demonstrating the difference, the huge consensus seems to be that its wanted. As the person producing 'THE' competitive mod for Call of Duty 4, you should allow this option.
Vilket besvarades av bullet-worm först den 5:e Januari:
Putting weapon files in rule files could cause overlap in from one league to another. I don't really 'like' the way it works either, but a great majority of the Leagues would have to agree to it for me to change these hardcoded settings.
Summan av kardemumman är att PAM inte kommer inkludera en bugfix så länge majoriteten av ligorna inte kräver detta. Tyvärr kan man då konstatera att det ser mörkt ut då det finns admins där ute som inte kan skilja på sin höger och -vänsterhand. Kan PAMs ovilja att förändras och förnyas innebära att vi kommer få se andra tävlingsmoddar presenteras? Helt klart är att detta är en mycket allvarlig bug och att det inte kan finnas någon som faktist vill ha kvar den.
Koddblogg vill tacka Chandler för hans arbete att få bort eländet och finns det något jag kan göra så kontakta mig på [email protected]
Chandlers tråd på wormsworld
Callofduty.se berättar om Chandlers mod
Youtube-klipp som visar buggen
Ladda hem modden från Fuskbugg
Danmark får ännu ett satsande lag

Guana konstaterar:
"Today, the 6th of February 2008, I am happy to annouce that wegame is going live.
Wegame is a brand new team concidering a mix of vCoD, CoD2, DoD:S and CS 1.6 players and we believe that we have the strenght to become the best team in Denmark, while we're aiming towards the European top aswell. Right now we just need some time to build up our teamplay and to make some tactics on the different maps.
We will participate in selected cups and tournaments, while we, however, aim for LAN participating. So far, we are a part of Roskilde eSport, who will provide us with server, bootcamp facilities, etc. They will work as a helping hand, while we're still establishing our team, though we're searching for our own organisation to join for the future. I am glad to present the new line-up and I believe in a succesful and enjoyable future."
CoDGaming.dk har även gjort en kortare intervju med Guana som ni kan läsa här. Nedan fäljer ett urklipp från intervjun. Jag beklagar att den är skriven på nordtyska.

A: Vi er lige nu en del af Roskilde eSport, som vil støtte os med bl.a. server og klubhusmuligheder, og det er hermed meningen at Roskilde eSport skal fungere som et springbræt for os, inden vi går efter at få vores "egen" organisation.
Q: Hvordan forventer du at jeres LAN aktivitet bliver?
A: Vi spiller for at komme til LAN, selvfølgelig. Både hyggen ved det sociale selskab til LANs og konkurrencen om at vinde til et offline-event er en ting, som vi alle seks sætter stor pris på.
Q: Hvilke planer har I med hensyn til deltagelse af ligaer og cups?
A: Vi har i planerne at støtte op omkring den danske liga her på siden, som vi ønsker al held og lykke, og desuden vil vi deltage i et udvalgt antal cups, som f.eks. codQcup. Desuden kan man jo nok ikke komme udenom CB, da det er noget bedre træning end at sidde og spille pcw'er.
7 spelare som ska ta över världen:

CoDGaming.dk (Källa)
Världens bästa CoD4-recension
Nu har den då äntligen kommit, världens bästa CoD4-recension. Jag talar självfallet om
Yahtzee - the Escapist och Zero Punctuation. Behöver väl egentligen inte säga så mycket mer, here goes - the most requested review of all time, Call of Duty 4.

Serverbrowser till CoD4

Qtracker har en rad finnurliga funktioner, även om samtliga inte är galet newb-vänliga kan man ganska snabbt börja finna nyttiga saker såsom landsfilter, vänner-lista, extern rcon-central etc m.m. o.s.v. Man har även möjlighet till att installera "custom-made" filter som finns att ladda hem från deras hemsida.

Så smidigt, rätt enkelt, helt gratis och 23 gånger bättre än den ingame-browser som finns (vilket i och för sig inte är så konstigt). Med andra ord finns det många anledningar till varför man bör ta sig en titt på Qtracker.
Ladda ner Qtracker 4.7 (9,5MB)
Qtracker support
CODQCUP: 2 matcher ikväll *

Ikväll (6/2) spelas det 2 matcher i CODQCUP. Dels den stora WB-finalen men även LB Runda 7. Båda matcherna kommer visas live, dessvärre samtidigt så vill man kolla match får man gott välja.
Matcherna jag pratar om är såklart..
WB-Finalen (spelas i bäst av 3 kartor där decidermap är mp_stike, mr12):

20:45 - QuadV.com med

LB - Runda 7 (spelas på mp_backlot, mr12):

21:00 - TGBF.tv med

Som fotnot för den oinsatte kan det väl sägas att förloraren i matchen mellan Tek-9 och T6D kommer att möta vinnaren mellan srs och oXmoze i en LB-final, vinnaren där kommer sedan till den stora finalen. Mycket nöje..
Resultaten uppdaterade..
Deman inför Tek-9 vs THE6DEVILS
5 allvetare tycker till om matcherna på GotFrag.com
Fragfilm: ClowneN

Attero of Vicis - ClowneN
Snyggt jobbat! Chefen är grymt nyfiken på ClowneNs film-cfg som måste klassas som den bästa hittils - och är du (ClowneN) villig att dela med dig av den så kan jag väl hinta om att [email protected] inte är långt borta.
#sts-clan @ QNet
Ladda hem hela filmen
cZar med brittisk lineup

Britterna verkar i vilket fall som helst tro på ledningen i cZar och man ska härnäst satsa på att deltaga på i33 i Mars månad.
Statement av

"After looking around to find a suitible MGC for a while we were delighted to find out czar were looking for a cod4 team to join there well respected orga . We got in contact with the lovely ana and we seemed to be just the team she was looking for . we will be attending i33 in march in hope to pull out a few surprises on lan."
cZar lineup:

Ska vi chansa på att det håller för dem i cZar åtminstonde över i33? Vore i så fall en bedrift. Klart är i alla fall att namnet Mark är poppis på den regniga ön långt bort till vänster på kartan.
#czar @ QNet.
L2W: gruppsteg 2 kör igång

Nu drar andra fasen i L2W igång och med det har man även presenterat grupperna och vilka kartor det är som kommer gälla. Nu inför gruppsteg 2 har även de inaktiva lagen försvunnit och de mindre bra lagen sållats bort så räkna med ännu mer action från L2W-turneringen framöver. I runda 1 är det mp_strike som gäller, runda 2 - mp_citystreets och runda 3 - mp_backlot.
Hur grupperna har delats in är inte officiellt, men klart är i alla fall att vissa grupper har fått fler riktigt högt rankade lag. Eller vad sägs om grupp 2 med


Chefen önskar alla svenskar som är inblandade Lycka till!
#live2win @ QNet.
BKG Cup: grupperna live

Nu har man hos BKG (läs mer om dem här) fått in tillräckligt med seriösa anmälningar för att köra igång på allvar. Prispotten innehåller endast en sketen server, men med svenskintresset som verkar finnar i cupen kommer Koddblogg givetvis följa den med lupp. Hela 7 svenska lag är med och det finns faktiskt en helsvensk grupp. Detta pga att det såhär i gruppspelet ska bli så lite "pingissues" som möjligt (grattis till våra ninjor och västa hjältarna som hamnade tillsammans med polacker och ska undvika ping-problem). Tråkigt kan tyckas då det innebär att vi per automatik inte kan hoppas på att alla svenskar tar sig vidare från gruppspelet. Samtidigt kan man dock tänka positivt då vi nu är garanterade minst 2 svenska lag i nästa skede av cupen.

Första matchveckan inleds nu på söndag (10/2) med mp_crash och avrundas lördagen därefter (16/2). Koddblogg återkommer med mer info från BKG så snabbt det börjar hända saker.
Lycka till alla svenska deltagare önskar Chefen.
#b*k @ QNet.
xVera arrangerar gather

"Earlier when xVera had a Call of Duty 2 team we tryed to start a gather, it was up and running but we killed the idéa because we didnt have any server sponsor. But we hade in our future thoughts to start up our gather in CoD4.
We have have alreday started to play som gathers, the whole sunday eve was just playing gathers, but we will start more offical playing these gathers on Tuesday, 5/2 18:00 CET.
The idéa is that you quite quick can start playing instead of a mix, this is quite much like a mix, but more fun. To join us and play the only thing you need is Cod4 (legal ofc), some IRC client, and ventrilo version 2.1.
After you got all these programs you simply join #xVera.gather @ Quakenet and very simple write "!add" in the channel, if the bot is turned on and if they not alreday not playing. You cam simply check if you can add yourself by typing "!status". If you not can play after you signed up, you simply type "!del" so will the bot remove you from the list. When teams are full will the players automatic be mixed by the bot and after that the bot will send info about wich ip ti ventrilo/game server, wich room and wich team you will be in. After that it just to come on in to our ventrilo and game server and play!
Are there any further question you can ask someone with @ in front in our gather channel at IRC #xVera.gather
We would like to thank Gameconnect that sponsors us with server so vi can have this gather!"
Hej och hå, samlas på!
#xvera.gather @ Qnet.
#xvera @ QNet.
Fragfilm: eSuba|Mazarini
Mazarini, numer eSuba, tidigare nEophyte - har även han släppt en fragfilm. Helt ok frags, men kvalitén i editeringen ligger väl ungefär där man förväntar sig se tjeckisk teknik. Bärt en titt i vilket fall som helst. Streama lugnt..

Fragfilm: oXmoze
Franska fromage-älskarna i
oXmoze har släppt en fragfilm - Until the End. Så om du alltid har undrat hur CoD4 ser ut på franska har du här chansen. Dessutom får man lite Guitar Hero 3-vibbar och det är väl aldrig fel.

Tidigt 1:a aprilskämt från IW

Full pressrelease:
Santa Monica, CA ? February 4, 2008 ? Fresh intel from Activision headquarters (Nasdaq: ATVI) reports that new global conflicts are planned in the form of downloadable multiplayer maps for the award-winning Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare?. In development for both Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the upcoming downloadable content will thrust gamers into a hot zone of added combat across a variety of intense multiplayer locales.
?We?ve demonstrated our commitment to delivering the best multiplayer experience in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and that continues with our plans for new downloadable content,? explains Infinity Ward?s Community Manager, Robert Bowling. ?We?re excited about the new maps, and the added gameplay variety, and we can?t wait to wrap things up and get online with everyone.?
The worldwide best-selling game in units of 2007, according to The NPD Group, Chart Track and The GFK Group, and winner of more than 40 editors? choice and game of the year honors, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is rated ?M? (Mature) by the ESRB for Intense Violence, Strong Language, Blood and Gore. The new downloadable content is scheduled for release this spring, and will be available on Xbox LIVE® and PlayStation Network."
Tack för den Fourzerotwo - nu älskar PC-communityn dig ännu mer än någonsin.
DIE blir Epsilon eSports

Nu är det klart att

Statement av

"Epsilon eSports is pleased to announce the opening of its new project; the formation of a new professional eSports organization. Supported by Gigabyte, PUMA and Smith & Stewart and with a number of teams with a great deal of potential representing the Epsilon brand, the management is confident that the organization will take the eSports world by storm in 2008. Epsilon will enable its teams to compete at a number of upcoming LAN events throughout Europe. Epsilon's first event will be the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4, where both its Call of Duty 4 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars squads will be competing. Epsilon will also be represented at the European Cyber Games (Germany), Level7 (Finland), ShokLan (France), Multiplay i33 (UK) & Gamers-Assembly (France)."
Statement av

"We're more than delighted to announce being part of a newly born organization, Epsilon. The professionalism of the organization really gave us a great impression, and with the ambition of becoming a major e-Sports organization and the required financial backing there was no chance we could've missed this opportunity. You're sure to see us competing under the Epsilon flag in Enschede at the upcoming CDC4 LAN, as well as Level7 in Helsinki."
Epsilon.CoD4 lineup:

Förrutom CoD4 presenterar man även ET:QW, BF2, Crysis, C&C3, CS:S samt Halo 3.
#epsilon @ QNet.
TGBF: 2 nya VODs

En dag som denna när det är viftat med vit flagg i CODQCUP (1-dags uppehåll) och det inte finns någonting att göra är det tur att

Repris från 1994 *

Ikväll tar sig

Det innebär:

19:30 drar matchen igång och då man man ratta in rumänsk stream från ArenaTV.ro. Chefen tror på klar seger, och helt klart är i alla fall att straffsparkar kommer undvikas denna gång. Lycka till grabbar!
Matchen spelad och Sverige gick som väntat vinnande från matchen. Det vart dock mycket jämnare än väntat när Rumänien överaskade stort på mp_vacant där Sverige fick se sig jagade enda in i det sista (11-9). mp_crossfire vart som tur nog en annan historia där Sverige fick med sig de lite säkrare siffrorna 10-5. Totalt skrevs den svenska segern till 21-14.

COD.se intervjuar: KyoChi inför matchen
TGBF: 2 matcher live ikväll *

Ikväll visar TGBF med

Matcherna avgjorda och det hela slutade med fantomseger för oXmoze med 13-3 (trots att man började som attackerande lag) över xcite. Trots detta kan man nog lugnt säga att xcite gjort en bra turnering som kommit från ingenstans och slutade topp-6. I den andra matchen vart det lite jämnare, men mp_crash verkar knappast vara en bra karta för Dignitas som fick sig besegrade av Serious Gaming med 13-7.
FPSGaming intervjuar: Druidz

Ytterligare en intervju har nu kommit från FPSGaming inför deras välgörenhetscup (läs mer här). Denna gången är det druiderna med z -

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: Tell us about Your (clan) background and how you first started.
A: I have been playing the first born Call of Duty, in a different clan named Soldiers of Honor with mickStah back in 2003. Afterwards we moved on to Call of Duty 2 using different line ups. During a period of getting sick CoD2 i thought of starting playing Battlefield 2 with the Druidz. We managed to get some pretty nice results and wars. Battlefield died sooner than we expected so I changed my mind and moved back to Call of Duty Series team. I proposed the SoH CoD line up to join Druidz and that was the final merging of the two clans. From that time we are playing under the Team Druidz name tag.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: It was been a bit up and down for our team since we changed lineup. As i can recall we haven't been able to play as a team so much. Past made us stronger so now we are paying more attention on our future goals and trying to get as much practice is possible for the upcoming matches, LAN and Cups.
Q: Any future plans You want to share with us?
A: Our plans is to play in i33 in England, Wonderbase, Dreamhack and possibly the Italian LAN Pro-Lan. Of course we will keep joining the FPS|Gaming Cups and trying to get as high as it gets.
Q: Whats your (clan)opinion about "gaming against cancer"?
A: I personally believe that is a new way of thinking about gaming. It is a great impact for the gaming community as we are playing for a good cause and sponsors are willing more to offer to charity. My grandmother died from cancer so I'm more than happy to donate money for this sake."
Druidz lineup:

Hela intervjun hos FPSGaming
CoD4 XBOX-fragfilm

Har du också alltid undrat hur det ser ut när konsoll-lirarna kör CoD4? Eller vänta.. det vet du kanske redan.. för har du lirat public i CoD4 - har du också lirat det precis som det körs på konsoll, möjligen då att man på konsollen är 5 i varje lag och inte 12. MLG (läs mer om dem här) har släppt en fragfilm som visar.. ja, hur det ser ut. UAV hit och dit, HQ, SAB, Baretta med ACOG, Scorpion med ACOG/Red Dot, mp_wetwork, mp_showdown - you name it. Allt är med!
Om ni inte finner det hela intressant alls, tänk positivt - den här filmen visar på ett ganska bra sätt varför inte allt är tillåtet i åtminstonde europas PC-ligor.
MLGpro.com (källa) via Rakaka.se
H2k intervjuar: oXmoze och id

Saxat från intervjun med

"Q: After you moved to CoD4 you immediately joined up with your teammates and you are right now considered as a top-team with not-Identified. What do you think has brought you so far after this move?
A: Basically, we've all played together with so long and all share the same aims and motivations. Compared to most teams, we have a steady lineup and although we've had to make a couple of changes due to inactivity issues this hasn't affected us at all but just made us even better. The key to success in any team has to be stability, if you have a stable lineup: you can go far - it's easily proven if you look at the teams which win LAN events and major tournaments.
Q: Various teams who had been dominating the CoD2 scene have set results which totally differ from the ones they usually gained at CoD2. How can you declare this? Is it, as you just said a matter of stability, or does it have to do with adjusting a lineup to situations?
A: That's a hard question for me, as I didn't play COD2 at a high level. But, stability is a major factor in any team, the teams that aren't picking up good results recently either don't enjoy the COD4 gamestyle or don't know how to play COD4 properly. (are not able to adjust their lineup to different situations, which is what COD4 is about: speed, teamplay and how you adjust). COD4 is so much faster than COD2, and some teams just can't cope with it (still).
Q: You guys will be attending the upcoming CDC4 lan, which has a massive prizepurse, but a massive group of teams as wel (40 in total!). How are you guys preparing yourselves as good as possible in order to qualify a as good spot as possible? Are hidden tactics already realized or do you guys take the tournament as any other?
A: We're preparing for the LAN as best as possible, it will be our first event so we're hoping to make a good impression - our first objective is to get into the playoffs, but we'll have to see which teams are in our group first. We're trying some new tactics in current tournaments such as the i3d, ed and live2win cups but at the moment our 5th is on holiday so we're kinda playing with a few mercs over the next week.
Q: Where do you see not identified in the future?
A: Well, we're taking each week as it comes. We're hoping to join a new organisation before the CDC event, or soon after - we're in contact with a few at the moment. At CDC4, we're not sure what to expect. I hope that we can cause alot of upsets, but that's yet to be seen - COD4 is a very new game still, so every team has a chance to get a decent position. After CDC4 we'll see in which direction we wish to take not identified, hopefully we'll be attending some more benelux events and then move onto international events moving further into 2008. In our current online cups it's hard to tell about how we will do, but our aim is to remain within the top portion of Europe in every competition that we take part in (and we're achieving that so far, in our opinion)."
Saxat från intervjun med

"Q: The move to CoD4 has been extremely succesfull for oXmoze. Though, other teams have been rather unsuccesfull. How is your view on this move and the eventual pros and cons?
A: I must agree with the fact that this move has been really succesfull to us with our 3rd place at the cod-gamer lan, the 2nd place in crossfireQcup and our actual results in codQcup. Even if we were at a good level on cod2, i guess we wouldnt have been able to reach the top as we're actually doing but we still have a lot to prove and to achieve. In my opinion, the move from cod2 to cod4 is not only great for its community but also for the e-sport in general. With the 7 millions of copies already sold and those who are gonna be, the community is astonishingly bigger than on cod2 and one of its best proof is the number of people on #cod4.wars ! What's more, there are so much more lans on that game than on cod2 and if we're working great, maybe its going to be added.
Q: You guys are going to attend the CDC 4 LAN, in holland. How will you guys prepare for this LAN?
A: Yes we'll go ot Enshede to compete against the best teams in europe. In order to get a chance to reach the top 3, we need to train a lot and that's what we're actually doing. With the codQcup still running, that's already a first train for us against top teams, but we also play french cups to get different experience. We need to play a lot but also to think about what we're doing false and what is good in order to advance and do nice results.
Q: Where do you see oxmoze in the future after having such a succesfull start in this game and all the opportunities which are coming up in the CoD scene to prove yourselves?
A: I hope we're gonna be able to continue to play as good as we do actually, and even more. With a lot of train, and also some luck, why not in the top 3 europe? :D who knows ... We'll do our best at the cdc4 but also to every other lans we'll do in the upcoming weeks/months"
Läs vidare:
Hela intervjun med id`revoltz
Hela intervjun med oXmoze|vazy
TGBF: oXmoze vs. eSuba **

Lite lördagsmys med CoD4 kanske är något? Ikväll (18:00) visar nämnligen TGBF matchen mellan svenskdödarna

Kartan som gäller för kvällen är mp_vacant och den spelar med mr12 (först till 13 vinner), vid oavgjort tar OT med mr3 vid tills det står en segrare.
eSuba vs. oXmoze
Matchen över och det hela slutade med 13-6 vinst till fransoserna. Med det är eSuba ute ur turneringen och oXmoze får se fram emot nästa runda där man ställs mot turneringens stora överaskning xciteuk.
Lagt upp VOD från matchen..
mp_cs_aim_map_usp & mp_cs_aimmap2
Svenska kart-fanatikern
Segerik har varit i kontakt med Chefen för att visa upp sina första aim-kartor för CoD4. Det hela handlar om remakes av gamla populära CS-kartor. Segerik får själv förklara..
"Enda sen Call of Duty 4 släpptes har jag längtat tills det släpptes en aim-map. Man brukade ha väldigt roligt med kompisarna på lan när man var noob och lirade Counter-Strike och jag ville uppleva samma sak i CoD4. När väl mod toolsen släpptes, vilket tog ett tag, började jag hålla på lite smått för att försöka fixa ihop en bana. Jag började direkt att göra en remake av aim_map2 då den är väldigt enkel designmässigt. Sen dess har jag fixat ihop ytterligare två kartor och även dom är från Counter-strike. Flera är dessutom påväg. Självklart skriver jag också i README vilka level designers som har gjort banorna från början då all credit ska gå till dom."
Nåja, all credit kanske inte ska gå till dem, för de var ju endå inte de som gjorde versionen till CoD4. Men i vilket fall som helst kände man sig såklart lockad av att testa kartorna. Segerik har hittills släppt 3 olika, men Chefen var snål för en gångs skull och valde att bara göra förhanstittar på 2st utav dem.
Att notera är att kartorna är gjorda för Search & Destroy. Om ni slänger upp någon aim-karta på er server, hör av er till Koddblogg så man kan berätta det för andra. Ni når mig såklart på [email protected]
Ladda ner:
mp_cs_aim_awp (inte visad, men det är en karta mer gjord för snipers)
Kontakta Segerik:
[email protected]
#vildur @ Qnet.

"Enda sen Call of Duty 4 släpptes har jag längtat tills det släpptes en aim-map. Man brukade ha väldigt roligt med kompisarna på lan när man var noob och lirade Counter-Strike och jag ville uppleva samma sak i CoD4. När väl mod toolsen släpptes, vilket tog ett tag, började jag hålla på lite smått för att försöka fixa ihop en bana. Jag började direkt att göra en remake av aim_map2 då den är väldigt enkel designmässigt. Sen dess har jag fixat ihop ytterligare två kartor och även dom är från Counter-strike. Flera är dessutom påväg. Självklart skriver jag också i README vilka level designers som har gjort banorna från början då all credit ska gå till dom."
Nåja, all credit kanske inte ska gå till dem, för de var ju endå inte de som gjorde versionen till CoD4. Men i vilket fall som helst kände man sig såklart lockad av att testa kartorna. Segerik har hittills släppt 3 olika, men Chefen var snål för en gångs skull och valde att bara göra förhanstittar på 2st utav dem.
Att notera är att kartorna är gjorda för Search & Destroy. Om ni slänger upp någon aim-karta på er server, hör av er till Koddblogg så man kan berätta det för andra. Ni når mig såklart på [email protected]
Ladda ner:
mp_cs_aim_awp (inte visad, men det är en karta mer gjord för snipers)
Kontakta Segerik:
[email protected]
#vildur @ Qnet.
2 lediga platser på CDC4

Det stundande lanet CDC4 som hålls i Holland den 29/2-2/3 har nu rapporterat att 38 av 40 lag är betalda och klara för deltagande. Det innbär samtidigt att det finns 2 lediga platser - så om ditt lag kan skrapa fram lite extra slantar finns här alltså chansen att delta i vad som kommer bli det största lanet inom CoD4 hittills.

"Due to problems with teams rosters and what not, we now have spaces available.
CoD4: 2 Spots remaining (38/40)
If you would like to attend, please message me on irc or email me at tosspot at gmail dot com. Seedings, groups and schedules for all games will be released at the end of the CoDQCUP, as that will represent for the most accurate standings available to us."
#crossfire @ QNet.
FPSGaming intervjuar: No Aim

FPSGaming fortsätter på sin intervju-serie av lag som registerat sig för deras välgörenhetscup (läs mer om den här). Denna gången har man pratat med den gamla svenska rävarna i

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: We are soo many players in the clan so we have many expectations for the future. Different players in the clan prefer to play cups and competitions with the main reason the victory! Some other from the other hand find it better playing in public. We will try to join more upcoming cups and reach as far as possible.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: The future of the clan based in Call of Duty 4 looks promising. Many of us in the clan were really waiting for something new too play and with the release of the game we just love playing it. Now we looking forward to play more cups hosted by FPS|Gaming and ladders in ClanBase. Of course we would like to win some more awards in the cups but its hard with good opponents. We will give full hard time to the other teams and try to conquer and stay at the top 5 positions.
Q: Why have you (clan) chosen to compete in this charity cup?
A: We have been attending several other cups at FPS|Gaming and i think there are good organized cups. That's the mainly reason joined this cup for the fight against cancer.
Q: What are your hopes for this cup?
A: We know thats it's going to be hard with several good opponents but we will try to get as for as possible. Just take one match at a time and do it as good as possible!"
No Aim main-lineup:

Hela intervjun hos FPSGaming
No Aim - hemsida
#n@ @ QNet.
LAN: RZ öppnar dörrarna

Rendezvous (RZ) är kanske mest känt som ett CS-lan lokerat i Skövde. Men det har ryktas hårt att CoD4 kan komma att bli med på lista - om intresse visar sig finnas. I.o.m. att gamla CS-mogulen
Nostra (numera CoD4-fan) är tillbaka med RZ och turneringsdatorer kan detta faktiskt bli en verklighet. Så ni som vill se ett svenskt CoD4-lan redan nu är det dags att börja höja rösten.

Släppet för biljetter kom igår (1/2) och själva LAN:et äger rum 1-4/5. Någon information om en specifik CoD4-turnering finns som sagt inte i dagsläget, men om folk ligger på kan allt hända. Koddblogg rapporterar så fort vi ser att det rör på sig.
RZ.se (källa) via Rakaka.se
#rendezvous @ QNet.
CoD4 uppdateras till 1.5

Men allt i allt är det en rätt liten och tråkig patch och fortsatt så det intet nytt på västfronten angående CoDTV..
Listan med "nyheter":
"- Fixed server browser not showing all of the servers
- The "hold [ ] to steady" sniper scope hint will only appear if you can use it
- Fixed game not recognizing IWDs existing if they are all in fs_basepath and none are in the main/ folder
- Made mod scripts able to change stats
- Allow developer_script for mulitiplayer modding
- Fixed map rotation errors with usermaps
- Fixed minimap not showing up in the menu for usermaps
- Mod tools will now work with other languages
NOTE: patch 1.5 is not compatible with 1.4. You will not be able to find 1.4 servers if you update. "
Ladda hem:
Patch 1.5 (11MB) - FZ.se
ModTools 1.5 (13MB) - FZ.se
IW.com (källa) via Fnatic.com
BlitzKrieg Cup #1

Världens slöaste cup, BKG Cup #1 har nu fått tummen ur arslet, men då det var alldeles för länge sedan man öppnade signups så kör man en ny omgång. När 32 accepterade lag är med så börjar seedningen.
When the cup was initially opened for pre-signups last last year, we surpassed the 32 team limit very quickly. However, it appears a lot of these teams have since gone inactive or do not have the minimum number of members signed up to join the cup.
Therefore there is still space for new teams to apply and participate. Once we have recieved 32 applications which have been accepted, we will seed the groups to the best of our ability and announce the groups. The cup will then launch the following Sunday. We anticipate the launch to be within the next two weeks
Gruppmatcher: mp_Crash, mp_Vacant och mp_Citystreets
Slutspel: mp_Strike, mp_Backlot och mp_Crossfire
Cupen använder sig av PAM4.0 final med CODQCUP regler.
Vinnaren får en server i 9 månader för 32 spelare.
Blitzkrieg Gaming
eSuba plockar 2 från nEophyte

Uttalande från eSuba luckeR:
"The day I was afraid of for a long time has now struck us. We didn?t have the same great atmosphere within the team we used to have before and as the CDC 4 and a lot of other tournaments is ahead of us, we had to act. Street decided to take the relationship with his girlfriend more seriously and with his final school exams in front of him announced his withdrawal from the squad. Plague also didn?t have that much time for playing anymore which forced us to make such a drastic changes.
Not long ago I got the information that nEophyte were also in trouble and didn?t hesitate with asking mazarini and cross to join up with us. After a long discussion we agreed on that these 2 skilled players and a great people will be exactly the right addition to our team and the best option for us in this moment.
I?m really happy that they accepted our offer and would like to wish them the best of luck in our team and I hope that this squad will play without any changes for a long time and that we will achieve even bigger success than before. CU @ CDC 4 ladZ!
I would also like to thank both our former players for everything they have done for the team, they are a great personalities and a very good friends of all of us and I hope they will do better in their real-life."
eSuba lineup:

Remedy lämnar Emprisa

Remedy förklarar:
We had different opinions on how this game should be played. Emprisa is full of great individuals with a lot of experience, which means everyone has strong opinions.
We tried to get things working, but in the end it got really complicated, as none wanted to change one's playing style, which made improvisation and making of tactics almost impossible. I mean making the tactics I had in mind.
In the end, the amount of whine was so big that I didn't feel like playing with emprisa anymore. Emprisa for ever, but I think they are better off without me. Now that I leave emprisa, it doesn't mean I'm leaving them totally. The guys are still my friends and so on.
Dolvich ger Emprisas syn på avhoppet:
Well, this didn't come as a complete shock for us. The whole time we've been struggling with finding the perfect team chemistry, and everyone felt something like this would eventually have to happen. Don't get me wrong, we never had any epic battles in voicecomm since we're so cool, experienced & whatnot.
However, there were several small issues between Remedy and the rest of the team and these kept piling up. I wouldn't exactly call it "the clash of egos", but there certainly were some moments when I felt things hadn't gone quite as smoothly as we had planned.
All in all, we managed to solve this without kickbans involved and I'm sure I speak for all of us when I wish Remedy all the best in the future, both in terms of CoD4 & real life. Now we need to direct our focus towards the upcoming LAN-tournament @ Level7 and try to perform as well as possible without one of our main guns
Laget består nu av:

Cadred.org (Källa)
dSlash meddelar förändringar

Last week the announced dSLASH.de "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" Cup by RAZER, Foxconn und Caseking finally started. Due to Hosting- and Cupscriptproblems we were forced to delay the cup until today. The cup-site will not be used anymore. The whole overview and navigation needed to play the cup will be featuered here on dSLASH.de exclusively. We again apologize for the problems and hope that you will enjoy the cup now after the restart. All further information, rules, matches and everything concerning the cup will be featured in our Coverage. Use the top-navigation on the coverage´s sites to browse through the themes of interest and make sure you read all the rules to make sure no problems will occur. We wish all participating teams good luck, enjoy the cup.
Och sedan följer de upp med en uppdatering:
The matchdates are proposed to be played on that date, but you can delay matches if the opponents accept. we encourage to delay matches instead of giving forfeit-wins out. All groupstage-matches should be finished by Wednesay 13th February 2008. If your opponent isn't online, query them and take another date. If they cant play until 13th February you become a defwin, not today
eyeshow blir Team Coolermaster

Lagets manager

It really has been a hectic month since I became the manager for this team. Endless searching for multi-gaming organisations, and keeping on top of everything was difficult to handle at times, but worth it now. We came to Team CoolerMaster with an offer, and despite various offers we got from other organisations, we picked CoolerMaster for a lot of positive reasons. Dedication, great management, and good support are a few of these reasons, and on behalf of the team, we are very excited to be signing with the organisation.
With this announcement, we also welcome our newest player gifty. Bringing some great skill to the team, gifty is also a very consistent fragger, as well as an all-round team player, who improves more and more in the game each time he plays. Unfortunately, we will be moving nikkzoN to back-up for now, but that won't eliminate him from playing with us at all, as we will use nikkzoN's essential skill as a key part of the team's future.
As the CDC4 sign-ups are now closed and confirmed, we are looking into attending Multiplay i33 for the team's first LAN event together. We are hoping to do well, and pull out some good results, and last but not least, a big thanks to the staff of Team CoolerMaster for taking us on-aboard!
Team CoolerMaster:

Team CoolerMaster
Tek9 (Källa)
Det ensamma lejonet släpper halvdan fragfilm *

Det första jag tänker på är att FOVen är alldeles för låg (antagligen för att nå någon slags dramarurgisk effekt). Det andra är att det är en väldigt dåligt fejkad widescreen. Sen börjar jag må lite illa för jag sitter för nära datorn. Därför rekommenderar jag alla som planerar att se denna film att sitta en bra bit ifrån datorskärmen för att inte må lika dåligt som jag gjorde. I min mening är det skillnad på bra frags och randomfrags, skaparen av filmen verkar inte hålla med mig. Vem som har rätt låter jag vara osagt.
Det går dock inte att förneka att filmen ser mycket bra ut med knivskarp bild och häftiga klipp, men jag ser inte ett enda exempel på att spelaren bakom duken har mycket till spelhjärna, något som i min mening är premierande för en s k "skrytfilm". Jag vill däremot inte förringa insatsen av en "mindless fragger" då det ofta är dessa som vinner matcher, men man måste komma fram med bra mycket bättre scener än dessa om man vill leka HeatoN.
På det hela taget, och trots en mycket snygg klippning till trots, blir det slutgiltiga betyget: Pinsamt L3`Stevy!
Men med tanke på hur stort utbudet är av fragfilmer just nu så kan man nog gott dra hem skiten i vilket fall som helst så..
Ladda ner:
Stevy - The lone Lion (Tek9)
Uppdaterat med stream av filmen..

"With a little bit of Estonian magic, hopefully this team will flourish into a blossoming good ole' powerhouse team. They have a lot of practicing ahead of them, but they should be able to do well with some practice. Several members are confident in their playing ability and feel they can pick up the game, they just have to develop the needed chemistry."
Oxygen lineup:

Uks, kaks, kolm..
Tek9 i kris - CB förbjuder Scorpion

Clanbase meddelar:
"Due to the problems the game has had with the skorpian, the gun has now been disabled within the ClanBase Call Of Duty 4 ruleset until there is a fix for the gun."
CB PAM4 Download