Europcup under luppen
Clanbase Eurocup ska just kicka igång och säga vad man vill om CB (Chefen säger bu) så kan vi se fram emot en hel del tuffa matcher som kommer bli roliga att följa. Mina kollegor på både Tek9 och på har varit vänliga nog att göra ordentliga genomgångar på första matchveckan, så istället för att skriva en egen länkar jag till deras!
Först ut är Tek9 som konstaterar att veckans match är fajten mellan
Dignitas och
Roskilde Ravens:
Unfortunately, these two big names didn't meet in the official competition at the recent Multiplay i33 event, and with Team Dignitas now proving that they are winners once again with an i33 victory, it makes the match a lot more interesting. Team Dignitas were a very under-rated side going into the i33 event last weekend, but managed to pull it off with a strong performance overall. The same could go for the EuroCup, as they enter this as an under-rated side also, but Roskilde Ravens could equally pull off a decent win, making this game, the match of the week.
Läs resten av förhandstittarna här!
Även anser att Dignitas mot Ravens är hetast och skriver så här:
In Week 1's 'MATCH OF THE WEEK', we see the great Team Dignitas take on the Danish Roskilde Ravens. After winning i33 somewhat suprisingly as underdogs, it will be interesting to see how they fair under the pressure of being labelled one of the favourites for the cup. Roskilde RAvens impressed at i33 using the difficult TUP method, with a string of good results, and will be hoping to continue that on Monday, against this unpredictable Dignitas team.
Fler matchgenomgångar hittar du här!
När vi nu är inne på Clanbase så måste jag nämna
TosspoT, mannen bakom, som har publicerat en krönika där han tar upp ämnet Clanbase vs ESL med fokus på
fnatic's bojkott av Eurocup. Artikeln är mycket läsvärd.
Här har ni en saxning:
Fnatic's opinion have not gone unnoticed by the rest of the community. TeK-9 have also stated that the Eurocup is simply a better alternative to PCW?s rather than the ultimate competition it once was.
Clanbase have been losing the battle against ESL for prestigious tournaments for a long time, however certain games have always remained loyal against the German tournament organisation. Primarily those games have been Quake engine based, such as Call of Duty & ET however has their loyalty now been tested too far? For Call of Duty, many Eurocup players have questioned whether the ruleset was made for them for the Open Cup and are looking further a field for serious competition.
Klicka här för att läsa resten!
Först ut är Tek9 som konstaterar att veckans match är fajten mellan

Läs resten av förhandstittarna här!
Även anser att Dignitas mot Ravens är hetast och skriver så här:
In Week 1's 'MATCH OF THE WEEK', we see the great Team Dignitas take on the Danish Roskilde Ravens. After winning i33 somewhat suprisingly as underdogs, it will be interesting to see how they fair under the pressure of being labelled one of the favourites for the cup. Roskilde RAvens impressed at i33 using the difficult TUP method, with a string of good results, and will be hoping to continue that on Monday, against this unpredictable Dignitas team.
Fler matchgenomgångar hittar du här!
När vi nu är inne på Clanbase så måste jag nämna

Här har ni en saxning:
Fnatic's opinion have not gone unnoticed by the rest of the community. TeK-9 have also stated that the Eurocup is simply a better alternative to PCW?s rather than the ultimate competition it once was.
Clanbase have been losing the battle against ESL for prestigious tournaments for a long time, however certain games have always remained loyal against the German tournament organisation. Primarily those games have been Quake engine based, such as Call of Duty & ET however has their loyalty now been tested too far? For Call of Duty, many Eurocup players have questioned whether the ruleset was made for them for the Open Cup and are looking further a field for serious competition.
Klicka här för att läsa resten!
Svenska slödder i CoD4-satsningen sTRASH

Här närmast kommer sTRASH att deltaga i CODQCUP där man hamnar i en ganska enkel grupp där det enda egentliga motståndet är

Statement från KyoChi:
"Myself and FrGzR has been playing without a team for our entire CoD4 journey, only mixing with team Sweden and various team projects that never happened, when rdy4 disbanded I had a talk with midnajt and multra about a possible merge, and they were up for it, so we've been playing together for a couple of weeks now and with the touch of God, Isaak, whom I've had my eyes on from the beginning of CoD4, was finally released from OMG_N and joined up with us. So we'll whore around as Swedish Trash from now on until something better comes along."
sTRASH lineup:

Lycka till önskar Chefen!
#strash @ QNet.
Dignitas - mediakalas efter i33

Efter den enorma framgången på i33 har nu vinnarna

Saxat från

"After finally getting set up and going into game, I quickly realized that my microphone started fucking up for me, it?d work, but when I went into cod4 and started talking all they could hear on vent was my ingame sounds, I didn?t have time to fix it as the admins were rushing us to make us start as they were on a schedule, so we were forced to play with 4 people communicating on ventrilo, however that didn't seem to affect us as we started on crash offence, we were winning 8-4 on the harder side, and we were thinking to ourselves that this was already over, as crash is one of our stronger maps, but yet AGAIN tlr proved us wrong, and they were totally raging the a-house and getting rounds after rounds, and insane play by Diablo and soclon really helped them, it ended 12-12 and we had to go to an overtime, which they won in the closest fashion 16-14.

Our map was citystreets, which we are very strong on, beating pretty much everyone on it online before i33 we were pretty confident, however when the match started, it proved not to be as easy.
We were down 10-2 by half time. Not knowing what had hit us we were looking at ourselves thinking it was over, we'd lost it. The tlr guys were already sure they had won it, and the crowd was screaming out "T-L-R T-L-R"."
Dignitas-video från sista rundan i finalen
För mer info, bilder och demos, besök:
SPEED-LINK tillbaka! *

Precis som

I skrivande stund är denna nyhet alldeles för fräsch för ett uttalande på engelska, Koddblogg återkommer med mer info så snabbt det finns mer att hämta.
Nu har det kommit ett statement av

"Finally! A few days ago we just finalised our roster, now we have good news again! We are proud to be a part of Team SPEED-LINK! Its also sad to say, we left KomaCrew because this Organisation is a hell of a clan. But we wanted to move one step more into serious business and decided to join Team SPEED-LINK.
I also have to announce that fatman23 wont be part of us anymore due of internal problems. Anyhow, from now on we will just focus on the ClanBase EuroCup, ESL EAS, ESL EMS, codQcup and the upcoming LAN events. Speaking of which we are planing to attend the Antwerp eSports festival in July. Special thanks to Trigger, Silber our Manager and everyone who supported us in the past! See you soon lads!"

#team-speedlink @ QNet
QuadV: dtekt vs. audacity ikväll 21:00

Matchen spelas i LB, runda 3 på mp_stike och vinnaren ställs mot

Se matchen: - TV1
Relaterat: - Brackets
Druidz intervjuar Druidz!

Here goes:
Q: Hi and congratulations to your good result at i33. Are you and your team satisfied with it?
A: Hello, yes I?m very satisfied with our performance during the i33 event. We had as a high goal to come on the 8th place but we never thought we would get that far as a 9-12th place. I?m proud of our results in every match, Especially the playoff match against Evil genius.
Q: To a not so happy news, you let your newest member Barack go. Why?
A: We have been feeling this would come but we wanted to give it a try to i33 and see how it works. Ingame it works but it just didn't work so well outside the game and it's much easier to get to the events and have boot camps and of course communicates with each other when we have all-Swedish language speaking lineup. I?m sure that Barack will find a good new home and my lineup will be as strong as, or if not stronger, as before with a new 5th player
Q: What are your next tasks with COD4? Do you have name on your 5th player?
A: I?ve just been spammed with people that want to join since we posted the news and I?m happy to see that there is a huge interest in Druidz but I already have some names ready to trial and see if it works. I hope we can fill the place within a month. We have also been invited to boot camping with fnatic and Roskilde ravens in Denmark now before the upcoming LAN in Belgium. So that?s what we are planning at the moment.
Läs hela intervjun på!
Exabyte tar in LuNi

JUSZN konstaterar:
My expectations were set high for the lan and how well we would do, and its been exactly that. Considering we've had no support towards i33, it really has been a pure experience to get up and play with the best of the best at the same level. Apart from that, the team has shown promise and we've just recently decided to keep going with the current five and things can only get better from here on out.
i33 has been good to us, serving as our first lan together as a team, not to mention just how well everyone in exabyte can eat burgers! Besides our online success, we're really going to take this lan experience into the fold and inject that into our next lan. First lan was to tweak out the errors, and get used to eachother as a team, now thats compatible you'll see a full blown steel fist in the direction of our opponents Hoping to take a big chunk out of the scene and the upcoming events such as Eurocup & codQcup.
Det färdiga laget:

Laget har även genom LuNi skrivit en blogg om resan till i33 vilket är perfekt som nattläsning:
So here we go the exabyte LAN adventure started. On the Wednesday we decided we would have a day of getting to know each other and just having a laugh. We arranged to all meet at juszn's the Wednesday morning however Chris aka lighters decided to forget to get up and therefore made him delayed by about 7 hours. Good start mate ;) well while we was waiting me mark aka rze and Juszn decided to just chill at his for the day and wait for Chris to arrive. Was a long day put it that way. When lighters finally arrived we tried to book into a hotel, not successful. We all got ready and headed into London for the evening. Ended up in a Mexican restaurant in Leicester square. Food was lovely no 1 complained but then juszn dropped the bombshell, SHOTS down stairs in bar, me and Chris looked at each other and thought here we go, in the end the shots were actually quite nice so I thought anyway, shortly after Chris went to the toilet, kind of stayed in there a while no1 knows what happened...
Läs hela blogg-inlägget här
Tek9 (Källa)
LAN-Blogg (Tek9) tillbaka med ny lineup!

För inte ens 10 dagar sedan gick

En av de nya,

"We have only played CoD 4 for a couple of months now, so we still have many things to improve in our gaming before reaching our full potential. But with our recent rate of developement I see no reason why we couldn't reach the highest top of CoD 4 in time if we keep practicing the game.
We are highly motivated and with the opportunity given to us by the support of Team Logitech we really want to prove ourselves worthy of the name."
Även de som sitter lite högre upp i LGT har valt att ge en kommentar:
"Before this, LGT has had some really succesful cod teams along the whole history of call of duty series. After our previous team decided to go to a deserved break and some of the players moved to play to different teams (still all my thnx to them for beeing part of LGT!), i tought long time to even actually have a new cod team.
Well, this game has always had a sweet spot in my heart so here we are again. But this time, even though we could have had the chance to recruit an top-of-the-line team to LGT, i decided to do something else for a change and give a chance to this team that i see a lot of potential and more then that, i see a lot of maturity and work behind theyre team spirit.
Some might say its a risk to take this team as part of Team Logitech but i think we now need some fresh players and these guys will do just fine for us ! I wish all the best to our new CoD4 team, make LGT proud!"

Moi mukulat!
Relaterat: (källa)
Fragfilm: foontje - Back to the States
Tek-9 brukar stå för absolut topkvalité när det gäller CoD och därför så jag kan inte för allt i världen förstå varför dom envisas med att sätta sin stämpel "Tek-9 Cinema" på helt mediokra fragfilmer. Nu har dom släppt hjälpt till med releasen av "foontje - Back to the States", en film som är trevlig och så, men inget märkvärdigt när det kommer till klippning eller musikval och fragsen? Njae, jag kan säga att jag inte är direkt imponerad. Tråkigt att Tek-9 än en gång satt sitt "mark of approval" på en såpass tråkig produkt. Skärpning.
Chefen sätter betyget 3 pistolkulor av 5 möjliga. Introt var.. ..inte bra.
Ladda ner:
Chefen sätter betyget 3 pistolkulor av 5 möjliga. Introt var.. ..inte bra.
Ladda ner:
KomaCrew tar in n1Tro

Officiellt uttalande:
"After we strengthened us with eugen aka gene right before CDC4, things were looking good, until the message came from fatman, telling us he can only function as a back-up from now on. With asset, who after the CDC4 for almost 4 weeks didn't have any time available because of his studies and private reasons, we were just with 4. Thank god fatman23 helped us when asset was inactive. As we were already interested in nitro for a longer period, however we wanted to wait at what would happen with SPEED-LINK, we decided to recruit him as soon as the news about SPEED-LINK hit the public."
KomaCrew version 1.2 (?):

Den stora frågan är dock hur man håller isär smithz och smity på Ventrilo..
Relaterat: (källa)
dfiance blir (inte) ouN-eSports

"Due to a cancelled sponsor agreement, the management of ouN lost faith and motivation and decided to close down ouN-eSports. This means that the COD4 team returned to dfiance and that dfiance is back."
Med andra ord är det tack och hej till deras planer att ta sig utomlands. Lyckat!
Orginal nyhet:
Belgiska scenen fortsätter att skapa rubriker, nu senast när


"This is not a fast decision. We have thought this through and came to the conclusion that this is a leap ahead for the team. I have a nice family feeling with ouN, and together with the support this is just what I need for the team. Im also glad Tim can join the ouN management, that way we feel even more at home.
I hope that we can achieve things with ouN, that weren't possible with dfiance, such as LANs in foreign countries."
Nya ouN-eSports:

Relaterat: (källa)
Druidz gör sig av med obama

Druidz som bevisade många tvivlare fel är nöjda med sin insats på i33 vilket jag tycker dom har rätt till, men de har nu beslutat sig för att kicka
Barack (eller obama som han nickade under i33) då laget inte vill ha en europeisk förstafemma. Även om han kändes som en nyckelspelare tycker Chefen ändå man tagit rätt beslut som satsar svenskt, frågan är om man borde satsat helsvenskt och gjort sig av även med dansken (om nu iPower kräver full svensk lineup)? I vilket fall som helst får jag önska druiderna lycka till.

"After a very successful weekend in Newbury at i33 where we came 9-12th place, have we decided to let Barack go. This is because we felt in the team that an european lineup didnt work as good as we thought even though barack is a good player. We wish Barack all the luck and im sure of that he will get to a good team. Our future plans is to get a new swedish player to complete the lineup and to compete with that lineup in the upcoming lan in Antwerp, Belgium together with Fnatic and Roskilde."
Druidz förstafyra:

Cadred rankar topp-10 i Europa

Community-siten har nu såhär efter i33 släppt en lista där man rankar topp-10 i Europa. Den är baserat på resultat från i33 och CDC4 samt skribentens egna åsikter och i detta fall är skribenten

Topp-10 i Europa just nu - enligt Cadred:










Bra eller anus? Chefen tycker det känns aningen dumt att placera Dignitas som 1:a efter endast ett bra framträdande. Speciellt med tanke på hur jämnt det vart i slutskedet av i33, vilket som helst av lagen som slutade topp 4 hade egentligen kunnat stå där som vinnare. Tror nästan Chefen blir tvungen att dra igång en egen topp-10 för att få lite styr på det hela!
CODQCUP: 256 kvalande lag, här är hela listan!

Imorgon (tisdag, 25/3) drar CODQCUP igång och under tisdag och onsdag-kvällen är det nu inplanerat 128 kvalmatcher, dvs hela 256 kvalande lag. Kvalet spelas i bäst av 3 kartor (först till 13 på varje karta gäller, vid 12-12 tar OT med MR3 vid) där varje lag väljer en av mp_backlot, mp_crash, mp_vacant, mp_citystreets eller mp_stike. mp_crossfire är CODQCUPs val som 3:e karta och därför får man inte välja den.
Här är hela listan på samtliga kvalmatcher:

Lycka till nu!
#codqcup @ QNet
Gamla Kungar blir Porrstjärnor

Uttalande från Creamy:
"I am looking to get a solid, decent team together. Who obviously will attend the LAN's that we can. I enjoy the LAN environment, after being to past LAN's with 4kings - I feel really its just going to be a matter of how much development the team has done. We just won the Chaos cup - but we still have a lot to work on yet"
pstarZ lineup:

#pstarz-gaming @ QNet
Ny satsning i Regnum

Officiellt uttalande:
"Through various One-night-cups and some mixes we discovered a similar wavelength. Cem and me founded this team after we realized that we connect very well, even though we're from different countries," lopEzz explains, "I took in risqu, an old mate of me, who brought Blitz with him. After we played some time together, cem had the idea of asking vCoD-legend Lupas, who played for MONKEYNATION in the past. Due to exams etc we decided to take in a sixth member - denizen. Our goals are settled pretty high and we hope to perform well at Opencup, Premier League and CoDQCup."
Regnum lineup:

Lycka till Lupas & co!
#regnum- @ QNet (källa)
Dansken är tillbaka
Innan i33 kom nyheten att de forna
Team Infinity-spelarna (läs mer)
outlaw och svenske
Stallion nu är tillbaka med nytt lag. Laget går under namnet
LAWNMOWERS och med denna lineup kommer man först och främst sikta på CoDgamings DK-liga.
Hur seriös denna satsning verkligen är återstår att se, men klart är i alla fall att man riktat in sig på toppskiktet i Danmark.
CSD kommenterar:
"Vi satser på at blive kendt som Danmarks mest random hold uden nogen som helst faste tacs whatsoever. Hvis vi ender med at komme i top4 i dk ligaen, satser vi ofc. på at deltage i LAN FINALS."
Chefen önskar LAWNMOWERS och då speciellt vår svenske hingst lycka till med den nya satsningen!
#lawnmowers @ QNet. (källa)

Hur seriös denna satsning verkligen är återstår att se, men klart är i alla fall att man riktat in sig på toppskiktet i Danmark.
CSD kommenterar:
"Vi satser på at blive kendt som Danmarks mest random hold uden nogen som helst faste tacs whatsoever. Hvis vi ender med at komme i top4 i dk ligaen, satser vi ofc. på at deltage i LAN FINALS."

Chefen önskar LAWNMOWERS och då speciellt vår svenske hingst lycka till med den nya satsningen!
#lawnmowers @ QNet. (källa)
i34 presenterat - CoD4 med igen!

Som påpekat ska i34 bli större och för att hjälpa till med det har man nu flyttat till Stoneleigh Park som ligger straxt utanför Coventry. Det finns en mindre flygplats i Coventry och enligt uppgift så ligger närmsta lite större flygplats i Birmingham så när ni bokar biljetten, kom ihåg vart ni ska åka.
QuadV har tillsammans med Multiplay släppt en PromoVideo där man presenterar i34 och Stoneleigh Park och även om det inte ser extremt lyxigt ut kan man knappast klaga på storleken.
Maffigt Multiplay! Vi ses väl där?
CODQCUP presenterar de 32 inbjudna!

CODQCUP som drar igång imorgon (tisdag 25/3) har nu dels gjort klart en gång för alla att det blir en SMG-limit på 3, detta efter en omröstning (läs mer) som gav limit på 3 - 64% av rösterna. Samtidigt har man presenterat vilka 32 lag som blivit direktinbjudna till turneringen (och därmed alltså slipper kvalet). Bland de inbjudna finner vi 2 svenska (

De 32 inbjudna - hela listan:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Information för de övriga 256 (!) kvalande lagen kommer senare ikväll (måndag).
#codqcup @ QNet.
i33: Avgörandet! ****

i33 närmar sig nu sitt avgörande. Efter en nästan magisk helg är det nu dags att göra upp om slutsegern, äran och pengarna som kommer med det.


Efter några extremt täta och spännande matcher är det nu äntligen dags för den stora finalen. Det blir en repris på i32- samt WB-finalen när

Första kartan var som sagt mp_crash, TLRs val och det hela såg ut att bli en solskenshistoria för Dignitas som ledde matchen i halvtid. TLR kom dock tillbaka starkt och det hela fick avgöras på OT. Även OT började bra för Dignitas som ledde med 2-0 (14-12) men TLR kom åter igen tillbaka och avgjorde till slut och första kartan slutade med en 16-14 seger för TLR. Dignitas har nu valt mp_citystreets som deras karta, ett ganska annorlunda val men vi får se om man har ett ess i rockärmen som kommer överaska TLR. Vinnaren av mp_citystreets går hem 6000 euro rikare!

4th: 500 euro

5-6: 250 euro

5-6: 250 euro

7-8: 250 euro

7-8: 250 euro





mp_crash/mp_citystreets (grand finale) - 20:35:
Team Dignitas [14:16/16:14]]
The Last Resort
mp_citystreets (consolation final) - 19:00:
The Last Resort [13:11]
Evil Geniuses
mp_backlot (winnerbracket final) - 17:30:
Team Dignitas [16:14]
The Last Resort
mp_backlot (loser bracket final) - 16:30:
Fnatic [13:16]
Evil Geniuses
mp_vacant (loser bracket, runda 6) - 14:00:
Fnatic [13:11]
Tek-9 [10:13]
Evil Geniuses

mp_citystreets (consolation final) - 19:00:

mp_backlot (winnerbracket final) - 17:30:

mp_backlot (loser bracket final) - 16:30:

mp_vacant (loser bracket, runda 6) - 14:00:

Let's get ready to rumbleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....!
Slutspelsträdet hittills
EC ersätter SPEED-LINK

Att CB vill ha spridning på deltagande länder är förståeligt men nog måste de haft möjlighet att hitta ett mer etablerat lag? Dessutom är Ryssland asiatiskt, inte europeiskt! Ett underligt beslut av CB.
Druidz med bilder från i33


Nu har man på (i en live-blogg från i33!) publicerat lite bilder från tillställningen och jag ska försöka uppdatera denna nyhet så mycket det bara går.
Följ Druidz framfart på i33:
coconutcrew slutar 2:a på The Gathering

I skymundan av i33 har nu The Gathering avgjorts.


Tungt för kokosnötterna att det var sån gigantisk skillnad mellan första och andra pris. Men de går hem med mycket erfarenhet och Sverige är 1 lag starkare på LAN-scenen vilket är en stor vinst för oss alla CoD4-intresserade.
GG coconutcrew och grattis Oslo Lions till slutsegern!
i33: Slutspelet ****

Nu är slutspelet här. Både

Imorgon (söndag 23/3) klockan 11:00 (svensk tid) fortsätter slutspelet. Kvar har vi fortsatt



Heja Skandinavien!
i33: Gruppspel med resultat

Dags för lite resultat från i33, dag 1.
Grupp A: mp_crash (omgång 1)#iG 11-13 awol. p1 17-7 Sick Gaming TCM UK 13-1 [-DER-] mp_backlot (omgång 2) TCM UK 12-12 Dignitas #iG 07-17 p1 awol 16-11 Sick Gaming mp_citystreets (omgång 3) Sick Gaming 9-13 #iG awol 5-19 p1 [-DER-] 0-24 Team Dignitas mp_strike (omgång 4) awol 24-0 [-DER-] #iG 3-13 TCM UK p1 6-18 Team Dignitas mp_crossfire (omgång 5) #iG 24-0 [-DER-] | Grupp B: mp_crash (omgång 1) fullmj 04-20 5th. Immortal Alliance 02-13 audacity RanDomz 02-22 Contego mp_backlot (omgång 2) fullmj 01-13 TheLastResort RanDomz 22-02 Immortal Alliance Contego 11-13 Audacity mp_citystreets (omgång 3) 5th 01-13 TheLastResort RanDomz 11-13 Audacity Contego 13-11 Immortal Alliance mp_strike (omgång 4) Immortal Alliance 06-13 TheLastResort Contego 18-06 5th RanDomz 09-15 fullmj mp_crossfire (omgång 5) Team contego 24-0 fullmj mp_backlot (omgång 6) RanDomz 8-16 TheLastResort 5th 6-18 Audacity Immortal Alliance 20-4 fullmj |
Grupp C: mp_crash (omgång 1)internal 7-17 Blitzkrieg-Gaming VVV 00-24 Antix Default 00-24 CHILLED mp_backlot (omgång 2) internal 04-20 fnatic CHILLED 09-13 Antix default 24-0 VVV mp_citystreets (omgång 3) Blitzkrieg-Gaming 6-18 fnatic default 3-21 Antix VVV 0-24 CHILLED mp_strike (omgång 4) fnatic 24-0 VVV CHILLED 11-13 Blitzkrieg-Gaming default 1-23 internal mp_backlot (omgång 6) default 0-24 fnatic Antix 13-11 Blitzkrieg-Gaming VVV 0-24 internal | Grupp D: mp_crash (omgång 1) Fraglabs 19-05 -loaf- phan 00-24 EXABYTE =HMB= 03-21 5th.i33 mp_backlot (omgång 2) EXABYTE 24-00 -loaf- =HMB= 03-21 phan 5th.i33 15-09 Fraglabs mp_citystreets (omgång 3) phan 20-04 -loaf- =HMB= 03-21 Fraglabs 5th.i33 01-23 EXABYTE mp_strike (omgång 4) 5th.i33 21-03 -loaf- =HMB= 00-24 EXABYTE phan 15-09 Fraglabs mp_crossfire (omgång 5) phan 14-10 5th.i33 |
Grupp E: mp_crash (omgång 1)Fury 17-07 =EWG= -BFB- 00-24 BigFluffyPigeons X.evo 00-24 Packard Bell mp_backlot (omgång 2) BigFluffyPigeons 22-02 =EWG= X.evo 24-00 -BFB- Packard Bell 18-06 Fury mp_citystreets (omgång 3) -BFB- 08-16 =EWG= X.evo 13-11 Fury BigFluffyPigeons 15-09 Packard Bell mp_strike (omgång 4) Packard Bell 23-01 =EWG= X.evo 07-13 BigFluffyPigeons -BFB- 04-20 Fury | Grupp F: mp_crash (omgång 1) [THN] 00-24 4Kings {SAS} 13-11 #eyes-on 1336 24-00 =EWG= B mp_backlot (omgång 2) 4Kings 24-00 {SAS} =EWG= B 03-21 [THN] 1336 20-04 eyes on mp_citystreets (omgång 3) eyes on 03-21 4Kings [THN] 05-19 1336 =EWG= B 01-23 {SAS} mp_strike (omgång 4) =EWG= B 01-21 4Kings 1336 21-03 {SAS} eyes on 10-14 [THN] |
Grupp G: mp_crash (omgång 1) TEK9 10-13 Evil Geniuses CLEVER 04-13 Druidz [SSM] 00-24 Roskilde mp_backlot (omgång 2) TEK9 08-13 Roskilde Druidz 05-13 Evil Geniuses CLEVER 24-00 [SSM] mp_citystreets (omgång 3) CLEVER 00-24 Evil Geniuses TEK9 24-00 [SSM] Roskilde 13-06 Druidz mp_strike (omgång 4) Roskilde 12-12 Evil Geniuses | Grupp H: mp_crash (omgång 1) TCM EU 23-01 {AWOL} Anime8 13-00 [ANG] [Virulance] 00-13 invicta mp_backlot (omgång 2) [ANG] 00-24 TCM EU invicta 24-00 {AWOL} [Virulence] 00-13 Anime8 mp_citystreets (omgång 3) Anime8 05-13 TCM EU [Virulence] 01-13 {AWOL} invicta 24-00 [ANG] mp_strike (omgång 4) invicta 04-20 TCM EU [Virulence] 11-13 [ANG] Anime8 23-01 {AWOL} |
Mer uppdateringar kommer under lördagen.
i33: Grupperna!

Äntligen har grupperna släppts. Och såhär verkar det se ut. Spana in grupp G, luktar "dödens grupp" lång väg. De 4 bästa i varje grupp går vidare till DE-slutspelet. Matcher sänds på QuadV TV3!
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Tek-9|dfb kommenterar den märkliga gruppen G på
"yeah the schedule they had planned was to tight and because they had some problems now the only way to fix their schedule is to put all the TUP* teams together. Big slap in the face for anyone attending here in the TUP, especially the teams from far away (EG, Roskilde, TEK9) since they are all put in the same group which is BS"
Lycka till nu Fnatic, Druidz och Roskilde!
Relaterat: - livestream
* TUP = Turn Up and Play (alltså motsatsen till BYOC)
Mer coverage:
QuadV tippar inför i33

I en kolumn av

Deman's Thoughts: With glory at CDC4 fnatic have raised their game once again and proved themselves on LAN. They will be the team to beat despite a recent defeat online in the Live2Win knockout stages to Redemption.
Joe's Thoughts: Fnatic have undergone a fairly major change after zEm returned home from Thailand with his new wife ;) . They were extremely sturdy at CDC4 and performed very nicely to take the win (even if the final showed a few of their weaknesses!) I think anyone would be very silly to count fnatic out of the running at i33, even with the lineup change
TosspoT's Thoughts: If Fnatic arent in the final I will call immigration and tell them they are terrorists. They just have to be there, zEm is a world class addition they simply will be in the final.
Jay's Thoughts: Coming off the back of CDC4 Mintr and the boys over at Fnatic are flying high. More renowned for their LAN prowess than their recent on-line results can the boys from Sweden pull off back to back competitive LAN tournament victories, I am saying yes.
Deman's Prediction: Top 3
Joe's Prediction: Top 3
TosspoT's Prediction: Top 2
Jay's Prediction: 1st Place"
Läs vidare:
fnatic\tidde intervjuad

Världens bästa

Saxat från
"Q: You and your team this weekend will be playing at the Multiplay i33 event in Newbury, England. How does it feel the have Call of Duty 4 as the biggest tournament at the event?
A: It feels really good for me to finally be in a game that LAN events actually puts the game I play as a maingame. And for the community its even better to have more bigger LANs to put Call of Duty as one of their maingames. I'm pretty sure that we will see more of this in the future.
Q: Your online form recently has been somewhat indifferent; do you think this puts extra pressure on yourself and the team to perform at LAN? And also, why do you think you have such irregular online results?
A: No, I would not say that our losses online will affect anything on our performance at LAN. Everything changes when you're playing at LAN, it just give you a big boost.
Q: The i33 tournament will be the first LAN event in which you attend for the team, after zEm?s return from Thailand. Do you think his integration into the team and the loss of Klanne will affect your results?
A: Ofcourse there will have some affect on us as we only have 3 weeks to get our teamplay in order and tactics. We've been practising alot and hopefully this will be enough for us to bring home the gold. zEm is really motivated and has been pushing hard to get in shape and I'm sure he will amaze everyone like always!"
Läs vidare: - intervju med tidde - i33 coverage
coconutcrew i final på The Gathering

CoD4-turneringen på The Gathering börjar nu gå mot sitt slut. Imorgon klockan 09:00 är det dags för den stora finalen och goda nyheter har nått Koddblogg, det enda svenska laget,

I WB-finalen (WB5) där coconutcrew åkte ner till LB förlorade man med jämna 13-10 och enligt en säker källa ska svenskarna ha tappat många givna lägen. Det kan alltså bli en mycket trevlig final vi har framför oss om våra favorit kokosnötter tar sig i kragen imorgon bitti.

"fastswitch är ett ungt och hungrigt lag som spelar bra def. Med tanke på att vi måste vinna två kartor mot dom så har jag ingen aning hur det kommer gå, lätt å säga att man ska vinna och sen losar man. så jag tror det går bra :) dock suger vi på alla maps! :D"
Full bracket:
WB1 | WB2 | WB3 | WB4 | WB5 | Grand Final |
(mp_strike) | (mp_backlot) | (mp_crossfire) | (mp_vacant) | (mp_crash) | |
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Som fotnot kan det sägas att coconutcrew vann LB-finalen mot Check-it med hela 13-2 på mp_strike. Heja Sverige!
Relaterat: (källa)
Druidz på i33

Det kanske är lätt att glömma, men

"Q: Hur kom ni fram till att ni skulle åka? Anmälde ni er eller blev ni inbjudna?
A: I-lanet i England har bra rykte, så vi bestämde oss att anmäla oss till turneringen. Det är en kul grej och bra erfarenhet för oss.
Q: Hur tror ni era chanser ser ut vad gäller avancemang i turneringen?
A: Chansen är helt beroende på vilken grupp vi kommer i och vi har såklart förhoppningar och mål, men vi vet att topplagen kommer och vi hoppas att få ta den sista prisplatsen.
Q: Förstapriset ligger på 6,000 euro, är prispengarna viktiga eller är det spelandet?
A: Det skulle vara kul att vinna pengar såklart, men främst är det för att bli bättre som ett lag.
Q: Är det ert första stora LAN i COD4-sammanhang?
A: Ja det är vårat första stora CoD4-LAN och även våran första utomlandsturnering. Men vi har deltagit i LAN-turneringar innan så det är inte helt nytt.
Q: Tror du det kommer bli någon skilland från att sitta hemma och spela?
A: Främst är man inte van vid nya datorer, man är inte van med nya miljöer och man är inte van med att ha åskådare bakom sig. Hemma är man ju oftast ensam och är van vid allting så det blir en stor omställning. Bra upplevelse för framtiden dock.
Q: Har ni några mer LAN inplanerade framöver?
A: Vi skall till Wonderbase nu i vår någon gång och sedan till Dreamhack i sommar. Vi har eventuellt planer på att åka till ?pro-lan? i Italien i slutet av april, men annars är det Wonderbase och Dreamhack som är inplanerat.
Q: Finansierar ni resan själva eller har ni sponsorer i ryggen som hjälper er?
A: Vi betalar det mesta själva, men en del ersättning får vi från Druidz sponsorer."
Kul som bara den tycker Chefen, mer svenska satsningar på LAN-fronten, lycka till i England druider!
Läs vidare:
Kungen av Danmark inför i33

"Q: A mere day and you will be up against the best teams in Europe again, how are you feeling going into this event? Will you improve on your results or do you have another motivation to attend this event (gather experience or something else)?
A: We have different goals for all the events we attend, but atm the guys are sitting in the couch next to me and just having a great time and getting in the mood for the event. This trip is a reward for us from our orga, so we're just gonna try and make the most of it.
Q: How has the preparation been for the players? A bootcamp did not take place I have heard, do you value your chances equally strong or would a bootcamp dramatically increased your chances at performing?
A: It is always so much easier at bootcamp to coordinate your tactics and fix the problems that occur. So I'd always prefer a 1 day bootcamp over 2 days of online practice, but it just wasn't possible this time. But I think we'll do fine, I'm not worried at all.
Q: The seeds have already been published, a 5th seeded position, this is quite the improvement when compared to the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 event, are you satisfied with it or how would you estimate your team at the moment?
A: Yes we're more than satisfied with it, but I don't think it's meant to be read as 5th seed, more like 8 topseeds and in the order it was made.
Q: If you had to choose one particular team you wished to beat, which one would it be and why did you choose them?
A: fnatic any day, we've had a great time with them at the last bootcamp and our teams have a growing friendship, so it would be fun to beat them at i33. <3 tidde zEm zsiltz odx mintR klanne."
Läs vidare:
fnatic\mintR om bänkningen av klanne och i33

Inför i33 ligger all press på

"Q: Do you think the pressure the community put on you is unrealistic, or only fair considering your performances and your organisation?
A: I thought the criticism we received after our going out in the codQcup was a bit unfounded but at the same time it did give us that little extra will power to prove every one wrong. We have a really hard time staying a 100% focused when we play online and in a game as tight as cod4 that can make a world of difference in performance. On LAN how ever it's completely different and I think that's where we show our true form.
Q: Moving on to your recent roster change, you just picked up zEm after his premature return from Thailand. As he stated he missed you guys and just wanted to start playing again. Was this really the only reason, or were there some things going on within the team and klanne?
A: zEm had been in Thailand for over a month and I think he was getting slightly bored with it. I asked him if he wanted to come with us to England if he could get back and prepare for it in time. He said yes and that's how it went down. Klanne was amazing but zEm was always in our first 5 and I couldn't think of any one better to play with personally so for me it wasn't a hard decision.
Q: When you started this team, were klanne and the others aware of the fact that one of them could be put on the bench for zEm? Did klanne not perform well enough, is that why you decided to swap him?
A: Originally we didn't have tidde or klanne. They both came in as replacements for wnkr and zEm as we learned they were joining army and going on vacation. It was always clear that they were standins. Tiddes being in the team was cemented quite early since wnkr would be gone for a year and he was a part of our 6 man line before klanne was even considered. Klanne came in to fill for zEm, as for klannes performance I have nothing to complain about there. The reasons for the swap are simply a matter of last in first out, nothing else.
Q: How does the fact that zEm hasn't played CoD4 that often since the release (correct me if I'm wrong), influence your preparation for the i33 event? I mean, he has to learn many styles, maps, nades, rotations etc.
A: zEm did play for a long time when the game was released. He knew much of the basics already. Any one that knows zEm would say that he's a natural, he has no problems picking up any game really and it's his mind set and the way he thinks when he plays that I value the most, apart from being a great friend. His preparation for i33 is going great and I have faith in him performing really well at the event.
Q: From here to i33, in general, how is your preparation going for the event? Have you been practising much, or are you just taking it easy?
A: I've had zEm at my place since he came home from Thailand and we have been restructured the way we play now with zEm as opposed to how we played with klanne. We've also partied and had a generally good time. Everything to get him up to speed with the team. There has been a lot of long nights of CoD4 and I hope it will be enough."
Läs vidare:
dignitas\Mick under strålkastaren

"Q: In general, how do you think the Crossfire tournament was run? For example, do you think Tosspot handled the H2k/oXmose bug abuse correctly?
A: I think the bug isn't so severe but still, shouldn't be allowed to ever be used in competition ever again. The rules for scripting should be clearly stated and teams should lose by forfeit if ever caught to be using these. As for the tournament its self, it was done to the best of there ability as far as I know, one thing annoyed me though. The delays were too severe and well playing 3 maps in 3 days just kinda sums that up.
Q: After watching the final between TLR and Fnatic, do you think Fnatic deserved the win, or could TLR have won if the circumstances had been different?
A: Haha well .. I didn't watch it ! but from what I hear it was a close game and could of gone either way, who knows what would of happened if TLR didn't have to rush and could of played more then one map, think of the future not the past!
Q: Moving on, you recently added Sko to your roster and dropped lukzaR, how does the change in players influence your preperation for the i33 event?
A: It influences it a lot, not that lukzar was bad, because he was an exceptional player. Its just the way SKO looks at certain situations and well he's really helped us with our communication as well. So I would say only good things have come from it. What does SKO bring to the team personal/skillwise that made you pick him over other players and putting lukzaR aside?
I was always a fan of him in COD2, I liked what he did with Tek-9 and we always used to talk about things, so I can see him staying in Dignitas for an extremely long time and I know his skill wasn't up to scratch when we got him, but we have been playing a lot and he's been playing like a machine.
Q: With this new roster, do you think Dignitas can pick themselves up again and take i33 like we are used from you?
A: Most deffinetly, we are playing well, our mindset is really positive, and we have nothing to lose! So we will go into this tournament with a lot of confidence and composure to take the title."
Läs vidare:
kammYz om cheat-anklagelserna

"Q: How did you get into contact with the TEK9 team? Were they looking to pick you up all along, or did you ask them to join and was there a battle between you and gifty?
A: Hmm, atleast davy and alex knew me from cod1 while I played in EYE (DIE) etc, and I also played against em many many(atleast alex) times in cod2. I became e-friends with alex during cod2 and I think he was the one who gave my name to davy in the first place. Davy didn't really wanna take me in at first, few weeks went by and I contacted alex again asked him about the situation and they just decided to give me a chance. Only once I have trialed to a team and didn't get in, so I was confident at this point I'd get in! We joked a lot about me joining tek9/x6 in cod2 and so on, but I never thought I'd get the chance to actually join the team. I don't think there was any fights going on, I liked gifty and hes a talented player.. guess TEK9 just decided to take me in.
Q: Now as a funny question, how is it possible that you can handle such a high sensitivity that good? When I watched your demo vs Dignitas, I almost got an epileptic fit, due to you moving in all possible directions and never stopping to move your mouse!
A: hahah, I have no idea.. This has always been my style =) Some hardpad players intend to get spastic and shake their mouse a lot so they are comfy with the glide etc. (superstitious shit mostly)
Q: In the community you are/were seen as a shady guy, who apparently hacked in CoD 1/2, while you always have been saying that you?re innocent, how does this negative attention make you feel? I would be pretty down if everyone believed me to be a hacker while I was innocent.
A: I never took it as a negative attention, and people don't really know the situation, they've just heard rumours. Most of em have changed during the years and are well biased. I've never hacked in CoD series games, and I?ve always taken the fact that people call me a hacker in a positive way (when someone calls u a hacker and your not means ur pretty good usually). Plus this usually has been the people that been playing against me, when people play with me they clearly see that ?this guy is actually just good? (expect for davy who called me a hacker till few days before cdc!!)
Q: So now, the CDC event is over, and everyone has seen that your not just some random Finnish onliner who bought his skills, how do you feel now and is there anything you would like to say to those people who thought you hacked/still think you hack?
A: Well the people who kept calling me a hacker brought me here actually. Without them I would've never gotten this confident ingame, it might seem weird but it only made me grow better and strengthened my confidence. I don't think I feel any different coz of my LAN performance, I knew I was able to pull this off although most people didn't.
Q: I guess we could say that you have been the most surprising player until now in the CoD4 scene, coming out of nowhere and "carrying" the TEK9 side at CDC. Someone even went as far as: "TEK9 is like Kammyz + 4 supporting players". How do you feel about this, do you feel you can perform even better, or have we seen the best of Kammyz by now?
A: Because of the long break from competitive gaming im not even close to being as good as I used to, but considering CDC was my first lan, first time outside of Finland and first time meeting the tek9 team I played really good in there. But yeah I can perform a lot better than I've done till now."
Läs vidare:
D1ablo intervjuad, igen

"Q: You recently placed 2nd in the Crossfire Devotii Challenge, how do you feel about this achievement?
A: For me crossfire was my first Real competative event, and to achieve 2nd place was unreal for me (however I definatly feel that under the circumstances we were denied of first xD). In addition the prize money was greatly needed at that moment in time.
Q: Do you think the fact that SocClon and LoOkzor had to catch a plane, and thus you guys had to hurry, and playing fnatic's homemap in the final influenced the eventual outcome?
A: Most deffinatly, our whole mindset was to finish the game in time , rather than winning it. The most dissapointing part of the mess for me was after playing more than half of the allied side (which was rushed) to be told that the final would only take place on the present map. However, we cannot blame anyone else but ourselves as we put ourselves in the situation. We wish danny the best results in his exam!
Q: Should Tosspot have dealt with this matter in another way, or did he dealt correctly according to the situation, since some people in the community feel that you guys got "Tosspot'd"?
A: Well to be honest the only 2 options Tosspot had were for us to play as it was or for us to defult all together. However i feel if we were told at the start it was one map and for that map not to be there homemap, I think the results would have differed. We can only blame ourselves for the situation tosspot was in and in all fairness the guy had a tough desicion to make.
Q: Moving on to i33, how is your teams preparation going? Is it better than your CDC preparation, since I heard you had some PC problems before the event?
A: Well firstly, our training regime is going very well despite our home PC problems. We are hoping to sort the PC situation before i33 as 3 of our players (SoCLoN , LoOkzor , stat) are at about an average of 60 fps, which is never good. However our options are looking good and we should be ready for i33.
Q: Does it influence your playing style that you have to play at "shit" pc's at home, and then all of the sudden play on decent pc's with stable 125 FPS then?
A: Well in all honesty I think if we can beat most teams at home on bad PC's it can only be a bonus to be on Good PC's at LAN. However just to make sure, we will be doing alot of warming up on the Stable computers to get the feel of them."
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L3 med förhandstitt inför i33 med

"With my expert view (!!) I expect to see Fnatic shaking things up again, this time with zEm the legendary gamer carrying Fnatic into the finals and most probably also with title. However, do not count Team-Dignitas out, this is their home event, they have won it for years, and I don?t think they are quite ready to give it up this fast. Also count on TLR to be sharpening their knives and putting Fnatic and other teams on the torture bench, just to prove that they are not a ?fluke? like most of the community is calling them since CDC. Then there is the TEK9 side, who play with a sub, the Roskilde Ravens and 4Kings. Wait, I forgot Team-EG from the United States of America! These teams are the seeded teams who are going all out, and the team I expect to suprise us all is EG. No one in Europe has ever played these guys in an official and since there are no demos avaiable of them playing with our ruleset, I think they can make i33 very interesting. Hopefully the Americans can pull something off, and MAYBE even take back the title of best CoD team in the Transatlantic (which belongs to TEK9, after their WSVG win)."
Läs vidare:
plaZma intervjuad, igen

Norges favorit

"Q: Now you have been playing games like Call of duty 1 - 2 - 4 , Quake 4, ET wich game do you think you?ve enjoyed the most?
A: Call of duty 1 in the start, with the bunnyhopping, and Quake4 towards the end when I was winning against people i looked up to in my noob days (when playing q3, i pretty much loved watching players like fox, fooki, socrates, etc playing..)
Q: You have also been known for playing for the big names wich team have you liked the most?
A: Dignitas by far, Really love the team, the people in the team, the managers and everything.. It's way different from other teams I've been in, a lot more friendlier in dignitas, everyone talks to everyone, we're kinda like a huge family :)
Q: i33 event in England is coming up next, your team dignitas will be attending how are you guys preparing for that event?
A: We've recently replaced luka with SKO and we've been preparing by playing a lot a lot a lot everyday, even weekends. And I have seen us taking huge steps in a positive direction, and I can't wait to play at i33 :)
Q:Recently Clanbase crew announced the groups for EuroCup XVII, you are in the same group as DEFEATERS, and Roskilde Ravens wich team do you think is the biggest threat in your group?
A: Roskilde obviously, but I also think fastswitch if they have their day can be a tough opponent, I don't really know a lot about Defeaters, but according to luckeR they are a good team, so we're not taking any matches lightly :)
Q: Arent you happy to see a team from Norway partipate in the cup?
A: I'm thrilled, fastswitch is a very good team with very nice people in it, I hope they go through our group (with us) and show people that norway can do good in cod4 also :D"
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2 eller 3 SMG:s på CODQCUP?

Dags att hjälpa CODQCUP-admins med en ganska så stor fråga. Att det blir en gräns på hur många SMG:s man ska få använda är klart, hur många är dock långt ifrån klart. ClanBase använder sig av en gräns på 3 medans i33 skall testa med 2. Vad är bäst för CoD4 anser du?
Hjälp deffan&co:
SPEED-LINK lägger ner

Ursäkter och åter ursäkter.. att inte Tyskland har tillräckligt många bra spelare är ett skämt då Tyskland kanske är den största nationen i CoD4. Ska sanningen fram har man i SPEED-LINK aldrig kommit upp på samma nivå som man var i CoD2 och det är nog där skon klämmer snarare än någon annanstans. Pinsamt utspel Trigger..
En tysk som skriver på engelska:
"This is the last day of SPEED-LINK CoD4, eventough we didnt want it to end this way. After several attempts to get back on track, we finally realised that we wouldn't have enough energy to do another comeback. We felt that the german player market wouldn't provide us what we needed to get back on top again. We couldnt achieve much in Call of Duty 4, our power was just not enough anymore.
Some will probably come up with things like "i knew it" or things like this, but in the end we really did our best not to let this happen. Even with 3 setbacks within the last 5 months, we always had the will to come back. At the end we saw that Fuchsstute just couldn't be replaced and eventhough every player hungers for more, it wont happen with this team anymore."
Det är dock tråkigt för scenen som tappar ett lag som gärna deltog på LAN.. men ungefär där slutar väl det tråkiga med det hela.
Relaterat: (källa)
n!faculty tappar sitt CoD4-lag

Något officiellt uttalande på engelska går inte att finna (suprise!) men klart är dock att organisationen i sig kommer att leta efter ett nytt CoD4-lag, så håll ögonen öppna så får vi nog snart se en ny lineup i n!faculty.
Tyskarna som alltså inte längre tillhör n!:

En väldigt tysk sida:
Massiv inför i33

Med i33 runt hörnet har det mer eller mindre sprutat (!) ut intervjuer och artiklar inför vad som kommer bli en hyperintressant turnering.

"After the recent Crossfire Devotii Challenge in Enschede, the Netherlands last month, we will once again be preparing ourselves for yet another major Call of Duty 4 competition: the Multiplay i33.
The once mainly UK based tournament at the Newbury Racecourse will be the playground for some of biggest names in Call of Duty 4 and the first CoD4 event featuring a North American team. Fighting for a total prize purse of 12,000 euro, an estimated 55 teams will be hitting it off in the i33 groupstages, after which 32 teams (unconfirmed) are set to compete in a single elimination bracketstyle playoff."
Läs vidare: via (källa)
QuadV intervjuade

"Q: May I kindly have your top three predictions for CSS, CoD4 and FIFA?
A: COD4 is very open too with a lot of great teams, but im going to go for fnatic, TLR and possibly (just because I love the players) Team EG.
Q: So can you talk us through the staff you'll have at i33?
A: Sure. We will have our excellent team of technicians, Iain and Cabe who will be dealing with production and editing (including making sure all of our Video On Demand section has the videos for those who miss the event).
They are managed by our Technical Director, Oliver (aka Jester) who is also responsible for everything that happens in the finals arena, including lighting, screens, mics, sound, vision, you name it, he sorts it.
Then we have our casting crew which will consist of myself casting and presenting, TosspoT for COD4 and main stage, Joe for COD4 and man stage, Deman will look after the COD4 stream and cover finals on stage.
Jay will also be there for COD4 and Main stage and Hoodini will be our lead on the CSS Dedicated stream.
We also then have several of our staff back at base, looking after the IRC channel and making sure the stream is working the way we want it, it really is a full on role for the whole crew.
Q: With CoD4 having no in game TV option, do you feel this puts more pressure on QuadV to provide entire coverage?
A: I think it does in some ways yes, we seem to have been doing a lot of COD4 lately and whilst its been well received, we do have other communities to cover and other games to commentate on. I would rather IW worked hardto release a TV client, but then I would also like Duke Nukem Forever to come out."
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coconutcrew på The Gathering

The Gathering börjar nu rulla igång och på plats har vi 1 lag från Sverige,

Informationen från The Gatherings sida är inte heller på topp då en komplett lista på deltagande lag verkar mer eller mindre omöjlig att få tag på, coconutcrew har inte heller någon aning om vilket lag man ställs mot samt att matcherna är lite galet placerade. Eller vad sägs om första matchen idag (torsdag) klockan 14:00 och nästa match efter det, fredag klockan 06:30.. En annan mycket anmärkningsvärd idé man fått är att spela med Red Dot, något som är mer eller mindre portat i toppskiktet av CoD4-scenen.
coconutcrew @ The Gathering:

Chefen slet tag på cnc\ruff för att höra hur läget stod till i Norge..
"Q: coconutcrew på Gathering i Norge. Hur gick det till?
A: Jag tror att vi bara satt å snackade på skojj lite om åka på lan i början. Sen kollade vi lite och TG lät intressant. Vi började kolla mer och mer och till slut bestämmde vi oss för att åka.
Q: i33 spelas ju samtidigt och med större prispott, var aldrig det intressant?
A: I33 är självklart intressant men som sagt vi betalar ur egen ficka. Det hade vart roligare att åka på i33 med tanke på dom andra lagen som är där. Vore kul å spela mot dom på riktigt så man ser hur det går till. Säger inte att detta är tråkigt dock.
Q: Hur har ni förberett er?
A: Kato, Me och Dworkz har kört lite bootcamp i stockholm hemma hos me och jag fick lov att jobba till tisdagen så jag och frgzr spelade hemmifrån.
Q: Hur ser du på era chanser att vinna Gathering?
A: Jag ser allt på den ljusa sidan. Dock får jag inte dricka min doping på lanet (jack n coke) så jag vet inte hur jag kommer prestera. Känner bara igen 2 lag härifrån och det är fastswitch och checkit och det ska bli intressant och se hur detta slutar.
Q: Har ni praccat något emot dem (fswitch och checkit) för att se hur de spelar?
A: Svar nej bara spelat lite mixar med/mot dom. Vi har nog bara praccat mot checkit men det säger inte så mycket för det var ett bra tag sedan.
Q: Är den lineupen ni använder er av på Gathering er numer officiella?
A: FrGzR är standin för dne (danne) som inte kunde följa med pga jobb. Vi bestämmde oss för att ta med frgzr i söndags så vi har inte träffat/snackat med han så mycket innan men det är en mycket trevlig typ så vi får se vart det slutar.
Q: Får önska er lycka till i alla fall, visa norrbaggarna vem det är som fortsatt är storebror!
A: Det ska vi göra. :) Just nu håller vi på och samlar ihop claner till en "protestlista" mot red doten. Vi pratade med admins och dom sa om vi får 7 lag gå med på att köra utan så blir det utan. Vi har just nu fått alla 4 topseedade lagen att gå med. Så vi får se hur det slutar! Inge lan utan kamp."
Chefen håller såklart på coconutcrew och mer rapportering från The Gathering på Koddblogg utlovas - så fort TG väljer att släppa mer information av något slag, skärpning Norge!
#coconutcrew @ QNet.
4Kings - the 5 minute team intervjuade

Många intervjuer blir det, senast ut i raden är

"Q: It has been a bumpy ride for 4Kings since the beginning concering line ups, do you think this has affected any of the core members such as yourself?
A: The original lineup was created by palmz which was palmz, crow, wiz, junior and myself. The lineup inevitably didn't reach expectations and changes were made, and this was the pattern that repeated itself a few times until now. Of course with these changes happening it was hard for the team because when it took 1 step forward, it took 2 steps back.
Personally, it hasn't affected my mentality of wanting to win but it has affected how other people look at me and the team. They see it, as you describe in another question, as a '5 minute team', with fair reason; but instead of this branding having a negative effect, it gives the team more drive to prove them wrong.
Q: Four Kings officially welcomed wiz, Geordie and vasquez mid February, following the departure of palmz, pain, skipz and RcO the end of January. Is this the best 4K line-up so far and why?
A: Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the strongest lineup that 4K has had so far. For any team to be successful it needs to be the whole package, and this is the only lineup so far which has been. Contrasting personalities lead to a good balance in the team, and it creates an extremely enjoyable environment to play in which makes it much easier for the team to play together.
Q: There has been a lot of debate concerning the state of the UK scene, its immaturity and the non stop roster changes. What would you say to critics who suggest that this new look 4-kings is another 'five minute' line up?
A: I have no intention of making any lineup changes anytime soon. This team, as I said previously, is the best lineup yet and I have every confidence that the others share my mentality that this team will be extremely successful in the upcoming months.
Q: How do you feel the team has progressed over the past month? Are you fully prepared for i33?
A: Without a doubt the team has progressed leaps and bounds but as every team does, we've hit roadblocks along the way. In regards to us being fully prepared, I don't think that we have had enough time to fully prepare ourselves but we are all confident that the minor roadblocks will disappear on lan and everything will fall into place.
Q: Your current team have alot experience in Call of Duty 2 both on and offline. How do you think you will fare against the top teams in Call of Duty 4 and what are the team's expectations for i33?
A: This team has the ability to fare well with any European team that there is at the moment, it's only weakness is its youth in comparison to other teams and whether this is something that will affect us at I33 will soon be seen. The teams expectation is to perform well as a team, of course ideally we want to win everything like any other competitor but as long as we manage to push ourselves forward as a team, we will be happy."
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CoD4 på ESWC Masters

Som ni säkert har hunnit med att läsa på diverse sidor så gick ut med nyheten att CoD4 lyckats ta sig köksvägen in på ESWC Masters som hålls i Paris 4:-6:e juli. Det är Packard Bells iPOWER Tournament som flyttas till Paris och första kvalet sker på i33 och det är (såklart) Storbrittanien som får skicka sitt bäst placerade lag till turneringen. Fortsatt saknas dock mycket information, t.ex. är det oklart hur prispotten ser ut i Paris. Det bör även anordnas ett kval i Sverige men när, var och hur står skrivet i stjärnorna.
Chefen vill dit..

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TLR|Mark intervjuad, igen

"Q: Despite your impressive finish at CDC, you guys seem to be quite underrated, with most people expecting one of the European teams to take it. Why do you think this is?
A: I feel we are underrated due to the hype surrounding SMG's in the game, at cdc we did use them a fair bit which is why some haters are expecting us to fail at i33 with the limit on SMG's to 2. All i can say is wait and see because a limit on SMG's won't stop us getting to where we want to be ! I think people are expecting a european or even the canadian team to take it as i-series has always been a predominantly UK organisation based event and are suprised to see alot of foreign teams making the effort this time round.
Q: Speaking of the European teams, who do you see as your biggest threats at the tournament? With Dignitas, Tek9, fnatic, TCM, and 4k all attending, the competition is looking fierce.
A: I think our biggest threat will be fnatic who im sure we would love a rematch on lan against after CDC :D. Every top 8 seeded team is a potential threat but i think it will come down to who wants the win more and maybe the luck of the map.
Q: Do you think the canadian team Evil Geniuses will have much of an impact on the tournament? Having finished 2nd at NERV LAN yesterday, and with heaps of experience in competitive gaming, they're a pretty unknown threat for all the European teams.
A: I haven't been following the NA scene but i reckon they will be at a major disadvantage with the mega difference in rulesets with deep impact off over here and on over there, as is the red dot. If they have practiced enough im sure their unrivalled amount of experience will pull them to a top 8 position.
Q: How do you expect the other UK teams to do, such as the newly formed 4k, TCM, and Packard Bell?
A: I haven't really seen much from the other UK teams but from what i have seen i think that you will see some very big upsets from UK teams such as the under rated exabyte ( if they perform as well on lan as they have been lately online). Other uk teams being able to maybe cause some upsets would be audacity, antix and VVV.
Q: What are your expectations for Exabyte? Despite having numerous impressive results, beating teams like eSuba in Clanbase, they've yet to prove themselves at LAN. Do you think they can reflect their online gameplay in the LAN environment?
A: I know that three of their players have been to lan before which are attending this event, however the two that haven't been to lan there has been a few words said here and there by some teams about them. I think that they might just crack under the pressure as im sure people will want to line up to spec them after alot of hype surrounding their online play =]"
Läs vidare:
i33 är topseedat

Multiplay i33 Top 8 Seeded Teams








Tek9 (Källa)
dtekt uppdaterar förstafemman
dtekt har just jobbat om lite i sin lineup. Laget placerade på plats 9-12 (av 18 lag) på Level7, något som speciellt
Diesel var missnöjd med då det ledde till att han helt sonika slutade spela med bristande motivation som anledning. Därför har dtekt plockat in
mide som senast sågs spela under Random Gamings flagg på Level7 men frågan är om inte laget kunde ha hittat en mer meriterad spelare med tanke på den senaste tidens händelser på den finska scenen.
Zen konstaterar:
After the Level7 Open Cup, we felt we needed to practice more. Diesel felt he was lacking too much motivation to practice as much as we all wanted to. This led to the fact that we were in need of a replacement. We became good friends with mide during the LAN and he was willing to join us afterwards. His activity, motivation and experience are more than welcome in our team. Diesel's departure is a sad thing to happen, but our friendship will still remain and we will always remember him as a great dude!
De fem finnarna:
Relaterat: (Källa)

Zen konstaterar:
After the Level7 Open Cup, we felt we needed to practice more. Diesel felt he was lacking too much motivation to practice as much as we all wanted to. This led to the fact that we were in need of a replacement. We became good friends with mide during the LAN and he was willing to join us afterwards. His activity, motivation and experience are more than welcome in our team. Diesel's departure is a sad thing to happen, but our friendship will still remain and we will always remember him as a great dude!
De fem finnarna:

Relaterat: (Källa)
TEK9|kammYz intervjuad

"Q: When you joined TEK9, a lot of criticism was aimed at you, making out that you weren't good enough to be in TEK9. Do you feel you have beaten these critics with your on-form performance lately?
A: I don't know about that, I've never listened other peoples opinions.. at least not too much. Some might think that I?m not good enough for TEK9, and some not.. I don't care..
Q: Well your performance at the CDC4 a couple of weeks ago was immense, how do you personally train yourself coming up to a big event?
A: I try not to think about it. Before CDC4 I asked my team-mates to leave me out of practice for a few days before the event, and decrease the amount of practicing the same week because I wanted to be motivated. But now I don't think that's needed, I'm going to find motivation for a LAN event, whatever the case. Anyways it was only my first LAN so I can't really say anything about preparing yourself to a big event. =)
Q: How was your experience at CDC4?
A: Amazing, the LAN was nice. I didn't care about the delays, I met some cool people and playing was fancy with nice ping, good FPS and a TFT screen!
Q: Were you at all disappointed with the 5/6th standing that TEK9 placed?
A: Yes, but after few days I came out of it and realised it was pretty good considering the circumstances."
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WCG Q-Tour seedning
Som bekant ska WSG Q-Tour Norge spelas på The Gathering. Nu har man seedat norrbaggarna (riktigt hur och baserat på vad är ju en annan sak) och så här ser det ut.
Robin "robonz" Bakken - Oslo Lions
Daniel "Zenith" Johansen - Oslo Lions
Preben "PSIR" Skiple -
Geir "GiZzOR" Wivelstad -
Alexander "alex" Halvorsen - Oslo lions
Simen "Lyse" Lyse -
Martin "runaway" Lesjø - Team Quantum
Arne "cheesy" Robert -
Jonas "Raffens" Hausken - Team Nightzhade
Henrik "steam" Stene - Team
Vegar "Veg" Skaret - Team Quantum / Matkameratene
Christian "oreN" Øren, Team Quantum
Per "fazz" Søderman - former SK-gaming, 2easy, p1mps,
Eirik "Opt1mus" Baadshaug - HoT
Heia Norge!
Q-Tour Bracket (källa)














Heia Norge!
Q-Tour Bracket (källa)
strelok skadad, TW!ST ersätter

strelok kommenterar:
"I went to the hospital today, the surgeon dude did some tests and looked at xray photo's; There's a crack in the bone close to the elbow joint or whatever, which causes a strong pain when I try to move my lower arm.
Also there's too much blood/fluid around/in the elbow joint, which makes it hard to move it in general. He thinks it will take a little while until the pain will start decreasing, and after a while it will heal completely. So that's good for later on.. but atm I'm fucked. Good luck to Adam and the boys, I'm sure they can make me proud by persuing their goals, which will make a high placement at iseries quite feasible!"
TW!ST kommer således att spela med Tek-9 under i33 och hur detta kommer påverka resultatet återstår att se, men visst måste det svida för alla i organisationen (ja, förrutom för TW!ST då) att man tappat en av sina nyckelspelare bara dagar innan CoD4:as största (sett på prispengarna) hittills.
dignitas\SKO intervjuad

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: Could you just introduce yourself to the readers?
A: My name is Bas Dirks, 20 years old, and from September I'll be studying graphic design in Amsterdam. I have played online FPS games from age fourteen, beginning with Day of Defeat. In the Call of Duty series I have played for KREATUREN, Check-Six, and TEK9. Except for KREATUREN I have always been leader in the teams I played for. I am currently in-game leader and AK47-extraordinaire for Team Dignitas.
Q: The game has managed to top Counter Strike: Source at i33 in regards to prize money. Do you see Call of Duty 4 doing this a lot more in the future, or in your opinion will Counter Strike still be the number one competitive game for a lot longer?
A: I think the number one competitive game is still CS 1.6, but Call of Duty 4 is closing in on Source.
Q: After CDC4, Dignitas looked less than confident, a shadow of the previous British powerhouse. What will you bring to the team for the future and where do you think the team can improve?
A: I will bring leadership to the team. We need to improve on teamplay and strats. And we also need to work on basics like aim ;)
Q: Talking of leadership, with you taking over in game captain duties from Mick, should we expect to see much of a change in the way Dignitas play?
A: Yes, we will be playing radically differently. More co-ordinated, less retarded. But we can't make this change overnight."
Läs hela intervjun:
VIDEO: Chinatown, Creek, Killhouse & Broadcast
Som jag var inne på tidigare (läs mer) kommer 4 nya officiella kartor släppast på DLC (till konsoll). Huruvida de kommer till PC är i dagsläget oklart även om det känns väldigt troligt. Nu har det släppts videoklipp från samtliga 4 kartor, mp_chinatown (remake av gamla mp_carentan), mp_creek (public-nötarens nya favorit?), mp_killhouse (shipment fast dubbelt så stor?) och mp_broadcast (bubblare tagen från single player).
CODQCUP tillbaka!

Nu är äntligen CODQCUP tillbaka och det med plats för hela 286 lag. Registrera ditt lag kan du göra veckan ut men även om 286 känns ganska maffigt så bör du nog inte vänta tills sista sekund då platserna kommer att gå åt. Turneringstart är 26/3 så ta och skriv upp det i kalendern direkt. Notera även att man har gjort några regeländringar sen senast.
"- Awp-sniperfix will be used
- 5v5 all the time. Meaning no 4v5 kniferound if the opponent do not agree on it. This have also led to that we have increased the minutes before a team can claim a forfit to 20 mins instead of 15 mins that we had before.
- Timeouts: Each team will have 1 time out per map when ever they would like to and for any reason, but do not lame around taking timeouts just to go take a piss.
- Smg's will be limited to 3
- We will probably bring in mp_ravens in the playoffs"
Ta del av mer info:
Infinity gör om, igen *
Inför CDC4 gjorde
Team Infinity om i leden och satsade på en fulltalig dansk lineup (läs mer). Nu med facit i hand var det kanske inte det bästa alternativet och man har själva insett att utbudet på tillräckligt bra spelare i Danmark är alldeles för dåligt och därför ser det nu ut som att man kommer köra på halvdanskt framöver.
Detta är en följd av att laget inte presterat speciellt bra samt att inaktiviteten varit för hög i laget. De 2 som får lämna laget är
CSD (mannen som vart fast i tullen, läs mer) och
Kommentar kring detta:
"Jeg er naturligvis ked af hvordan tingene har udspillet sig - trods en førsteplads i CoDGamings CoD4 Cup og en kvalifikation til CDC4 har holdet ikke leveret nogle prangende resultater på det sidste, og det er der en masse forskellige årsager til. Vi valgte bl.a. at skabe et fuldt DK-Lineup for at gøre holdet mere LANable, men udbudet af spillere i DK med vores ambitionsniveau var desværre ikke hvad vi havde håbet på, på daværende tidspunkt.
De seneste måneder har derfor budt på en del lineup issues (HEJ CYAN :D), og uheldige situationer der har gjort at holdet i perioder har kæmpet med bare at være nok til pracc. At det så gik knap så godt til CDC4 var formentlig afgørende for CSD og nu også outlaws exit, og det har jeg fuld forståelse for. Jeg vil endnu engang gerne takke Simon og Rune for deres tid i Infinity, det har været en fornøjelse at følge de to gæve gutter - især i CoD2, hvor de uden tvivl havde deres "storhedstid".
Med kun 3 spillere tilbage er Infinity.cod4 nu gået inaktiv - vi arbejder dog på at vende stærkt tilbage med et nyt lineup inden længe."
De 3 kvarvarande spelarna:
"miniChefen" (mycket snyggt namn där) har lyckats få en bild mot vad som kan föreställa nya Infinity, den tackar jag för och nu återstår det att se hur korrekt den är.

Relaterat: (källa)

Detta är en följd av att laget inte presterat speciellt bra samt att inaktiviteten varit för hög i laget. De 2 som får lämna laget är

Kommentar kring detta:
"Jeg er naturligvis ked af hvordan tingene har udspillet sig - trods en førsteplads i CoDGamings CoD4 Cup og en kvalifikation til CDC4 har holdet ikke leveret nogle prangende resultater på det sidste, og det er der en masse forskellige årsager til. Vi valgte bl.a. at skabe et fuldt DK-Lineup for at gøre holdet mere LANable, men udbudet af spillere i DK med vores ambitionsniveau var desværre ikke hvad vi havde håbet på, på daværende tidspunkt.
De seneste måneder har derfor budt på en del lineup issues (HEJ CYAN :D), og uheldige situationer der har gjort at holdet i perioder har kæmpet med bare at være nok til pracc. At det så gik knap så godt til CDC4 var formentlig afgørende for CSD og nu også outlaws exit, og det har jeg fuld forståelse for. Jeg vil endnu engang gerne takke Simon og Rune for deres tid i Infinity, det har været en fornøjelse at følge de to gæve gutter - især i CoD2, hvor de uden tvivl havde deres "storhedstid".
Med kun 3 spillere tilbage er Infinity.cod4 nu gået inaktiv - vi arbejder dog på at vende stærkt tilbage med et nyt lineup inden længe."
De 3 kvarvarande spelarna:

"miniChefen" (mycket snyggt namn där) har lyckats få en bild mot vad som kan föreställa nya Infinity, den tackar jag för och nu återstår det att se hur korrekt den är.

Relaterat: (källa)
Exabyte intervjuade


"Q: How do you intend to take your teams online success to i33 next weekend?
A: Seeing as we've been playing for a fairly long time together as one lineup, the transfer wont be difficult, except for the possibility that lighters hopefully wont steal every monitor at the lan ;]
Q: With teams such as Dignitas, Tek9 and Fnatic attending how well do you think you will do?
A: House hold names can always be daunting, but it wont phase us because we're coming into the event with a strong backbone of results, and a shit hot backlot, Shall be pretty fun."
Läs vidare:
LINQAN & rivieRa are doing it eurostyle!

En annan nykomling i laget är


"The roster of the team will problably be apparent to most players since we have been playing with a solid four for nearly 2 months now. After LINQAN and I left Circus Noir we found MoN and AssasiN, it felt really good playing with them from the getgo, and so we decided to stick together. Finding a suitable fifth was hard, and depressing at times, but now, we come out bigger, better and harder then before !
In addition to the mentioned four, we would like to welcome Robin "rivieRa" Holmen to fill the void and Jani "Jani" Keskinen as our backup player. With this lineup we hope to continue our succes in the live2win league, only from now on with a full lineup. We will be playing everything we can in the upcoming weeks, searching for the needed support to attend offline events aswell, all of this offcourse while kicking ass and having fun."
eurostyle lineup:

Chefen önskar LINQAN och rivieRa lycka till med sin mycket lovande satsning!
#eurostyle! @ QNet. (källa)
deffan och CODQCUP behöver dig!

Världens bästa (?) online-turnering för CoD4, CODQCUP är på gång igen. Men för att komma igång på riktigt ber

"1: "awp-sniperfix" eller den som liknar cod2 snipern?
2: a) Ska det tillåtas att knivrundan är 4vs5 och efter det ge laget 5 minuter att få in sin femte, annars börjar matchen med 4vs5
b) Eller ska det ALLTID vara 5vs5. Har man inte fullt lag forfeit när utsatt tid passerat
3: Timouts. Vad ska vara tillåtet? Timeouts för allt och 1 gång per lag per map. Eller enbart timeouts när det är connection problem osv.
4: Stor turnering eller en mindre (ej mer än 250 lag) där kvalité blir viktigare än kvantitet?"
Hjälp deffan:
zEm ger övriga svenskar på käften

"Q:Onto the Swedish scene now, and lately, not many teams have come out of Sweden for Call of Duty 4. Do you think the Swedish Call of Duty 4 community is strong for teams?
A: Well, what can I say about the Swedish community. We have more teams now in Call of Duty 4 then we ever had in Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2, so thats a big plus. But many teams are like, "We won't pay anything to get LAN experience". And if you think like that, you shouldn't aim to be a top team. Now people will say, "But you have everything paid, so you should say anything". Oh man, all I can say to those are, did you know that I paid around 400? to get to my first LAN event at SmauILP in Italy with team Epitaph? Did you know that during my time in WHO Crew, we paid for every single LAN event ourselves, sure it was in Finland, Sweden and Holland, but we paid it. Did you know that I paid around 200? to get to the EuroCup XIII LAN Finals in Aarhus, Denmark? Did you know that I paid almost 300? for my teams flight tickets when we played as Teamoxid and went to Enschede? And that's not all... now, when people say, "You get everything paid for?" I hope that you think about what you are saying before you do it, because me and the team are where we are because we have sacrificed so much! And all I wanted to say with this is, if you don't sacrifice something, you won't get anything!"
Låt oss säga såhär, snubben är inte helt fel ute och han har en rätt bra poäng om svenska lags ambitioner..
Läs vidare:
EuroCup XVII - grupperna
Nu har grupperna till EuroCup XVII blivit publicerade. Som jag tidigare kunde avslöja har
Fnatic bestämt sig för att bojkotta denna "pajas-turnering" (läs mer här) och detta, samtidigt som
VAE valt att inte visa något intresse och
OMGN krasch (läs mer) innebar att det inte fanns någon plats för Sverige.

ClanBase EuroCup XVII

ClanBase EuroCup XVII
immortal blir ESCN
immortal som jag tidigare berättat om (läs mer) har nu gått med i multigaming-organisationen
ESC-Novamania. Man kunde senast ses på CDC4 där man dock inte lyckades ta sig vidare från gruppspelet. Att det finns potential i laget bevittnar dock en 21-7 seger över tyska
KomaCrew om.
ESCN lineup:
Närmast på schemat står det holländska LAN:et "The Party 6" som spelas i April.

ESCN lineup:

Närmast på schemat står det holländska LAN:et "The Party 6" som spelas i April.
Cadred inför i33

Community-sidan har skrivet en "inför i33"-artikel på sin sida. Och även om den inte känns speciellt aktuell så är det ändå kul läsning.
"It is perhaps surprising to see Call of Duty being at the forefront of an iSeries for the first time but it is certainly a welcome change that it has secured such a large number of teams and even better to see so many big names competing together.
There are so many recognisable names signed up to the event. The newly completed 4Kings Team, CoD2 legends Tek9, Team Coolermaster, Team Dignitas (who won Call of Duty 4's first LAN event at i32), and CDC4 heroes TLR who are looking to continue on the fiery path they started down in the Netherlands. As well as these, it is rumoured that fnatic - the eventual winners at CDC4 and SK Gaming may also be attending the event.
With all these big name teams and plenty of other underdog teams in the tournament who are eager for a shot at i-series glory, i33 is set to be one of the largest and most action packed Call of Duty 4 tournaments in Europe yet."
Klart är att

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Ny svensk satsning, GALENSKAP presenterade!

En väldigt glad nyhet kommer här när ytterligare ett hårdsatsande svenskt lag har kört igång. För inte så längesedan presenterade jag

Här närmast siktar man på CB OpenCup och man nämner även att en LAN-satsning ska vara på gång och Chefen hoppas att det stämmer då det genom CoD:s historia varit relativt dåligt med svenska lag som åkt på offline-turneringar.
dohfOs kommenterar:
"Starting up GALENSKAP with these guys have been nothing but an enjoyable project. The mixture of people is just awsome and we're having a blast each day on voice comms. GALEN is consisting of such a huge variety of people with players coming from scenes such as CS1.6, BF1942, W:ET, CoD:UO and ET:QW and we believe that in the long run it's something we can take advantage of.
We're ofcourse aiming to become one of the better teams around but even though we're eager to get there we know we got some heavy work infront of us if we wanna succeed. With that in our mind, a strong will and a high potential in the team it's more a question of time rather then anything else. Once we're prepared enough you will see us attending LAN:s, and hopefully that won't take forever. So see you on the battlefield anytime soon."
En galen lineup:

Kvar finns nu bara att visa att man verkligen kommer vara ett lag som kan utmana de stora, klart står i alla fall att man har den bästa sponsorn som jag sett ett e-Sport lag ha i Ringströms Begravningsbyrå. Chefen önskar GALENSKAP(ARNA?) lycka till!
#galenskap @ QNet.
EuroCup XVII - utan svenskt deltagande

Såhär ser hela listan ut:

"Med andra Ligor som erbjuder bättre priser och som ställer upp för att seriöst stödja oss som lägger ner timmar bakom datorerna anser vi att Clanbase mer och mer börjar likna en fars där årets priser är kuponger på en affär. Det enda jag kan säga om detta är att det är den fattigaste Europacupen nånsin i ett av deras mest populära spel nånsin, skärpning Clanbase."
Chefen ställer nu det skandinaviska hoppet till Roskilde och fastswitch.
Epsilon med 3 ändringar


"After two disappointing performances at the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 and Level7 Open Cup 2008, we finally figured out what was wrong, and hence decided to start the alteration of our team. What our old line-up missed was the motivation and the required experience from big matches. We did play extremely well in both events groupstages, yet we were unable to deliver whenever it really started to matter. Also the fact that Ville "fix" Jarvinen decided to quit competitive gaming and take gaming less seriously after Level7 had its effect that lead us to this decision.
Throughout the whole process of creating this line-up we have been able to see enormous dedication for success in these players and we are sure that will follow us in our journeys upcoming months aswell."
Epsilons nya lineup:

#epsilon @ QNet. (källa) lägger ner!

Finlands CoD2-gigant och vinnaren av Level7,

EPLO med lång förklaring:
"The successful era of Team CoD squad has faced an ending point. Every road comes to an end, as they say. It surely was a bumpy road with loads of curves, but it somehow kept going on and on. Today, however, I regret to announce the closure of the legendary squad, which dates back from the times of Call of Duty 2.
One might find this decision really weird as we just won Level7 LAN, thus making us the best Finnish team. Personally I think it is the best way to quit - as winners.
I would say I had the biggest impact on this decision. For me the biggest motivator has always been the upcoming LAN. Every codQcup, EuroCup or you-name-it online cup has always been just practice for the next event. And now there really isn't a LAN to look forward to. Also, unfortunately for me and my team I don't find this game as fun as CoD2, so playing it just "for fun" is not an option here. And the fact that I just turned 18 and my "living possibilities" increased drastically doesn't really help in this matter. Luckily enough for me I was not the only one who lost motivation so this decision was rather easy for us all to agree upon.
My opinion for my gaming plans is simple: I want to play with the absolute best Finnish players or I don't play at all. Therefore playing seriously with other Finnish top teams is not a possibility for me. For zeda I know that he will keep on playing, he is a tremendous guy with a great potential. Hopefully he finds a team with members that have the same passion to the game as he has. Raiskale will probably go inactive, but won't be disappearing from the scene. He is the one I have known the longest - amazing guy but he really needs to get to the gym to get some muscles around his hands. pottu will be having a small break from gaming and his future is unknown as for now. I really hope he continues gaming because in my opinion he is the best Finnish CoD4 gamer at the moment. And plaekki, as you all surely know, has decided to continue gaming under Epsilon's flag. I wish you and your team the best of luck, you are like the coolest person ever. I won?t be playing on serious level again, but I will keep on playing for fun. And who knows, maybe someday we will come back to rock the scene once again!" var:

Tråkigt tråkigt tycker Chefen.
Roskilde fRiJeC intervjuad

Norges CoD-kung heter Kenneth (läs mer) och så är fallet även i Danmark och förstår ni att jag såklart pratar om

Saxat från
"Q: Starting off with eSports in Denmark. Last year gaming in Denmark took a big step towards mainstream acceptance. Could you tell us what exactly happened and the current status of eSports in Denmark?
A: Well yes, the major thing that happened was that the eSport clubs got accepted into real sports unions. And that meant we could start searching for support from the government like any other sport club out there and not only private sponsoring.
Roskilde-eSport was one of the first to get accepted and one of the pioneers behind all this work is our own manager Jens. He is passing all the help on to other clubs, so they can benefit of all his hard work.
The next thing that happened was that eSport Danmark was founded with 10 eSport clubs in Denmark represented, and they all elected Jens to be the chairman of this union. What happends next is just something you will have to keep an eye out for.
Q: Roskilde is also no ordinary organisation, as it represents the town of Roskilde. How does this feel and what kind of advantages does it have?
A: We have the advantage that Roskilde Township is supporting us with the clubhouse and funding to keep our club running and also giving our team the opportunity to compete on a international level. It gives several advantages to our teams, but also to the planning of an event like tex 08.
They gladly give all the help they can and try to support us in any way they can. I must say that it feels pretty awesome to be a part of something different that a private corporation that most MGCs are. Where it will take us to, I have no idea, but we are not planning to go anywhere else.
Q: Looking back at the team's CDC4 results, defeating Serious Gaming and LowLandLions and placing 9-16th. Is the team happy with the overall performance or did you expect to go further after winning one of the toughest groups?
A: I am pleased we did so well vs L3 and srs, but the exit vs SK was something we could have survived, if we had kept our A-game. But this is something we have in mind for the next events. As they say, what doesn't kill you, can only make you stronger.
Q: With i33 coming up, the expections of the Roskilde team itself and the community have obviously changed. What does the team personally expect and how have the preparations been going?
A: This time we're actually a bit worse prepared because Champ have just been in Prague for 1 week. So R3CoR my brother had to step in for a week and snipe. So the next 4 days before i33 we're gonna take longer prac days to get up to speed again. We would have loved to bootcamp, but it wasn't possible for all our players to do so. We don't come to i33 with the expectation of winning it, but we want to attend in the thought of gaining more international experience for the team and the younger players.
Q: Can we expect Roskilde to play to their full potential at i33?
A: I would love to say yes, but I really can't. In one to two months I believe you can expect a team worthy of being at any LAN in the world, but for now we're loading up."
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Svenska EMS-kvalet ikväll *

Ikväll (16/3) drar det svenska kvalet till ESL Major Series (läs mer) igång. Dessvärre var det endast 5 lag som var intresserade av att deltaga, varav 1 har lagt ner (One2).
Det ger oss följande lista:

Runda 1, 16:00 - mp_backlot
Mortifer [00:01] Vicious and Evil
fnatic [13:06] Live2Win.Gaming
Runda 2, 17:00 - mp_crash
Mortifer [00:01] Live2Win.Gaming
Runda 3, 18:00 - mp_strike
fnatic [13:06] Vicious and Evil
Runda 4, 20:00 - mp_vacant
Live2Win.Gaming [13:11] Vicious and Evil
Runda 5, 21:00 - mp_crossfire
Mortifer [03:11] fnatic.cod4
Chefen önskar de 4 lycka till under dagen!
ESL Major Series
Fnatic coverage
VAE coverage
Tips-tack till Fron och Erik..
inFlux med CoD4-lag

Ägaren av inFlux kommenterar CoD4-scenen:
"With the recent developments in the Call of Duty 4 scene, and our recent revival, we felt it was time for us to spread out this new game. With this dutch lineup we are aiming for new and higher goals ever been reached in inFlux. We hope this cooperation will be succesfull for all of us"

"We are very glad to join this multigaming organisation, an organisation with very nice teams & archievements in the past. The first events we are aiming on are the party 6 & regroup, where we will do our best to take some awards back to inFlux!"
inFlux lineup:

#influx @ QNet (källa)
Notiser från den svenska scenen

Discodance med kommentar till Koddblogg:
"saxs fick kvällsjobb och Grind behövde då en ny spelare, dom frågade mig då vi haft kontakt förut genom mix och merc. Jag har länge tänkt på om jag skulle söka klan eller inte, men när erbjudandet kom så sa jag JA direkt: Jag kunde inte motså de goa små flickorna."
Grindhouse nya startlineup:

Det har inte gått Chefen förbi att att

ZeebbZ kommenterar själv:
"Jag lirade med Grindhouse sedan kom numse in i laget och då fanns det ej någon plats/jag var för dålig. Så jag frågade Capone om de hade plats för en try, vilket de hade. Efter en veckas try så fick jag beskedet att jag kommit med. Riktigt schyssta grabbar detta, tror nog detta kan bli riktigt bra. Bara vi får spela ihop oss lite."
Detta har gjort att Corax nu fått en mastodånt lineup som ser ut som följer:

Sista notisen för idag blir den att

h0a berättar kort:
"Vad ska man säga.. Vi hade en intern röstning om vem som skulle bli sjätte spelare och det sluta på att det skulle bli jag. Så jag ville inte spela kvar där helt enkelt."
Detta gör att man i L2W.Gaming har det magiska numret 5 spelare:

Den svenska scenen som tipsat Koddblogg - tack till er alla, ni vet vilka ni är. Har DU fler tips till Koddblogg, skicka iväg ett mail till [email protected] alternativt besök #koddblogg @ QNet.
dignitas\plaZma intervjuad

Kungen av Norge,

Saxat och inklistrat från
"Q: Hi Ken, could you briefly introduce the members of your team to the readers?
A: Hello there, well it's me plaZma the Norwegian Viking, Mick the Englishman who has moved to Ireland to be Irish, raz the weird English guy who's just plain weird, then there's blackmane the Welsh-weird-speaking-language-guy and there's SKO who is our newest addition and ingame leader!
Q: You have recently replaced lukzaR with SKO, what does SKO bring to the team?
A: Well, first of all SKO brings a lot of experience and talent, he's also our new ingame leader like I mentioned, and he sorts us out on Vent and calms us down (we basically used to have arguements on Ventrilo when we did bad, and that didn't really help the team). With SKO that doesn't happen!
Q: How do you feel your dominance of recent iSeries events will help you at i33?
A: In the CoD tournament, not so much, because there usually isn't a lot of top teams attending iSeries. Now you have fnatic, tek9, EG, 4kings, TCM etc. There is a lot of good teams attending, so I don't think it will help us at all, one thing that will help us is that noone is expecting us to win, so we can play without pressure, I suppose.
Q: Dignitas are obviously one of the stronger teams attending, so where do you hope to finish?
A: I'll be happy with a top3 placement, I'd be delighted if we won of course, but competition is tough in CoD4 at the moment, so anything can happen.
Q: Who do you see as your biggest threat in the tournament?
A: Tek9 and fnatic, and I'm looking forward to see EG (Evil Geniuses) who are flying out from Canada!
Q: What's your predictions for the top 3 this time round?
A: If I leave us out of the top 3 I'd say TEK9, fnatic and 4K/EG."
Men seriöst plaZma, kallas du verkligen för "Ken" eller är det något crokey hos fått för sig? I Chefens hjärta kommer du alltid vara Kenneth med 2 n och eth på slutet!
Till intervjun i orginalskick:
VIDEO: mp_chinatown - officiell remake av mp_carentan
Ingen är väl egentligen förvånad när IW bestämt sig för att släppa en remake av mp_carentan till CoD4. Kartan i fråga är mp_chinatown och den ser faktiskt riktigt trevlig ut, även om det kan tyckas fantasilöst att släppa en och samma (med vissa små modifikationer då) till 3 spel i följd.
Precis som med mp_broadcast och mp_creek ska det sägas att mp_chinatown släpps till DLC (konsoll), det vill säga inte till PC även om vi, som sagt, nog kan räkna med att kartorna portas om till PC-varianten också. Och om så blir fallet kan vi nog räkna med att mp_chinatown säkerligen kommer att tas emot även av den mer tävlingsinriktade delen av CoD4-scenen då det tidigare har varit en obotligt populär karta i CoD-serien.
Men vad tycker ni, Carentan till CoD4 - Bra eller Anus?
mp_chinatown - remake av mp_carentan
Precis som med mp_broadcast och mp_creek ska det sägas att mp_chinatown släpps till DLC (konsoll), det vill säga inte till PC även om vi, som sagt, nog kan räkna med att kartorna portas om till PC-varianten också. Och om så blir fallet kan vi nog räkna med att mp_chinatown säkerligen kommer att tas emot även av den mer tävlingsinriktade delen av CoD4-scenen då det tidigare har varit en obotligt populär karta i CoD-serien.
Men vad tycker ni, Carentan till CoD4 - Bra eller Anus?
Screens från 2 av de nya CoD4-kartorna
Gamespot har nu släpps 2 screens från 2 av de kommande CoD4-kartorna till DLC. Kartorna i fråga är mp_broadcast och mp_creek. Förrutom dessa kartor kommer mp_chinatown och mp_killhouse släppas men det hela handlar alltså dessvärre inte om PC även om det känns som att chansen är överhängande att vi får se kartorna portade även till PC (då IW knappast är kända för att inte göra det lätt för sig själva).
"Broadcast is lifted from the Iraqi campaign "Charlie Don't Surf," in which you assault a television station where the enemy is holed up. Don't think the team just copied and pasted the campaign map into this multiplayer pack, though. It does contain the iconic, cavernous main room with its dozens of computer monitors and TV screens, as well as a big map of the world on the wall. We can tell you from experience that that's a great place for multiplayer firefights, with all those cubicles to duck down behind and all that equipment just waiting to get shot up by you or your opponents. A large-scale multiplayer match concentrated in that room is going to be serious calamity."
"This is a very large-scale outdoor map with a small cluster of houses on one side of it. In the middle, there's a huge ravine circling the perimeter with multiple levels of pathways up its side. Down below, the trail leads along the eponymous creek bed to a waterfall. Elsewhere along the base of the ravine, there's a lengthy and winding cave that cuts underneath the hill then out to the other side. As big as it is, there are a lot of places to go on this map; from prone sniping atop the cliff face to hiding out behind a rock in the tunnel, you never know where an opponent will be attacking you."
Läs hela artikeln:
"Broadcast is lifted from the Iraqi campaign "Charlie Don't Surf," in which you assault a television station where the enemy is holed up. Don't think the team just copied and pasted the campaign map into this multiplayer pack, though. It does contain the iconic, cavernous main room with its dozens of computer monitors and TV screens, as well as a big map of the world on the wall. We can tell you from experience that that's a great place for multiplayer firefights, with all those cubicles to duck down behind and all that equipment just waiting to get shot up by you or your opponents. A large-scale multiplayer match concentrated in that room is going to be serious calamity."
"This is a very large-scale outdoor map with a small cluster of houses on one side of it. In the middle, there's a huge ravine circling the perimeter with multiple levels of pathways up its side. Down below, the trail leads along the eponymous creek bed to a waterfall. Elsewhere along the base of the ravine, there's a lengthy and winding cave that cuts underneath the hill then out to the other side. As big as it is, there are a lot of places to go on this map; from prone sniping atop the cliff face to hiding out behind a rock in the tunnel, you never know where an opponent will be attacking you."
Läs hela artikeln:
lukZar hittar nytt

Tack vare er (!) och era tips så har jag möjlighet att skriva om de små, små saker som pågår i scenen. Nu kan jag tack vare Overkill rapportera att f.d

Minimalt med info hittar ni här!
fnatic`odyx bloggar

Saxat från
"To be honest i had a little hangover when i woke up but it was nothing that was gonna prevent me from performing. Actually the other way around :P. Me, klanne and tidde were topfragging the first game against h2k and we were all performing really great this last day on all matches.
After a win of 2-1 in maps against h2k and 2-1 against eSuba i just knew we were gonna win the whole thing. There was just no way we would let TLR take the first place from us. So we started out the game with a really good defence on backlot finishing 10-2. But something happened during our attacking. They were just rushing like crazy people from everywere and we just didnt know what to do. We knew it was alot easier with defending but usually we play alot better on our attacking than we did. We got to 11-12 in their favour and it was not looking good after beeing under in a 2v3 situation but klanne and tidde did great and finished them off and taking us to overtime. 12-12. Now we got to defend and we knew we had to take all rounds.
Our team atmosphear was just great, we were all screaming and cheering for every frag and round we got. And after some really good performances from all of us we managed to take all 3 rounds as defence. Now over to the attacking side were we just had to take one round. We lost the first round but managed to end the match by taking a 4th round and final score was 16-13. Then over to the 2nd map (i thought...) but apparently 2 of their guys had to catch a plane so only one map was going to be played. And that was it. #1 @cdc4.. it felt really weird but ofc really nice at the same time."

Läs vidare:
fnatic`odyx bloggar om CDC4
fnatic`tidde bloggar om CDC4
Ändringar i Insidiae

Uttalande från hOlic:
"I have high expectations about our team. I am thinking tactics in school, sauna and almost everywhere, something has to come out of that. We're looking forward to the TEK9 Power Cup Finals now, where we are representing Finland as the only team."
Insidiaes nya lineup:

#insidiae @ QNet. (källa)
OMG_Ninjas lägger ner!

Svenskarna lämnar flera imponerande resultat bakom sig, mest ihågkomna blir överkörningen av

"KEBBE ska tydligen ha väldigt mycket jobb nu de närmaste 2 månaderna och kommer inte ha tid att spela och valde då att gå inaktiv. Då passade rivieRa på att dra vidare och leta nytt istället för att försöka styra upp det med oss andra. Så vi tre som var kvar (FUFFEN, Isaak, viSSeH) kände noll motivation för tillfället men förhoppnigsvis så ska vi börja om från början igen och överraska europa med ett nytt lag."
Vart rivieRa hamnar är således oklart men FUFFEN hoppas som sagt på en comeback i en annan form och det är precis vad Chefen också tror på. En reunion med klanne kanske kan vara på sin plats för vad som återstår av FUFFEN&co?
OMG_Ninjas var:

Chefen lyfter på hatten och önskar samtliga spelare i gamla OMGN lycka till med vad än nu framtiden må hålla för dem.
#OMG_Ninjas @ QNet.
SL tappar humM3L efter hjärtfel

humM3L har nu tillfrisknat och är hemma igen från sjukhuset. Nu har han dock bestämt sig för att lägga CoD4-satsningen på hyllan för att istället återgå till ET där han inte behöver spela i samma utsträckning.
Den gamle SL-spelaren säger själv:
"I think it was the right decision to take a step back from esports. I'm very sorry that I'm losing these four funny people in eSports as they mean very much to me, nevertheless I think we will stay in contact. I'm wishing the team all the best in the EuroCup and I'm sure they will go far in it."
SPEED-LINK nere på 4:

Spola kröken!
Relaterat: (källa)
FGL med onlineturnering värde 9277:-

FuturTech Gaming League har precis utannonserat sina priser för deras kommande onlineturnering FGL CoD4 Opening Championchip. Det hela drar igång 19/3 så finns intresse är det dags att skriva upp sig. Exakt vilka regler som gäller och om prispotten är i cash (vilket det dock verkar vara) eller hårdvara har jag inte lyckats lista ut ännu så räkna men räkna med ytterligare info på Koddblogg inom kort.
Prispotten (samtliga summor översatta av FOREX):

Helt OK priser för att vara en onlineturnering i ett så pass nytt spel. Chefen hoppas på att få se många svenska lag deltaga!
Registrera ditt lag:
Två f.d. lejon ansluter till

Statement Stevy:
"After the internal problems in L3, i decided it was time for something new. A day later gifty messaged me and we started talking, yazzy and me soon met the guys from TCM we played and played well together had lots of fun and we had the same feeling in TCM like we had during IRL.
We're very happy to join Team CoolerMaster and we will practice every day, very hard to become the best. This team is really talented and I strongly believe in our talent. I also want to thank TCM for the oppurtunity, and Mike looks like a pornstar! :D"
TCM med de 2 nya:

Överskattade spelare, javisst.. För övrigt så får vi snart sätta igång med vadslagning om när nästa byte sker i, bets are on!
Relaterat: (källa)
oXmoze blir H2k!

Anledningen till bytet är att man fick för dålig finansiell backning i oXmoze och med gräset grönare på andra sidan känns H2k som en stabilare organisation och Chefen hoppas på att det går bra för våra franska paddor.
I och med att inget begripligt (d.v.s. något på engelska) pressmeddelande släppts får vi nöja oss med vår vän Babels fina översättning från oXmoze forum. Lägg även märke till att man skriver "idag 14 mars" vilket tyder på att det egentligen var tänkt att detta skulle bli officiellt först imorgon.
"Today, Friday 14 Mars 2008, it is an afflicting news which we communicate to you. Indeed, after having passed many months under our colors, our team Call of Duty 4 separates from our structure.
Afflicting, this news does not remain less logical about it. Better French team, and posting very good results at the international level, it will not have been necessary a long time before our team interests the large structures which make the E-Sport.
Our team had already been approximate several weeks before by names which would make dream any French player. However, it remained, faithful. Today, the team aiming always higher could not be satisfied any more with the too weak means only oXmoze, without financial support, provided them. In spite of the recent advertisement of the arrival of a sponsor, Xtrem-Microphone, administrative problems still currently prevent us from receiving the financial support necessary to the payment of the various expenses that the grosses lans of this end of season generate.
It is thus without rancour, and in very good terms since we include/understand this decision completely, that our ways separate today. oXmoze remains proud to have played a part in the formation of what is currently one of the best teams of Europe on Call of Duty 4."
Visst är Babel underbar..?
Nya H2k:

CoD4 - årets onlinespel

Inte för att det egentligen är någon nyhet, men CoD4 gick nyss hem med titlarna "Årets bästa Actionspel" samt "Årets bästa Onlinespel" på svenska Spel Galan 2008 där man bland annat spöade Halo3 och WoW:BC. Den stora frågetecknet är dock varför man inte vann även "Årets bästa FPS".
Kategorier där CoD4 var nominerat:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
God of War 2
Halo 3
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Half-Life 2 Episode 2
Halo 3
Call of Duty 4
Halo 3
Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade"
Relaterat: via (källa)
Tips-tack till bengan..
LGT|EPLO intervjuad

eSports4all verkar vara i en liten intervju-spree när man nu grabbat tag i

"Q: Which match has been the toughest one and why?
A: Of course the very first match against k1ck esports. We hadn't really feel like home in mp_crossfire and we got crushed at there. It was a real big shock to have so early but we recovered from it pretty easily as we still knew we were better than all the teams there and just played a bad match, that's all
Q: Epsilon wasn´t really successful, was it a satisfaction for you´ve been better than sec's team?
A: We´re placed better than Epsilon yes, but are we better than them can not be known as we didn't need to play them at any point. Of course it would give a little special boost to beat the biggest rival team. But as of now it hasn't yet happened.
Q: What will be the next Lan event you´ll attend?
A: That is something we would like to know our selves too :) We won't be attending i33 and there aren't any other lans announced (yet) for spring. That is actually pretty sad for us, as the LAN tournaments is the only factor that boosts up our motivation and keeps us playing CoD4. If we still have the motivation up at summer, we would love to attend AEF in Belgium.
Q: A few months ago sec left your team and a few people expected you to fold, but you´ve been able to convince with your victory. Could you tell us a bit about your new players and who is your ingame leader?
A: Sure. plaekki doesn't need much of introduction, he is experienced gamer who we all know from CoD2. But our newest addition zeda is fairly unknown for most of people. He is a former top CS:Source player and now bringing his talent totally to a new game. He truly has potential to become a great CoD4 player and his performance at both CDC and L7 - was more than good."
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Musikvideo: CoD4 Gun Sounds
Onsdag onsdag.. fortfarande hela onsdagen, torsdagen och fredagen kvar tills det äntligen blir helg. Och just nu verkar det vara lite dåligt med nyheter från fronten så därför kommer här en musikvideo från CoD4-scenens kanske mest uttråkade (?) person, Serpento (känd för sina liknande videos till BF2). Det svänger katten!
Call of Duty 4 - Gun Sounds
CoD4 goes 1on1

Samsung, Sennheiser, Logitech, NextGenTel, WCG Nordic and QPAD are proud to present WCG QTOUR Championship, the most prestigious 1on1 aim tournament in the world. This year as an integrated part of the WCG Nordic! The first national championship will take place in Norway at the second biggest lan party in the world with more than 5000 participants 19th-23th March at The Gathering, Hamar.
WCG QTOUR Championship will host Counter-Strike 1.6 and are introducing two new games this year; Counter-Strike Source and Call of Duty 4. The best COD4, CS:S and CS 1.6 players in Norway will be invited to compete on the legendary QTOUR stage, visited by some of the most famous star players in the world!
With new games, live streaming, co-operation with WCG Nordic, and Samsung as new head sponsor the WCG QTOUR Championship aim for success in 2008!
We learn from the community!
4 years has gone by since the first QTOUR was announced and we have improved the event ever since then. Minor and major changes have been made through the years, all thanks to voices from the community, players, managers, partners and our own experience. This year we are proud to expand with two new games as an add on to CS 1.6: COD4 and CS:S. We are also extremly proud to offer live streaming by with The Swede and Yankman, two of the most talented shout casters in the world.
WCG QTOUR Championship:
16 player single elimination
14 players are invited
2 spots are open for public qualifier
1on1 tournament in games normally played 5on5
Game titles: ? Counter-Strike 1.6 ? Call of Duty 4 ? Counter-Strike Source
Live stream by
Great prices
Great prestige
Den coolaste nyheten på länge och snart vet vi vem Sveriges bästa aimare är. Härligt QPAD!
QTOUR (Källa)
TLR|D1ablo intervjuad

Saxat från eSports4all:
"Q: Until CDC4 team-dignitas was the team of teams in Great Britain. You are going to overtake their position. Do you think they will strengthen theirself with your best players or will your team go on in this constellation?
A: As team-dignitas being one of few highly respected organisations many people would fall under the trap and moreover join the ranks. However I think i can speak for the rest of the team and say that I dont think any offer could split us up due to the fact that our performances so far are way above par.
Q: The i33 LAN will be coming up in some weeks. You will be there too and be among to the favourites. Who will be your strongest opponents?
A: Well at the moment its very hard to say, I think that the new team-dignitas lineup could suprise many, and of course fnatic and Tek-9 that are also attending.
Q: Last but not least: Your second rank at CDC LAN should advise other Clans of you. Did you experience such "poaching-tries" already? mYm should be on search for a CoD4 Team. Would you be interested to go there?
A: Id be lying if i said that teams hadnt approached us. With mYm being one of the biggest teams in the world i think wed be silly to not be interested."
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CoD4 leder racet mot OS 2008!

"We announced that the Digital Games were coming some time ago, and since then we have been trying to get you all to vote for what games you want to appear at the Digital Games. Some of the results have arrived, and there is a definite mix between old and new games.
As you can see the ClanBase favourite, Call of Duty 4 is at the top of the list, closely followed by the massive Starcraft, with Warcraft 3, CounterStrike 1.6, and the Quake series closely following."

Man kan fortfarande göra sin röst hörd och påverka (gå till deras forum och skriv "CoD4"), så passa på att hjälp vårat älskade spel till Digital Games. Dessvärre krävs det registrering på GGL's forum men det kan det vara värt.
CoD4 leder racet!
GGL's forum
Digital Games Europa
h2k + L3 = Framgång?

Joepoe talar ut:
I've left H2k with a bad feeling in my stomach but i'm looking toward a bright future, I loved everyone in my team, and I still do, I feel sorry for mitox, more then I can explain in words. MY best gaming period yet was with this team, not only in terms of achievements but also in how we felt as a group. But lately our activity has dropped, and when this offer came along we had a long doubt about it. But after a long talk we made up our minds, we want to be the best, and with our current lineup we could not and will not achieve this. So weve decided to let the least active players go, and try our luck with 2 new guys. L3 is a young organisation, it has a bright future that we want to be a part of. As an active team, well try to once again show the world, what this team is capable of ! love to my ex-teammates and h2k!
Nya L3:

Tipstack till piitz!
zEm tillbaka - klanne petad!

zEm går direkt in i start 5:an i

Lagkapten mintR kommenterar:
"Having zEm play for your team is truly an honour. One of the most experienced players in the game and also one of the most skilled players make him one of the top picks for any team. For me personally this is also amazing since I have played most of my CoD days together with him. zEm is a clutch player above most and it will be exciting to see what we can do with this new lineup over the next few months. Welcome back bebben!"

"After one and a half month on vacation in Thailand and following the boys online and via phone during the CDC4 tournament I felt I wanted to play with them again. So I decided to get myself a very expensive early ticket back home to sweden and the cold to be able to attend i33 in england. From now on I will be playing CoD4 for about two weeks to get back in shape and up to speed with the team. It will be very fun to play with the boys again and to wear the fnatic colors. They did a great job at CDC4 and I hope it can continue with me in the team."
Detta gör att Fnatic ser ut som följer:

Chefen önskar sitt största fan zEm välkommen hem och lycka till Fnatic!
zeroPoint tillbaka med CoD4!

För lite drygt 2 veckor sedan bestämde sig den svenska organisationen

"The team consists only of german players, who knew each other for quite a while now. Although they are playing CoD4 as a team for about 2 months, the squad is very motivated and ambitious. For the moment, zP!.CoD4 will participate in important online events like the upcoming Clanbase season and maybe in the ESL Master Series, if they can manage to qualify for it. Offline events are also targeted in the future."

"After a long time, we finally found a partner we can plan our future with. In the next months we will aim for a bootcamp and hope to be present on the one or another lan. Our goal is to work hard and establish ourself among the top 15 teams in europe."
zeroPoints tyskar:

Deutschland über alles borta hos zP med andra ord. Lycka till!
#zp! @ QNet.
Tips-tack till tawnY..
station57 intervjuade
Först fanns junk52 och visst känns det som att den nya uppstickaren
station57 kan ha fått en liten idé om sitt namn därifrån. Appropå station57 så har
lipptardinho hos varit på besök när Level7 spelades (läs mer) och gjort en intervju med ett av Finlands mest lovande lag.
"Q: COD4 har varit på marknaden ungefär ett halvår, börjar spelet vara klart eller finns det ännu möjligheter för förbättring?
remedy: spelet är helt ok, men kontinuerliga regeländringar borde tas bort. No sway är iofs en bra ändring.
janbo: spelet är ganska långtifrån perfekt ännu, stora ändringar behövs fortfarande, tex: balansen mellan vapnen, vissa vapen är helt enkelt för bra.
Q: Vilken standard är det på finländska COD4 klaner överlag?
Remedy: Vi har inget direkt topplagg, men vi har flera lag som är strax under de s.k. toppen
Hårdaste svensk lag?
Alla: fnatic
Sveriges bästa spelare?
Remedy: LinQan
janbo: LinQan eller zsilts
Q: Hur har övergången från COD2 till COD4 gått för er del?
Remedy: Själv har jag inte lirat COD2 så mycket, för att det var ett dåligt spel. Lirade enbart vCOD. Spelade nyligen lite vCOD och blev överraskad hur långsamt spelet är jämfört med COD4. Man kommer ganska snabbt in i spelet. COD4 har ett så högt tempo, i vissa situationer har man helt enkelt inte tid att fundera. Därför blir reaktion en viktig egenskap."
Läs vidare:

"Q: COD4 har varit på marknaden ungefär ett halvår, börjar spelet vara klart eller finns det ännu möjligheter för förbättring?
remedy: spelet är helt ok, men kontinuerliga regeländringar borde tas bort. No sway är iofs en bra ändring.
janbo: spelet är ganska långtifrån perfekt ännu, stora ändringar behövs fortfarande, tex: balansen mellan vapnen, vissa vapen är helt enkelt för bra.
Q: Vilken standard är det på finländska COD4 klaner överlag?
Remedy: Vi har inget direkt topplagg, men vi har flera lag som är strax under de s.k. toppen
Hårdaste svensk lag?
Alla: fnatic
Sveriges bästa spelare?
Remedy: LinQan
janbo: LinQan eller zsilts
Q: Hur har övergången från COD2 till COD4 gått för er del?
Remedy: Själv har jag inte lirat COD2 så mycket, för att det var ett dåligt spel. Lirade enbart vCOD. Spelade nyligen lite vCOD och blev överraskad hur långsamt spelet är jämfört med COD4. Man kommer ganska snabbt in i spelet. COD4 har ett så högt tempo, i vissa situationer har man helt enkelt inte tid att fundera. Därför blir reaktion en viktig egenskap."
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solz är tillbaka

solz om återkomsten:
Hey guys! I'm very happy to be back in the game. After succesfuly focussing the last months on school and girls, I more and more got the feeling of playing again. Watching my old teammates struggle during CDC4 was maybe the deciding factor. I wanted to compete again and hope I can help the team back to where we belong!
Fem holländare:

Tek9 (Källa)
Dignitas tar in SKO

Statement SKO:
After going inactive in Call of Duty 2 due to exams, I am happy to once again return to the Call of Duty scene. When I played Call of Duty 4 for a couple of days I knew I wanted to come back to competitive play, and after a month of playing, I now join Team Dignitas as In-game leader. Dignitas is a top-notch organisation with great support and a good management team, and they truly believe in eSports. The Dignitas Call of Duty 4 team are a group of very talented players, and once they learn how to properly prepare for big events, I am very confident good results will follow.
Dignitas nya förstafemma:

TLR intervjuade efter CDC4-triumfen

Självklart höjde många på ögonbrynen och kanske just därför har gjort en intervju med lagets frontfigur,

"Q: The players in your current lineup have been in the scene for a while, but until now have never really reached the top level. What do you think it is about your current setup which has so drastically made an impact?
A: Well, I think the fact were all the same nationality helps (well, passport wise ^_^) alongside the fact we all get along well and don't bicker in game at silly things etc. Tbh the main factor why we work so well together is all our play styles fit together perfect and are very adaptable like soclon can snipe amazingly and rush amazingly.
Q: So would you say your team's playstyle is an aggressive one?
A: Well we are kinda known for having an aggressive play-style, but we can certainly mix it up when we want to =]
Q: Ok so on i33 in a few weeks time. Do you think you can replicate your CDC success? How's the practice going?
A: Yeah I think we can do as well if not better, we haven't played as a team since cdc as diablo's away till Sunday which is when the practice will start =] As long as we get as good PC's for LAN as we did at WZZRD there?s no stopping us :D"
Ett helbrittiskt lag som presterar? Chefen tror knappt sina ögon..
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LGT vinnare av Level7

Det finska jippot i Helsingfors - Level7 (läs mer) har under morgonen avgjorts och den stora vinnaren vart


















Den "något" snåla prispotten:

Grattis LGT till era 500 euro, titeln bäst i Finland men kom ihåg - ei saa peittää!
Relaterat:,, (samtliga delkällor)
Fragfilm: KomaCrew - The Saga Continues
Dags för lite tysk djävlar anamma när
KomaCrew spänner musklerna i en nyligen släppt fragfilm. Om sagan blir sanning är väl tveksamt för så bra är filmen inte. Dock helt ok kvalité och bra synkat, det ska de ha cred för. Musiken känns enligt källor igen från CS:S-filmer men vem bryr sig egentligen. Lite väl kort kan man väl också sammanfatta fragfilmen som men att man lyckats klippa in hela 2 Red Dot-frags räddar (!?) upp situationen. Har du ingenting bättre för dig så är i alla fall inte detta 3.30 långa "klipp" (som vore mer sanningsenligt) en complete waste of your time, så vi får väl nöja oss med det.
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KomaCrew - The Saga Continues
Tips-tack till Bleffex..

Ladda hem:
KomaCrew - The Saga Continues
Tips-tack till Bleffex..
Rawkstar blir L2W Gaming

Det relativt nystartade svenska laget

"Q: Hur kom det sig först och främst att ni körde igång med Rawkstar?
A: Allt startade med att alla var inblandade i olika projekt som gick sådär. När dom sedan gick i graven så letade alla lag igen. Efter en tid fann vi varandra och bestämde oss för att göra ett försök och se hur det skulle funka. Vi kände att kemin i laget var bra, så vi bestämde oss för att satsa på det här.
Q: Varför Live2Win?
A: Vi såg det som en möjlighet att fokusera på vårt spelande istället för allt runtomkring. Att ha en organisation i ryggen som förbättras dagligen med sponsorer etc. gör att vi kan fokusera helt på att bli bättre som lag. Alla inom laget ville ha en managersida som var lika dedikerad som vi alla är för spelandet. När erbjudandet kom var det med andra ord ingen tvekan. Till en början kommer vi nöta online tills vi känner oss redo att åka på lan, när vi reser åker vi för en topplacering. Vi deltar för tillfället i ett par cuper där vi märker att vi gör framsteg."
L2W Gaming lineup:

Exakt vad man får av L2W ville fjeddy inte gå ut med officiellt utan det ska presenteras i samband med att man presenterar sin hemsida. Ryktet säger att det kan handla om framtida sponsring till LAN. Om det stämmer eller om det kan vara annat som lurar i mossen återstår att se. Chefen vill i alla fall passa på att önska L2W lycka till. Visst är det härligt med nya satsande svenska lag!
Vad som hänt med den gamla CoD4-sektionen i L2W som innehöll profiler som

#live2win.gaming @ QNet.
EuroCup XVII utannonserar prispott

"The winner team of EuroCup XVII - CoD4 S&D will walk away with a total of 1000 euro in vouchers for GameStop. The runner up takes home 400 euro in vouchers for GameStop and the 3rd place walks away with 250 euro in vouchers for GameStop. With or without the prizemoney, competition is bound to be high! The cups are still open, so if you have yet to put your team forward to try get into this year's event, then there is still time to do so!"
Bra jobbat ClanBase..
ClanBase EuroCup XVII
Tips-tack till Laien..
ESL med CoD4-liga

ESL förklarar läget:
"We are happy to announce the beginning of a new league in the ESL Call of Duty 4 section. Starting this Spring, the Call of Duty 4 league will be open for all teams to join.
Positioned below the ESL Major Series it will give clans of all abilities the chance to compete in an organised league and it will also be an opportunity to qualify for the next season of the EMS.
Key Facts
Unlimited number of teams - All teams can signup
Multiple divisions based on skill
Groups of 6 teams - Every team plays at least 5 matches
Double elimination playoffs for each division
5on5 Search & Destroy
No Perks (exact ruleset to be finalized)
No gun sway (Sniper Fix)
Groupstage is played 2 maps, full 40 rounds
Playoffs are played best of three maps, first to 11
Signups open: 9th March
Signups close: 23rd March
First group draft: 30th March
Second group draft: 3rd April
Final draft, groups placed: 6th April
Matches played every week from 14th April to 18th May, plus one week of catch-up
2nd and 3rd place teams face off against each other, 26th May to 1st June
1st place team from each group plus the relegation winners, double elimination, 2nd to 29th June"
Chefen hoppas på stort svenskt deltagande.
Relaterat: (källa)
Fragfilm: TEK9 CoDQCup Fraghighlight
Nu har det äntligen kommit en fragfilm till CoD4 värd namnet. Det är
Tek-9 som ligger bakom den och samtliga frags är tagna från CODQCUP där man tog sig till final. Och även om denna fragfilm kanske inte har de maffigaste effekterna så skiner det kvalité om den. Snygga frags, dunkande musik och helt ok synkning. CoD4 när det är som bäst - Se den!
Statement av filmskaparen goLd:
"A few weeks ago, the TEK9 guys asked if it was possible to make them a movie about their performance during the CoDQCup. I was intrested so we got started. But since I needed to make this movie on short notice I wasn't able to do anything fancy or new. Just wanted to show the frags at very good quality with some synching. I Hope you all enjoy it!"
Ladda hem:
Som fotnot kan sägas att jag mycket väl vet om att filmen i sig inte är jätte ny (den släpptes 26/2), men streamen är desto fräshare och utan stream - ingen nyhet.

Statement av filmskaparen goLd:
"A few weeks ago, the TEK9 guys asked if it was possible to make them a movie about their performance during the CoDQCup. I was intrested so we got started. But since I needed to make this movie on short notice I wasn't able to do anything fancy or new. Just wanted to show the frags at very good quality with some synching. I Hope you all enjoy it!"
Ladda hem:
Som fotnot kan sägas att jag mycket väl vet om att filmen i sig inte är jätte ny (den släpptes 26/2), men streamen är desto fräshare och utan stream - ingen nyhet.
NecroRaisers blir inteRaction

Statement från

"It's official, we have just confirmed our switch from NecroRaisers to inteRaction. Before this we were in talks with nEophyte and we were looking to join this organisation after their old team split, and zafo came to us. In the end zafo only remained with us for two weeks and departed after this stating it wasn't a good way to go as he is focusing more on his personal life now. With only four players in total, we kept on looking for a new home, as well as a fifth player and we soon found boomie who agreed to join us before we joined inteRaction. inteRaction give us good support and we suppose we'll see you around some European LAN events in the summer."
Nya inteRaction:

Ses på LAN!
#interaction (källa)
ZeroHero presenterade, Evilz is no more
När jag såg
SnuRk på IRC utan Evilz-taggen på vart jag självklart nyfiken och vart tvungen att höra efter vad som hade hänt. För er med mindre koll kan sägas att
Evilz, tidigare kända som
FirstRecon Squad (det forna topplaget inom CoD:UO), var bland de första att figruera på Koddblogg (läs intervjun här) och därför känns det som en självklarhet att följa upp vad som hänt. Så utan att lägga mer ord i munnen på SnuRk som nu spelar för
ZeroHero kommer här hans egna förklaring.
"Efter ungefär 4 veckor i Evilz och i och med att vi åkte ur FPSGamings senaste välgörenhetscup så bestämde vi oss för att gå skiljda vägar inom laget. Den största anledningen var nog att vi var väldigt inaktiva. När det har gått 3 månader av cod4 så går det inte att skylla på att man inte kan kartorna ordentligt längre, men det var just det vi inte gjorde eftersom vi lirade så sällan tillsammans. Resultaten vi presterade var varken mer eller mindre än vad andra förväntade av oss men inom gruppen kände vi att vi borde ha nått en högre nivå. Det kan tyckas att man ska fortsätta kämpa på men det är i princip vad vi har försökt göra i två månader så därför kände vi att det var dags att skiljas åt och testa något nytt.
Jag och FITTOZAURUZ fick direkt erbjudandet att gå med i den europeiska klanen ZeroHero. Vi har spelat där några veckor nu och lineupen har blivit fullbordad. Så här ser den ut:
kingzAn (Team Leader)
Alltså en 6-manna lineup där vi inte har någon bestämd backup utan kommer rotera. kingzAn och myS har spelat tillsammans i CoD2 och de var de första att starta upp ZeroHero. Sen joinade jag och FITTOZAURUZ som då har ett förflutet tillsammans på högsta nivå i CoD UO. Shockz är ett av de mest kända estniska namnen och spelade cod2 i bl.a. Stheno e'Sports. Fatal känner jag personligen från CoD UO och i CoD4 är han mest känd från att ha spelat med xcite när de slutade 5-6:a i codQcup.
Vad gäller övriga spelare från FRS så letar de flesta efter en ny klan att gå med i och jag tror inte de kommer ha några svårigheter med att hitta nya hem eftersom det är skickliga och riktigt trevliga snubbar."
Chefen passar på att önska speciellt våra svenskar men även norrbaggarna lycka till med ZeroHero som just nu ser mest fram emot nästa CODQCUP samt att hitta en lämplig MGC.
#zH! @ QNet.

"Efter ungefär 4 veckor i Evilz och i och med att vi åkte ur FPSGamings senaste välgörenhetscup så bestämde vi oss för att gå skiljda vägar inom laget. Den största anledningen var nog att vi var väldigt inaktiva. När det har gått 3 månader av cod4 så går det inte att skylla på att man inte kan kartorna ordentligt längre, men det var just det vi inte gjorde eftersom vi lirade så sällan tillsammans. Resultaten vi presterade var varken mer eller mindre än vad andra förväntade av oss men inom gruppen kände vi att vi borde ha nått en högre nivå. Det kan tyckas att man ska fortsätta kämpa på men det är i princip vad vi har försökt göra i två månader så därför kände vi att det var dags att skiljas åt och testa något nytt.
Jag och FITTOZAURUZ fick direkt erbjudandet att gå med i den europeiska klanen ZeroHero. Vi har spelat där några veckor nu och lineupen har blivit fullbordad. Så här ser den ut:

Alltså en 6-manna lineup där vi inte har någon bestämd backup utan kommer rotera. kingzAn och myS har spelat tillsammans i CoD2 och de var de första att starta upp ZeroHero. Sen joinade jag och FITTOZAURUZ som då har ett förflutet tillsammans på högsta nivå i CoD UO. Shockz är ett av de mest kända estniska namnen och spelade cod2 i bl.a. Stheno e'Sports. Fatal känner jag personligen från CoD UO och i CoD4 är han mest känd från att ha spelat med xcite när de slutade 5-6:a i codQcup.
Vad gäller övriga spelare från FRS så letar de flesta efter en ny klan att gå med i och jag tror inte de kommer ha några svårigheter med att hitta nya hem eftersom det är skickliga och riktigt trevliga snubbar."
Chefen passar på att önska speciellt våra svenskar men även norrbaggarna lycka till med ZeroHero som just nu ser mest fram emot nästa CODQCUP samt att hitta en lämplig MGC.
#zH! @ QNet.
Level7 drar igång

Grupperna igen:
Grupp A![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Grupp C![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Grupp B![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Grupp D![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Dödens grupp" ser ut att bli Grupp A med starka namn som Emprisa, station57 och Insidiae, men för att vara helt ärlig så är finnarna faktiskt riktigt starka så egentligen har alla grupper några riktigt starka namn, även om Grupp C med Epsilon får ses som den svagaste.

- 500 euro cash
- 5 x SteelSound 5H gaming headset
- 5 x Ikari Laser gaming mice
- 5 x Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer
- 5 x TSB054EU (Targus Backpack)

- 300 euro cash
- 5 x Siberia Neckband gaming headset
- 5 x Ikari Optical gaming mice
- 5 x Creative Live! Cam Optia Pro
- 5 x TSB088EU (Targus Backpack)

- 200 euro cash
- 5 x SteelSeries Siberia Full-size Headset Black
- 5 x Steelseries Qck heavy gaming mouse pad
- 5 x Creative Inspire T10 2.0 speakers
- 5 x TSB081EU (Targus Backpack)
För mer coverage:,,
Patch 1.6 inom räckhåll

"As for the PC version, Patch 1.6 will be the one that introduces the new Kill Cams and other features the console feature patches received for you guys. The work is done on that patch and it?s essentially awaiting and going through internal QA here at Infinity Ward and then Activision. The good thing about the PC version is it doesn't require any certification so as soon as it's finished internal QA it heads out the door to the players. I will try to get a full list of what PC Patch 1.6 includes as I believe there are a few more PC specific things in there besides just the added Kill Cams and such. Don't forget we still have the Custom Map contest going until March 31st, if you have the PC version and want to check out all the cool custom maps everyone is making we have a running list going with all the current releases and beta maps in the works."
CoDTV känns ungefär hur långt borta som helst.. Tack för er support IW! (..)
Fastswitch med ändringar

Norges hetaste lag i

Statement från lagkapten

"The past two weeks, Nitram has been experiencing a lot of problems with his computer and his internet. Lagging out of matches whenever the homephone rang, etc. As you can imagine this was extremely frustrating for the rest of us. That's why we've decided to change our lineup, taking in Alex as our last player, he's also attending The-Gathering with us."
Fastswitch nya lineup:

Relaterat: @ QNet (källa)
Nej, Koddblogg är inte borta
Efter en vecka med ska vi kalla det, "inaktivitet" är det dags att bevisa att Chefen och Koddblogg inte har somnat in för gott. Vad inaktiviteten berott på vet de flesta vid det här laget så det finns ingen anledning att ta upp det igen. Samtidigt vill jag passa på och tacka alla er som skickade in mail till [email protected] (speciellt under CDC4) med tips och nej, ni vart inte ignorerade. Chefen var helt enkelt lite för upptagen med annat för en gångs skull men nu är Koddblogg tillbaka på allvar.
Ska man kanske säga, välkommen tillbaka till Koddblogg precis som Koddblogg ska vara, det vill säga - mer uppdaterad än andra sidor. Men för att komma tillbaka lite, så kommer jag posta en del nyheter som kanske inte egentligen är nyheter för den som gjort sin läxa (då vissa saker är snart 1 vecka gammalt). Men samtidigt vill jag inte att de som bara har som källa ska behöva missa allt för mycket kring vad som hänt i scenen bara för att Chefen tog semester en stund.
Passa även på att besöka #koddblogg @ QNet. Kanalen är kanske inte den största men den är fortsatt ung och hänger ni där får ni reda på det mesta först! Fortsätt även att precis som vanligt skicka in tips och pressreleaser till [email protected]
Välkommen tillbaka!
Ska man kanske säga, välkommen tillbaka till Koddblogg precis som Koddblogg ska vara, det vill säga - mer uppdaterad än andra sidor. Men för att komma tillbaka lite, så kommer jag posta en del nyheter som kanske inte egentligen är nyheter för den som gjort sin läxa (då vissa saker är snart 1 vecka gammalt). Men samtidigt vill jag inte att de som bara har som källa ska behöva missa allt för mycket kring vad som hänt i scenen bara för att Chefen tog semester en stund.
Passa även på att besöka #koddblogg @ QNet. Kanalen är kanske inte den största men den är fortsatt ung och hänger ni där får ni reda på det mesta först! Fortsätt även att precis som vanligt skicka in tips och pressreleaser till [email protected]
Välkommen tillbaka!
Dignitas droppar lukZar

Vem laget kommer ta in är inte klart, men jag sätter mina pengar på att det blir en britt. Ryktet går även att en andra person i Dignitas kommer att få foten, återkommer när jag har mer info om detta. Det kan ju trots allt vara bara ett rykte.
Infinity fastnar i tullen - Smugglar droger!

Det blir en åktur till polistationen, grundliga undersökningar och dryga böter. En vanligt dag i Holland alltså.

Alright let me explain.
It was early Sunday, the last day of the LAN. CSD wanted to go home early, so we left around 9-10 o'clock in CSDs BMW. We were a good amount of kilometres away from the Dutch border, when Outlaw suddenly woke me up and said "the police are stopping us". I really thought he was joking, even though I could see a police car in the front of ours. But when I opened up my eyes, I could see a sign on the top of the police car with the text something similar to "HALT, BITTE" or whatever. Then we got pulled over and parked the car at the next parking lot...
Läs hela den klockrena historien borta på Tek9! (klicka här alltså)
CDC är över - Och jag missade kalaset!

eSport4all tog tag i

Q: Hi, lets skip the introduction, how did you join this amazing team, with mint, odyx etc?:)
A: Oh, it all started back in the beginning of cod4 when I was playing in the team violence is bad together with my old day of defeat team. Mint pmed me out of nowhere asking me if I wanted to join up with EYEBALLERS to play for zEm who had to go away for a couple of months. I did not even think about it as I just said yes and I started to play alot. Together with mintR, zsilts, odyx and wnkr we won the crossfire cup.
Q: Okey now lets talk about CDC4, after a loss in codqcup, you dissapeared for a short time, how were you preparing for the lan? What ambitions did you have?
A: As mintR already told everyone the codqcup was used as a tournament to try out new stuff and to get klanne into the team. We've been playing everyday for atleast 5 hours and most of us used our freetime to find new tacades and tactics on every map.Our ambitions was to end up at first place, which we did after one great game against TLR. Which btw was just a shame that we could not play two maps as two of their players had to go catch their plane home.
Läs hela intervjun på!
Tidde följs av SK-Gaming:s snack med

Q: Moving towards the finals, what happened to your game when you had a 10-2 lead and the sides were changed versus TLR on mp_backlot?
A: Well as most people know who play the game the defensive side of backlot has a tendency to overpower the defense and they did that extremely well. I think one factor was that in the back of their head they knew they had to hurry up, which was a shame. But in retrospect I think that was the best thing they could have done to us, pushing up on us and to be fair we were quite chocked with the way they played.
We started getting some idea of how to get back in the game but it took us a long time to get there, we are definitely going to change some things on that side and make sure we are ready for a team that does that. Though it would be interesting to see what would have happened if they didn't push as much, if that would have benefited them or us, now we won't know until perhaps at i33.
Q: Let's talk about a bit about the LAN as this wasn't your first CDC event, was it any different than the previous ones?
A: It was a lot better, and at the same time a lot worse than previous events. It was better because it had more space and better computers. It was worse because they were apparently understaffed for the amounts of teams and games that had to be supervised but all in all a very good tournament.
Läs mer på!
Jag ber återigen om ursäkt för inaktiviteten och sätter mig direkt med pennan i högsta hugg!